E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1995 No. 84 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, May 22, 1995, at 12 noon. Senate FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1995 (Legislative day of Monday, May 15, 1995) The Senate met at 8:45 a.m., on the RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING Pending: expiration of the recess, and was called MAJORITY LEADER Hutchison (for Domenici) amendment No. 1111, in the nature of a substitute. to order by the President pro tempore The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I [Mr. THURMOND]. acting majority leader is recognized. watched, as I am sure many people in SCHEDULE America did, last night and all day yes- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, PRAYER terday, I guess starting at noon, the this morning the leader time has been two sides debating probably the most reserved and the Senate will imme- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John important vote we will take maybe in diately resume consideration of Senate Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: our lifetime. Concurrent Resolution 13, the budget Lord of all life, Sovereign of this Na- The balanced budget amendment, I resolution. felt, was the most important vote be- tion, we ask You to bless the women Under the previous order, a rollcall cause that would set a framework for and men of this Senate as they press on vote will occur this morning at 10:45 on us, for the future generations to make to express their convictions on the the Domenici amendment, the text of sure that in our framework of Govern- soul-sized fiscal issues confronting our which is President Clinton’s budget. ment we would not allow one genera- Nation. That will be the only rollcall vote tion to put in debt future generations. today. However, the Senate will remain In these days of discussion, when pri- So while I reserve that vote as the in session in order to debate the con- orities must be set and differences are most important vote, nevertheless, current budget resolution. sharply focused, we need a special what we are doing today is imple- measure of Your grace. In the debate f menting the balanced budget amend- over what it will take to balance the RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ment that did not pass. budget, and when and how this can be The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under We are taking up for consideration a achieved, there will be strong disagree- the previous order, the leadership time budget resolution that will balance by ment. We will need Your wisdom and is reserved. the year 2002. I was watching C–SPAN this morning Your guidance to practice the fine art f of creative compromise, so that the and I saw a recap, I guess, of the debate budget will reflect what is best for our CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON on the House floor yesterday. They THE BUDGET Nation both now and for the future. were talking about Democrats holding up pictures of the elderly and Repub- Liberate us from the polarities of pre- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under licans holding up pictures of children suppositions that keep us from moving the previous order, the Senate will now resume consideration of Senate Con- saying, basically, that is where the ar- toward consensus. Help each Senator guments are—that the Democrats are to speak the truth as he or she sees it, current Resolution 13, which the clerk will report. going for the senior citizens and the listen carefully to differing points of The legislative clerk read as follows: Republicans are talking about pro- view, and then be willing to find work- A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 13) tecting children. able solutions. Guide us through these setting forth the congressional budget for I think that they are saying to the days of discord and division and bring the United States Government for the fiscal senior citizens, ‘‘We do not think you us to a resolution in which there is no years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. will be responsible.’’ I think that is victor except the people of this Nation. The Senate resumed consideration of what the Democrats were saying on the In Your reconciling name. Amen. the concurrent resolution. House side. ‘‘We do not think you will ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6949 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S19MY5.REC S19MY5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S6950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 19, 1995 be responsible with our money. We tunity, and more hope than any nation We will hear a lot of demagoguery want you to vote for making sure that has provided any people in the history about how terrible everything is, and we continue all of these programs, of the world. what the Senator from Texas is doing business as usual,’’ and I do not think This great country of ours can be in is focusing on positive effects of get- the seniors of America are saying that jeopardy unless we do at least two ting to a balanced budget. at all. things. We must provide an adequate Today we have the opportunity to de- In fact, one of the callers on the show defense to protect this country. That is bate this. This is the President’s budg- called in from Florida, and the woman essential. We must protect ourselves et that he sent up here earlier this said, ‘‘I am a senior and I want my against the enemies who will destroy year. It is for fiscal year 1996, and it grandchildren to have a balanced budg- democracy and freedom in this world. calls for in his budget, as we see by this et. I want them to have the same kind The next is, we must have a sound fi- chart, the red line calls for budget defi- of America that I have had. I do not nancial system. We have not balanced cits of around $200 billion a year. That want to be a senior that plunges our this budget but one time in 32 years. is what his budget numbers call for, country into debt and will not take the Eight times in 64 years. That can bring using the Office of Management and responsible position.’’ destruction. We are not being fair to Budget. I think if there is an effort to pander our children, our grandchildren, and fu- As we know from the President’s to seniors, the people of this country ture generations. We must take steps State of the Union speech, it might are smarter than that, and especially to balance this budget. have been even his first State of the the seniors are smarter than that. I hope that we pass a budget this Union speech, he says we should not They are looking for the future of this year, pass it now, that will take steps use Office of Management and Budget country. They want to cut this growth to bring sanity to this country’s fi- numbers. Those are not the right num- in spending so that we will have a fu- nances. bers to use. We should use the Congres- I love this country. I want to do ev- ture for their children. sional Budget Office, they are the bet- We have been talking about cuts, erything I can to preserve it. We can ter estimator, they have been shown to preserve it if we stop this big spending. cuts, cuts. I must remind everyone in be more correct over time. They would We have been spending more than we this debate we are not talking about be the ones that we should use in all have been taking in for all these years. cutting. We are talking about less in- budget debates. We have to stop it and stop it now. Given that fact, the purple line is the creases, fewer increases. We are talk- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I actual CBO estimate of what the Clin- ing about a 7-percent increase in Medi- want to say I yield to no one in my ad- ton budget, this budget right here, this care, which we believe is a responsible miration for the senior Senator from budget will project out. Budget deficits rate of growth for Medicare. South Carolina. In fact, it will save the system for fu- I just want to say he is an example of starting around $170 billion this year, ture generations. That is in question if just what I was talking about. If he going up to almost $275 billion by the we do not take the steps now to give would not mind my calling him a sen- year 2000. And then up even further, up innovative alternatives to the Medi- ior Senator or senior citizen, he is the to over about $300 billion by the year care system we have now so that we kind of senior citizen, as a Senator, 2002. He is going to add, with this budget— will be able to say by the year 2002 the who is leading the effort toward doing if we approve this budget today, we Medicare trustees were wrong. It is not the responsible thing.
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