Hinduism for Dummies

Hinduism for Dummies

Index amrita (nectar), 211 • Numerics • Amritamanthana (churning the milky 3 worlds, 109–110 ocean), 98, 116–117, 123 5 differences (pancha bheda), 314 ananda in name of swamis, 14 7 cities, 279 Angaraka (Mars), 107 7 Sages (Saptarshi or Sapta Rishi), 115, 134 Annaprashana (fi rst solid food), 256, 261 10 incarnations of Vishnu. See Dashavatara Anthyeshti (rites upon death), 257, 268 14 worlds, 110 Aranya Kanda (Ramayana book), 175 16 ceremonies (samskaras). See life-cycle rites Aranya Parva (Mahabarata book), 186–189 16 offerings (shodasha upacharas), Aranyakas (section of Vedas), 149 55, 218–219 arati (camphor fl ame), 219–220 108 names of God, 233 architecture of temples, 222–226 Arjuna (Bhagavad Gita protagonist), 194–195, 196–199, 307 • A • Arjuna Vishaada Yoga, 200 Arsha Vidya Gurukulam (Saylorsburg, ablutions (ritual cleansing), 17, 54 PA), 130 achamana (procedures using water), artha, as personal aim of life, 40–41 208–209, 214 Aryaman (deity), 109 acharyas (revered teachers), 23, 135–137 Aryan invasion theory, 24, 25–27 Adi Parva (Mahabarata book), 182–185 Aryan people, 23–24 Adi Shankara. See Shankaracharya ascetic (form of Shiva), 101 Advaita (Nondualism). See also Vedanta Ashoka (emperor), 29 basic beliefs (table), 311 ashrams, 128–131 described, 310 Ashtanga Yoga, 321. See also Raja Yoga devotion in, 314 Ashtoththara Shata Namavali (chanting the introduced by Shankaracharya, 14, 63 108 names), 233 on knowledge as inherent, 313 Ashwins (deities), 109 levels of reality in, 313 Atharva Veda. See also Vedas meaning of the term, 311–312 Brahmana of, 152 on sheaths of ignorance, 312, 313, 314 categories of hymns (suktas) in, 152 affi rmative action program, 75–76 described, 144 agamas (priestly functions), 127, 227 COPYRIGHTEDon link MATERIAL between individual and world, 145 Agni (fi re god), 51, 108 message of hope in, 146, 147 Agni Kavadi (walking on coals), 252 spells and charms in, 151, 152 ahimsa (nonviolence), 42 structure and content of, 148 Aitareya Upanishad, 168 Atharvan (sage), 151 Akbar (emperor), 30 atheism, 41, 82 Akshara Brahma Yoga, 200 Ati Marga subsect, 61–62 Alagappan, Alagappa (U.S. Hindu leader), 35 atman. See jivatman (individual soul) Alexander the Great, 27–28 Atmanam Viddhi (Know Thyself), 307 altars in homes, 209–210, 211 Autobiography of a Yogi (Yogananda), 330 Amarnath caves, 221, 284 Avantika (one of seven cities), 279 Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji (Law Minister), 76 334_9780470878583-bindex.indd4_9780470878583-bindex.indd 349349 66/1/11/1/11 88:16:16 PPMM 350 Hinduism For Dummies avatars. See also specifi c avatars key lessons of (table), 200–201 Bhagavad Gita on Krishna’s function as, 112 Krishna in, 97 conditions for incarnation of, 112–113 Krishna’s pledge in, 111, 112 consorts of, 114 Mahabarata chapters comprising, 180 Dashavatara (ten incarnations of Vishnu), moksha as goal of, 202 114–124 overview of the story, 194–199 death of, 114 on paths toward moksha, 47 defi ned, 54, 112 in Prasthanatraya scriptures, 306 descent of the savior, 113–114 Raja Yoga in, 204 evolution of, 114 setting the stage for internal confl ict, plea from devotee for, 113 196–197 Ayodhya Kanda (Ramayana book), 174–175 structure of, 194 Ayodhya (one of seven cities), 279 as suggested reading, 336 Ayyangar (duties), 58 theme of, 194 tolerance promoted by, 49 Vyasa as author of, 193 • B • on work without concern for results, 345 Badarayana (Vedanta proponent), 303 Bhagavata Purana, 114 Badrinath, Vishnu temple at, 284 Bhairava (ferocious form of Shiva), 59, 101 Bala Kanda (Ramayana book), 174 Bhairavi (ferocious form of Shakti), 59 Bali (emperor), 118–119 Bhakti Yoga, 48, 200, 204, 325 bathing, prayer during, 17 Bharat Mata (Mother India), 50 BCE (Before Common Era), 3 bhashyas (sutra commentaries), 293 bedtime prayers, 216 Bhishma Parva (Mahabarata book), 189 beliefs, core Bhogi Pongal festival day, 238 Brahman, 10, 39–40 Bhudevi (Goddess Earth), prayer to, 17, 50 concept of Truth, 10–11, 38 bhumi puja, 50, 226–227 dharma, 11, 39, 40–43 bhur (physical world), 109, 110 immortal soul, 43–44 bhuvas (world of atmosphere), 109, 110 karma and its consequences, 11, 44–46 black Yajur Veda, 150 moksha as goal of life, 10–11, 46–48 Boden, Joseph (EIC offi cer), 31 summary of, 10–12 body, equation with Self (original time as circular, 11 error), 163 Vedas’ authority, 11, 39, 40, 147–148 Brahma (deity). See also Trinity Bengal renaissance, 31–32 acknowledged by all denominations, 51 Bhaga (deity), 109 attributes of, 93 Bhagavad Gita Brahman versus, 39 Arjuna’s dilemma, 194–195 consort of (Saraswati), 12, 63, 93, 94 armies and rule of war, 196 described, 12, 90 Bhakti Yoga in, 200, 204, 325 emergence of, 83 caste system in, 66, 67 in every Hindu temple, 93 conversation with Krishna, 198–199 great sleep of, 115 on death and rebirth, 44 as Lord of Progeny (Prajapati), 92 described, 16 portrayal of, 92, 93 dharma as basis of, 201–202 temples for, 93 18-day battle, 199 Brahma rishi, 134 importance of, 16–17, 193 Brahma Sutras, 306 Jnana Yoga in, 204, 324–325 Brahmacharya (celibate time of learning), Karma Yoga in, 200, 202–203, 324 17, 263 334_9780470878583-bindex.indd4_9780470878583-bindex.indd 350350 66/1/11/1/11 88:16:16 PPMM Index 351 Brahman (Supreme Being). See also castes as lineages of sages, 13–14 Paramatman (Supreme Soul) class versus caste, 66 Brahma versus, 39 codifi ed by Manu, 29, 72 as common element in all beings, 46 corruption of, 67, 72–74 connection to individual soul, 163–164, counterparts in other societies, 65 309–310 current observance of, 20, 74–78 connection to the universe, 160–162 development of, 28–29 core belief in, 10, 39–40 discrimination justifi ed by, 73–74 described, 39–40, 89–90 ills of, 65 expansive nature of, 90 laws addressing inequalities of, 74, 75 losing yourself in, 165 main castes and subcastes, 68–71 many embodied in the One, 83–84 major castes, 19 moksha as oneness with, 10–11 original purpose of, 67–68 as pantheistic, 81 in Rig Veda, 68 Purusha and Prakriti projected from, 83 rigidity of, 72, 77 as Reality, 10, 313 spouse choice in accordance with, 77–78 relationship to individual soul, in superiority justifi ed by, 72 Vishishtadvaita, 317–318 untouchables, 19–20 as silence, 161 Cat School of SriVaishnava, 57–58 Trinity as aspects of, 90 cave shrines, 221, 284 Upanishadic view of, 159 CE (Common Era), 3 Brahmanas (section of Vedas), chakras, 325–326 148, 151, 152, 264 Chandogya Upanishad brahmin (priestly class). See also caste on Brahman, 89 system core message of, 168 in Bhagavad Gita, 67 on telling the truth, 166 character of, 70 on Thou art That, 165 described, 69 Chandra (moon god), 107 Rig Veda depiction of, 68 Chanikya (sage), 348 services of, 19 chanting the 108 names (Ashtoththara subcastes, 71 Shata Namavali), 233 Brahmo Samaj, founding of, 31–32 character, karma linked to, 45 Brahmopadesham (teaching of Gayatri charity (datta or dana), 166–167 mantra), 264 Chatterjee, Bankim (“I Salute the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, 38, 83, 164, Mother”), 50 166–167, 168 chaturvidha phala purushartha (personal Brihaspati (Jupiter), 107 aims), 40–41 British rule of India, history of, 30–32 Cheluva Narayana (deity), 251 Brook, Peter (fi lmmaker), 34 childhood rituals, 259–261 Buddha, 121–122, 124 Christian missionaries in India, 31 Budha (Mercury), 107 Chudakarma (fi rst haircut), 255, 256, 261 class versus caste, 66 cleansing (shuddhi), 217 • C • coconuts, breaking at end of worship, 335 Carrière, Jean-Claude (playwright), 34 company, mandate about, 345 caste system. See also specifi c castes compassion (dayaadhwam or daya), 166–167 affi rmative action program, 75–76 The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda association of birth with, 70, 71 (Vivekananda), 329 Bhagavad Gita as source of, 66 334_9780470878583-bindex.indd4_9780470878583-bindex.indd 351351 66/1/11/1/11 88:16:16 PPMM 352 Hinduism For Dummies conception ceremony (Garbhadana), Matsya (fi sh), 115–116, 123 256, 258 Narasimha (man-lion), 117–118, 123 conscience, dharma of following, 42–43 Parashu Rama (Rama with an axe), consciousness, planes of, 159 119, 124 consorts (female companions). See also scriptures describing, 114 specifi c consorts table summarizing, 123–124 of avatars, 114 Vamana (dwarf), 118–119, 123 of primary gods, 12 Varaha (boar), 117, 123 of Shiva, 101–102 yugas covered by, 114 of Vishnu, 98–99 dates conventions in this book, 2–3 conventions in this book, 3 conversion to Hinduism, 336 origins of Hinduism, 21–22 core beliefs. See beliefs, core puranas’ composition, 190 core values, 11, 49–50 Rig Veda’s composition, 40 cows, reverence for, 334–335 uncertainty of historical, 1, 15, 21 cremation, 268, 336 Upanishads’ composition, 155–156 cutting the umbilical cord (Jatakarma), Vedas’ composition, 143 256, 260 datta or dana (charity), 166–167 cycle of karmic consequence, 294–296 dayaadhwam or daya (compassion), 166–167 death Anthyeshti rites upon, 257, 268 • D • of avatars, 114 Da Da Da, 166–167 belief in immortal soul, 43–44, 268 Daivaasura Sampad Vibhaaga Yoga, 201 cremation after, 268, 336 Dakshinayana period, 236 cycle of death and rebirth, 44 damyata or dama (self-control), 166–167 Kashi pilgrimage at time of, 279 darshan (seeing God), 18, 289 denominations of Hinduism. See also Darshana philosophers, 135 specifi c denominations Darshana schools chart of, 53 bhashyas (sutra commentaries), 293 origin of, 51–53 discovery of Reality as aim of, 290 Shaiva, 59–62 establishment of, 29 Shakta, 63–64 general approach of, 291–293 Smarta, 62–63 Mimamsa, 301–302 unity underlying the complexity of, 64 Nyaya, 294–298 Vaishnava, 54–58 Samkhya, 300–301 Destri (form of Saraswati), 109 sutras of, 291 detached dynamism, 47 Vaisheshika, 298–299 Deva rishi, 134 Vedanta, 303–304 Devaki (mother of Krishna), 120–121 Yoga, 302–303 Devi, Indra (U.S.

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