A PPV Networks, Wurstfilm, Dark Alley Media and Arno Rok production International Competition L#&**'1).)*$-'X$2.#-$' R)2?.&1'<YZ-&#' ;R91:*' L?$-&3'@AB'W[W'SCF'BEBB' R)2?.&1><$&Z-&#IZ#&&-&+>(&''' !"#$%&'()*+#),"+)$-'.-('/&*+)0.1'2$-+.2+3' 45#6&-'7#5-)-6' '8"#*+91:';:,<' ===>="#*+91:>2$:' %?$-&3'@AB'CD'EBFD'FEDG' H,I="#*+91:>2$:' JK'L#&**'.-('()*+#),"+)$-'2$-+.2+3' M$,&#+'/&1+' N.#O'P11&Q'R&().' ===>(.#O.11&Q>2$:'' BCB'S+?'P0&-"&T'K")+&'FDD' UV'UV'WDDWBT'JKP' Written and directed by Bruce LaBruce @W'EAE'CGS'DEFW' Germany/USA/France 2010 • 63’ #$,&#+I(.#O.11&Q>2$:' visit our website: www.lazombie.com “It came from beneath the sea... to fuck the dead back to life.” “Synopsis” LA.Zombie is a hardcore zombie splatter/gore porn movie. It exists in softcore and hardcore versions. The hardcore version is called ’LA. Zombie Hardcore‘. As the credits roll, an alien zombie creature (international porn star and model Francois Sagat) emerges from the Pacific Ocean. After getting picked up in the mountains by a surfer in a truck, a severe accident occurs that results in the surfer lying dead in the middle of the road. The alien zombie fucks the dead man back to life. When the creature leaves the scene and enters the city, it becomes increasingly unclear whether he really is an alien zombie or a schizophrenic homeless person who is suffering from delusions. Like a kind of dark saviour, the alien zombie proceeds to find various dead men in the Greater Los Angeles area - a white collar criminal, a gangbanger, a homeless junkie, a group of drug- addicted porn stars - and fuck them back to life. Finally, no longer able to take the harsh realities of L.A., the creature ultimately finds comfort in a cemetery, where he begins to dig up a fresh grave. The End. !"#$%&'()' \]$:,)&*'.-('%$#->'8?.+'.',&."+)Z"1'2$:,)-.+)$->'^'?.0&',&&-'(&.1)-6')-',$+?'6&-#&*'*)-2&' +?&'&.#1Q'-)-&+)&*'=?&-'^':.(&'U$'KO)-'_`'RQ'P**T':Q'9#*+'*&a".11Q'&a%1)2)+'Z&.+"#&'91:T' .-('2$b*+.##&(')-':Q'Z#)&-('c.-(Qd*'*?$#+'91:'^-+&#0)&='=)+?'.']$:,)&T')-'=?)2?'^'%1.Q&('.' 6.Q':&:,&#'$Z'+?&'"-(&.(>'P6.)-*+'.11'%#$Z&**)$-.1'.(0)2&T'^d0&',&&-':.O)-6'%$#-':$0)&*' &0&#'*)-2&T'.1,&)+'#&1"2+.-+1Q>'e^d:'-$+'.'%.#+)2"1.#1Q'.0)('2$-*":&#'$Z'%$#-T'.-('^'($-d+'Z$11$=' +?&')-("*+#Qf'-$+'"-%#&+&-+)$"*1QT'^'2$-*)(&#':Q*&1Z'-$+'*$':"2?'.'%$#-$6#.%?&#'.*'.-'.#+)*+' =?$'=$#O*')-'%$#->g'' PZ+&#':.O)-6'+?#&&'*&a".11Q'&a%1)2)+'Z&.+"#&'91:*'eUK_RPT'K"%&#'S'WhGT'.-('<"*+1&#'8?)+&gT' )-' WBBB' ^' =#$+&' .-(' ()#&2+&(' :Q' 9#*+' \1&6)+):.+&\' %$#-$' 91:T'KO)-' /1)2OT' :.(&' "-(&#' +?&' ."*%)2&*'$Z'+?&';&#:.-'%$#-'2$:%.-Q'c.ii$'/)1:*>'j?&'*",H&2+'=.*'-&$bU.i)'*O)-?&.(*T' 2?.#.2+&#*'+?.+T'$-&'2$"1('.#6"&T'?.0&'.'2&#+.)-'i$:,)&b1)O&'k".1)+Q>'j?&'?.#(2$#&'0&#*)$-T' #&1&.*&('"-(&#'+?&'+)+1&'KO)-';.-6T'=.*'.'Z"11b$-'%$#-$6#.%?)2'%#$("2+T'*?$+')-'.'#&1.+)0&1Q' 2$-0&-+)$-.1'%$#-'*+Q1&T'.-('%.2O.6&('.-('%#$:$+&('=)+?'.-'.("1+'&-+&#+.)-:&-+')-("*+#Q' ."()&-2&')-':)-(>'e^+'=.*'&0&-'-$:)-.+&('Z$#'-)-&'6.Q'.("1+'0)(&$'.=.#(*')-'+?&'J>K>g'' RQ'Z$11$=)-6'91:T'j?&'M.*%,&##Q'M&)2?'eGDDAgT'.,$"+'.'6.-6'$Z'&a+#&:&'1&Z+'=)-6'=$"1(b,&' +&##$#)*+*'l'.-$+?&#'i$:,)&b&*k"&',"-2?'l'=.*'.1*$'2$-2&)0&('.*'.'%$#-'%#$("2+T'.1+?$"6?' +?&' *$Z+2$#&' 0&#*)$-T' =?)2?' -$-&+?&1&**' 2$-+.)-&(' *&a".11Q' &a%1)2)+' :.+&#).1T' :.-.6&('+$' %1.Q'.+'$0&#'WFD'91:'Z&*+)0.1*'=$#1(=)(&>'ej?&'?.#(2$#&'0&#*)$-T'&-+)+1&('j?&'M&0$1"+)$-'^*' RQ'7$QZ#)&-(T'=.*'#&1&.*&(',Q'+?&'%$#-'2$:%.-Q'8"#*+91:>g'' ^-' GDDS' ^' 9-.11Q' *+$%%&(' %"**QZ$$+)-6' .#$"-('+?&'1)0)-6'(&.(' +?&:&'.-(':.(&'.-'.2+".1' i$:,)&'m)2OT'2.11&('_++$f'$#T'J%'=)+?'N&.('L&$%1&>'P-$+?&#'$Z':Q'*&a".11Q'&a%1)2)+'.#+'91:*T' _++$'.1*$'%1.Q&('.+':$#&'+?.-'WFD'91:'Z&*+*'(&*%)+&T'$#'%&#?.%*',&2."*&'$ZT'+?&')-Z.:$"*' 6"+bZ"2O)-6'*2&-&T')-'=?)2?'.'6.Q'i$:,)&'%&-&+#.+&*'.'?$1&')-'+?&'*+$:.2?'$Z'.'Z&11$='6.Q' i$:,)&'=)+?'?)*'"-(&.('2$2O>'' 8?)1&' +$"#)-6'+?&'=$#1('=)+?'+?&'91:'^'Z$"-(':Q*&1Z')-')-+&#0)&=*' :.O)-6'+?&'1$Z+Q' %#$-$"-2&:&-+'+?.+'^',&1)&0&'i$:,)&'%$#-')*'+?&'=.0&'$Z'+?&'Z"+"#&T'.-('+?.+'=&'=)11'*$$-' #$"+)-&1Q' *&&' %$#$"*T' 2$##"%+&(' m&*?' ,&)-6' %&-&+#.+&(',Q'1&6)$-*'$Z'1.*2)0)$"*' i$:,)&*>' e]$:,)&'%$#-')*'%#.2+)2.13'Q$"'2.-'2#&.+&'Q$"#'$=-'$#)92&ng'' K$',Q'=.Q'$Z'.'*&1ZbZ"1911)-6'%#$%?&2QT'.-('+$'6&+'+?&',.11'#$11)-6'e$#T'^'*"%%$*&T',.11*gT'^'?.0&' %"11&('+$6&+?&#'+?&'Z"-()-6'Z$#'.'<.#(2$#&']$:,)&'L#$H&2+T'+$',&'*?$+')-'XP')-'P"6"*+T'.-(' *+.##)-6'$-&'$Z'+?&',)66&*+' -.:&*')-'+?&'.("1+'&-+&#+.)-:&-+' )-("*+#QT' /#.-2$)*' K.6.+>' K%&2).1'&`&2+*'=)11',&'"*&(')-'+?)*'*%1.++&#'i$:,)&':$0)&T'2#&.+&(',Q'XPb,.*&('/o'=?)i'4$&' c.*+#$>'K$'6&+'#&.(Q'Z$#'.'#&0$1"+)$-.#Q'i$:,)&'%$#-'&a+#.0.6.-i.n\'' 7#"2&'X.7#"2&T'R.Q'GDDB' Bruce LaBruce on LAZ set , Aug 2009 LA Zombie – Credits'' Cast starring: ]$:,)&'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' /#.-2$)*'K.6.+' c.#'P22)(&-+'q)2+):'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' M$22$';)$0.--)' K?$$+)-6'q)2+):'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' 8$1Z'<"(*$-' N&.('6"Q'(":%&('$"+'$Z'2.#'>>>>>>>>>>>>>' !(()&'N).i' <$:&1&**'_0&#($*&'R.-'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' P-(#&='4.:&*'' N#"6'N&.1'q)2+):'W'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' R.++?&='M"*?' 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Joe Castro Production/Location Manager ...... J. B. Warner Art Director .............................. Steve Hall Editor ...................................... Jörn Hartmann Props ...................................... Johnny Law Assistant Props ........................ Milan Kelez Producers** Wardrobe ................................. Arno Roca Wardrobe assistant ................... Aristotle Rector Bruce LaBruce Bondage Master ........................ Domasan Arno Rok Still Photographer ...................... Bruce LaBruce Robert Felt ................. Arno Roca Catering ................................... tootasty Maciek Dziekiewicz Boom ...................................... Jason North Jürgen Brüning Production assistant .................. Mikey-Lee Manschot Jörn Hartmann Production assistant .................. Michael Manschot Production assistant .................. Toyla Simmons Production assistant .................. Tristan Matthews Production assistant .................. Jimmy Jam Documentarian ......................... Luis Salas Line Producer ........................... Robert Felt ....................... Arno Rok "Among Us" Original Music for LA.Zombie by Kevin D. Hoover Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Orchestral and Chamber Music by Mikael Karlsson Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. (with Rob Stephenson and Andreas Söderström) "Unspoken" Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. "Zombie Rising" Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. "Nightstalker" Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. "Blood Moon Rising" Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. "DeathGrip" Composed by Kevin D. Hoover (ASCAP) Published by Kevin D. Hoover Music (ASCAP) Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover, Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. „Less Supreme“ Composed by Mikael Karlsson, S.T.I.M. and Andreas Söderström, S.T.I.M. Courtesy of Please MusicWorks LLC and Mars Music „Red“ Composed by Mikael Karlsson, S.T.I.M. Courtesy of Please MusicWorks LLC „Nocturne Op. 72, No. 1 (posth.)“ Composed by Frédéric Chopin Extended and Arranged for piano and string orchestra by Mikael Karlsson, S.T.I.M. Courtesy of Please MusicWorks LLC „Civilians“ Composed by Mikael Karlsson, S.T.I.M. and Rob Stephenson, ASCAP Courtesy of Please MusicWorks LLC Additional Music by „The Fox Man“ Performed by KAYAKA Composed by KAYAKA Published by KAYAKA Courtesy of KAYAKA "The Impending Fear of an Approaching Sand Storm“ Performed by Brittle Stars Composed & Played by Kevin Rolfe Courtesy of K.Rolfe Engineered & Mastered by Stuart Lamb Brittle Stars 2009 „Nord-Sud" Performed by Philippe Bresson Written and composed by Philippe Bresson Philippe Bresson - Arranger // Programming // Engineer // Chant // Mixing // Instrumentation // Realization Courtesy of Monsieur Philippe Bresson, Pop Bourgeoise „10paraître" Performed by Philippe Bresson "Proposition sonore" composed by Philippe Bresson Philippe Bresson - Arranger // Programming // Engineer // Mixing // Realization Courtesy of Monsieur Philippe Bresson, Pop Bourgeoise "The All Seeing Eye of Ra (Adam Stalker edit)" Composed by Electric Sewer Age Edited by Adam
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