Index Abomey, Benin, 231 ai-Hasan bin Sulaim an (Sultan of Kilwa) Africa: see also specific coun tries and regions (cant.) modem Islamic religion of, 100, 101 creation of, 19-20, 21- 23 relationship with Kilwa's surrounding area, urban industrial landscape of, 21-22 110-111 African American s, West-African cultural and ai-Hasan bin Talut (Sultan of Kilwa), 98 spiritual influences on, 230-231 al-Idrisi, 132, 174 African culture, Egyptian source of, 171-172 Ali ibn al Husain (Sultan of Kilwa), 110 African Diaspora, 14-15, 129-130, 219-241 al-Khuwarizmi, 172 African-derived cultures of, 219-220, 223- Allison, Philip, 189, 190, 191, 194, 196, 201- 224 202, 208, 213 African societal change and, 231-232 al-Mas'udi, 132, 135, 136 effect on agricultural production, 227 al-Mawahib, Abu, 100 interpretation of, 230- 232 Almoravid s, 168-169 Afrocent ric approach, in African historical al-Muhallabi, 173-174 archaeol ogy, 171-172 Alodia , Sudan , 52- 53 Agba, Nigeria , 193, 208 Alok, Nigeria, Cross River monoliths of, 190, Agriculture 203-204 in post-Meroitic Lower Nubia, 45, 46-47, 49 Amir Muhammed (Sultan of Kilwa), 114, 118 in West Africa, effect of slave trade on, 227 Anglo- Boer War (1880-1881), 334 women 's role in, 9 Animals : see also Cattle resources Aksum, Ethiopia, 40-41 symbolic significance of, 302 Akwanshi, 194, 201, 206- 209 Ankole royal settlement, Bweyorere, Uganda, al-Bakri , 174, 179 134 Alcacova, Diogo de, 102 Anthrop ology al-Dimashqi, 166-167 Africani st, 163 ai-Hasan bin Sulaiman (Sultan of Kilwa), 93, of colon ialism, 163, 164 95,98-101 , 102-109 Arab historical sources, in African historical ceramics production and, 104-109, 11 2 archaeology, 11-12, 13, 183 cloth production and, 103-104, 110 "Arab stimulus paradigm" of, 170-171 gold trade and, 102, 103-104 "colonial justification" model of, 170 393 394 Index Arab historical sources, in African historical Bantu-speaking people archaeology (cont.) Arab-Swahili hegemony of, 65-66 "colonial justification" model of, 170 Shungwa ya tradition of, 62, 67, 68 misinterpretations of, 168-169 Barbosa , Duarte, 102, 152 Arabic script, 130 Barolong , Tswana polity, 273 Arabs : see also Islam; Mosques ; Muslims Barrow, John, 281 attitudes toward Africans, 166-167 Bathlaping people, 280 influence on Swahili society, 133 in battle of Dithakong, 286 trade with relocation of capitals of, 287, 288 Mijikenda people, 64 Batlokwa people, meat distribution practices Swahili people, 60 of, 317 "Arab stimulus paradigm ," 170-171 Batn el Hajar, Lower Nubia, 47-48 Archaeology: see also Historical archaeology, Batswapong people, 278 African Beach, David, 245-246 of Africa, prehistoric, relationship with Beads, blue glass, African-American, 229 historical archaeology , 381, 382 Beer, maize, 226 pre-Columbian, 380 Beer consumption, in Meroitic culture, 40 Argin, Lower Nubia, 49 Bekum, Nigeria, Cross River monoliths of, Aswan Dam, Egypt, 53 198-199 Aweera (Boni) people, 62, 67, 68 Bengulu people, 260 Benin Bacwezi people, 12,380 Abomey,231 Badimo (Tswana ancestral spirits), 26 Dassa,231 Bafut, Nigeria, lineage stones of, 210 fetish markets, 230 Bahurutshe, as Tswana polity, 273 Hueda, 129-130, 226, 231 Bahurutshe people, capital of, 280 Savi, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, Bain, Andrew Geddes, 280, 286 232-236 Bajuni people, 62 pottery artefacts from, 232-235 Baker, Albert Weir, 356 Bight of Benin, during African Diaspora, 221­ Bakgalagadi people, 305 222 Bakwena Bamodimosana people, relocat ion of maize cultivation in, 225-226 capitals of, 287, 288 map of, 223 Bakwena people, 4-5, 22, 273 Bigo, Uganda, 134 capitals of: see also Ntsweng, Botswana Bin Ahmed, Hassan, 69 relocation of, 287, 288 Bin Talut, AI-Hasan (Sultan of Kilwa), 98 cattle resources of, 303 Biravira Hill site, Zimbabwe, 255-256 meat distribution practices of, 318-319 Blacksm ithing, in West Africa, 228-229 trans-Kalahari trade dominance by, 305 Blouberg , South Africa, Maleboho War as Tswana polity, 273 battlefield of, 326, 327-330, 332-334, Ballana, Lower Nubia, 49 338,343 Bamalete people, 280 Bocarro, Gaspar, 118 Banda, Ghana, 271 Boka botuom, 200, 208-209 Bangwato people, 23 Boka mkwanbuk, 199 capital of, 291 Boka nkang, 197, 198 morafe of, 276 Bondei people, 63 relocation of capitals by, 287, 288-289 Boni (Aweera) people, 62, 67, 68 Banqwato people, relocation of capitals by, Book of the Zanj, 65-66, 67, 68 287, 288-289 Botswana Bantu Sabaki-speaking people, migration of, Modipe Hill, 284, 285 60 Ntsweng, 4-5, 19, 23-26, 27 Index 395 Botswana (cant.) Cattle resources (cant.) Ntsweng (cant.) of Tswana people (cant.) abandoment of, 305, 306 post-butchery body parts distribution Bakwena people of, 22 patterns of, 317-320, 321-322 establishment of, 305 rinderpest epidemic in, 305 faunal assemblages from, 306-322 as status indicator, 303-304 Phalatswe, 19, 275-278, 288- 289, 291 taphonomic analysis of, 312-317 , 321 abandonment of, 276 Cemeteries ..African" church of, 23 in Cameroon, 231 as Bangwato capital, 275 Meroitic, 38, 42 drinking water supply of, 276, 277 in Ntsweng, 25 establishment of, 275-276 post-Meroitic, 49 historical documentary sources about, 276 West African, 231 layout/social composition of, 276, 277, Central Cattle Pattern, of agropastoralism, 274, 278 283,284 size of, 277, 278, 281 Ceramics Bottle gourds, 39 of the African Diaspora, 234 Broederstroorn, South Africa, 274 associated with Cross River monoliths, Bullets, soapstone, 326-327, 337 Nigeria, 203, 204 Bunce Island, Sierra Leone, 223 from Chizhou Hill site, Zimbabwe, 250, Burchell, William, 280, 281, 284, 289-290 251-252, 254-255, 256-257 Bur Gao, Somalia, 67 of coastal Kenya Burial sites: see also Cemeteries; Mortuary Kwale Ware, 75, 78 practices; Tombs; Tumulus burials Tana Tradition, 75-76, 78 Refuge Period, Zimbabwe, 256 Triangular Incised Ware, 75-76, 78 Butchery practices colonoware, 224, 234 at Modderfontein dynamite factory site, from Gao, Mali, 176-177 South Africa, 360-361, 365 from Great Zimbabwe, 263, 264 of Tswana, 312-320, 321, 378 Hellenistic/Romano-Egyptian, 39 Bweyorere, Uganda, 134 from Kilwa, Tanzania Husuni Modelled Ware, 106, 108, 109, 1\2 Cabral, Pedro Alvares, 103, 1\6, 1\8 Red Painted Ware, 106, 108, 109, 1\2 Calabar, pottery figurines from, 212 Wealed Ware, 106, 108, 109, 1\2 Calabar Museum, 189 from Lower Nubia, 50 Cambridge History ofAfrica, 132-133 Meroitic, 38-40, 41, 45 Campbell , John, 280, 281, 284 as grave goods, 42 Candomble, 230 from Modderfonte in dynamite factory site, Cape Delgado, Mozambique, 96 South Africa, 361-363, 366 Cape of Good Hope, Castle of, 10 Moloko, 273, 284 Cape Town, South Africa, 10, 14 passive model of production of, 105-106 Capitalism, as historical archaeology theme, of Refuge Period, Zimbabwe, 256 379 Romano-Egyptian, 45 Cattle resources Sotho-Tswana, 273, 282 of Bakwena people, 303 Tana Tradition, 75-76, 78, 106, 107, 108 of Tswana people West African, 232-235 butchery practices, 312-320, 321, 378 Chademana mayo people, 258 Central Cattle Pattern model of, 305 Chake Chake, Pemba, Tanzania, 137 gender-based control of, 304-305 Chambani Mjini, Pemba, Tanzania, 151 herd management strategies, 310-312 Charleston, South Carolina, U.S., 219 Ntsweng faunal assemblages of, 306-322 Chikede gumbo people, 259 396 Index Chirape, 259 Cross River monoliths, Nigeria (cont.) Chittick, Neville, 17, 180-181, 182 of Ukelle and Nsadop, 194-200, 203-205 Chizhou Hill site, Zimbabwe, 246-255, 260 world perspective on, 213-214 archaeology of, 250- 255 relationship with oral tradition s, 264-265 Dahalo people , 62, 67, 68 ceramics, 250, 251-252, 254-255, 256-257 Daima, Nigeria , 171 cultural historical importance of, 260-261 Daiso (Thagicu) speakers, 64 environmental setting, 246-250 Danyi plateau, Togo, 226 location and local geograph y, 246, 247 Dassa, Benin, 231 Nemarundwi nzou dynasty and, 246 Daud (Sultan of Kilwa), 113 nzou totem and, 259 Detal Okwa, 196-197 Chombo, Kenya, 75, 76, 77 Dewe shumba people, 259 Chonyi, King of, 69 Diba people, 145-146 Chony i people, 68, 70 Diet, effect of tributary demand s on, 226 Christianity: see also Missionaries Difaqane , 14; see also Tswana people, in medieval Nubia, 53 difaqane/mfecane period in 19th and 20th century Africa, 23 Digo people, 64, 68-69, 70 in northern Africa, 21- 22 subgroups of, 68 Chuka people, 63 Diop, Cheikh Anta, 171-172 Chwaka, Pernba, Tanzania, 104, 136, 137, 141 , Direct historical approach, 272-274 142, 144, 151, 153 criticism of, 275 Cloth : see also Textile production Dissonance, in African historical archaeology, as tribute, 70 9, 10 as West-African trade good, 227-228 Dithakong, South Africa, 280, 281 Colonialism abandonment of, 287 in Africa, 18-20 battle of, 286 anthropology of, 163, 164 Dogon people, settlement organization among , resistance to, 19-20 3 global,379 Dombotombo Hill site, Zimb abwe, 255, 256 " Colonial justification" model, 170 Dongola Reach, Sudan, 52-53, 54 Colonoware, 224, 234 Dure site, Zimbabwe, 255 Come, Benin, 232 Duruma people, 64, 68 Comoros, 136, 141 Correia, Manoel, 356 East African Coast, Swahili people of, 180­ Court traditions, 7, 9 183 Creole cultures, 237 East Coast Fever, 351 Creole language, 220 Eastern Africa : see also specific countries Crops, West African , 225-226 historical sources related to, 131-134 Cross River monoliths, Nigeria, 17, 189-217, Kanbalu , 132 382 Eating, symbolic significance of, 302 communicative and symboli c significan ce of, Egypt 206-209 Aswan Dam, 53 cultural ecology of, 203-205 bread-and-beer culture of, 40 as cultural history, 192, 194, 197, 203 in Kilwa gold trade, 97
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