55-1 Cover_V1 13-10-07 7:35 PM Page 1 Composing Educational Music for Strings in the Canadian Context: Composer Perspectives Freeing the Voice Within through 3 7 4 0 t 4 s 0 o 0 Guided Imagery and Music P Guided Imagery and Music 4 a . d o a N n t a n C e r m e The Downtown Vocal Music Academy e d e n r u g A d e s l i e of Toronto l a a S M l : i 9 a 4 M 5 4 s - n Examining the Construction of Music Teacher 8 Examining the Construction of Music Teacher o 0 i t 0 a 0 c i l N b S Identity in Generalist Classroom Teachers u Identity in Generalist Classroom Teachers S I P 55-1 Cover_V1 13-09-30 10:21 AM Page 2 55-1 CMEA JOURNAL_Layout 1 13-09-30 10:15 AM Page 1 contents the prelude EDITORIAL 400 South 3 Ben Bolden CME Guide for Contributors 4 Publication Information 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE/MOTS DE LA PRÉSIDENTE 6 Mark Reid recurring motifs TOONS A ‘Toonful’ Perspective 6 Nadine Pickthall music makers COMMENTARY CHORAL Silence, Ready-Mades, Taking Our Rehearsal Temperature 37 and Critical Thinking 7 Hilary Apfelstadt Natalie Kuzmich MUSIC AND HEALING CANADIAN MUSIC IN EDUCATION Vocal Psychotherapy: Connecting to Composing Educational Music the Self via the Voice 39 for Strings in the Canadian Context: Amy Clements-Cortès Composer Perspectives 10 JAZZ Bernard W. Andrews Selecting Repertoire for Jazz Ensembles: CREATIVE IDEAS FOR THE MUSIC CLASSROOM Curricular and Developmental Slow Down! 18 Considerations 42 Doug Friesen Kevin E. Watson PEER REVIEW CORNER ACCESSIBLE MUSIC EDUCATION FOR Freeing the Voice Within through SIGHTLESS STUDENTS Guided Imagery and Music 19 Music: A World of Opportunity Amy Clements-Cortés for Sightless Students 46 IN THE SPOTLIGHT 47 Lori Kernohan TECHNOLOGY ARTS ADVOCACY CORNER The Creation of the Learning Resource Dennis Tupman 48 ‘Video Guide to Audacity’ 46 Andrew Mercer principal themes Success through Singing: The Downtown Vocal Music Academy of Toronto 26 Marlys Neufeldt Let There Be Music: Making a Case for Using Music in Schools to Enhance Relationships and Readiness for Learning 28 Irene G. Wilkinson FIRST PRIZE: 2012 CMEA/ACME KENNETH BRAY UNDERGRADUATE ESSAY COMPETITION Examining the Construction of Music Teacher Identity in Generalist Classroom Teachers: An Ethnographic Case Study 32 Jacqueline Kraay The official voice of the Canadian Music Educators Association I La voix officielle de l'association canadienne des musiciens éducateurs. Volume 55 No. 1 FALL 2013 55-1 CMEA JOURNAL_Layout 1 13-09-30 10:15 AM Page 2 the prelude editorial Benjamin Bolden 400 South (Summer Sunday Night) Benjamin Bolden Dancing! 1 ©»148 (stagger breathing throughout) p Part 1 7 8 3 & 8 œ œ œ 8 œ 4 miœ doœ miœ doœ fa miœ reœ miœ doœ miœ doœ reœ miœ fa miœ doœ miœ doœ fa miœ reœ miœ reœ doœ reœ miœ fa miœ reœ Part 2 7 8 3 & 8 ! ! ! 8 ! 4 5 (clapping softly) P j j j j j j j j 1. 3 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ & 4 . ˙. do!˙ ˙ Do˙. re P 2. 3 & 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ majœ - orœ thirdœ per - fect fourthœ per - fect fifthœ per - fect fourthœ majœ - orœ thirdœ per - fect fourthœ 11 j j j j j j j j j j 1. ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ 4 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ 7 & ˙. ˙. ˙. 4 ˙ œ‰œ 8 mi˙. fa so la ti J so 2. 7 & œ œ 4 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ per - fect fifth maj - or sixth maj - or third per - fect fourth maj - or sec - ond 16 F 1. ¿ 9 7 & 78 ˙ œ. ˙ œ. ˙ œ. 8 œ. œ. œ ‰‰ 8 do! 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Authors wishing to contribute should keep the following in mind: Canadian Music Educator • articles should be pertinent to current or evolving music education practices or is- Musicien éducateur au Canada sues VOLUME 55 - NUMBER 1 FALL 2013 • articles should be clearly and concisely written, directed towards one or more of the following: elementary or middle school music classroom teachers, general ele- Editor mentary or middle school classroom teachers, secondary music teachers, private studio music teachers, college and university instructors, parents of music stu- Dr. Benjamin Bolden dents, musicians Queen's University • articles should not normally exceed 4000 words, and shorter articles or brief items Faculty of Education are welcome 511 Union Street • illustrations, graphics, photos, if good quality, are welcome Kingston ON K7M 5R7 • articles are welcome in either English or French 613-533-6000 x 77762 • manuscripts should be prepared in APA format [email protected] • all contributions must open with a 50-100 word abstract summarizing content Design and Layout Articles are to be submitted by email, in MS Word, RTF or Simple Text attachments. Authors are to submit a current good quality photograph and a short biography. Jody Paul All articles are subject to editing. Chrisan Communications Inc. All articles received will by acknowledged. [email protected] Peer review is available on request.* 647-295-7289 Regrettably, some articles may not be used for publication. Advertising Submit articles by email to the editor - Dr. Benjamin Bolden: For media kit please contact: [email protected] Vivian Hindsberg *If you wish the article to be peer reviewed, please submit the article with that request 416-420-6830 to Dr.
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