Studio daniel libeSkind Studio Profile Studio daniel libeSkind 80 Libeskind Villa 1 Studio background Worldwide 3 Completed projectS 87 Under conStruction 4 Jewish Museum Berlin 88 Haeundae Udong Berlin, Germany Busan, South Korea 12 Westside Shopping 92 18.36.54 and Leisure Centre Connecticut, USA Bern, Switzerland 96 Military History Museum 18 The Ascent at Roebling’s Bridge Dresden, Germany Covington, Kentucky, USA 100 Grand Canal Square Theatre 24 The Danish Jewish Museum Dublin, Ireland Copenhagen, Denmark 104 City University of Hong Kong 30 Extension to the Denver Art Museum Creative Media Centre Denver, Colorado, USA Hong Kong, China 36 Museum Residences 108 Memory Foundations, Denver, Colorado, USA World Trade Center Master Plan 40 Crystals at CityCenter New York, New York, USA Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 114 Reflections at Keppel Bay 46 London Metropolitan University Keppel Bay, Singapore Graduate Centre 118 Zlota 44 London, England Warsaw, Poland 50 The Imperial War Museum Manchester, England 123 In deSign 56 Felix Nussbaum Haus Osnabrück, Germany 124 Kö-Bogen 62 The Wohl Centre Düsseldorf, Germany Bar-Ilan University 128 Fiera Milano Ramat-Gan, Israel Milan, Italy 68 Contemporary Jewish Museum 132 Dream Hub Yongsan International San Francisco Business District San Francisco, California, USA Seoul, South Korea 74 Extension to the Royal Ontario Museum Toronto, Ontario, Canada Studio background Daniel Libeskind, B.Arch. M.A. BDA AIA, is an interna- tional figure in architectural practice and urban design. With over forty projects worldwide, his practice extends from museums and concert halls to convention centers, universities, hotels, shopping centers, and residential projects. Born in Łód´z, Poland in 1946, Libeskind was a virtuoso musician at a young age before giving up music to become an architect. Today he is universally known for introducing a new critical discourse into archi- tecture and for his multidisciplinary approach. He has received numerous awards and designed world-renowned projects including the master plan for the World Trade Center in New York and the Jewish Museum in Berlin among others. Daniel teaches and lec- tures at universities across the world. He resides in New York City with his wife and business partner, Nina Libeskind. STUDIO BIO Daniel Libeskind established his architectural studio in Berlin, Germany in 1989. Upon winning the World Trade Center design competition in February 2003, Studio United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Canada, the United States, Daniel Libeskind (SDL) moved its headquarters to its Japan, Spain, Israel, Mexico, Korea, and Singapore. current location in New York City — two blocks south of The New York office has an average permanent the original World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan. staffing of 70 people. SDL has European partner Since 1990, the office has been fortunate to be offices based in Zürich, Switzerland and Milan, Italy. involved in a diverse array of urban, architectural, and Additionally, SDL maintains site offices around the cultural projects. The office has won commissions for world, including San Francisco, Denver, Bern, Toronto major cultural buildings and significant urban projects and Hong Kong. At present, the total number of in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, the worldwide employees is roughly 140. 1 completed projectS jewiSh muSeum berlin Berlin, Germany AErIAL VIEW 4 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects The Jewish Museum Berlin, which opened the site of the original Prussian Court of West Berlin: the relationship of Germans to to the public in 2001, exhibits the social, Justice building which was completed in Jews. This connection was used to plot an political and cultural history of the Jews in 1735 and renovated in the 1960s to become irrational matrix that makes reference to Germany from the 4th century to the pres- a museum for the city of Berlin. the image of a compressed and distorted ent. The museum explicitly presents and The new design, which was created star — the yellow star that had historically integrates, for the first time in postwar a year before the Berlin Wall came down, been worn by Jews on the same site. Germany, the repercussions of the Holo- started with the identification of a common A void reaches from the roof of the caust. The new extension is housed on feature that bound together both East and Baroque building to the underground and housing stairs which descend beneath the original foundation and connect to the new building above. The descent leads to three underground axial routes, each of which tells a different story. The first, and longest, traces a path leading to the Stair of Conti- nuity, then up to and through the exhibition spaces of the museum, emphasizing the continuum of history. The second leads out of the building and into the Garden of Exile and Emigration, remembering those who were forced to leave Berlin. The third leads to a dead end — the Holocaust Void. The Holocaust Void cuts through the zigzagging plan of the new building and creates a space that embodies absence. It is a straight line whose impenetrability be- comes the central focus around which exhi- bitions are organized. In order to move from one side of the museum to the other, visi- tors must cross one of the 60 bridges that open onto this void. In 2004, the Jewish Museum Berlin commissioned SDL to design a multifunc- tional space that would provide additional room for the museum’s restaurant and extend the lobby to provide event space for lectures, concerts, and dinners. The glass courtyard which was completed in 2007 creates an adaptable space which can be used throughout the year while preserv- ing the open courtyard qualities of the baroque building. WINDoWS as parT oF Star oF David MatrIx 5 Stair oF CoNTINUITY UNDErGroUND roADS FIrst FLoor ExHIBITIoN Space 6 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects INTErIor VIEW oF HoLoCAUST VoID ExTErIor VIEW, GArDEN oF ExILE AErIAL VIEW GroUND FLoor PLAN UNDErGroUND FLoor PLAN Jewish Museum Berlin Berlin, Germany 7 INTErIor VIEW oF HoLoCAUST VoID FACADE DETAIL THE BAroqUE Kollegienhaus Haus AND THE NEW BUILDING 8 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects HoLocaust ToWEr (LEFT) AND GArDEN oF ExILE HoLocaust ToWEr Facade, WINDoW Detail Jewish Museum Berlin Berlin, Germany 9 Glass CoUrtyarD at NIGHT detail oF INTErIor steel CoLUMNS oF glass CoUrT Glass ExTErIor WALL 10 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects PLAN, GArDEN oF ExILE INTErIor SPECIAL EVENTS Space glass CoUrT Project Data Services Provided Complete architectural Building Area 150,000 sq. ft. Construction Cost $51 million (under budget) Completed 1999 Client Jewish Museum Berlin Cost and Site Supervision Lubic & Woehrlin Structural Engineer GSE Tragwerkplaner, IGW Ingenieurgruppe Wiese Mechanical/Electrical/ Klimasystemtechnik Plumbing Engineer Civil Engineer Cziesielski & Partner Landscape Architect Müller, Knippschild, Wehberg Lighting Designer Studio Dinnebier Raw Construction Fischer Bau Windows Trube & Kings Facade Werner & Sohn Mechanical Systems Klimabau, Voigt Bode, Nordbau Electrical Systems Alpha Contractor Lubic & Woehrlin Gmbh Awards Deutsche Architektur Preis, 1999 Artforum International, The Best of 1998 Jewish Museum Berlin Berlin, Germany 11 weStSide Shopping and leiSure centre Bern, Switzerland ExTErIor PooL AND Patio 12 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects Westside Shopping and Leisure Centre in radically reinvents the concept of shopping, create a public space with day and night Bern-Brunnen, Switzerland, is an urban entertainment and living. With its impres- facilities, a self-enclosed district offering scale architectural project totaling 5 mil- sive location above Bern’s A1 highway and endless amenities and services, almost lion square feet. In addition to the 55 shops, its direct connection to the train and trans- like a city within a city. Westside is not only 10 restaurants and bars, hotel, multiplex port network, Westside is a meeting place a landmark, but an urban organism which cinema, indoor water park with wellness for the whole greater region of Bern. attracts the surrounding region, becoming center and housing, this mixed-use program The concept of Westside was to a place of excursions, meetings, seminars, entertainment and leisure activities. Westside illuminated at NIGHT The building design integrates the landscape and the different directions of the site while providing a unique look to the external areas. Extensive window cuts in varying designs open up the façade. This has the effect of creating either a panoramic window for the food court and spa area or a web of natural light for the circulation areas. Furthermore, the views allow you to see the highway, gateway to the living area, the railway tracks and the widespread landscape to the south. ExTErIor SHoWING water SLIDE THE A1 Highway CUTS THroUGH Westside’S base Westside Shopping and Leisure Centre Bern, Switzerland 13 MALL INTErIor WITH SHoPPErS 14 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects Westside FroM afar VIEW oF rooF MALL skylights BErNAqua oUTDoor PooL PooL at BErNAqua Spa Westside Shopping and Leisure Centre Bern, Switzerland 15 2:3 GroUND FLoor PLAN 2:3 2:3 2:3 2 :3 2:3 2:3 2:3 -2 % lift NorTH ELEVATIoN EAST ELEVATIoN SECTIoN FroM SoUTH SECTIoN FroM WEST 16 Studio Daniel Libeskind Completed Projects BUILDING MoDEL BUILDING MoDEL Project Data Services Provided Complete architectural Building Area 1.5 million sq. ft. Construction Cost $275 million Completed 2008 Joint Venture Partners Architekt Daniel Libeskind
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