McGrath / Christianity 1405153607_5_end Final Proof page 486 25.8.2006 1:57pm A Glossary of Theological Terms hat follows is a brief discussion of a series of technical terms that the reader is likely to encounter W in the course of reading texts which relate to Christian theology. Many of them occur in the present work. adoptionism The heretical view that Jesus was Anabaptism A term derived from the Greek word ‘‘adopted’’ as the Son of God at some point for ‘‘rebaptizer,’’ and used to refer to the radical during his ministry (usually his baptism), as wing of the sixteenth-century Reformation, opposed to the orthodox teaching that Jesus based on thinkers such as Menno Simons or was Son of God by nature from the moment Balthasar Hubmaier. of his conception. analogy of being (analogia entis) The theory, aggiornamento The process of renewing the especially associated with Thomas Aquinas, church, which was particularly associated that there exists a correspondence or analogy with Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican between the created order and God, as a result Council (1962–5). The Italian word can of the divine creatorship. The idea gives theor- be translated as ‘‘a bringing up to date’’ or etical justification to the practice of drawing ‘‘renewal,’’ and refers to the process of theo- conclusions from the known objects and logical, spiritual, and institutional renewal and relationships of the natural order concerning updating which resulted from the work of this God. council. analogy of faith (analogia fidei) The theory, Alexandrian School A patristic school of thought, especially associated with Karl Barth, which especially associated with the city of Alexandria holds that any correspondence between the in Egypt, noted for its Christology (which placed created order and God is only established on emphasis upon the divinity of Christ) and the basis of the self-revelation of God. its method of biblical interpretation (which anthropomorphism The tendency to ascribe employed allegorical methods of exegesis). A human features (such as hands or arms) or rival approach in both areas was associated other human characteristics to God. with Antioch. Antiochene School A patristic school of thought, allegory An understanding of how biblical texts especially associated with the city of Antioch in are to be interpreted which sees certain biblical modern-day Turkey, noted for its Christology images as possessing deeper, spiritual mean- (which placed emphasis upon the humanity of ings, which can be uncovered by their inter- Christ) and its method of biblical interpretation preters. (which employed literal methods of exegesis). A 486 McGrath / Christianity 1405153607_5_end Final Proof page 487 25.8.2006 1:57pm GLOSSARY OF THEOLOGICAL TERMS rival approach in both areas was associated with all three persons are present and active in both Alexandria. these works. anti-Pelagian writings The writings of Augustine Arianism A major early Christological heresy, relating to the Pelagian controversy, in which treated Jesus Christ as the supreme of which he defended his views on grace and God’s creatures, and denied his divine status. justification. See ‘‘Pelagianism.’’ The Arian controversy was of major import- Apocalyptic A type of writing or religious out- ance in the development of Christology during look in general which focuses on the last things the fourth century. and the end of the world, often taking the form asceticism A term used to refer to the wide var- of visions with complex symbolism. The second iety of forms of self-discipline used by Chris- half of the book of Daniel (Old Testament) and tians to deepen their knowledge of and Revelation (New Testament) are examples of commitment to God. The term derives from this type of writing. the Greek term askesis (‘‘discipline’’). apologetics The area of Christian theology which atonement An English term originally coined in focuses on the defense of the Christian faith, 1526 by William Tyndale to translate the Latin particularly through the rational justification term reconciliatio. It has since come to have the of Christian belief and doctrines. developed meaning of ‘‘the work of Christ’’ or apophatic A term used to refer to a particular ‘‘the benefits of Christ gained for believers by style of theology, which stressed that God can- his death and resurrection.’’ not be known in terms of human categories. Barthian An adjective used to describe the theo- ‘‘Apophatic’’ (which derives from the Greek logical outlook of the Swiss theologian Karl apophasis, ‘‘negation’’ or ‘‘denial’’) approaches Barth (1886–1968), and noted chiefly for its to theology are especially associated with the emphasis upon the priority of revelation and its monastic tradition of the Eastern Orthodox focus upon Jesus Christ. The terms ‘‘neo- church. Orthodoxy’’ and ‘‘dialectical theology’’ are Apophthegmata The term used to refer to the also used in this connection. collections of monastic writings often known beatific vision A term used, especially in Roman as the ‘‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers.’’ The Catholic theology, to refer to the full vision of writings often take the form of brief and God, which is allowed only to the elect after pointed sayings, reflecting the concise and death. However, some writers, including practical guidance typical of these writers. Thomas Aquinas, taught that certain favored apostolic era The period of the Christian church, individuals – such as Moses and Paul – were regarded as definitive by many, bounded by allowed this vision in the present life. the resurrection of Jesus Christ (c.AD 35) and Beatitudes, the A term used to describe the eight the death of the last apostle (c.AD 90?). promises of blessing found in the opening sec- The ideas and practices of this period were tion of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: widely regarded as normative, at least in 3–11). Examples include ‘‘Blessed are the pure some sense or to some degree, in many church in heart, for they shall see God’’ and ‘‘Blessed circles. are the peacemakers, for they shall be called appropriation A term relating to the doctrine of children of God.’’ the Trinity, which affirms that while all three Calvinism An ambiguous term, used with two persons are active in all the outward actions of quite distinct meanings. First, it refers to the the Trinity, it is appropriate to think of those religious ideas of religious bodies (such as the actions as being the particular work of one of Reformed church) and individuals (such as the persons. Thus it is appropriate to think of Theodore Beza) who were profoundly influ- creation as the work of the Father, or redemp- enced by John Calvin, or by documents written tion as the work of the Son, despite the fact that by him. Second, it refers to the religious ideas of 487 McGrath / Christianity 1405153607_5_end Final Proof page 488 25.8.2006 1:57pm GLOSSARY OF THEOLOGICAL TERMS John Calvin himself. Although the first sense is associated with various ‘‘charismatic’’ phe- by far the more common, there is a growing nomena, such as speaking in tongues. recognition that the term is misleading. Christology The section of Christian theology Cappadocian fathers A term used to refer col- dealing with the identity of Jesus Christ, par- lectively to three major Greek-speaking writers ticularly the question of the relation of his of the patristic period: Basil of Caesarea, human and divine natures. Gregory of Nazianzen, and Gregory of Nyssa, circumincession See perichoresis. all of whom date from the late fourth century. conciliarism An understanding of ecclesiastical ‘‘Cappadocia’’ designates an area in Asia or theological authority which places an em- Minor (modern-day Turkey), in which these phasis on the role of ecumenical councils. writers were based. confession Although the term refers primarily to Cartesianism The philosophical outlook espe- the admission to sin, it acquired a rather differ- cially associated with Rene´ Descartes (1596– ent technical sense in the sixteenth century – 1650), particularly in relation to its emphasis that of a document which embodies the prin- on the separation of the knower from the ciples of faith of a Protestant church, such as known, and its insistence that the existence of the Lutheran Augsburg Confession (1530), the individual thinking self is the proper start- which embodies the ideas of early Lutheran- ing point for philosophical reflection. ism, and the Reformed First Helvetic Confes- catechism A popular manual of Christian doc- sion (1536). trine, usually in the form of question and an- consubstantial A Latin term, deriving from the swer, intended for religious instruction. Greek term homoousios, literally meaning ‘‘of catharsis The process of cleansing or purification the same substance.’’ The term is used to affirm by which the individual is freed from obstacles the full divinity of Jesus Christ, particularly in to spiritual growth and development. opposition to Arianism. catholic An adjective which is used both to refer consubstantiation A term used to refer to the to the universality of the church in space and theory of the real presence, especially associ- time, and also to a particular church body ated with Martin Luther, which holds that the (sometime also known as the Roman Catholic substance of the eucharistic bread and wine Church) which lays emphasis upon this point. are given together with the substance of the Chalcedonian definition The formal declar- body and blood of Christ. ation at the Council of Chalcedon that Jesus contemplation A form of prayer, distinguished Christ was to be regarded as having two na- from meditation, in which the individual tures, one human and one divine. avoids or minimizes the use of words or images charisma, charismatic A set of terms especially in order to experience the presence of God associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 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