INK NIGHT AT THE NEST, MARCH 29 THE Please recycle this Thursday, March 15, 2012 newspaper when you are Volume 49, Issue 22 finished with it. NUGGETYOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA KILLER COMEBACK! Men’s hockey team saves series after being down 2-0, story page 8 Photo by Laura Dettling TIME FOR A NEW OOK RTA student Brett Plaxton is finishing his on-campus training this semester and so another Ook meister will have to take his place. For a story on Brett’s Ook career, see page 7. 2 The Nugget Thursday, March 15, 2012 NEWS&FEATURES NAITSA adjusts budget By ALLISON KARCH Executive Council through the and student clubs. cessful. In all, around $50,000 has with their suds. The NAIT Students’ Associa- changes in the proposed budget at The argument for the activ- been cut from various activities, Some events, such as the New tion tabled the first reading of its the Senate meeting held on March ities funding cuts is that NAITSA but other activities see their fund- Year’s trip and Spring Break trip, budget for the 2012-2013 school 7. The gist is that most of the nota- is playing to its strengths by con- ing increased to a total of almost actually competed with similar year, and yes, there will be some ble budget cuts are to NAITSA- tinuing and enhancing events that $45,000. Thus, the amount spent events that student clubs organ- cuts. run student activities and much have proven to be successful and on student activities hasn’t changed ized. These two trips have been cut Finance Director Jon Hoff- of that money will instead be fun- reducing or eliminating funding much. What has changed is which out of the budget for the upcoming man led the Senate and NAITSA’s nelled towards alternate activities for events that haven’t been suc- activities are getting the money. school year, freeing up $5,000 and Funding for frosh and orienta- eliminating competition between tion activities on the Main Cam- NAITSA-organized trips and club- pus will drop by just over $4,000 organized trips. to $14,630, while two other NAIT Club grants in the new budget campuses will see an increase in have more than doubled – from those funds. Patricia Campus and $41,000 to $85,000 – in response Souch Campus will each receive to a growing demand. This $8,000 next year for frosh and increase will allow for the creation orientation activities. of more clubs, and will empower clubs to organize more and bigger $18,000 cut events. Funding for Awareness Weeks In short, giving clubs more was cut by almost $18,000, includ- money gives the student body more ing the elimination of funding alto- control over the money that’s spent gether for International Awareness on their activities. Week and Days of Action. Mean- NAITSA Senator Alex Sackiw, while, the exceptionally popular a Respiratory Therapy student, sup- How-To series, which ran a How ports the club funding increase, To DJ event in January, will receive “because there’s a stronger an extra $4,500 next year. independence … if clubs want to When it comes to live music put more into an event, now there’s events, NAITSA is going big and more money for that.” small bands, it seems, are going home. Indie Nights, which hosted Insurance policy independent bands at the Nest A total of $20,000 is budgeted every Thursday, have been can- for a Clubs insurance policy, which celled for the upcoming year was made necessary by a recently because they weren’t successful passed NAITSA bylaw that allows enough to stay off the chopping the creation of clubs that focus on block. higher-risk activities, such as sky- NAITSA deemed an increase in diving or firearms clubs. Club sales at the Nest to be an import- leaders will also receive more sup- ant indicator of the success of Indie port through an increase in spend- Nights, and unfortunately for indie ing on Clubs orientation and music lovers, no such increase training. occurred. One notable budget cut that Instead, NAITSA wants to focus isn’t expressly made up for else- on big-name bands that will appeal where in the budget is the elimin- to a greater number of students and ation of volunteer resources fund- thus draw bigger crowds. Follow- ing. Part of administration expenses ing this line, NestFest will be back rather than activities expenses, vol- next year, and with a substantial unteer resources received $16,242 price tag for a one-day event. in the 2011-2012 budget. NestFest of 2008 hosted sev- It is expected that clubs will eral bands, including Ontario’s provide some volunteer opportun- Photo by Emily Vanee Tokyo Police Club, and featured a ities, though this is not mandated Jon Hoffman, NAIT Students’ Association Finance Director, outlines NAITSA’s budget plans at beer garden in the Nest parking lot – each club has autonomy over its a meeting of the Student Senate on March 7. for those who like some sunshine activities. Thursday, March 15, 2012 NEWS & features The Nugget 3 Celebrity chef keen The Nugget By JENNY OATWAY NAIT students. regularly on two television shows, and countless Room E-128B The Culinary Arts students at NAIT are look- “I’m hoping to inspire a little bit, the future other appearances, it would have to be a very full 11762–106 Street ing forward to their upcoming visit from celebrity chefs,” Massimo said. “I’m always a very happy day. He manages to fit in Gourmet Escapes by Edmonton, Alberta chef Massimo Capra. And those feelings are cer- person. I take everything with a grain of salt. I filming one week of every month. That means he T5G 2R1 tainly reciprocated. don’t have a great big ego to feed and so I’d like spends one week a month in a new locale around Production Office 471-8866 Chef Massimo says that when he visited to give a better impression to some of the jun- the world. www.thenuggetonline.com NAIT last November and was asked to partici- ior chefs and the future chefs that basically, you And above all else, getting to be on television Editor-in-Chief have to love what you do, and if you do what you and travel around the world every month, Mas- pate, he jumped at the opportunity to come back Claire Theobald this month for the Hokanson Celebrity Chef in love, you never really have to feel like you’re simo Capra does what he does for a love of food. Residence. working.” “I love food of every kind. Every day you can [email protected] “I’ve done a few classes and courses over at Massimo loves his line of work, simply bring something different to your palette,” he said. Issues Editor George Brown College here in Toronto,” says because it really puts one in touch with a lot of “Food is life, and there is nothing like going to a Bart Padjasek Massimo, “but I’ve never really taken the time to different people, cultures, and styles. You are able market and seeing a beautiful stock of fresh food. [email protected] do something as wonderful as this with NAIT.” to have a great time and do Food is not only a necessity, it Assistant Issues Editor This is not Capra’s first time working in something that is really won- also brings a lot pleasure.” Pending Alberta. He has done Christmas in Novem- derful and pleasant. Above A favourite dish of [email protected] ber with Breakfast Television in Jasper, as well all else, that is the knowledge Capra’s is quite simple – a as demos and odd bits of work with Jasper Park that he would like to impart nice big bowl of chicken Sports Editor Lodge and the Fairmont Hotel. to the students. You must noodle soup. Patrick Knowles “I like coming to Alberta, and quite enjoy it love what you do. “To me, a great bowl of [email protected] actually,” says Massimo. The Celebrity Chef is soup is what really gets me Assistant Sports Editor Massimo started out as a young chef in Italy only one area of the Hokan- going. Nothing is like a great Evan Degenhardt before moving to Toronto in the late ’80s. son Chef in Residence Pro- bowl of chicken noodle soup. [email protected] “I never had this kind of opportunity given gram, and Massimo Capra For some reason, you feel so Entertainment Editor to me,” he says of his training. “What I did was fits into this category easily, content after you’ve eaten Christine Vu a trade school in Italy, a chef school basically, after his extensive work in it.” [email protected] and that was a three-year course, full time. I got television and his two pub- This is the truest example mississauga.com to work in good hotels, the chef from the school lished cookbooks. of Massimo Capra’s charac- Assist. Entertainment Editor brought me on board, and we travelled around. Massimo’s most frequent Massimo Capra ter. The man loves life, he Anika Nottveit But I’ve never been exposed to different cuisines appearance is weekly on Cityline Breakfast Televi- loves food, and is pleasant and joyful in every [email protected] in the classroom. That’s a great program to have.” son but he also has his own show, called Gourmet aspect of his life and his work. His work has Photo Editor As far as chef Massimo’s plans for the stu- Escapes on the Travel and Escape channel.
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