25_973815 bindex.qxp 8/16/06 3:42 PM Page 215 Index ttt Back Post double crochet A (BPdc), 35 C abbreviations, common, bags cabled yarn, 40 206–207 for crochet projects, capelet, 101–103 acrylic fibers, 49 65, 201–202 cardigan, 116. See also sweaters advice, resources for, 28, 59, Deliberate Shrinkage Sack, care instructions, 58 189–190, 191–194, 197 173–175 cashmere, 45 afghans, 141–142, 143 Market Bag, 86–87 Catie Berger blog, 190 Alien Skull appliqué, 126–127 Wowie Zowie Eco-Tote, cellulose fibers, 47–48 alpaca yarn, 47 167–168 chains, 7–10. See also turning alterations, resources for, 70 balls, winding yarn into, 43–44 chain American terminology, 20, 207 ball winders, mechanical, 43–44 charity, crochet for, 192 amigurumi, 113 basic double crochet ripple Chunky Monkey Scarf, 99 angora, 46 stitch, 35 chunky weight yarn, 52 Anthropologie, 72, 188 Bead Crochet (Barry), 170 circles, crocheting, 16–19. See appliqués belts, 157–158 also Granny Squares Alien Skull, 126–127 beret (variation on Classic Street Classic Street Page Boy, crocheted flowers, 149 Page Boy), 147 144–147 Straight-Laced Tank and blocking, 13, 24–25, 38, 75 coats, 128–139 Shrug, 163–165 blogs, crochet, 187, 190–191 color, 52–54, 55, 73–74 uses, 166 BlueFly, 188 communities, crochet, 191–193, Aran weight yarn, 52 body shape, garment, 68 204–205 around-the-post rib stitch, 35–36 books, crocheting, 194 copyright laws on patterns, 200 auctions, shopping online, 200 bouclé yarn, 41 Corriedale wool, 46 British terminology, 20, 207 cotton, 47–48 Bubble Belt, 157–158 Cozy Peacoat, 128–139 bubble yarn, 42 Craftster, 191 B COPYRIGHTEDbud stitch in half double MATERIALCraft Yarn Council, 206 Babelfish, online translator, 113 crochet, 34 Creatures of the Wooly Deep, baby items, fibers to avoid in, 46 bulky weight yarn, 52 178–180 baby weight yarn, 52 buttons, yarn-covered, 129 215 25_973815 bindex.qxp 8/16/06 3:42 PM Page 216 crochet Dulaan Project, 192 differences from knitting, dyeing yarn, 19, 53, 54, 55, 199 G 5–6 dye lots, 52–53 garments, construction of, differences from macramé, 9 68–69 history, 183–187 gauge popularity, 186–187 chart, 208 uniqueness, 2 E checking, 50–51, 64, Crochet911 Web site, 190 ease in fitting, 69–70 74–75, 94 Crochetblogs Webring, 190 eBay, shopping on, 200 fitting garments, 66–67, The Crochet Dude blog, 190 edges, uneven, 26 69–70 Crocheted Bling, 169–170 edgings, working, 96 patterns and, 58, 78 CrochetMe webzine, 187, 189 Eisaku Noro yarn company, 54 too tight, 26, 27 Crochet Pattern Central Web Elann, 60, 199 yarn weight and, 49, 51–52, site, 189 events, crochet/fiber, 208 Crochetville, 191 61, 202–203 gers (Mongolian structures), Crochet with Dee Web site, 190 44, 175, 185 curling of crocheted material, Getting Dizzy Scarf, 92–93 13, 27 gifts, suggestions for, 58 cutting tools, 64 glitter yarn, 41 F Granny’s Been in the Bourbon fairs, crochet/fiber, 61, 202–203 Again: A Drunken Throw, Family Circle Easy Knitting 141–142 D (Plus Crochet), 193 Granny Squares, 18–19, 24, 38, Fast Fit (Bettina), 70 79–80, 186 Daisy Chain Neck Warmer, Felted Trellis Scarf, 176–177 148–149 groups, crochet, 191–193 felting, 44–45, 175, 176 guilds, crochet, 192–193 decreasing, 19, 20–21 festivals, crochet/fiber, Deliberate Shrinkage Sack, 61, 202–203 173–175 The Fiber League, 200 dental floss dispenser for cutting fiber type, yarn, 44–49 yarn, 64 fine weight yarn, 52 H designer fashions, crochet in, fingering weight yarn, 52 half double crochet (hdc), 31 187–188 fitting garments, 66–67, 69–70 hand-painted/dyed yarn, 19, 53, designers, crochet, 194–195 flirtation projects, described, 2 54, 55, 199 dishcloth pattern, 87 flowers, crocheted, 149 hanks of yarn, 43 DK (double knitting) yarn, 52 foundation chains, 7–10 hats dolls foundation row, 10–11 beret (variation on Classic Lucy-Lou & Tim-Bob, Too, freeform crochet, 166, 195 Street Page Boy), 147 150–154 frogging, 26, 27 Classic Street Page Boy, stuffing, 154 Front Post double crochet 144–147 double crochet, 13–14, 15, 32 (FPdc), 35 Toque, 90–91 double crochet ripple stitch, 35 fulling, 44–45, 174, 175, 176 Who Hat, 159–161 double knitting (DK) yarn, 52 fur yarn, 41 help, resources for, 28, 59, double mesh stitch, 34 189–194, 197 216 Not Your Mama’s Crochet 25_973815 bindex.qxp 8/16/06 3:42 PM Page 217 hooks construction, 62 L N difficulty inserting, 26 lace-making, 184–185 necklaces history, 183–184 lace-weight yarn, 52 Bubble Belt variation, 158 sizes, 58, 62–64, 207–208 lacy flower stitch, 37 Crocheted Bling, 169–170 hook sizing tools, 63, 64 Lexie Barnes, source for project Daisy Chain Neck Warmer, bags, 202 148–149 light weight yarn, 52 new age fibers, 48 linen, 48 notebooks, project, 58, 64, 211 I loose threads on surface, 26 Not Your Mama’s Beading (Welsh), increasing, 19–20 love o’ your life projects, 170 Interweave Knits (and Crochet), described, 2 nylon fibers, 49 193 Lucy-Lou & Tim-Bob, Too, ironing, 25 150–154 itchiness, yarn, 46 O Offhand Designs, source for M project bags, 201–202 J macramé, 9 The Organized Knitter, source jackets, 128–139 magazines, crochet, 193 for project bags, 202 Japan, crocheting/knitting in, Make One Yarn Studio, 199 113 Market Bag, 86–87 jewelry-making, 170. See also measurement chart, 210 necklaces measurements, body, 66–67, 210 P Jodi Green blog, 190 medium-weight yarn, 52 Pashmina, 45 Jordana Paige, source for Meetup, 192 pattern instructions project bags, 202 The Memories of a Highland Lady Alien Skull, 126–127 (Grant), 183 beret (variation on Classic men, crochet patterns for, 72–73 Street Page Boy), 147 mercerized cotton, 48 Bubble Belt, 158 K merino wool, 45, 46 cardigan (variation on Sari metric system for yarn Silk Shrug), 116 kimono, 107–112 measurement, 56 Knit.1, 193 Chunky Monkey Scarf, 99 microfiber, 49 Classic Street Page Boy, KnitPicks, 199 mistakes, fixing, 25–28, 75 KnitScene, 193 144–147 ModeKnit/The Knitting Heretic Cozy Peacoat, 128–139 Knit Simple, 193 blog, 190 Knitter’s Review, 60, 192 Creatures of the Wooly mohair, 42, 45, 92, 93 Deep, 178–180 knitting, 2, 5–6, 184, 186 moisture-wicking fibers, 47 Know Knits, source for project Crocheted Bling, 169–170 MonsterCrochet blog, 190 crocheted flowers, 149 bags, 202 motifs. See appliqués Kool-Aid, dyeing yarn with, 55 Daisy Chain Neck Warmer, multiple ply yarn, 40 148–149 Index 217 25_973815 bindex.qxp 8/16/06 3:42 PM Page 218 pattern instructions (cont.) patterns resources Deliberate Shrinkage Sack, abbreviations, common, advice and help, 173–175 206–207 59, 189–194 dishcloth, 87 altering, 70 alterations, 70 Felted Trellis Scarf, 176–177 body shape, selecting for, jewelry-making, 170 Getting Dizzy Scarf, 92–93 71–72 patterns, 38, 59, 113, Granny’s Been in the copyright laws on, 200 189–190, 194–195 Bourbon Again: A cost of projects in book, 77 supplies, 59–61, 113 Drunken Throw, elements, 76–79 ribbon yarn, 42 141–142 history, 183 RingSurf ring system, 191 Lucy-Lou & Tim-Bob, Too, losing track of place in, ripple afghans, alternatives to, 150–154 27–28 142, 143 Market Bag, 86–87 multiple stitch count, 29 ripple stitch, basic double Peek-a-boo Plaid Skirt, problems, preventing, 74–75 crochet, 35 104–106 ratings of, 2 Robyn Chachula blog, 191 Preppy/Hippy Scarf, 88–89 reading, 29–30 round, working in the, 16–19. Pseudo-Kimono, 107–112 resources for, 38, 59, 113, See also Granny Squares Ramblin’ Rosie Cardie, 189–190, 194–195 round peg in a square hole 117–122 size, selecting correct, stitch, 36 ripple afghan alternatives, 69–70, 74, 77 roving weight yarn, 52 142–143 vintage, 57 rows Rose Squares scarf Peek-a-boo Plaid Skirt, 104–106 recognizing in patterns, 17 (variation on Ramblin’ pets, crochet for, 178–180, 192 working into, 10–11, 12 Rosie Cardie), 122 pieces, seaming together, 21–24 rugs, 171–172 S3: Sari Silk Shrug, 114–116 pills, 40 sampler scarf, 30 plush yarn, 42 scarf variation of Bubble ply, yarn, 39, 40 Belt, 158 polyester fibers, 49 S Straight-Laced Tank and pompom yarn, 42 S3: Sari Silk Shrug, 114–116 Shrug, 163–166 Preppy/Hippy Scarf, 88–89 samplers, stitch, 30 “Too Good for Your problems, solving, 25–28, 75 scarves Boyfriend” Sweater, project logs, 58, 64, 211 Bubble Belt variation, 158 123–127 protein-based fibers, 44–47 Chunky Monkey Scarf, 99 Toque, 90–91 Pseudo-Kimono, 107–112 Felted Trellis Scarf, 176–177 Uber-Femme Capelet, pull-skeins, 43 Getting Dizzy Scarf, 92–93 101–103 Puppy Yarn Company, 113 Preppy/Hippy Scarf, 88–89 Weekend Vest, 94–98 purses. See bags Rose Squares (variation on When the Jeans Don’t Fit: Ramblin’ Rosie Cardie), A Recycled Denim Rug, 122 171–172 sampler, 30 Who Hat, 159–161 R Woven Fringe Scarf, Woven Fringe Scarf, raglan sleeves, 69 155–156 155–156 railroad yarn, 42 schematic diagrams, 79 Wowie Zowie Eco-Tote, Ramblin’ Rosie Cardie, 117–122 scissors/cutting tools, 64 167–168 ratings, pattern, 2 seaming, 21–24 yarn weight and, 51–52 recycling yarn, 61, 116, 172 self-patterned yarn, 53–54 218 Not Your Mama’s Crochet 25_973815 bindex.qxp 8/16/06 3:42 PM Page 219 set in sleeves, 68 half double crochet (hdc), 31 swifts, 43, 44 Sheep and Wool Festivals, lacy flower, 37 symbolcraft, 30, 79–80 61, 203 modifying, 30 synthetic cellulose fibers, 48 Shetland wool, 45, 46 other, 15 synthetic fibers, 48–49 shrugs reference books for, 194 S3: Sari Silk Shrug, 114–116 round peg in a square Straight-Laced Tank and hole, 35 Shrug, 163–166 single crochet rib, 33 T silk yarn, 46, 114, 115 single crochet (sc), 10–12, tails, leaving, 21, 22, 24 single crochet rib, 33 13, 15, 27, 31 tension.
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