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Email [email protected] 8 de diciembre, 2017 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 62, No. 15 NOVENA AT SACRED HEART, P. 10 www.elnacimientorestaurant.com Página 2 La Prensa December 8, 2017 ‘Coco’ draws Latino audiences, A look at minorities in previous Disney productions others with theme of family By RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press By RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., rican-Americans. “I’d be done of Pocahontas and ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., and used consultants to make Nov. 29, 2017 (AP): “Coco’’ see’n about everything, when for ignoring the Nov. 29, 2017 (AP): The day sure the film was culturally sen- is earning praise from Mexi- I see an elephant fly,” the jive- true sacrifices she before Thanksgiving, a pre- sitive. can-American audiences for talking crows sing. made to keep peace dominantly Latino audience Lina Maria Murillo, 36, of its portrayal of Mexican cul- “Song of the South,” a 1946 between her tribe packed an Albuquerque theater San Jose, said “Coco’s” early ture and the holiday, ``Day of Disney musical about post- and whites. on Route 66 to catch the U.S. success showed that a film that the Dead.’’ The Disney-Pixar Civil War Georgia, came un- ASIANS: The premiere of “Coco.” In San Jose, used predominantly Latino animated production hauled der intense criticism from Siamese cats, Si and California, multi-generational characters who are bilingual in an estimated $72.9 mil- black civil rights leaders for Am, in the 1955 Latino families came together could do well in the U.S. Be- lion over the five-day week- its depiction of African- “Lady and the to see the movie. At the Vineland cause those references are so end and features an almost Americans. They said the Uncle Tramp” used ste- Drive-In outside of Los Ange- rare in mainstream movies it entirely Latino cast. Remus collection of black reotypical Asian les, Mexican-Americans in was special to see them in a It comes after Disney’s folklore stories was based on speech and had fea- trucks and vintage cars sat out- movie with a strong storyline, “Moana”—a computer-ani- racial caricatures. The film has tures to resemble side then took selfies with the she said. mated movie featuring a girl not been released on home Asians. They were movie’s posters. Murillo took her husband from a Polynesian village— video in the U.S. villainous and de- “Coco,” one of the largest and two daughters to see the garnered mostly positive re- Disney CEO Robert Iger ceitfully sneaky U.S. productions ever to feature film Sunday. Her daughters, action from Polynesian au- has previously said that the with their broken an almost entirely Latino cast, is Samaralucia, 8, and Isamaria, diences in 2016. company had discussed releas- English and lack- drawing large audiences among 6, had wanted to see it since Both “Coco” and ing the movie on home video ing of individual- Latinos for its depiction of viewing the previews, Murillo “Moana” used consultants but decided against it. ity, all stereotypes Mexican culture at a time when said. to make sure the films were NATIVE AMERICANS: about Asians in the many feel uneasy about their After exiting the Spanish- culturally sensitive. The 1953 animated film “Pe- U.S. coming out of place in the nation’s policies, language version of the movie Disney productions ter Pan” featured the song World War II and including immigration. around 11 p.m., the girls began haven’t always received “What Made the Red Man the Korean War. In the Pixar animated film’s asking about deceased family praise for their portrayal of Red” in reference to Native The 1998 opening week, Latino families members on the way home, ethnic minorities. In fact, Americans. A very red and “Mulan” was attacked by your face/It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home.” The lyrics crowded theaters from Houston Murillo said. some popular films have obese American Indian with scholars for relying on U.S. ste- to Phoenix and posted photos “My parents emigrated from been attacked for reinforc- two teeth is shown on screen reotypes of Asians in a retell- were later changed. Film critic and comments about the Colombia and my husband’s ing stereotypes or for simply while a peace pipe is passed ing of a Chinese popular leg- Roger Ebert said the film was laced with racial stereotypes movie’s references to Pedro family goes with many genera- being racist. around. A group of Indians end. Villains were darker Infante and painter Frida Kahlo. tions in El Paso....so this movie Here’s a look how ethnic dance among teepees while skinned in comparison to the about Arabs. They took note of the mention hit all the connections,” minorities have been por- Peter Pan wears a headdress. heroes. The film did not do “Most of the Arab charac- ters have exaggerated facial of chancla (flip-flops used by Murillo said. “It moved me to trayed in previous Disney More than four decades well in China over Mulan’s Mexican mothers to also disci- tears.” productions: later, Disney released a film foreign-looking depiction and characteristics—hooked pline children) and urged oth- Alexandro José Gradilla, a AFRICAN-AMERI- focusing largely on myths sur- a vastly different story from the noses, glowering brows, thick lips,” he wrote, “but Aladdin ers to see the film, too. Chicana and Chicano Studies CANS: In Disney’s 1941 film rounding Pocahontas. The original myths. “It was a great way to spend professor at California State “Dumbo,” the leader of a pack character tries to fight off the MIDDLE EASTERN- and the princess look like the holiday in light of every- University, Fullerton, saw the of crows is named Jim Crow. assumptions from her white ERS: The 1992 “Aladdin” white American teenagers.” film on its opening night with The poor and seemingly un- male friend that she’s an “ig- drew protest from the Ameri- Associated Press writer thing that has been going on,” Russell Contreras is a mem- said Jennie Luna, a Chicana/o his wife and daughter. After educated crows use slang and norant savage,” and the film can-Arab Anti-Discrimination California discussing the movie with ex- black vernacular while call- attempts to tackle the conflict Committee for its opening ber of the AP’s race and Studies professor at ethnicity team. Follow State University, Channel Is- tended family during Thanks- ing each other “brotha.” That between Native Americans and song, “Arabian Nights.” The land giving, he went to see the movie portrayal drew scrutiny for white settlers. The movie was song’s lyrics: “Where they cut Contreras on Twitter at http:/ . She saw the film with her /twitter.com/russcontreras mother, grandmother and 3- again with those who hadn’t stereotypical depiction of Af- criticized for over-sexualizing off your ear/if they don’t like year-old niece. “It was represen- seen it yet. tative and well done. We were “It’s striking a nerve at the excited to see people like us in right time,” Gradilla said. “And Una Mirada a las minorías en producciones previas de Disney a movie.” people were posting their pho- Por RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press “Just watched Disney’s and tos on social media to docu- Pixar’s movie (hash)Coco with ment it.” ALBUQUERQUE, aplaudidas por su musical de Disney de 1946 de la paz es compartida the family!” Retired Mexican For Disney, the positive re- Nuevo México, 30 XI 17 representación de minorías sobre Georgia después de la alrededor. Un grupo de indios American NASA Astronaut action from Latinos was a re- (AP): “Coco” está recibiendo étnicas. De hecho, algunas Guerra Civil, recibió intensas bailan entre tipis mientras Pe- José Hernández tweeted on Fri- markable turnaround from four elogios del público cintas populares han sido críticas de líderes de los ter Pan usa un tocado. day. “What a well done movie years ago when production mexicano-estadounidense criticadas por reforzar derechos civiles de la Más de cuatro décadas that respects our culture!” came under scrutiny after Disney por su representación de la estereotipos o por simplemente comunidad negra por su después, Disney lanzó una “Coco,” which opened last sought to trademark “Dia de los cultura mexicana y la ser racistas. representación de los película enfocada Wednesday in the United Muertos,” the name of the tradi- festividad del Día de los A continuación una mirada afroestadounidenses. Éstos mayormente en los mitos en States, is Pixar’s first feature film tional “Day of the Dead.” Muertos. La producción a cómo las minorías étnicas han dijeron que la colección de torno a Pocahontas. El with a minority lead character. Disney Enterprises Inc. dropped animada de Disney-Pixar, sido mostradas en producciones cuentos del folclor negro de personaje intenta luchar con- The English-language version its trademark filing after fiery que recaudó unos 72,9 previas de Disney. Uncle Remus se basaba en tra las suposiciones de su social-media posts charging millones dólares a su estreno caricaturas raciales. La película amigo blanco de que ella es is sprinkled with bilingual dia- •AFROESTADOUNIDENSES logue and set in a pueblo that Disney with culturally appro- el fin de semana largo por el no ha salido en video en Estados una “salvaje ignorante”, y el resembles a town in Mexico or priating the holiday. feriado de Acción de Gracias, En la película “Dumbo” de Unidos.
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