BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 10TH MEETING OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS OF UNIVERSITY OF PORTO CREDITS Livro de Resumos do 10.º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da U.PORTO Universidade do Porto Vice-reitora para a I&D, Professora Doutora Maria João Ramos [email protected] ISBN 978-989-746-117-0 Design Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem da U.Porto SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Alexandra Pinto Aurora Teixeira Elisa Keating Elisabete Ferreira Filipe Castro Gonçalo Furtado Graciela Machado Jorge Teixeira Laura Oliveira Manuel Simões Maria João Ramos Maria Oliveira Maria Paula Santos Nuno Cerqueira Patricia Antunes Patrícia Valentão Pedro Gomes Rita Faria Rita Gaio Rute Pedro PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, 8th THURSDAY, 9th FRIDAY, 10th 08:30 09:00 REGISTRATION REGISTRATION 09:00 10:00 REGISTRATION PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS IV PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS VIII A1- Mathematics A1- Engineering III 10:00 10:30 Exhibition Opening A2- Sport Sciences A2- Architecture "D'après Abel Salazar" A3- Health Sciences IV A3- Health Sciences VIII A4- Environment A4- Chemistry II 10 Years - Happy Birthday IJUP ! 10:30 11:30 POSTER VIEWING POSTER VIEWING & Coffee Break POSTER VIEWING & Coffee Break 11:30 13:00 PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS I PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS V PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS IX A1- History: facts & figures A1- Physics & Astronomy A1- Engineering IV A2- Arts I A2- Sciences of Education & Psychology I A2- Cultural & Business Studies A3- Chemistry I A3- Health Sciences V A3- Biological Sciences V A4- Biological Sciences I A4- AgroFood A4- Chemistry III A5- Health Sciences I 13:00 14:30 Lunch Break Lunch Break 14:30 16:00 PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS II PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS VI A1- Cultural & Women Studies A1- Physics A2- Arts II A2- Sciences of Education & Psychology II A3- Health Sciences II A3- Health Sciences VI A4- Engineering I A4- Biological Sciences III 16:00 17:00 POSTER VIEWING & Coffee Break POSTER VIEWING & Coffee Break 17:00 18:30 PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS III PARALLEL ORAL SESSIONS VII A1- Engineering II A1- Criminology & Law A2- Literature Studies A2- Sciences of Education & Psychology III A3- Biological Sciences II A3- Health Sciences VII A4- Health Sciences III A4- Biological Sciences IV FOREWORD Por ser a 10.ª edição do evento, o IJUP’17 revestiu-se de um especial simbolismo. Dez edições no espaço de uma década são bem a medida do sucesso e da consistência de um encontro científico que, sublinhe-se, tem um caráter pioneiro em Portugal. Recordar estes dez anos é, aliás, um exercício que permite vislumbrar os méritos e as potencialidades do IJUP, enquanto evento capaz de proporcionar oportunidades de comunicação, divulgação e debate científico aos estudantes da Universidade do Porto. Importa, desde logo, salientar a crescente participação dos estudantes no IJUP e o cada vez maior envolvimento de docentes e investigadores. Nesta 10.ª edição, por exemplo, mais de 1.300 estudantes de licenciatura e mestrado assumiram o desafio de revelar os seus trabalhos científicos. No total, o IJUP’17 contou com 230 apresentações orais e 170 apresentações em poster. Todos estes projetos científicos foram apresentados numa dinâmica semelhante à de um congresso internacional, sob o escrutínio de uma plateia idónea e exigente constituída por docentes, investigadores e estudantes. Para além desta capacidade de envolver a comunidade académica, o IJUP revela de edição para edição uma maior diversidade, complexidade e sofisticação nas questões científicas sujeitas a análise e debate. Reportando-me uma vez mais a esta 10.ª edição, podem ser referidas, a título de exemplo, investigações tão díspares como as dos efeitos do exercício físico no tratamento da doença de Alzheimer, da regulação do acesso e utilização da internet, dos fatores preditivos de preconceitos contra imigrantes ou da vivência da sexualidade por pessoas encarceradas. No fundo, o êxito do IJUP decorre da própria evolução da investigação científica na Universidade do Porto, também ela em crescendo de qualidade e multidisciplinaridade. É bom lembrar que a Universidade do Porto é o maior produtor de ciência do país, sendo responsável por mais de 23% dos artigos portugueses indexados na Web of Science. De resto, o campus universitário integra unidades de I&D+i com qualidade científica reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente. Daí que os nossos estudantes possam desenvolver as suas investigações num ecossistema científico de excelência, interdisciplinar e com network internacional. Considerando tudo isto, impõe-se um agradecimento a todos os que colaboraram na organização do IJUP’17, em especial à Sra. Vice-Reitora para a I&D, Profª Maria João Ramos, que superiormente coordena o projeto, e ao seu staff de apoio. Devem igualmente ser enaltecidas as empresas e instituições que apoiaram o IJUP’17, destacando-se neste particular o Santander Universidades. Por fim, quero agradecer aos estudantes que, de forma entusiástica e proficiente, apresentaram os seus trabalhos científicos no IJUP’17. Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Reitor da Universidade do Porto oral sessions 12431 | "Landscape as experience. Sea: Immersion and Voyage" Patrão, Joana C. J., Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Portugal This project is the outcome of a practice-based artistic research motivated by the inquiry of Landscape as category and the relationships with Nature it implies. The research addresses different levels of landscape’s awareness by discussing the way they relate with the creation of images. In this context, Landscape shows the potential of translating and triggering experiences, making it possible to explore and enact through artistic practice different relationships with Nature. Based in the "Aesthetics of Engagement" by Arnold Berleant, framed by the phenomenological approach of Merleau-Ponty and his notion of "Reciprocity", we discuss an "Urgency of Landscape" as proposed by Augustin Berque implying that we must re-establish our relations with the nature, respecting its cycles. These notions are addressed through different symbolic conversations and through processes of creating images that consider Nature’s agency. Landscape appears as a convergence between Nature as referent and the embodiment of its processes and logics. The body that must be involved in these relationships functions as trigger, vehicle and natural material. Through different media we encounter different relational possibilities. Oscillating between painting, drawing, photography, video, the use of matrices and indexical evidences, we pursue a mutable way of research, one that deals with different levels of enactment, based in the Sea both as motif of analysis and origin of its creative fluidity. Our involvement with the Sea is based in two different approaches: the Immersion and the Voyage. Using both movements of submersion and expansion as creative frameworks, the project is presented in its double context: a practice developed in the natural space as well as in the studio, blending these experiences in the construction of new landscapes, with a new engagement. Finally we question how artistic experiences could contribute to grow an environmental commitment, a new way of engaging the world. Reception of waves 12417 | "Women singing Portugal: a journey through Portuguese pop women with stops in identities" Ferreira, Patrícia, Faculdade de Letras, Portugal The project aims to explain and understand how the songs, artistic creation and musical trajectories of 15 Portuguese women musicians can be revealing, identifying and reflecting processes of reconstitution and identity reconstruction in Portuguese society at the beginning of the 20th century. In the specific case of our research object it is important to know the Portuguese identity/identities expressed in the songs and in the musical trajectories of artists of the feminine genre, of different musical approaches in pop scope, since the 1980s to nowadays. We start from the idea that culture, namely music, is an influence and influenced by the context in which it is created, and in this way allows us to make a very rich reading of the social reality and the context in which these creators move. Concomitantly, we start from the perspective that the discourses of these creators and their songs are also a very important representation about social reality. It is in this context that we are interested to understand how the choice of a specific fragment of pop music creators (female genre) allows us to capture a singular reality - female creation / performance, with the intention of trying to perceive the Portuguese reality in a broader way and which is the place that woman occupies there. A key issue in our research focuses on the identification of women and cultural productions as central elements for the (re)interpretation of changes in Portuguese society. It is in this context that we propose to analyze the role played by female artists in the context of pop (artistic, social) over the last decades, in what way the Portuguese pop music in the female interprets and influences the female condition in Portugal. Keywords: song, artistic creation, pop music, musical creation, identities, Portugal. 12949 | (In)visibility experiences of gay men at the workplace Machado, Gil, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, Portugal Non-normative sexual orientations are still stigmatized at the workplace. The blatant and implicit acts of discrimination (Levine & Leonard, 1984) join heteronormativity that together places other forms of sexual identity on a deviant group in relation to heterosexuality, which is considered normal and neutral (Ozturk & Rumens, 2014).
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