Synod seen as a chance for renew al, ending abuses NC NEWS SERVICE conferences around the world. Is scheduled for Nov. pastorally effective in the life and mission of the He added that “there are many abuses in the 25-Dec. 8 In Rome. church." celebration of the Mass today" that ought to receive Ttyo leaders of the U.S. hierarchy have described According to Cardinal Joseph L. Bernard! n of Cardinal Silvio Oddi. prefect of the Vatican attention at the synod. "Some changes that looked the extraordinary Synod of Bishops called by Pope Chicago, "the synod is another moment for Congregation for the Clergy, said Jan. 28 that the useful 20 years ago perhaps do not (look useful) John Paul II to review Vatican II as a '‘moment for renewal" synod will offer a chance both to correct "abuses" of todsy." he said. renewal" and a chance to make the council's spirit Bishop James A. Malone of Youngstown. Ohio, the council and further develop its teachings. Bishop Malone. In a Jan. 28 statement, declared “even more pastorally effective." president o f the National Conference of Catholic “The pope wants to know how these reforms have that “for two decades, the church throughout the A Vatican official meanwhile, characterized the Bishops, said that “the announcement means that been applied In practice." Cardinal Oddi said. "If world has benefitted enormously from the reforms upcoming synod as a means of ending "abuses." the bishops o f the entire world will have an there have been abuses, naturally they should be of the Second Vatican Council." He added that the Announced by Pope John Paul Jan. 25. the synod, opportunity to collaborate with the HotyFather In a corrected. It there are teachings that have not been involving the heads of national bishops' special way in seeking to make Vatican II even more applied, perhaps now they should be." (Continued on page 71 PITTSBURGH* * c a t h o l i c hstahlishoci in 1844: America % Oldest Catholic Newspaper in C*ontinuous Publication 140th Year. CXL No. 46 20 cents Friday. February 1, 1985 T ran sitio n plans explained for new parish in B raddock By STEPHEN KARUNCHAK decision, but we are here to see how you feel about It" Parishioners from the six parishes that will soon Miss Poblcki said that six topics are being comprise Good Shepherd Parish In Braddock studied during the transition: transportation, learned more about the transition from six parking personnel, property, maintenance and congregations to one and had the opportunity to finances. ask questions about the future of parochial activity Concerning transportation. Miss Pobicki said In the Braddock-Rankin area at two meetings Jan. that it Is understood that Good Shepherd Parish 24 in the former St. Thomas High School. will provide adequate transportation to and from Meeting with the parishioners of the six parishes weekday and weekend Masses as well as for other — St. Brendan. St. Isidore. St. Joseph, St. Mary of parish activities — liturgical, social, etc. Miss Mount Carmel. St. Michael and St. Thomas — were Poblcki said that the transportation plans will have Aux. Bishop Anthony Bosco, who chaired the to be drawn and that will take time. Braddock-Ran kin study commission: Mary Ann As for parking at the parish, which will be located Fobicki, director of the diocesan Office for Research at St. Michael Church. Miss Pobicki said that the and Planning and a member of the study staff from the diocesan Office of Property Planning commission: and Fr. Frank Sokol assistant and Development and officials of Braddock director of the diocesan Office for Religious borough will be working together on the matter. Education. In discussing staffing for the new parish, Miss Some 450 persons attended the two sessions. A Poblcki said there were several dimensions: the late afternoon snowstorm didn't keep an needs of the new parish, the concerns of the present approximately 150 parishioners from attending personnel and placement of the priests presently the evening session. "Your attendence here tonight working In the parishes. Fr. William Rutledge, pastor qf SL Brendan Parish discuss transition plans fo r the formation qf Good is an indication of your concern..." Bishop Bosco and administrator q f SL Joseph Parish, both in Shepherd Parish told those attending. “We aren't here to debate the (Continued on page 2) Braddock, addresses the audience at a meeting to Confirmation schedules set for 4 diocesan, 6 visiting bishops The diocese this week released spring Hays: Tuesday, April 23. 7:30 p.m., St. Susanna. Twp.; Monday, April 15.4 p.m.. St. James,Sewickley. Cranberry Twp.; Thursday. March 14. 4 p.m.. Si Confirmation schedules for Pittsburgh's four Penn Hills. 7:30 p.m. SL Joseph. Coraopolis; Wednesday, April Gerard Majella. Penn Hills, 7:30 pm.. St. Joseph bishops and six visiting bishops — including Friday. April 26. 7:30 p.m.. SL Louis. West 17,4 p.m. St. Wendelin. Carrick. 7:30 p.m., St. Basil. Verona Tuesday, March 19. 4 p.m.. St. Joseph Green Bay. Wise. Bishop and former Pittsburgh Sunbuiy: Monday, April 29, 7:30 p.m., St. Rosalia. Carrick; Tuesday. April 23. 7 p.m.. St. James. Bloomfield. 7:30 p.m.. Immaculate Conception priest Adam J. Maida. Greenfield; Tuesday. April 30. 7:30 p.m.. St. Mary. Wilkinsburg; Thursday, April 25, 4 p.m., Hoty Bloomfield; Thursday, March 21. 4 p.m., SL Rita In addition to Bishop Anthony J. Bevllacqua, Aux. New Castle. Trinity, Ambridge. 7:30 p.m., St. Francis Xavier. Munhall. 7:30 p.m.. Holy Spirit. West Mifflin Bishop John B. McDowell and Anthony Bosco. Thursday, May 2, 7:30 p.m., SL Alphonsus. North Side. Thursday, March 28.4 p.m.. St. George, Allentown retired Bishop Vincent Leonard and Bishop Maida. McDonald; Tuesday. May 7, 7:30 p.m., St. Luke, Thursday. May 2. 4 p.m., St. Valentine. Bethel 7:30 p.m.. St. Henry, Mt. Oliver Confirmations this spring will be performed by Bentleyvllle: Monday, May 13. 7:30 p.m., S t Leo. Park. 7:30 p.m.. St. Thomas a Becket, Jefferson visiting bishops Harold J. Dimmerling of Rapid North Side: Tuesday, May 14, 7:30 p.m.. Special Boro; Saturday, May 4, 1 p.m.. St. Thomas More. Wednesday, April 10. 4 p.m., St. Elizabeth City, S.D.. Benedict C. Franzetta. auxiliary from religious education, St. Malachy, Kennedy Twp. Bethel Park; Tuesday. May 14. 4 p.m.. Assumption. Lawrence, 7:30 p.m.. St. Michael. Frederickstown Youngstown. O.. Jerome J. Hastrich of Gallup. N.M.. Bellevue. 7:30 p.m., St. Athanasius. West View: Thursday. April 11.4 p.m.. St. Joseph. Duquesne Andrew J. McDonald o f Little Rock. Ark., and James Aux. Bp. McDowell Saturday, May 18, 11 am., SL Michael. Elizabeth: 7:30 pm.. St. Angela Mericl, White Oak: Saturday. E. Michaels, auxiliary of Wheellng-Charleston. Tuesday. March 5. 4 p.m., Holy Trinity. Beaver Monday. May 20, 7:30 p.m.. St. John the Baptist. April 13,11 am. Mater Dolorosa Chicora.2p.rn., St. W.Va. Falls. 7:30 pm.. St. Titus. Aliquippa; Saturday. Unity; Thursday. May 23.7 p.m., St. Colman. Turtle Joseph. CaboL Tuesday. April 16, 4 p.m., Hoty The complete Confirmation schedules follow: March 9, 11 a.m.. S t Edward, Blawnox. 1 pm.. St. Creek; Sunday. May 26. 11:30 a.m.. St. Pau> Fhmlly, Creighton. 7:30 p.m.. Most Blessed Scholastlca, Aspinwall; Thursday. March 14,4 pm.. Cathedral. Oakland. Sacrament. Natrona Heights; Tuesday. April 23. 4 Bishop Bevilacqua Our Lady of Fatima, Hopewell TWp., 7 p.m.. St. p.m., Most Hoty Name. Troy Hill, 7:30 p.m., St. Monday. March 11, 7:30 p.m., SS. Peter fr Paul. Malachy, Kennedy Twp. Aux. Bp. Bosco Catherine, Beechview; Thursday. April 25, 7:30 Beaver Tuesday. March 12. 7:30 p.m.. Our Lady of Tuesday, March 19, 4 p.m.. Resurrection. Tuesday. Feb. 26. 4 p.m., St. Alexis, Wexford. 7:30 p.m., St. Bartholomew. Penn Hills. the Miraculous Medal. Meadowlands; Friday. Brookline. 7 p.m., St. Pius X. Brookline; Tuesday. p.m., SL Alphonus, Wexford; Thursday. Feb. 28. 4 Monday, April 29,4 p.m., SL Maurice. Forest Hills. March 22, 7:30 p.m„ St. Bonaventure, Glenshaw. March 26. 4 p.m.. Annunciation. North Side. 7:30 p.m., St. John, Monaca 7:30 p.m.. SL Frances 7:30 p.m., St. Bernadette. Monroeville; Wednesday, Monday. April 15, 7:30 p.m., St. Agatha. p.m., SL John Neumann, Franklin Park; Thursday. Cabrini. May 1, 7:30 p.m., Our Lady o f Joy. Holiday Park. BrldgevlUe: Thursday, April 18,7:30 p.m.. St. Agnes. March 28, 7:30 p.m., St. Plus V. McKeesport for Friday, March 8. 4 p.m., St. Mary. Sharpsbuig. West Mifflin; Friday. April 19, 7:30 p.m„ St. James. McKeesport Catholic Consolidation. 7:30 p.m., SL Anthony. Mlllvale; Tuesday. March 12. West End; Monday. April 2 2,7:30 p.m.. Holy Angels. Wednesday, April 10, 7 p m , St. Aloyslus. Reserve 4 p.m.. SL John. Baden. 7:30 p.m.. SL Ferdinand, (Continued on page 3) Fr. Dorsey looks at plant study By PATRICIA BARTOS have finally seemed to Jell, said the furnace In Duquesne and to fight The key items basic to any leader of the Tri-State Conference the continuing rounds of revitalization of the steelmaking on Steel. unemployment and plant shut­ Industry in the Mon Valley — We must have this unity as a downs cooperation o f local residents, basic ingredient to all that is going "This has not been the case up unemployed workers and those on so that, in the broad sense, the until now.
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