The honeymoon: Who knew the a chance to bond Reds could be so as a couple | T4 engaging? | T6 A mismatched wedding and reception make for an unforgettable event > Inside Photo courtesy of Amy Cook Photography The Courier ZZZWKHFHQWUHRQOLQHFRP 419-358-8533 601 N. Main St., Bluffton, OH 45817 /DUJH5RRP6L]HV *URXQG/HYHO(QWUDQFH &RPSOHWH)LQLVKHG,QWHULRU $FFRPPRGDWHV8S7R (QWUDQFH&DQRS\ &RPSOHWH6XSSRUW6WDII &KDQGHOLHUVDQG6SHFLDO/LJKWLQJ )XOO&DWHULQJ6HUYLFH2Q 2II6LWH 6SDFLRXV3DUNLQJ §2XUVHUYLFHDQGDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLO 5(&(37,21+$// ZLOOLPSUHVV\RXDQGPDNH\RXUHYHQWRQHWR %$148(7)$&,/,7< &21)(5(1&(&(17(5 UHPHPEHUIRU\HDUVWRFRPH¨ THE COURIER T2 BRIDAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 Couple collects mismatched vintage pieces for a memorable wedding reception By JEANNIE WILEY WOLF merchandising and product develop- STAFF WRITER ment. For the past four years, she’s worked for Zulily in Columbus. Kaelan VAN BUREN — Kaelan and Alyssa recently completed his degree in Bell wanted to make their Sept. 6 wed- marine biology. ding special. Alyssa said she had no idea Kaelan So they filled the reception, held in was about to pop the question when the backyard of Bell’s parents in Van they visited her grandparents in Ashe- Buren, with elements they’d spent a ville, North Carolina for the July 4 year collecting. Mismatched chairs holiday last year. and vintage tablecloths lined the “It’s like our favorite place to go,” tables, and guests dined on differing Kaelan said. “They live on this moun- pieces of china and silverware they’d tain. There’s this lookout where we found at flea markets and garage sales. always go, so I did it there.” It was the He proposed wedding of their “We thought, why don’t at sunset and then dreams, they said. they watched fire- “We wanted we incorporate everything works. everybody to “It was a com- have an awesome that we love. So it was plete surprise,” time. We wanted like vintage antique Alyssa said. “I to entertain. We had no idea. I was wanted people to farmer’s market. It was oblivious.” be like this is the awesome because then They began coolest wedding planning for their we’ve been to,” we had a reason to buy all wedding soon said Kaelan. after. It felt more this stuff.” “We both have like a party than a a love for antiques reception, Alyssa ALYSSA BELL and anything old added. and vintage,” said “And that’s what we wanted. It Alyssa. “Like what do we do on Sun- Photos provided to The Courier by AMY COOK PHOTOGRAPHY turned out so well. It was so much days? We go to the farmer’s market WHEN KAELAN and Alyssa Bell planned their wedding, they spent a year collecting antiques and knick knacks fun,” she said. and then hit up flea markets and go to to give their special day a quaint, farmers market-style feel. They even got married in the same one-room brick church in Cygnet where five generations of Alyssa’s family were wed. The couple, who are both 24, have antique stores. That’s just our thing.” known each other since high school For the wedding, the couple even into Michigan. paying sometimes $6 to get a nice when they worked together at a fast decided to focus on what they enjoy. matched chairs at all the tables,” said folding chair with padding, so it made food restaurant. They both graduated “We thought, why don’t we incor- Kaelan. “We started going to auctions. “So my job on the weekends was sense to buy them,” Alyssa said. in 2009, Kaelan from Van Buren and porate everything that we love. So I had only been to a few auctions and just to go and fit as many chairs as I the former Alyssa Phillips from North it was like vintage antique farmer’s then we started going to auctions could in my dad’s truck. The couple purchased all styles Baltimore. market,” she said. “It was awesome every weekend.” “I put a lot of miles on my dad’s of dining room chairs ranging from They didn’t start dating until the because then we had a reason to buy “We kind of got addicted to them,” truck,” Kaelan said. wooden to upholstered to those with end of their sophomore year at Bowl- all this stuff.” said Alyssa. The couple purchased about 150 cane seats, filling in the remaining ing Green State University, where They started by purchasing chairs. Their travels took them to sales chairs, averaging about $3 each. Alyssa earned a degree in apparel “We had this idea of having mis- around Findlay and Columbus, and “When you rent them, you’re See VINTAGE, Page T3 :PcWh´b:^a]TaATbcPdaP]c :HFDQWDNHFDUH RIDOO\RXU FDWHULQJQHHGV v5HKHDUVDOGLQQHUV v:HGGLQJV v$QQLYHUVDULHVHWF 2219 N. Main St., Findlay Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5:30 Sat. 9:30-2:30. Evenings by appointment 5HFHSWLRQ+DOODYDLODEOH www.DecorationsPlusOnline.com :)UHPRQW6W$UFDGLDv +UV7XHV6DWDPSP6XQ THE COURIER MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 BRIDAL T3 Kaelan. wedding colors. “We spent a year doing everything “We’re like, we don’t really have Vintage we loved, and it was awesome,” Alyssa any,” she said. said. “We had lots of them, actually, all Continued from page T2 “That was almost as fun as the of them,” said Kaelan. actual wedding, getting ready for it,” The couple chose an unusual loca- 100 seats they needed with wooden he said. tion for their wedding ceremony as folding chairs. They also bought mismatched well. They were married in an old “Literally any kind of chair that plates and silverware, hitting up one-room brick church in Cygnet that was cool, we wanted,” Kaelan said. garage sales and flea markets. has been closed for several years. The Kaelan’s parents offered to store “If they looked old, they had flow- building has special meaning; Alyssa the chairs in their barn. ers on them or something, we got is the fifth generation of her family to “We wanted to keep it relatively them,” Alyssa said. be married in the former Methodist cheap, too,” Kaelan said. “And I feel Vintage tablecloths were layered church. like we did it the cheapest way we one after another all the way down the “My great-great-great-grandpar- possibly could long rows of tables at their reception. ents got married there,” she said. “It because wed- For centerpieces, they used random was cool we got to get married there. dings can get vintage items, like It meant a lot.” expensive.” tea cups and When guests got to the reception, “I think the cracker tins they found a boardwalk with lights, average is like filled with farmers’ stands with fruits and vege- $25,000 or fresh flow- tables, and even an old pickup truck. A something. ers. farm wagon, found by one of Kaelan’s It ’s nut s,” “Noth- friends, served as a stage for the band. Alyssa said. i n g “It was really laid back,” said They cut matched. Alyssa, who changed into a less formal corners wher- That was dress for the reception. ever they could. kind of our A sign invited guests to kick off “We did the thing,” said their shoes and go barefoot. backyard. We Alyssa. “It was not formal at all,” Kaelan did everything “A nd we said. “Everyone had a good time.” we could on didn’t have Alyssa’s family raises hogs so our own. That colors,” said pulled pork with country fixings like AT KAELAN and Alyssa’s backyard reception, mismatched chairs, china, was our goal Kaelan. macaroni and cheese and green beans tableclothes and flatware (above) awaited guests who were treated to which was OK Alyssa were on the menu. There was also a a pulled pork meal with all the fixings. But even the most country folk- because we said people bar where guests could dress their style wedding wasn’t enough to withstand “the force;” small references love doing that kept asking to the couple’s favorite movie, “Star Wars,” were apparent, even atop the anyway,” said about their See VINTAGE, Page T5 couple’s wedding cake (right). YOUR VISION YOUR STYLE YOUR DAY . USfWd[`Y pby etals 2021 BROAD AVE | FINDLAY 419-422-9521 www.communitymarketsflowers.com X^adS^ THE COURIER T4 BRIDAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 see and activities to pursue. Try new foods, Persons said their favorite lodging was an Airbnb rental house, a third- be adventurous story flat they stayed at in Lisbon. She said it felt like a space they could claim as their own. and enjoy being The couple had some travel books to help them decide what to do, but with each other also asked their host for suggestions, Persons said. By SARA ARTHURS Some friends had studied in Spain, STAFF WRITER and they had gotten suggestions from them, too. But some of the day-to- Wedding planning may occupy day decisions were made on the spot. much of a bride’s attention, but at the They would walk down a street and go same time there is also often planning exploring, and find a restaurant that for what comes next: the honeymoon. looked interesting, and eat there. More than just a sightseeing excur- Cities they visited included Lisbon sion, it can be a chance for the newly- in Portugal and the Spanish cities of weds to bond as a couple. Sevilla, Nerja and Madrid. Lindsay Dubocq and Kendall Per- “We both agree that Lisbon was sons got married June 6, and then our favorite city,” Persons said. took a honeymoon to Portugal and She said the city was very walk- Spain.
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