SAMUEL MAHARERO (1856-1923) e id Fig noc hter against ge Considered the first genocide of the 20th century, forerunner to the Holocaust, between 1904-08 the German army committed acts of genocide against groups of blackHEROIC people RESISTANCE in German TO South THE . NATIONAL HERO West Africa. Samuel Maharero’s by the German army has made him a MASSACRE First they came for the Gustav Schiefer communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Esther Brunstein Anti Nazi Trade Unionist communist; Primo Levi Survivor and Witness (b. 1876) Then they came for the socialists, han Noor k Chronicler of Holocaust (1928- ) Gustav Schiefer, Munich Chairman and I did not speak out—because Anne Frank Courageous Fighter (1919-1987) Esther Brunstein was born in of the German Trade Union I was not a socialist; Lodz, Poland. When the Nazis Association, was arrested, Leon Greenman Diarist (1929-1945) (1914-1944) Primo Levi was born in Turin, beaten and imprisoned in Dachau Then they came for the trade eil Italy. He was sent to Auschwitz invaded in 1939 she was forced to Simone v Witness to a new Born in Frankfurt-am-Maim in Born to an Indian father and concentration camp. Members unionists, and I did not speak in 1944. Managing to survive wear a yellow star identifying her Germany, Anne Frank’s family American mother in Moscow, of trade unions and the Social out—because I was not a trade Holocaust survivor and generation (1910-2008) he later penned the poignant as a Jew. In 1940 she had to live went to Holland to escape Nazi Noor Khan was an outstandingly If this be a Democratic Party were targeted by politician (1927- ) Born in London and taken and moving book in the Lodz ghetto. In August 1944 unionist; persecution of Jews. Given a diary brave woman. She escaped from the Nazis. Later he testified against to Holland as a child, Leon man. He managed to powerfully she was taken to Auchswitz and Then they came for the Jews, Simone Veil was interned in for her 13th birthday she began France after it fell to Hitler’s the Nazis, “And how decent were Greenman was arrested after portray the moral, physical, then to Bergen Belsen. Almost and I did not speak out—because a Nazi concentration camp to chronicle her forced hiding for armies in 1940. As wartime we once more in the year 1945. the Nazis invaded. He was and emotional degradation that all her family did not survive. during the Second World War 2 years. She was arrested and British agent she was sent to Nazi Not a hair on the head of I was not a Jew; subjected to experimentation marked life in the death camps. After being liberated because of her Jewish heritage. taken to Auschwitz where she occupied France in 1943. She any of these swine was Then they came for me—and and beatings at Auschwitz. His His work evocatively she settled in the After being liberated she died. Fortunately, her diary was was betrayed and sent to harmed on behalf of the there was no one left to speak out wife and son were gassed. He describes how the UK. Today she gives later became a lawyer and a saved. In it she wrote, “It’s a concentration Trade Unions. We bore spoke of his experiences to survivors survived meetings in schools for me. French government minister. really a wonder that camp. She was witness, and still bear Pastor Niemoller, successive generations in the UK, the camps and how and elsewhere Her life story, her courage I haven’t dropped tortured and witness today, for publishing a book, they reconstituted recounting her victim of the Nazis and determination in all my ideals shot in gruesome human dignity Leon Greenman, themselves experiences. overcoming the because they circumstances and justice.” early setbacks in Auschwitz survivor afterwards. He later seem so absurd but refused to Political opponents. life have made an 98288 capitulate. He committed said, “Whatever and impossible… Millions of political “undesirables” ranging from inspiring symbol suicide. Black people some historians Yet, I keep communists, trade unionists, members of the boy in France and Black Germans (24,000 before 1933 according to say, it happened. them, in spite of scouts, to pacifists were killed by the Nazis. Any internationally. The Disabled some estimates) were systematically sterilised And it could everything.” freedom of expression or difference was crushed The Nazis exterminated approximately 70,000 and murdered. Captured African American happen again.” Roma and Gypsies along with elections and other political parties. disabled people deeming them to be inferior. soldiers said their horrific treatment did not The “Parajamos” or the devouring led to the After 1939 all children under 3 with Down’s Jehovah’s Witnesses compare to that meted out to black Germans. extermination of approximately 200,000 Gypsies syndrome, cerebral palsy, or “suspected idiocy” Due to their religious beliefs, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Romas by the Nazis. Gypsy and Roma people were targeted for termination. Homosexuals refused to swear allegiance to the Nazi regime. Within days of taking power Hitler attacked were sterilised, experimented on, and used as Approximately 2,000 were killed for refusing to forced labour in a number of death camps. the German gay population closing down gay renounce their faith. organisations. An estimated 10,000-15,000 iSTANCE gay people died in the concentration camps. ziS RES Also see the y THE NA viCTiMiSED B Jews mount serious resistance in the Warsaw GROUPS ghetto. This comes at a time when the Why we mark Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January… As educators UCU members recognise our unique responsibility to tell the truth about our past to ensure the lessons Nazis send Gypsies to extermination camps. are learnt for our future. The millions who died at the hands of the Nazis and their allies during the Holocaust must be remembered not just as the victims of an unparalleled man-made tragedy – but also as a warning that we must never y allow it to happen again. We must continue to educate our children against the dangers of anti-Semitism, fascism JAN. SPEED AND and racial discrimination. Encouraging them – and us – to take a stand against hatred and intolerance wherever they DEPORTAT iON find it is the best way to ensure a just, democratic and tolerant society where all can live free from fear. THREATS The deportation , UCU general secretary Sally Hunt of Jews increases. The was a “specific genocidal event in the JAN. CHANCELLOR following month Jews must Hitler becomes Chancellor give their gold and silver to The Holocaust Right: Bosnian and Rwandan of Germany. the state. A twentieth-century history: the state sponsored, systematic OvER GENOCiDE AND genocide survivors in a The Nazis seize Austria. vAkiA TAkEN , PARiS. MECHANiSED TRADE . TAkE OvER . CzECHOSLO JAN. mock graveyard outside the persecution and annihilation” of 6 million Jews, “…by Nazi EB. NO MORE MAR MAR , PRONOUNCEMENTS F Eichmann later establishes an office for Jewish POGROMS CONFERENCE United Nations in New York UNiONS The property Adolf The Nazis take Czechoslovakia. Germany and collaborators.” immigration in Vienna. Jews lose the right 2,000 Jews are killed in a pogrom in Romania. Mass killings of Jews at Auschwitz Birkenau The Nazis are defeated by the of communists and Following this, the Slovaks pass the During the same year Himmler visits STALiNGRAD , formed in 1920s by Hitler, organised to property; employment; the right to enter parks. using gas begin. Leading Nazis at the Wannsee pacifists is confiscated. equivalent of the Nuremberg laws in Russian army at Stalingrad in Russia. The Nazi Party Auschwitz and orders its expansion. The Nazis conference agree the details of the ‘Final Independent trade union Jews are forced to register all Germany (see 1935). invade Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Greece. the Holocaust. They won power on the back of German APR. REGiSTER Solution’ i.e. the extermination of all Jews. xPANDED The Nazis open 4 new buildings are attacked and Thousands of Jews are arrested in Paris. AUSCHWiTz E wealth and holdings. Later in the year Jews over 15 UNiON NOTHER CAMP AUSCHWiTz UCU Genocide defeat in World War One, promising to create jobs in the trade unions banned two months later. THE SOviET MAR. A gas chambers at Auschwitz. Jews are deported JAN. are forced to apply for identity cards. Jews can no NAziS iNvADE midst of the 1929 world wide economic depression, and PUT AWAy JUNE Belzec camp is built with fitted gas chambers. to the camp from Italy and Austria. It is reported LiBERATED AR. OPPONENTS longer practice medicine. Machete massacres a “racially pure” Germany. M In the course of the war the Nazis let 5 million Slovak and French Jews deported to Auschwitz. later that 106 castrations were performed there by The Red Army The Killing Fields Thousands of Jews, church people, homosexuals, and iNESS Jewish businesses must register soviet prisoners die of starvation. The Nazis December 1943. liberates Auschwitz JUNE BUS DEATH CAMP were murdered in the Holocaust. communists are sent to the growing Dachau concentration camp. unleashed a wave of genocide against the Ay SOBiBOR Two hundred Jews on 27 January, and with special ministry. M iONS CEASE 6 million Jews millions of Jews living in the Soviet Union. xTERMiNAT Rwanda, 1994 Fitted with three gas chambers, this camp TREBLiNkA E Majdanek camp of other “undesirables” were killed by the Nazis. 32 countries meet in Evian, France SOLUTiON the previous year. Cambodia, 1975-79 Millions JULy EviAN FiNAL would later become the scene of the most manage to escape Treblinka death camp soon after the across Europe.
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