Averafe rMT* Net Prera Rtm The Weaker Por tlw tfoek EMed ’ ForoCMt of V. si w W bor: Jaanaiy 1162 ahowaiii ondlne, pMrttr dowdy toAtsht. Low la 20o. Ttaeaday ydrt> 13,531 ly clondy, law n ow flaririea. High to dOi. t ’ ' ' Blnoaa o f CSreoIatloB M fm ch e$ter^ A City o f ^Village Chdnrm (Claaalfled Advertlilng oa iPaga 12) PRICE FiVB'CENTE VOL. LXXXL.no. 82 (iltlURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1962 'I---------------------7 Distre^ Calls Heat'd State N ew s Did Belgian Airliner T h ompsonville Land Without Force _X Blaze Damage Over $500,' At Soviet i r e s s , Mten' Thompsonville, 3 ^ . 8 (/P)— pony. Damage is estimated at up­ IMS .Ian 8 bound for Istanbul, two for Athens, Istanbul, Turk ., ® I three for Frankfurt and 13 for wards of $500<<WO in a fire —A Belgian SaWna jet air­ Brussels. that w recked business build­ liner, carrying 27 persons The Belgian embassy in Mos­ ing in the center of town and from Tehran to Istanbul, cow requested the Immediate re- took more than 100 firemen Ram Head-on in Fog; leaae of th e ' plane and ita paa* landed at a Soviet airfield af» sengers, and the,8ovlet Foreign Of­ to briinf^ under control. S»-U ter radioing “We are being fice said It waa inveaUgatIng. During the height of the blaze 0* ia pursued by Russian planes.” A Belgian embaaey official in early' Sunday, about 40 persona Sabena authorities In Istanbul the Soviet capital said the plane wsra evacuated , as flame* threat- and in Brussels, the line’s head­ apparently strayed across' the ,med , several nearby tenement quarters, said the> plane was Soviet frontier and auggeated that^ buildinga forced by Soviet jets to put down "Ita radar contacts were d e ^ - It took firemen six hours to con­ Woerden, Netherlands, Jan. 8 </P)— Two jammed passerit trol the flames. •' at* the city of Yerevan, hear the tlve." ger trains collided in dense fog near here today and Nether­ U.S. Air Force officials reported It had been feared for a time S^ot-TurWsh frontier. lands Railways announced that 90 persons perished,*It was- However, the line's manager in the plane waa ^rced to/land at that the entire Mock at Main and Tehran, Walter DevroS, said a ra­ North Main St. — Including the the worst train disaster in this country’s history. 3 ^ , 100-year-old Thompeoh'vllle Hotel 7:30- dio' compass had failed and .the (Continued on Page/Thirteen) The Dutch News Agency reported earlier that 50 persons —would go ablaze. pilot, Cmdr, Freddy Moureau, re­ < had been injured but a farmer’s wife living near the disaster quested permission to make the Cause- o f the fire, which officials said broke out to the basement scene said ambulances had streamed away carrying at least landing.' ot By Devros’ account, the Bus- Fallout Guard a hardware atore, ■was .undeter­ 20() injured to nearby hospitals. islcft slan ciaft merely escorted the mined. An Ijjveetlgatlon wa* or­ Priests, nuns, firemen, police, soldiers and Uninjured pas­ I th« liner t o Tarevan; He- said plans dered. sengers helped in rescue work. _ _ Chief William Haertel of the -are for it ti> proceed to IstanhUL. B oi^et s F re Metal workers in the area were called in to supply oxygen W M Hazardldile Fire Depiutment and 850 miles west o f Yerevan, as and oxyacetylene torches to probe further into the tangled !>cciaM •odn as repairs are completed. Fireman, Gordon Dugan were ■ in wine jured slightly. masses of coaches, which were reported to have carried about Urn pUhe carried 16 passengers Atr^ost Office U.S. The firs started Saturday night. 500 passengers. and eight crew members. Five bundled peisona to the, near­ Devros said ail were rq^orted, . Several htmdred copies of the by Strand Theater were evacuated Fifty doctors ttj^iled over the casualties. safe. goveniment’s new Civil Defense and traffic waa blocked off. The dead were ckrried away iii buses. Both engineers were Mtfid publication have been delivered to r can.; Among the passengers was one By midnight, flremjsn thought k ill ^ . American, Identified only as a Mr. Manchester and are now available they had the blaze under ^ trol tsric, at the town's post offices, accord­ Reporters were barred from the scene. i iiy la Howen, flying to Europe from tiie but It flared up again and raged Watch dog* were used to guarda- Far East. ing to Rostmaster Alden Bailey. until 3:25 a.m. Sunday. )nac- The free publication, entitled plles of luggage at 'the foot of Jn«t- Babena authorities iii-BrusMls an embankment. said the Russians had bussed the "Fallout Protection; what- to Passenger Killed One of the trains was an ex­ 2 5 on V e 8 8 e 1 airliner and that at least two Know and What to Do About Nu- lear Attack," may be picked up Wlnsted. Jan. 8 (>P) — Andre press en route from the northern 'fighters ware Involved. from window., clerks at the main Hubert, 18, was killed when a car Dutch town of Leeuward-en to While Devn^' insisted that the office, - Station A at Depot Sq., or he was riding in Wint out of con­ Feared Lo8t in pSsne landed ‘voluntarily, other air- Amsterdam. The other was a com­ the parcel .post station on Broad trol and struck another on the muter train headed in the oppo­ poH aouroes at Tehran, Iran's St. Wlnsted Torrtogton .Road late Sat­ capital, said they had heard the site direction from Rotterdam to Bailey said, that only one copy urday ' night. Police charged the Channel Cra8h pilot radioing distress calls. Amsterdam. will be' given M each family,' and driver,'GaU R. Griswold, 19; with The' Express was dua to reach n>sy reported he radioed An­ that extra OopliM must be obtained Dover, England, Jan. 8 reckless dri'vtag, driving while a switching point at 9:18 a.m. and (XXm kara airport that he was being from sa d v ll defense headquarters. .drimk and misconduct with a car. Twenty-flve seamen were feared : 4 Ceoa* -the commuter . train at 9:21. It followed by.four Soviet Migs and, Copies will hot be deliveired Bond was set at 52,000. Griswold, lost to the stoktog. of the Yugo­ dped repeating that message three through the mails, postal and dvll Rescue workers remove one of the injured passengers from one of the trains involved in was to this 3-mlhutd Interval that another youth In has car, and three a 2-train collision near Woerden, Netherlands, early today. (AP Photofax via radio they hit. Visibility was about 20 slav freighter SShSc after a mid­ •rota times, then sOid the Migs had defense authorities said today in a ih the second car wera Injured , to "A n yards. night collision to the fog-shrouded order^ him to follow them down. clarification statement the accident. from Amst^i^dam.) >, ■nr» 'T hey are armed *nd we are .The Pentagon reports the gov­ Most of the victims were re­ Engtlsh Channel, 7:SO- not," the pilot was quoted as say- ernment printing office has con­ ported in the crowded train frdm Eight , survivors and 17 bodies tracted with 21 printers throughout FataUy Injured Leeuwarden, which apparefllly were recovered from the channel.- Denounce^ as Stalinist Tile other eight men aboard the authorities here Mid the the country tor 25 million copies. Stamford. J l^ jJ tffi-^A Darien Kennedy Airs wa* in a fau lty khuntlng posi­ :m i a - ’ Uut message they received from Fifteen milUon 'm vlss will g o to man. Chrtatoa Kdinlakos, 35, was 2,811-ton Babac were feared lost. tion. The Express Is usually crowd­ The ship and the 6,228-ton British John Moureau, monitored at 4:35 a.m., 96 first class'post offices 'and. 62 fatally injursd )n an auto accident ed on Monday mornings by people Mday postal service centers; fopf mil­ steamer Dorington Court collided w m :',' Saturday night on lamg Ridge Rd. Ber li n Accord returning to work to the Ihetro- imd the Sabac, cut to two, -sank tr ia “Wa art pursued by Russian lion, will go to 790 state'fhd local He diedmea ytti«r«w,yyesterday .uiin sLftnuoraStemford ^ ppUtan area from weekends to the tkent In Six minutes. Dianas and ars forosd.to land at a Civil Defense offices, and six JZ,, BPClhera-MaldenUal■ pooTiJnce*.• ' ,11i l l Miva. Rumian airdrome. ^ 8 "are* ■fly*- million will go to the Battle Creek, Gen* ' Seamsn--aaM the’ misMng men., Ituta C lm was unlikely that many fbrelgn- had almost no-chaaaa'of survival ' tag O'over a range of.......... high mouh- Mich., Civil Defense center to be also of Darien, Ibst 'cbhtrol of his era were Involved. How"-^- ' There ia a big , city In view. held as a reserve stock, th e 62 after so many hours to the .Icy tains.' vehicle while passing another, hit Washington, Jan. 8 W)—Presi­ water with Its swift currents.' »-19 - The nationalities of the pas­ centers have the Job of shipping in Vienna The Dutch radio cancel-jrf all a parked .car and then rammed dent Kennedy says he and Gen. light programs and it played *eri- The Dorington Court, made Dov­ sengers were not known Immedi­ Into a tree. -Behekos suffered Lucius D. Clay are to full agree­ er on her own but her steering ately, but Sabena said one was (Gontbnied on Fags Thras) ous miislc.
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