Did Belgian Airliner Land Without Force at Soviet Ram Head-On In
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Averafe rMT* Net Prera Rtm The Weaker Por tlw tfoek EMed ’ ForoCMt of V. si w W bor: Jaanaiy 1162 ahowaiii ondlne, pMrttr dowdy toAtsht. Low la 20o. Ttaeaday ydrt> 13,531 ly clondy, law n ow flaririea. High to dOi. t ’ ' ' Blnoaa o f CSreoIatloB M fm ch e$ter^ A City o f ^Village Chdnrm (Claaalfled Advertlilng oa iPaga 12) PRICE FiVB'CENTE VOL. LXXXL.no. 82 (iltlURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1962 'I---------------------7 Distre^ Calls Heat'd State N ew s Did Belgian Airliner T h ompsonville Land Without Force _X Blaze Damage Over $500,' At Soviet i r e s s , Mten' Thompsonville, 3 ^ . 8 (/P)— pony. Damage is estimated at up IMS .Ian 8 bound for Istanbul, two for Athens, Istanbul, Turk ., ® I three for Frankfurt and 13 for wards of $500<<WO in a fire —A Belgian SaWna jet air Brussels. that w recked business build liner, carrying 27 persons The Belgian embassy in Mos ing in the center of town and from Tehran to Istanbul, cow requested the Immediate re- took more than 100 firemen Ram Head-on in Fog; leaae of th e ' plane and ita paa* landed at a Soviet airfield af» sengers, and the,8ovlet Foreign Of to briinf^ under control. S»-U ter radioing “We are being fice said It waa inveaUgatIng. During the height of the blaze 0* ia pursued by Russian planes.” A Belgian embaaey official in early' Sunday, about 40 persona Sabena authorities In Istanbul the Soviet capital said the plane wsra evacuated , as flame* threat- and in Brussels, the line’s head apparently strayed across' the ,med , several nearby tenement quarters, said the> plane was Soviet frontier and auggeated that^ buildinga forced by Soviet jets to put down "Ita radar contacts were d e ^ - It took firemen six hours to con Woerden, Netherlands, Jan. 8 </P)— Two jammed passerit trol the flames. •' at* the city of Yerevan, hear the tlve." ger trains collided in dense fog near here today and Nether U.S. Air Force officials reported It had been feared for a time S^ot-TurWsh frontier. lands Railways announced that 90 persons perished,*It was- However, the line's manager in the plane waa ^rced to/land at that the entire Mock at Main and Tehran, Walter DevroS, said a ra North Main St. — Including the the worst train disaster in this country’s history. 3 ^ , 100-year-old Thompeoh'vllle Hotel 7:30- dio' compass had failed and .the (Continued on Page/Thirteen) The Dutch News Agency reported earlier that 50 persons —would go ablaze. pilot, Cmdr, Freddy Moureau, re < had been injured but a farmer’s wife living near the disaster quested permission to make the Cause- o f the fire, which officials said broke out to the basement scene said ambulances had streamed away carrying at least landing.' ot By Devros’ account, the Bus- Fallout Guard a hardware atore, ■was .undeter 20() injured to nearby hospitals. islcft slan ciaft merely escorted the mined. An Ijjveetlgatlon wa* or Priests, nuns, firemen, police, soldiers and Uninjured pas I th« liner t o Tarevan; He- said plans dered. sengers helped in rescue work. _ _ Chief William Haertel of the -are for it ti> proceed to IstanhUL. B oi^et s F re Metal workers in the area were called in to supply oxygen W M Hazardldile Fire Depiutment and 850 miles west o f Yerevan, as and oxyacetylene torches to probe further into the tangled !>cciaM •odn as repairs are completed. Fireman, Gordon Dugan were ■ in wine jured slightly. masses of coaches, which were reported to have carried about Urn pUhe carried 16 passengers Atr^ost Office U.S. The firs started Saturday night. 500 passengers. and eight crew members. Five bundled peisona to the, near Devros said ail were rq^orted, . Several htmdred copies of the by Strand Theater were evacuated Fifty doctors ttj^iled over the casualties. safe. goveniment’s new Civil Defense and traffic waa blocked off. The dead were ckrried away iii buses. Both engineers were Mtfid publication have been delivered to r can.; Among the passengers was one By midnight, flremjsn thought k ill ^ . American, Identified only as a Mr. Manchester and are now available they had the blaze under ^ trol tsric, at the town's post offices, accord Reporters were barred from the scene. i iiy la Howen, flying to Europe from tiie but It flared up again and raged Watch dog* were used to guarda- Far East. ing to Rostmaster Alden Bailey. until 3:25 a.m. Sunday. )nac- The free publication, entitled plles of luggage at 'the foot of Jn«t- Babena authorities iii-BrusMls an embankment. said the Russians had bussed the "Fallout Protection; what- to Passenger Killed One of the trains was an ex 2 5 on V e 8 8 e 1 airliner and that at least two Know and What to Do About Nu- lear Attack," may be picked up Wlnsted. Jan. 8 (>P) — Andre press en route from the northern 'fighters ware Involved. from window., clerks at the main Hubert, 18, was killed when a car Dutch town of Leeuward-en to While Devn^' insisted that the office, - Station A at Depot Sq., or he was riding in Wint out of con Feared Lo8t in pSsne landed ‘voluntarily, other air- Amsterdam. The other was a com the parcel .post station on Broad trol and struck another on the muter train headed in the oppo poH aouroes at Tehran, Iran's St. Wlnsted Torrtogton .Road late Sat capital, said they had heard the site direction from Rotterdam to Bailey said, that only one copy urday ' night. Police charged the Channel Cra8h pilot radioing distress calls. Amsterdam. will be' given M each family,' and driver,'GaU R. Griswold, 19; with The' Express was dua to reach n>sy reported he radioed An that extra OopliM must be obtained Dover, England, Jan. 8 reckless dri'vtag, driving while a switching point at 9:18 a.m. and (XXm kara airport that he was being from sa d v ll defense headquarters. .drimk and misconduct with a car. Twenty-flve seamen were feared : 4 Ceoa* -the commuter . train at 9:21. It followed by.four Soviet Migs and, Copies will hot be deliveired Bond was set at 52,000. Griswold, lost to the stoktog. of the Yugo dped repeating that message three through the mails, postal and dvll Rescue workers remove one of the injured passengers from one of the trains involved in was to this 3-mlhutd Interval that another youth In has car, and three a 2-train collision near Woerden, Netherlands, early today. (AP Photofax via radio they hit. Visibility was about 20 slav freighter SShSc after a mid •rota times, then sOid the Migs had defense authorities said today in a ih the second car wera Injured , to "A n yards. night collision to the fog-shrouded order^ him to follow them down. clarification statement the accident. from Amst^i^dam.) >, ■nr» 'T hey are armed *nd we are .The Pentagon reports the gov Most of the victims were re Engtlsh Channel, 7:SO- not," the pilot was quoted as say- ernment printing office has con ported in the crowded train frdm Eight , survivors and 17 bodies tracted with 21 printers throughout FataUy Injured Leeuwarden, which apparefllly were recovered from the channel.- Denounce^ as Stalinist Tile other eight men aboard the authorities here Mid the the country tor 25 million copies. Stamford. J l^ jJ tffi-^A Darien Kennedy Airs wa* in a fau lty khuntlng posi :m i a - ’ Uut message they received from Fifteen milUon 'm vlss will g o to man. Chrtatoa Kdinlakos, 35, was 2,811-ton Babac were feared lost. tion. The Express Is usually crowd The ship and the 6,228-ton British John Moureau, monitored at 4:35 a.m., 96 first class'post offices 'and. 62 fatally injursd )n an auto accident ed on Monday mornings by people Mday postal service centers; fopf mil steamer Dorington Court collided w m :',' Saturday night on lamg Ridge Rd. Ber li n Accord returning to work to the Ihetro- imd the Sabac, cut to two, -sank tr ia “Wa art pursued by Russian lion, will go to 790 state'fhd local He diedmea ytti«r«w,yyesterday .uiin sLftnuoraStemford ^ ppUtan area from weekends to the tkent In Six minutes. Dianas and ars forosd.to land at a Civil Defense offices, and six JZ,, BPClhera-MaldenUal■ pooTiJnce*.• ' ,11i l l Miva. Rumian airdrome. ^ 8 "are* ■fly*- million will go to the Battle Creek, Gen* ' Seamsn--aaM the’ misMng men., Ituta C lm was unlikely that many fbrelgn- had almost no-chaaaa'of survival ' tag O'over a range of.......... high mouh- Mich., Civil Defense center to be also of Darien, Ibst 'cbhtrol of his era were Involved. How"-^- ' There ia a big , city In view. held as a reserve stock, th e 62 after so many hours to the .Icy tains.' vehicle while passing another, hit Washington, Jan. 8 W)—Presi water with Its swift currents.' »-19 - The nationalities of the pas centers have the Job of shipping in Vienna The Dutch radio cancel-jrf all a parked .car and then rammed dent Kennedy says he and Gen. light programs and it played *eri- The Dorington Court, made Dov sengers were not known Immedi Into a tree. -Behekos suffered Lucius D. Clay are to full agree er on her own but her steering ately, but Sabena said one was (Gontbnied on Fags Thras) ous miislc.