r ~-=- · - '" - __ .._. ,1'..,.-- .. ~..c-.;.... o:· -- .. •· ... ~:. -:_.. ~-· .. 11th CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE EDMONTON, CANADA JUNE, 1978 GUIDEBOOK FOR A TOUR TO OBSERVE SOIL LANDSCAPES AND CROPPING SYSTEMS IN CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ALBERTA AND SOUTHWESTERN SASKATCHEWAN TOURS 5 AND 13 T. W. PETERS AGRICULTURE CANADA, SOIL SURVEY, EDMONTON, ALBERTA J.A. SHIELDS AGRICULTURE CANADA, SOIL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF OTTAWA, ONTARIO J.G. ELLIS SASKATCHEWAN INSTITUTE OF PEDOLOGY, SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN GUIDEBOOK EDITORS D.F. ACTON AND L.S. CROSSON CONTRIBUTION OF SASKATCHEWAN INSTITUTE OF PEDOLOGY S.R.I. No. 652 SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN PREFACE The a geographical area of great interest. a resources, but sparsely popu­ better appreciate the scale, nature route and general relief across the western in Fig. P.l. les) in southern Alberta and soil zonat on ecting gradual anges ces from Edmonton southeast and t. It also witnesses the e evation on the anks the n climates, soils and landforms are rises and cropping practises. Tour lement the excursion itself by providing descri ve i areas traversed. The Guide is arranged in three section I or Plains of Canada, the daily log, ces. nying maps provide an informative tra ogue concerni landforms. Crop yields and management practices on di areas are discussed in relation to soil capability. are interspersed throughout log. Appendix A desc s, Appendix B contains meteorological data and Appendix C con on relating to crop yields and production costs. i i i 109' 108° 54° ALBERTA- SASKATCHEWAN 53' 52° 50° I 49° Selected City or Town 0 __ .J _______ 49' Overnight Stop cfu Tour Route . .. - 0 20 40 60 80 MILES t--·---,----1, -y 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 KILOMETRES 114' 113' 112' 111° 110' 109' 108° FIGURE P.l THE ROUTE AND GENERAL RELIEF MAP FOR TOURS 5 and 13 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THE INTERIOR PLAINS Or CANADA .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ........ .. 1 Major Physiographic Regions of Canada ... ... ... .. .. .......... 2 The route . 4 Wisconsin Glaciation and Deposits in the Interior Plains ... 6 Bedrock Geology of the Interior Plains . .. ........ ......... .. 9 Physiographic Divisions of the Interior Plains .... .......... 11 Principal Rivers and Drainage Basins ... ................ ..... 13 Soil Temperature of the Interior Plains . .. ... .. .. .. 15 Soil Moisture of the Interior Plains . 18 Agro-climatic subregions of the Interior Plains ..... .... .. 18 Vegetation of the Interior Plains .. ...... .. ................. 20 Zonal soils of the Interior Plains ............... ~.... ...... 23 Main Types of Farming in the Interior Plains ................ 27 Canada Land Inventory of the Interior Plains ... ooo••o•••oo·. 30 Land Survey Systems in the Interior Plains ........ ······oo.. 32 LEGEND FOR DAILY TOUR ROUTE MAPS ............. o ·••o•o•••o····· •••• 38 DAY 1. CROPPING PRACTICES AND YIELDS OF BLACK AND DARK BROWN CHERNO- ZEMIC SOILS; EDMONTON TO DRUMHELLER ... o •••• •o o••o•· •• ••••• 44 Site l: Black Solodized Solonetz ....... 0 •••• o. 0 •••• o 0 ••••• 49 Solonetzic Soils ...... o •••••••••••••••••••• o ••• o ••••••••• o 50 Summerfallow ·········o···········o •• ooo•·······••o••oo•o• 53 000 00 0 Site 2: Orthic Dark Brown Chernozemic '' ' •••• ••••••• 55 Site 3: Rego Dark Brown Chernozemic ....... •o••········ 0 •• 56 DAY 2. SOILS AND AGRICULTURE OF THE DARK BROWN AND BROWN SOIL ZONES; DRUMHELLER TO BROOKS o ••••••• o •• o •••••••••• o •• o •••• o •••••• o 58 Production Costs . 0 ••••••• 0 •••••• 0 ••••• o0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 •••• o.... 58 Alberta Horticulture Research Centre .. ·····o·•·••o••oo•.. 62 DAY 3. BROWN CHERNOZEMIC AND SOLONETZIC SOILS AND THEIR AGRICULTURAL UTILIZATION; BROOKS TO MEDICINE HAT ................. o 0 ' •• 64 Dinosaur Park ....... o •••••••••••••••• o •••• o............... 64 Site 4: Brown Solodized Solonetz •o········ oo••·••oo•• 0 ••o 64 Site 5· Brown Solod . o •••• o •••• o ••••••• o ••••••• o ••• o....... 64 Developments of Ranching and Farming in Southeastern Alberta 67 DAY 4. DRYLAND SALINITY IN THE BROWN SOIL ZONE; MEDICINE HAT TO SWIFT CURRENT ..... o ••••• o ••••••••••• o o ••••••• o •• o ••••••••• o.... 70 Great Sand Hills ... o •••• o •••••• 0. o ••••••••••• o •••• o. 0.... 76. Site 6: Orthic Regosol -Saline Phase ..... o•······· ...... 79 Site 7: Orthic Brown Chernozemic ....... o.... ... 79 So i 1 Sa 1 in i ty o •••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o • • • • • 7 9 Swift Current Research Station ······o· ····o•o•• o········· 83 v Page DAY 5. PRAIRIE TO PINE; SWIFT CURRENT TO MEDICINE HAT VIA THE CYPRESS HILLS . 85 Swift Current Loess . .. 85 Site 8: Orthic Brown to Dark Brown Chernozemic . ........... 88 Avena Community Pasture .................. -·.............. 90 General Description of the Cypress Hills Area .......... ... 92 Historic Fort Walsh ........... ..................... .. .. ... 95 DAY 6. BROWN AND DARK BROWN CHERNOZEMIC SOILS UNDER IRRIGATION AND DRYLAND AGRICULTURE; MEDICINE HAT TO LETHBRIDGE .... .. ..... 97 Site 9: Orthic Brown Chernozemic .... .............. ..... .. 100 Site 10: Rego Dark Brown Chernozemic-Carbonated Phase ..... 103 Site 11: Calcareous Dark Brown Chernozemic ... ........ ..... 103 Lethbridge Research Station ... ..... .......... .... .... .. .. 103 DAY 7. REST DAY . .. 104 DAY 8. LAND USE PANORAMA FROM THE PLAINS TO THE FOOTHILLS; LETHBRIDGE TO CALGARY . 107 Wind Erosion . 107 Chinook . 110 Buffalo Jump ............................. · .... · ...... · .. ·. 110 Site 12: Orthic Black Chernozemic .................. ~...... 112 DAY 9: BLACK CHERNOZEMIC AND SOLONETZIC SOILS, THEIR UTILIZATION AND AVERAGE CROP YIELDS; CALGARY TO EDMONTON ··············· .. 114 Site 13: Gleyed Eluviated Black Chernozemic .... ........ ... 119 Lacombe Research Station ........................ .. .. ..... 119 REFERENCES o 1>" 1> o 11 <> o o $II! II> fll 0 II 0 o .o o o" 0 <11 1> It" 1101 t1 <1 <t"' .. (i! 0 G" 1>" 'I 10 <>'" & 0 "'" "" e ill e I" 0 124 APPENDIX A. Field Description, Analyses, and Micromorphological Descriptions of Soil Sites ......................... 126 APPENDIX B. Meteorological Data 158 APPENDIX C. Crop Yields and Production Costs . 163 APPENDIX D. ·Format for Micromorphological Descriptions 170 vi LIST OF APPENDICES Page APPENDIX A. , ANALYSES, AND MICROMORPHOLOGICAL IL SI . ........... 126 Appendix A.l.l. is. and ogy onetzic so l 126 Appendix A.l.2. 1 Site 2 128 Appen x A. l. 3. ion, analysis, and cromorphology Che c soil at te 3 131 Appendix A.3.4. on, anal is, and cromorphology zed Solonetz soil at Site 4 134 Appendix A.3.5. eld ion analysis of a Brown Solod soil 5 (Brooks) .......................... 136 Appendix A.4.6. analysis of an Orthic Regosol seat Site 6 (Benallack Farm) . .. ... 138 Appendix A.4.7. ption and analysis of anOrthic Dark soil at Site 7 (Ben a 11 ack Farm). .. 140 Appendix A.5.8. eld ption, analysis, and micromorphology an ic Brown to Dark Brown soil at Site 8 (Girodat Farm) . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 142 Appendix A.6.9. Fi d ption, analysis, and micromorphology of an Orthic Brown Chernozemic soil at Site 9 ( ). .. 145 Appendix A.6.10. on analysis of a Rego Dark Brown c soil-carbonated phase at Site 10 ) . 147 Appendix A. 6. 11. and analysis of a Calcareous Dark c 1 at Site 11 (Lethbridge) ..... 149 Appendix A.8.12. cromorpho logy c s l at te 12 152 Appendix A.9. 13. Field scri ion, analysis, and micromorphology of a.Gl El ated Black Chernozemic soil at Site 13 Lacombe) ........................ · · · · · · · · · · 155 vii Page APPENDIX B. METEOROLOGICAL DATA 158 Appendix B. 1 Meteorological data showing temperature, precipitation and days without frost for weather stations along the tour route, 1941-70: ............................... 158 Edmonton Cypress Hill Park Camrose Foremost Stettler Lethbridge Drumheller Claresholm Brooks Lyndon Gull Lake Skyline Medicine Hat Pekisko Swift Current Calgary Shaunavon Olds Eastend Lacombe APPENDIX C. CROP YIELDS AND PRODUCTION COSTS ................. ..... 163 Appendix C. 1. 1. Yields from different cropping practices on soil capability areas 20 and 3D in agroclimatic subregion 1, 1966-74 ....................................... 163 Appendix C. 1.2. Monthly precipitation at Camrose from April to October (1965-74) and crop yields on soil capability areas 20 and 30. 164 Appendix C. 1.3. Summerfallow costs for Warner District. .... .. .. .. 165 Appendix C.l.4. Monthly precipitation at Drumheller from April to October (1965-74) and crop yields on soil capability areas 1 and 2C . 166 Appendix C. 1,5. Average crop yields from different cropping practises on soil capability areas 1 and 2C, 1965-74. 167 Appendix C.2. 1. Cost of wheat production in the Hussar District. 168 Appendix C.4.1. Plant communities of the Great Sand Hills......... 169 APPENDIX D. FORMAT FOR MICROMORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTIONS ..... ...... 170 viii Page LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Average eld of eld crops under all management prac- ces on capabili areas 20 and 30, 1965-74 ........... 49 Table 1.2 Average crop elds occurring on capability areas 2M and 3M, 1965-74 52 Table 1.3 low costs in different soil-climatic subzones ... 55 Table 2.1 Average production costs for wheat in soil-climatic sub- zones along the tour route ............................ 61 Table 5.1 Climatic data for selected stations in southwest Saska­ 88 tchevJan 'It ill "' • 11 ., ,. <11 "' ., "' • • • ., ., t .. e "' ., " "' " " • ., ,. ., ., • e e ., ,. ., ., ., ~ • " ., .,. ., ,. "' ., .. Table 5.2 Average crop yields for Municipalities in the Shaunavon-Robsart area, 1964-73. 91 Table 8.1 Average crop yields for some
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