FAO NEAD The Food and Agriculture The Center for Agrarian Studies Organization of the United and Rural Development of the Nations leads international ef- Ministry of Agrarian Develop- forts to defeat hunger. Serving ment – NEAD/MDA is a space for both developed and develop- reflection, dissemination and in- E The launching of the “Zero Hunger Project – a proposal C ing countries, FAO acts as a stitutional linkages with various en for a food security policy for Brazil” in October 2001 by the I neutral forum where all na- national and international re- then candidate for the presidency Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva tions meet as equals to nego- per search centers, universities, non- reflected the maturing of discussions and proposals on food X THE FOME ZERO E tiate agreements and debate security and fighting hunger, which became national prio- governmental organizations, so- policy. FAO is also a source of rities to be addressed through planned and decisive actions an cial movements and cooperation knowledge and information. of the State with social participation. ILI (ZERO HUNGER) agencies. The Organization helps devel- The Center’s actions are guided With the electoral victory of President Lula in 2003, the raz B oping countries and countries Zero Hunger project became the main governmental stra- by the challenge of contribut- in transition modernize and tegy guiding economic and social policies in Brazil and ma- he ing to expand and improve pub- T PROGRAM improve agriculture, forestry rked the beginning of an inflection that left behind an old lic policies on agrarian reform, and fisheries practices, ensur- dichotomy between them. Actions began to be taken to in- The B raz ILI an E X per I en C E strengthening of family farming, ing good nutrition and food tegrate structural policies into emergency policies to fight promotion of equality and eth- security for all. Since its found- hunger and poverty. New, differentiated policies for family nic development of traditional ing, in 1945, FAO has focused farming were implemented and basic legislation was built rural communities. special attention on develop- for the national food and nutrition security policy. Designed to contribute to a new ing rural areas, home to 70 This book is part of the NEAD Debate Series (Série NEAD development agenda, stimulate percent of the world’s poor Debate) and it presents some fundamental texts for one to social debate and participation, and hungry people. understand the Brazilian experience with the Zero Hunger and ensure democratic access In Latin America and the Ca- Program at different moments of its implementation over to information, the partnership ribbean, FAO has supported an eight-year period as a Government Program, bringing between NEAD/MDA and over countries in building, assess- together reflections on different aspects of the process, 70 centers makes it possible for ing and implementing proj- such as the mobilization of different segments of society studies and surveys to be pro- around it, the role of family farming, advances and challen- ects, programs, policies and le- duced and published, for the ges, among others. gal frameworks in the areas of general public to have access to food and agriculture. In Brazil, databases, for seminars to be FAO supported the implemen- held, and for other initiatives to tation of the Zero Hunger Pro- be taken. gram and, in different coun- Topics addressed in its institu- DITORS tries, it contributed to the E : tional cooperation arrangements drafting of laws on food secu- JOSÉ GRAZIANO DA SILVA include: agrarian-related issues; rity in national parliaments. regional integration and inter- THE FOME ZERO (ZERO HUNGER) PROGRAM: HUNGER) PROGRAM: (ZERO THE FOME ZERO MAURO EDUARDO DE L GROSSI FAO’s main lines of work national negotiations; grassroots in the region are focused on CAIO GALVÃO D E FRANÇA memory and culture; gender and strengthening family farming, rural development; and the new promoting food and nutrition dynamic of rural areas. security and adaptation to For more information, climate change and fighting kindly access the Portal transborder diseases. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) www.nead.gov.br THE FOME ZERO (ZERO HUNGER) PROGRAM THE BRAZILIAN EXPERIENCE Editors: José Graziano da Silva Mauro Eduardo Del Grossi Caio Galvão de França THE FOME ZERO (ZERO HUNGER) PROGRAM THE BRAZILIAN EXPERIENCE Ministry of Agrarian Development Brasília, 2011 DILMA VANA ROUSSEFF NEAD Special Series 13 President of the Republic Copyright 2011 MDA AFONSO FLORENCE MINISTRY OF AGRARIAN Minister of State for Agrarian DEVELOPMENT (MDA) Development www.mda.gov.br MÁRCIA DA SILVA QUADRADO NÚCLEO DE ESTUDOS AGRÁRIOS E Deputy Minister for Agrarian DESENVOLVIMENTO RURAL (NEAD) Development (CENTER FOR AGRARIAN STUDIES AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT) CELSO LACERDA SBN, Quadra 2, Edifício Sarkis President of the National Institute for Bloco D − loja 10 − sala S2 Colonization and Agrarian Reform ZIP CODE: 70040-910 Brasília-Federal District LAUDEMIR ANDRÉ MULLER Phone: + 55 61 2020-0189 Secretary for Family Farming www.nead.gov.br JERÔNIMO RODRIGUES SOUZA COORDINATING BOARD FOR Secretary for Territorial Development COMMUNICATIONS AND EDITORIAL PRODUCTION ADHEMAR LOPES DE ALMEIDA Ana Carolina Fleury Secretary for Agrarian Reorganization REVISION AND PREPARATION OF JOAQUIM CALHEIROS SORIANO ORIGINAL TEXTS IN PORTUGUESE Director of the Center for Agrarian Cecília Fujita Studies and Rural Development TRANSLATION JOÃO GUILHERME VOGADO Luiz Marcos Vasconcelos ABRAHÃO Advisor to the Center for Agrarian GRAPHIC DESIGN, COVER AND LAYOUT Studies and Rural Development Caco Bisol 586f Silva, José Graziano da The Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) Program: The Brazilian experience/ José Graziano da Silva; Mauro Eduardo Del Grossi; Caio Galvão de França (orgs.) ; – Brasília, 2010 : MDA, 2010. 360 pp.; 16 x 23 cm NEAD Special Series 13 ISBN 978-85-60548-82-8 1. Hunger. 2. Zero Hunger Program Brazil. 3. Food Security. 4. Public Policy. 5. Cash Transfer Program. I. Silva, José Graziano da. II. Del Grossi, Mauro Eduardo. III. França, Caio Galvão de. IV. Title. CDD 353.53 CONTENTS FOREWORD 7 INTRODUCT I ON TO THE PORTUGUESE EDITION 9 1. THE ZERO HUNGER PROJECT : A PRO P OS A L F OR A FOOD SECUR I TY POL I CY F OR BR azi L 13 2. TO THE CRITICS O F THE ZERO HUNGER PROGR A M 41 José Graziano da Silva, Walter Belik and Maya Takagi 3. IM P LEMENTAT I ON O F THE ZERO HUNGER PROGR A M IN 2003 55 Maya Takagi 4. FOME ZERO : A PROJECT TURNED I NTO A GOVERNMENT STR A TEGY 87 Adriana Veiga Aranha 5. MObiLizaTION O F ENTER P R I SES AROUND THE FI GHT AG ai NST HUNGER 113 Walter Belik 6. THE ZERO HUNGER PROGR A M : Mai N LESSONS 143 Fao Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean 7. FOOD A ND NUTR I T I ON SECUR I TY A ND CA SH TR A NS F ER PROGR A MS 161 Maya Takagi 8. FA M I LY FA RM I NG A ND PR I CE GU A R A NTEE PROGR A MS IN BR azi L : THE FOOD PROCUREMENT PROGR A M (PAA) 193 Adoniram Sanches Peraci and Gilson Alceu Bittencourt 9. TERR I TOR I ES O F CITizENSHip: INNOV A T I ON IN THE WA KE O F THE ZERO HUNGER PROGR A M 225 5 Caio Galvão de França and Joaquim Soriano 10. SOC ia L PARTICipaTION IN THE ZERO HUNGER PROGR A M : THE EX P ER I ENCE O F CONSE A 249 Francisco Menezes 11. CONSE A ’S PARTICipaTION IN BUILDING THE NA T I ON A L FOOD A ND NUTR I T I ON SECUR I TY SYSTEM A ND POL I CY 267 Renato S. Maluf 12. NEW A ND OLD CH A LLENGES TO ACH I EVE FOOD SECUR I TY IN THE 21ST CENTURY 291 Maya Takagi and José Graziano da Silva 13. POVERTY REDUCT I ON : FROM 44 MI LL I ON TO 29.6 MI LL I ON PEO P LE 303 Mauro Eduardo Del Grossi 14. SUGGEST I ONS F OR A FOOD SECUR I TY POL I CY IN LA T I N AMER I C A 319 José Graziano da Silva, Walter Belik and Maya Takagi PRO fi LE O F THE AUTHORS 359 Foreword Well into the twenty-first century, there are around 850 mil- lion undernourished people in the world. The scourge of hun- ger has been present throughout the history of humanity, but it is unacceptable that today so many people are still unable to eat properly despite the availability of modern means of food pro- duction. Convinced that hunger can and must be eradicated, Presi- dent Lula took a clear political decision and launched, in 2003, the Zero Hunger project, which mobilized various public and private efforts around a common goal: that of overcoming the food and nutritional insecurity that affects thousands of Brazilians. This book deals with the Zero Hunger Program, reflecting on its formulation and implementation, the public instruments that have been jointly mobilized, the strategic role of family farming in the process, and some of its results. More importantly, it also contains valuable recommendations for countries that are study- ing this issue seriously. The aim of the Ministry of Agrarian Development in present- ing this new edition is to broaden and open up the debate to new audiences. We hope that it will prove of benefit to all those who dream of a world without hunger. Gilberto José Vargas Spier (Pepe Vargas) Minister of State for Agrarian Development 7 INTRODU C T I ON TO THE PORTUGUESE EDITION “We are going to create appropriate conditions for all people in our country to have three decent meals a day, every day, without having to depend on donations from anybody.
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