
PACIFIC LINGUISTICS Se�ie� B - No. 43 PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE ALOR AND PANTAR LANGUAGES (EAST INDONESIA) by W.A.L. Stokhof Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Stokhof, W.A.L. Preliminary notes on the Alor and Pantar languages (East Indonesia). B-43, vi + 79 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1975. DOI:10.15144/PL-B43.cover ©1975 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is published by the Lingui4 tie Ci�eie on Canbe��a and consists of fo ur series: SERIES A - OCCASIONAL PAP ERS SERIES B - MONOGRAPHS SERIES C - BOOKS SERIES V - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. EDITOR: S.A. Wurm . ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock , C.L. Voorhoeve . ALL CORRESPONDENCE co ncerning PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, in cluding orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to : The Secretary, PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, Departme nt of Linguistics, Scho ol of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University , Box 4, P.O. , Canberra, A.C.T. 260 0. Australia. Copyright (§) W.A.L. Stokhof . First published 1975. The editors are indebted to the Au stralian Na tional University for help in the product ion of this series . This publication was made possible by an initia l grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund . National Library of Australia Card Number and ISBN 0 85883 124 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PRAKATA (Pre face , in Indonesian ) vi 1. Introduction 1 1. 1. Ph onetic Symbolization 1 2. Setting 3 3. Previous Lingui stic Work and Other Sources 7 4. Linguistic Situation 8 4. l. Austronesian Languages: The Alor Language 8 4. 2. Non-Austronesian Languages of Pantar 10 4.3. Non-Austronesian Languages of Alor 11 5. Clas sification 12 6. Typological Affinities 16 6. 1. Pe rsonal Pronouns and Possessive Prefixes 16 6. 2. Verb Structure 18 6. 3. The Genitive Construction 20 6.4. Counting Systems 20 7. Re lationship with Other Languages 22 7. 1. Timor Languages 23 7.2. Bird's Head Languages (Irian Jaya) 25 8. Conclusion 26 9. Word Lists 27 Key: English 27 Key: Bahasa Indonesia 28 l. Lamma ( Kalondama) 2 9 2. Lamma ( Mauta/TubaD 30 3. Lamma ( Biangwa la) 31 4. Tewa ( De ing) 32 iii iv Page 5. Tewa (Madar) 33 6. Tewa (Lebang) 34 7. Tewa (Sargang) 35 B. Nedebang 36 9. Blagar (Bakalang) 37 10. Blagar (Limarahing on Pura) 38 11. Blagar (Retta on Pura) 39 12. Blagar (Retta on Ternate) 40 13. Blagar (Apuri on Pura) 41 14. Blagar (Tereweng) 42 15. Alor (Baranus a/Kabir) 4 3 16. Alor (Kalabahi) 44 17. Kabola (Pitumb ang) 45 lB. Kabola (Aimoli) 46 19. Kabola (Hamap) 47 20. Kelon (Probur) 48 21. Kelon (Halerman ) 49 22. Kafoa 50 23. Kui 51 24. Kui (Kiramang) 52 25. Abui (Atime lang) 53 26. Abui (Mak adai) 54 27. Woisika (Letley) 55 2B. Woisika 56 29. Woisika (Pido I) 57 30. Woisika (Pido II) 58 31. Woisika (Langkuru) 59 32. Woisika (Kolomane ) 60 33. Tanglapui 61 34. Kolana 62 35. Buna? 63 36. Makasai, Oirata 64 10. Ikhtisar Singkat (Summary in Indonesian) 65 NOT ES 68 BIBLIOGRAPH Y 70 CHARTS : 1. Consonants 2 2. Vowels 3 3. Percentages of Shared Radical Elements 15 4. Range of Percentages 16 5. Person/Numb er Indicators 17 v Page 6. Counting Systems 22 7. Percentages of Shared Cognates with Timor Languages 24 8. Pers on /Number In dicators in Timor Languages 24 9. Pers on/Number In dicators in Bird's Head Languages 25 MAPS: 1. Location of Villages on A1or, Pantar and Pura 5 2. Languages of A1or, Pantar and Pura 9 PRAKATA Adapun karangan kecil ini ditulis dengan maksud akan berfungsi, baiK sebagai pengantar sementara untuk bahasa-bahasa kepulauan Alor (Nusa Tenggara Timur) , maupun sebagai aj ak an kepada para ah li anthropologi dan ahli bahasa untuk menaruh minat kepada penelitian kebudayaan Alor dan sekitarnya. Bahan yang dipergunakan dalam laporan ini adalah hasil penyelidikan setempat yang dilakukan oleh penulis dalam dua ekspedisi yang singkat ke Kab up at en Alor pada pertengahan tahun 1972 dan 1974. Karena kekurangan tenaga dan alat-alat untuk penggalian , pengump ulan dan penyusunan bahan-bahan di seluruh daerah , maka dat a yang disaj ikan tent unya masih jauh dari sempurna : kritik dan saran-saran sangat diharapkan dan dinanti-nantikan. Uraian lebih mendalam dan terperinci tentang beberapa masalah pokok yang terdapat dalam karangan ini akan menyusul dalam suat u analisa bahasa Blagar (dipulau Pantar dan pulau Pura) oleh H. Steinhauer dan suatu deskripsi bahasa Woisika (Alor) dari tangan penyusun ini . Pengarang dengan ini menyat akan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada segala pihak yang telah rela memberi bant uan baik materiil maupun moril dalam pene litian bahasa-bahasa Alor ini. Terutama kepada : Professor Koentjaraningrat dari Lemb aga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) , Jakarta, kepada Dra. Ny. Rudj iati Muljadi dan Dr . Amran Halim dari Lembaga Bahasa Nasional (LBN) , Jakarta, kepada Professor Mr . S.M. Sjah dari Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, kepada bapak O.S. Badj ideh B. A. kepala direktorat Kesra . KTRG . N.T.T. , Kupang dan kepada bapak W.R.M. Le langulu B.A. kepala kantor pembinaan kebudaj aan Kebupaten Alor, Kalab ahi . Supaya terseb ar dalam lingkungan yang seluas mungkin , laporan ini diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggeris dan satu ikhtisar singkat dimuat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Semoga sambutan sederhana ini dapat berguna dan memberikan bahan-bahan penting bagi penyelidikan selanj utnya tentang kebudayaan Alor pada khususnya dan kebudayaan Indonesia pada umumnya. Kupang/Kalabahi 1974 w. Stokhof vi Stokhof, W.A.L. Preliminary notes on the Alor and Pantar languages (East Indonesia). B-43, vi + 79 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1975. DOI:10.15144/PL-B43.cover ©1975 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. l 1. INTRODUCT ION This article tentatively outlines and classifies the Alor and Pantar languages in East Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Islands) . It is based on fieldnotes collected during two trips to Alor, Pantar and Pura (August 1972, August 1974) in order to investigate the local facilities for linguistic research and to gain as much informat ion as possib le about the linguistic situation . In view of the fact that the st udy of these languages is st ill in its infancy and that hardly any dat a are available, thirty-four short wordlists of 117 items are given here as an initial contribut ion to comp arat ive exploration of the languages of the area. The classification presented is based on lexicost at istical criteria and native judgement . In addition brief preliminary remarks are made on the personal pronouns/the possessive prefixes, the verb, the genitive construction and the counting systems in regard to the relationship of this group of languages with some of the Timor languages and the Irian Jaya (Bird's Head/Vo ge lkop) languages. Moreover, this paper summarizes what is already known ab out the Alor and Pantar (A/P) languages in order to facilitat e and st imulate further linguist ic and anthropological work in the area. 1. 1. PHONETIC SYMBOLIZATION All language data in this paper are given in a broad phonetic tran­ scription. It goes without saying that the number of phonetic phenomena symbolized here is somewhat limited by the printer's type case. So , for instance, interdental st ops have not been indicated neither such features as fortis or Zenis. For the same reason there is some deviat ion from the IPA symbols . The author has refrained from attempting to unify the phonetic tran­ scription. This exp lains notat ional differences in e.g.: wordlists 12: items 63, 6 9 and 4: items 115, 116 . 1 Stokhof, W.A.L. Preliminary notes on the Alor and Pantar languages (East Indonesia). B-43, vi + 79 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1975. DOI:10.15144/PL-B43.1 ©1975 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 2 CHARr 1: CONSONANTS lab- dent/ alv- t back . bil . re ro- pal. vel. glot . \ dent . I alv. Ipal . I flex l l I vel. I ve l. p t c t. k q ? tmaSpir. ved . b d j d. 9 vel. ph thlth aspir. ved. bh m 8- .p ve l. p- t- k- m unre- leased ved. b- d- e e with voiced b d release vel. f x h m flat ved . b, v Y <IJ H � :> or! -M or! cd () s' m vel . s 5 m bO grooved y <IJ E ved. Z z H § bO .--I <IJ vel. ts ts kx qx affricates ved. dz d� ' nasals m n n n. I) laterals 1 I' trill/flap r gli- unaspir . w w' y des asp irated wh H ·rl vel. p? t? cd stop ? d? >< ved . b c- � T-m < m cdH vel. P � st op �; p. ved . b< � 3 CHARI' 2 : VOWELS front cent ral back unr. r. unr . r. unr. r. high u ;. u lower-high u mid 0 lower-mid e a low al II lower-low a In addit ion I use the following symbols : on nasalized vowels ( e.g. list 2 item 7, or shortly: 2/7) on short ened vowe ls ( e.g. 2/10 ) facultat ive sound or sound sequence ( e.g. 2/70 ) / variant forms ( e.g. 7/34) (?) uncertain no answer was obtained ( e.g. 3/45) (V ) hV slight glottal friction ( e.g.
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