June 8, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1335 Humor, Excellence, Attitude, Respect, Joan Claybrook was born on June 12, 1937 into a staple of New York’s cultural life. In Teamwork—HEART—is at the core of this and grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, where 1995, the overwhelming success of the parade agency’s mission. ‘‘Bringing HEART to Health she attended Goucher College. Her distin- prompted organizers to increase its size and Care’’ is so much more than a slogan—it is guished career in public service began in transform it into the national and, indeed, the essence of their philosophy and the cul- Washington, DC, where she worked in con- international, affair that it is today. ture of this very special organization. For one junction with Ralph Nader addressing highway This magnificent New York institution now hundred years, Visiting Nurse Services of and auto safety issues. Their combined efforts includes participation from delegates rep- Connecticut has been an invaluable resource on transportation issues culminated in the pas- resenting over thirty states, including Alaska to countless individuals and families in need. sage of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle and Hawaii, and attracts well over 3 million I am proud to stand today and extend my Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act of parade goers every year. In addition, the pa- heartfelt congratulations on their centennial 1966, our nation’s first auto safety laws. Her rade reaches millions more through television anniversary and my very best wishes for many expertise on auto safety led her to a position broadcasts and via satellite to viewers the more years of success. in the Carter Administration, where she served world over. The great success that the parade enjoys f as head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from 1977 to 1981. each year is brought about in large measure INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION Joan served as President of Public Citizen by the continued and tireless efforts of a few dedicated individuals. They are women and COMMEMORATING THE 64TH AN- from 1982 to 2008, throughout her various men of able leadership and strong conviction, NIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NA- leadership roles in public service. She cur- who believe, as I do, in the limitless potential TIONS rently serves on the board for a number of in- of people of Puerto Rican descent. Leading stitutions, including Georgetown University HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY this effort is the National Puerto Rican Day Law Center, from where she earned her J.D., Parade, Inc., a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organiza- OF NEW YORK as well as on the board of the Consumers tion designed to foster self-awareness and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Union, Citizens for Tax Justice, Advocates for pride among Puerto Ricans in this country, Monday, June 8, 2009 Highway and Auto Safety, the Goucher Col- and in so doing, likewise address issues of Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, today, lege Board of Trustees, Trial Lawyers for Pub- economic development, education, cultural lic Justice and the California Foundation Advi- along with Chairman DELAHUNT of the Sub- recognition, and social advancement. committee on International Organizations, sory Board. She has been honored numerous The Parade’s march up New York’s Fifth Human Rights and Oversight, I am introducing times for her distinguished work on behalf of Avenue, while certainly the most visible aspect legislation to commemorate the 64th anniver- public interest including three honorary de- of the celebration, is hardly the only event as- sary of the founding of the United Nations, grees from Georgetown University, Goucher sociated with the National Puerto Rican Day U.N. College and University of Maryland. Addition- Parade, Inc.’s activities. Each year more than Joining us in supporting this legislation are ally, she was awarded the Phillip Hart Distin- 10,000 people attend a variety of award cere- Representatives ED TOWNS, MAURICE HIN- guished Consumer Service Award and the Ex- monies, banquets and cultural events that CHEY, SAM FARR, MADELEINE BORDALLO, JOSE´ cellence in Public Service Award from the strengthen the special relationship shared by SERRANO, JIM MCGOVERN, MICHAEL HONDA, Georgetown Law Center. Puerto Ricans and the City of New York. Over Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join DENNIS KUCINICH, JOHN OLVER, and BARBARA the years, the two have developed a symbiotic me in honor of Joan Claybrook as Public Cit- LEE. relationship. Puerto Ricans have helped trans- For 64 years since its founding, the U.N. izen renames their Washington, DC head- form New York into a dynamic, bilingual city has made many contributions to the world quarters as the Joan Claybrook Building and that continues to welcome newcomers from all community and has provided a forum for the in recognition of her dedication to public serv- over the globe. The City of New York, which achievement of international cooperation in ice. is a place of opportunity, has enabled Puerto solving the world’s most pressing economic, f Ricans to flourish economically, culturally and social and humanitarian problems including cli- politically. TRIBUTE TO THE NATIONAL Madam Speaker, the National Puerto Rican mate change, trafficking in humans, combating PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE Day Parade captures the spirit of the special global terrorism, and responding quickly to dis- relationship between Puerto Ricans and New asters such as the tsunami in Southeast Asia HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO York City. It celebrates the many ways that we in 2004. enrich the traditions of this country, and sends Last year, Secretary General of the U.N. OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a clear signal to all who witness it, that the Ban Ki-moon launched a multi-year campaign Puerto Rican community—both in New York to improve awareness among global policy- Monday, June 8, 2009 and nationally—represents an exquisite tap- makers at the highest levels regarding issues Mr. SERRANO. Madam Speaker, it is with estry of individuals. As a Puerto Rican and a relating to violence against women. This cam- great pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute New Yorker, and as someone who participates paign has been successful in bringing people to the Fifty-Second National Puerto Rican Day in this parade annually, I can attest that the together to make a difference in the lives of Parade, which will be held on June 14th, reverberations of this day are both vast and women globally throughout its first year by 2009, in New York City. A bright and star- glorious. They can be seen on the faces and holding a number of conferences that bring to- studded event, this parade proudly recognizes heard in the streets, as millions come together gether experts and world leaders to promote the heritage of Puerto Rican people here in to joyously proclaim their heritage. And so it solutions to the issues of violence against the United States, and year upon year has is, Madam Speaker, that with a full and proud women. proven to be one of our nation’s largest out- heart, I stand before you and my colleagues in I look forward to working with Chairman door festivities. This year I am especially Congress to pay tribute to the sights and DELAHUNT and others to support the U.N. as pleased to take part in the day because the sounds and wonder that is the National Puerto the organization moves forward and to com- parade itself is dedicated to the City of Maya- Rican Day Parade. mend the U.N. for 64 years of good work. guez, Puerto Rico, a vibrant and beautiful f f community which also happens to be my SESQUICENTENNIAL OF HISTORIC IN HONOR OF JOAN CLAYBROOK place of birth. VILLAGE OF SANDOVAL, ILLINOIS The National Puerto Rican Day Parade is HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH the successor to the New York Puerto Rican Day Parade, which held its inaugural celebra- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS OF OHIO tion on Sunday, April 12th, 1958, in ‘‘El OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Barrio,’’ Manhattan. The impact of the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, June 8, 2009 Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York was Monday, June 8, 2009 Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise both immediate and resounding. It galvanized Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today today in honor of Joan Claybrook, upon the thousands of New York Puerto Ricans in a to mark the sesquicentennial of the historic vil- occasion of the renaming of Public Citizen’s very public, very proud demonstration of their lage of Sandoval, Illinois. headquarters in Washington, DC as the Joan emergence in the City as an important and Sandoval is a small community fifty miles Claybrook Building, and in recognition of 27 growing ethnic group. For the next 38 years, east of East St. Louis, in Marion County, Illi- years of service as President of Public Citizen. the New York Puerto Rican Day Parade grew nois. Settled in 1823 by Thomas Deadmond, VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:34 Jun 09, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JN8.009 E08JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E1336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 8, 2009 the area is believed to have been named after complished. I ask my colleagues to join me in else the church needed. She is still an active the proprietor of a trading post that passed expressing the gratitude of the U.S. Congress member of the church for 75 years now, under through the town. Sandoval was officially in- for his extensive contributions to society. the pastorate of Rev. Gregory J. Jackson. corporated on February 18, 1859, and the vil- f After 41 years of service, Tiny retired from lage is currently celebrating its 150th birthday.
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