BROOKLYN ACADEMY SHOW TIDE OF MUSIC teens doing their own thing 1 /96,61 08/o \ A'At R IL " -01 'BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Abraham & Straus presents Zodiac!.4 a ZS, A TEEN MUSICAL REVUE Written by TONY VELLELA STARRING STEVE CRUZ Music by UNION MADE Stage Managers LYDIA and JANE HOLLIS ROUDER Costumes by JOYCE LALLEY Choreography by LINDA and GENE ENGH DOUCETTE Directed by TONY VELLELA ABOUT hers turned talent scouts, more than four hundred non-professional teen acts were auditioned, and five months of rehearsals,' technical sessions and production meet- Zodiac! ings began. A TEEN MUSICAL REVUE The musical production, believed to he the first of its kind in the Metropolitan The idea of a teen talent revue, pro- area, is produced by Abraham & Straus, duced as a community service project, and features more than sixty talented teen was conceived as a result of the unusual singers, dancers, actors, and a variety of talent and responsibility of the 1967-68 hands selected for their musical talent and A&S Junior and Senior High Fashion promise in the entertainment world. Writ- Board members. The proposal by A&S ten for the stage especially for the talents Coordinator of Teen Activities, Kelli of these young performers, it reveals the Questrom, was met with immediate ex- hidden potential, ingenuity and determina- citement and determination; Board mem- tion of Brooklyn teens doing their thing. ACT I. OPENING: Cafe Zodiac "Fake Reality" STEVE CRUZ, and THE HIGHWAYMEN SCENE I -ARIES: Cafe Zodiac "Different Drum" DEBBIE NUNZIATA and THE HIGHWAYMEN The true Arian is a leader whose chief characteristic is an ardor for work. A female Arian usually craves more scope for her inexhaustible energies and greater opportunities of leading others than can be found in daily domestic routine. Following the opening performance for organizations and institutions. Packing in- the public and special organizations on struments, sets and costumes into trucks Sunday, March 24 at the Brooklyn and buses, the production will visit Wel- Academy of Music, the cast has donated fare Island, The Industrial Home for the time from their schools' Easter week va- Blind and several hospitals and orphan- cation to go on tour to several community ages as a community service. 1 sings with the band and studies guitar at ' WHO'S WHO the Kingsboro Conservatory. Between the Highwaymen and his homework, he man- ' IN THE CAST ages to participate in the school's elec- STEVE CRUZ, Steve-A sixteen-year-old tronics and glee clubs, play the drums and with wholesome versatility that runs the shoot billiards. Looking at his many in- gamut from music to math, Steve Cruz terests, Steve is most serious about con- auditioned with The Highwaymen and tinuing his study of math and physics, found himself playing the lead male role majoring in architectural engineering at in "Zodiac!" as well. A junior at Bishop City College of New York upon gradua- Loughlin High School in Brooklyn, Steve tion from high school. SCENE 2-TAURUS: a psychedelic garden "Purple Haze" UNION MADE "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds ". FRAN MARTARANO, and UNION MADE The chief characteristic of the Taurean is the stability of character and purpose. He displays a mulish obstinacy and a strong filial devotion to Mother Earth. UNION MADE, House Band - The name protesting ready-made uniformity and conformity, Union Made consists of five incredible young men who know their own mind. After just two years of associa- tion, the band, which "reminds you to On organ, JIMMY DONLAN, a soph- picket the organization of thy choice", omore at Brooklyn Preparatory School. has developed a strong local following, Jimmy is the literary genius and artist of and professional encouragement to write the group. A varsity swimmer, Jim speaks their own songs and record. They like Latin, Greek and French, and plays guitar music and each other, and it shows in as well as piano, organ and harpsichord. their sound. All good students are inter- He is working toward a scholarship to a ested in many things, the boys select their liberal arts college where he can major in music discriminately, seeking non-com- English literature. mercial material that expresses their per- sonal feelings. Thus, the band has become a source of meaningful association, enjoy- ment, a means of communicating, and of earning toward their individual ambitions. Playing lead guitar, PETER MARAN, On bass guitar, EUGENE McGARRY, a sophomore at Nazareth High School. a senior at Nazareth High School, Gene's Pete provides the creative imagination in contribution to the band is his aura of the arrangement of music. His study of quiet sophistication, but inside he's pure music theory, piano and flute still leaves corn. Gene is presently uncommitted as time for membership in the school's Glee regards his future, and can say only that and math clubs and band, and to serve as to discern the direction of his future is class treasurer. He plans to study music going to take much insight and indepen- at Julliard and become a music teacher, dent action. one day fulfilling his ambition to write a great song. SCENE 3-GEMINI: a night out on the town "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" ANN and ANNETTE GIROUX, with NANCY KAPLAN, STEVE CRUZ, and JIM DONLAN Geminians suffer from a split personality and are highly strung, brilliant creatures. Their retort to enemies is "two heads are better than one." On drums and doing the vocal, On rhythm guitar, ALBERT SAN- ANGELO PAPPAGALLO, a sophomore TINI, a sophomore at Nazareth. The ir- at Midwood High School in Brooklyn. replaceable electrician of the group, Born in Italy, Angelo provides the sense Albert plans to study electronical engi- of humor and unfailing wit, spoken in neering in college. When you can't find English, French or Italian. His future will him, it's more than likely that he's gone follow one of two paths: to Brooklyn Col- fishing. lege to become a social studies teacher, or into the entertainment world as a drum- mer. Either one is alright with Angelo. TONY VELLELA, Writer and Director and served for two years as theatre critic is an aspiring young playwright, currently and drama reviewer for the Pocono " living in New York's East Village and RECORD, covering the five summer working with Universal Publishing. After theatres in that area. This summer Mr. graduating from Strausberg College in Vellela plans to open his own summer Pennsylvania, where he did extensive stock theatre in Pennsylvania, offering a theatre work, he spent a season with the season of musicals and dramas. Cherry Lane Opera House in the Poconos, SCENE 4-CANCER: a lecture hall "Wives and Lovers" ANGELA SARGEANT, LISA ROSENBERG and GENE DOUCETTE, with UNION MADE The Cancerian is intensely romantic. His own strong love must be returned by an equally deep emotion, for he knows no half measures. This love is characterized by a yearning to give while asking for little in return. INTERMISSION GENE DOUCETTE, Choreographer-is dance, a natural sense of rhythm and a natural born dancer. Born and raised on agility, and artistic ability. The choreogra- Flatbush Avenue, and of Iriquois Indian phy of "Zodiac!" represents his first ex- and French Canadian descent, Mr. Dou- perience in semi-professional dance. cette is a nimble nineteen-year-old with Working while he continues his education, remarkable talent. Remarkable because he Mr. Doucette's greatest ambition is to be- has never had any type of formal dance come an artist. training . only a love of music and LINDA ENGH, Choreographer -is a League. Miss Engh is also a member of totally happy person when she dances, the City Wide Dance Group under miss and the feeling is projected to all who Kirby, and is assistant dance teacher of " watch her. Miss Engh, a senior at Fort Fort Hamilton's modern dance club. For Hamilton High School in Brooklyn, is the past three years, she has participated currently studying under Percival Borde in the school's Musicale, and serves as at the Harkness School of Dance and secretary of the school orchestra. Miss under Syvilla Forte at Clark Center for Engh plans to become a concert dancer the Performing Arts. She is assistant and teacher, studying at the Julliard teacher to Delores Vanison, under the di- School of Music following high school rection of Miss Kitty Kirby, directress of graduation. Music and Dance for the Police Athletic ACT II. SCENE 5-LEO: the 1840's, a cottage just outside Town Square "My Favorite Things" ANNE BECKENSTEIN and GREG BARBEIRE, with LYNN GERB "My Favorite Things" ROSEMARIE GLENN, and LYNN GERB with STEVE CRUZ, and LILLIAN PERRY as Booth Attendant The authoritative, domineering Leonian is a strongly extro- verted leader, loving people and parties, and demonstrating great generosity and faith in human nature. t. JOYCE LALLEY, Costume Designer-is dresses as design assistant to Eliza Daggs, a recent graduate of Pratt Institute in and has worked with Donald Brooks on Brooklyn, where she majored in fashion his spring and summer '68 collection. Miss design. Her creative ingenuity went into Lalley is presently a member of the Abra- the design of costumes for Pratt's Mod- ham & Straus Executive Training Pro- ern Dance Workshop during those four gram, with plans to enter the field of mer- years, and now brings to life the spirit of chandising and one day establish a custom the Zodiac world. Since graduation in suit and dress shop of her own designs. June of 1967, she has created paper .-9.--WWWWWWWwommummilmmal JANE ROUDER, Stage Manager-is an perience, yet jumped into the formidable active ninth grader at Andries Hudde job of assisting Mr.
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