Fr. Jim Murphy On this first weekend of autumn, Bishop Conlon will preside at the we celebrate the 26th Sunday in Or- following Masses: dinary Time. As we continue our Saturday Oct 1: 5:00pm sequential reading of Luke’s Gospel, Sunday Oct. 2: 8:30am & 1:00pm today’s Gospel reading follows last Sunday’s account of the dishonest Pastor’s Corner contains more steward. We now hear the account information about his weekend visit. of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The rich man lived in extravagance; Laz- arus lived in total poverty. The rich He kept an incredibly full schedule brates a few of those weekend Mass- man’s fault was not his wealth or the and it was a very exciting time for es. He tries to attend as many of the blessings he had. His fault was that our country. activities taking place at the parish he did not even notice the poor This year we have the opportunity as well as meet with both parish and man, Lazarus at his door. He didn’t to welcome our Bishop Daniel Con- community leaders. Last spring, we notice those who were around him. lon to our parish. He will be making were contacted by his secretary and His blindness led to indifference and a pastoral visit and will be with us asked to schedule next weekend, inaction. Only when it was too late next weekend. Shortly after Bishop September 30-October 2, for his pas- did he realize the errors of his ways. Conlon was installed as our fifth toral visit to St. Isidore. Our challenge is to first notice those Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet, he We are very happy to be able to who are around us. Only then can announced that he would be visiting welcome Bishop Conlon to St. Isi- we respond as the Lord calls us to and celebrating a Mass at each par- dore next weekend. Over the past respond. ish within the Diocese. That prac- several weeks we have worked with Last year at this time we had the tice later evolved from a few hours his office in scheduling an incredibly opportunity to welcome Pope Fran- visit into a prolonged visit of a full full schedule for him while he is cis to our country on his first pasto- weekend. Over the past few years here. He will arrive on Friday morn- ral visit. Although his time was the Bishop has been spending an ing and begin by visiting some of the spent on the east coast in Washing- entire weekend at various parishes classes in the grade school. He will ton, DC, New York City and Phila- throughout the Diocese. While at celebrate next week’s school Mass delphia, we all knew that he was each parish, he speaks at each of the on Friday morning at 10:00am. We here with us in the United States. weekend Masses and actually cele- moved that Mass from its usual time continued on page 10 Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. CF. 2 COR 8:9 Erica Liu PARISH OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 8:00 am - 6 :00pm Closed Saturday Cerrado Sábado 427 WEST ARMY TRAIL ROAD Closed Sunday Cerrado Domingo BLOOMINGDALE, IL 60108 For weekend assistance see a parish staff person after Mass at the Hospitality Desk Office: (630) 529-3045 in the main church narthex. Fax: (630) 529-2940 Para ayuda puede ver a un personal de la parroquia después de la misa en el www.stisidoreparish.org escritorio de hospitalidad en la entrada de la iglesia. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE LAS MISAS meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the CHAPEL Capilla Fr. John Guiney Room (fka Church Large Meeting Room) Sunday Domingo 10:30 am Fr. Jim Murphy, Pastor Debbie Marsico, School Board CHURCH Iglesia Nicholas Ventrella, Chair Dennis McConnell, Member at Large Linda Beagley, Worship Mike Niemiec, Member at Large Saturday Sábado 8:15 am, 5:00 pm Corinne Callender, Member at Large Angela Orlando, Member at Large 6:30 pm Spanish/Español Chris Cannova, Administration Monica Schaffer, -K 6 RE Board Sunday Domingo 7:00 am, 8:30 am Sam Cannova & John Valene, Youth Dominic Sole, Member at Large 10:00 am - 2nd & 4th Sunday Sign Interpreted Maryanne Cummiskey, Human Needs Phillip Valenzuela, Hispanic Community 11:30 am Spanish/Español Alma De la Torre, Member at Large Tom Norton, Parish Administrator 1:00 pm Kathy Harbke, Stewardship Council Mon. - Fri. (Lun-Vie): 7:00 am , 12:05 pm Contact: [email protected] Wed. (Mié): 8:15 am School Mass - When school is in session. STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL [email protected] Cuando la escuela está en sesión. Fr. Jim Murphy Patrick Frost Tom Norton HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Día Santo de obligación Fr. Matt Nathan Kathy Harbke Wayne Wegrzyn See current bulletin and website for each Holy Day Mass & Vigil Schedule. Carol Balabanow PASTORAL STAFF PERSONAL DE LA PARROQUIA Sacraments SACRAMENTOS Pastor Párroco RITE OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Fr. Jim Murphy, [email protected] 630-529-3045 Rito de la reconciliación (Confesión) Parochial Vicars Vicario Parroquial 630-529-3045 Saturday after the 8:15 am mass until 10am and anytime by calling one of our Rev. Matthew Nathan, [email protected] priests. Rev. Clive Otieno, [email protected] Sábado después de la misa a las 8:15am hasta 10:00am o en cualquier otro día Parish Administrator Administrador Ejecutivo llamando a uno de los sacerdotes en la rectoría. Tom Norton, [email protected] 630-295-8330 Mobile 630-745-9070 WEDDINGS Bodas Deacons Diaconos Arrangements must be made through the parish office at least six months Dcn Terry Cummiskey, [email protected] 630-529-3045 before the date of the wedding. At least one of the engaged persons (or their Dcn Oscar Monterroso, [email protected] 630-529-3045 parents) must be a registered and active parishioner of St. Isidore. Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays. Director of Operations Directora de Operaciones Dan Tobin, [email protected] 630-529-3045 Arreglos deben hacerse con la oficina, al menos seis meses antes de la Finance Director Directora de Finanzas fecha de la boda. Bodas no se celebran los domingos. Ann Hatt, [email protected] 630-295-8327 BAPTISMS Bautismos Operations Coordinator Coordinadora de Operaciones Scheduled regularly on selected Sundays of the month at 2:30 pm in English. Joanna McDaniel, [email protected] 630-295-8322 Families must be registered and active parishioners to schedule a Baptism with Director of Music Directora de Música the parish office. Parents and godparents need to register for and attend one Karen Stefanic, [email protected] 630-295-8353 Baptismal Preparation Class. Principal of Grade School Directora de la Escuela Primaria Sábados específicos cada mes a las 11:00am en español. Familias necesitan ser Cyndi Collins, [email protected] 630-529-9323 miembros activos de la parroquia para arreglar un bautismo con la oficina . Los Director of Religious Education (K-6) Educación Religiosa Coordinadora padres y los padrinos necesitan registrar para asistir una platica de preparación. Vera Zielinski, [email protected] 630-529-9191 Connect Youth Ministries Ministerio de la Juventud 513-620-4CYM Parish Mission Statement Youth Minister Ministro de Juventud We are the Jackie Ludwig, [email protected] Co-Coordinators, Terri Majeski & Arizbeth Alcaraz Roman Catholic Community of St. Isidore the Farmer — Adult Formation Director Educación de Adultos Eucharistic people empowered by the Holy Spirit, Leonor Carvajal, [email protected] 630-295-8351 Planting seeds of faith, cultivating growth, and Human Needs Ministries Director Directora de Lisa Puclik, [email protected] 630-295-6890 Sharing the harvest of the Kingdom Liturgy Coordinator Coordinadora de La Liturgia with all of God’s people. Sue Entwistle, [email protected] 630-295-8352 Parish Vision Statement Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @IsidoreTweets and Instagram A parish where all are welcome, @stisidoreparish! all are invested, and all are disciples building the Kingdom of God Connect to St. Isidore and its ministries at Flocknote.com/isidore through the generous sharing of Parish Website or text isidore to 84576 to join. time, talent and treasure. St. Isidore Catholic Church www.stisidoreparish.org 3 Presider Schedule Nursing Home Ministers Saturday Oct. 1 Schedule 5:00pm - Bishop Conlon LEXINGTON - Sun. Sept. 25 6:30 pm - Fr. Matt Josh Knudson, Sara Knudson Sunday Oct. 2 WEST SUBURBAN - Tues. Sept. 27 7:00 am - Fr. Matt Jack Sassmann, Edgar Velasquez 8:30am - Bishop Conlon 10:00 am - Fr. Clive WEST SUBURBAN - Sun. Oct. 2 10:30 am - Fr. Jim Therese Niemiec, Marie Piraino 11:30 am - Fr. Matt LEXINGTON - Tues. Oct. 4 1:00 pm - Bishop Conlon Edgar Velasquez, Sophia Cicero Sacrament of Baptism We welcome into the St. Isidore Parish Family All are welcome! the following children who were baptized on: Wanting to make St. Isidore your faith home? August 21, 2016 Stop by the Parish Office to register yourself (and your ROSE, daughter of Vincent & Melissa (Brown) Bucaro family). Being a registered parishioner makes it easier to complete sacraments here (baptism and faith for- August 27, 2016 mation for yourself or your children, marriage), as well ISABELLA daughter of Juan Ramirez & Deysi Valenzuela as meeting requirements to be a godparent. It is also a ANTHONY, son of Juan Ramirez & Deysi Valenzuela great way to stay well informed of happenings in your ENRIQUE, son of Ismail De Lara & Guillermina faith community. Gonzalez-Fierros Already registered? JULIAN, son of Alfredo & Sandra (De la Sancha) Ortiz Be sure to check with the Parish Office that you are ADOLFO, son of Jairsino & Coraina (Rodriguez) Oregal still active in our system and that we have your most ABIGAIL, daughter of Leoncio Nieves & Yesenia Garcia up-to-date information (family members, phone DAISY, daughter of Demetrio & Abigail (Esquivel) Lopez numbers, address, sacraments, etc.).
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