O@RNELL @ N PARADE Cornellians came out in force to bid an enthusiastic farewell to President and Mrs. Rhodes. :M R. O@RNELL' RETIRES Universl't yArchivist Gould Colman retires - sort of. D fts dean is selected to head C om ell's Vet C ollege YY YW CC W CW R 2 will return to teaching and research after the college-'' four-year program as well ms about 115 sew ing ms dean since 1985. Cornell Presi- EçW e are extraordinarily lucky to have graduate students.The college has 125 fac- Franklin M . Loew, dent Frank H.T. Rhodes and President- Dr. Ixew return to Cornell as dean of the ulty membersandan annual budgetof about dean of theTufts Univer- . elect Hunter Rawlingsenthusiastically sup- veterinary college,'' Provost-designate $51 million. Partway through a So -million sity Schoolof Veterinary ported the nomination. Randel said.ulle will be an imaginative and seriesof state-fundedconstxctionandreno- Vedicinesince 1982,h% ' ççI look forward to being part of the energetic Ieader of a college with a distin- vation projects, the college recently built been nominated as the team that President-elect Rawlings and guished tradition. Because of his quality of and equipm d a new Veterinary Education eighth dcan of the New L Provost-designate Don M . Randel are as- mind and the rangc of his interests, he will Center and Veterinary Medical Center. Ybrk State College of o*w sembling, and to returning to my alma be intellectually engaged in other parts of Ixew earned his B.S. and D.V.M . de- Veterinary M edicine at Cornell. matery'' Loew said. ttveterinary medicine the university as welI.'' grees from Cornell in 1961 and 1965, re- Cornell Provost Malden Nesheim will at Cornell is a premier program nation- Ixew is Ieaving one of America's new- spedively, and a Ph.D. in physiology and recommend Loew's appointment to the ally and internationally.'' est veterinary schools to return to the uni- pharmacology from Canada's University of Executive Committee of the board of trust- Provost Nesheim, who will continue in versity that awarded the country's first vet- Saskatchewan in 1971.Heservcd invarious ees at its meeting on M ay 26. A 1965 that & st through June,said: *<I am delighted erinary medicine degree in 1876. One of 27 capacities, including professor, at the Uni- D.V.M . graduate of Cornell, Locw is ex- that Frank Loew hasagreed tobecomedean. veterinary colleges' in the United States and versityof Saskatchewan from 1967t0 1977. pected to assume his new duties in Septem- He is an experienced, well-respected dean the onl! one in New York, Cornell educates After five years as director of comparative ber. He succeeds Robert D. Phemister.who who will provide exceptional leadership to approxlmately3zoveterinary students in its Continued on page 2 M orrisIlees to speak at convocation Cornell President Frank H.T. Rhodes will preside over his 18th and last Com- mencement on Sunday, M ay 28, at Schoellkopf Field at 1 1 a.m. ' Rhe eswillconferdepeesonalmost6je elijible graduates at the unlversity's 127th com- ylùmj' mencement ceremony , .L'xv ' whichwill captwodaysof . ., .yj.)rt( '. celebratory activities that . '.y include a Senior Convo- /' cation with M onis Dees, ., ' j.'t , chief trial lawyer for the , Southern Poverty Law n--s Center and its Klanwatch Projcct, on Saturday, May 27, in Barton Hall at noon. M arian W right Edelman, foundcr and president of the Children's Defense Fund in W ashington, D.C., will present the address at the Baccalaureate Service honoring all graduatingstudentsand retiringfaculty mem- bers on Sunday in Bailey Hal) at 8:30 a.m. Other commencement weekend events: Saturday, May 27: President's Breakfast Reception: The Board of Trustees and President' and Mrs. Rhodeswill honorgraduatesand theirfami- lies at a breakfast reception on the Arts Ouad from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Johnson Graduate School of M anage- m ent Diploma Cem mony: Dean A lan M erten will speak at the ceremony in M alott C U honors high schobl teachers of top graduates Hall at 11 a.m. Senior Convocation: To be held in By Darryl Geddes was one of his most outstanding teachers. Susan H. M urphyqcornellvicepresident Barton Hall at noon, the convocation to GMD. Peloquin wœs the best teacher I had of student and academic services. said sec- honor graduates and their families will fea- n irty-Gve Cornell seniors, recently se- in high Khool,'' he Mid. fçshe taught me to ondary school teachers deserve much credit ture an address by M orris Dees !who suc- lected as the university's top graduates as challengemyK lf andtoexcel,andthat'swhat for the successful academic careers of their cessfullj brought legal cases agalnst thc Ku M errill Presidcntial Scholars, will reunite helped me become the student I am today.'' former students. tçrhese teachers have a Klux Klan in the early 1980s. Earlier this May 23 and pay tribute to the high school Peloquin wœselated by the honorfrom her great influence on the personal and intellec- mopth in the wake of the bombing in Okla- teachers lhey say most influenced their suc- former student and Cornell. GW hen Michael tual development of our studentsc she said. homa City, the Southern Poverty Law Cen- cessful un- dergraduate careers. called to tell me I was going to receive this un ey nurturethestudentsand preparcthem ter sent Ietters to state attorneys general High schx l teachers fiom across North honor, I was shocked and surprised,'' she to handle the challenges of college. around thecountry urgingthem to use exist- America and one from ms far away as En- said. un is is the bi% est accomplishment of> Gsecondary school teachers are often inglawsto regulateprivate militiaorganiza- gland are expected to attend the awards my profeisional career.'' unsung heroes and, as fellow educators, it's tions. Dees has been a prominent spokes- ceremony at Cornell, in which they will be Peloquin aqplauded Cornell for its vi- important that we recognize their work,'' person in the news mediasince the bombing recognizedwith smtooscholarships in their sion in recognlzing the role of secondary Murphy said. as an expert on hate groups in America. namestobeawardedtoan incomingcornell Khool teachers. çç-rhis is such an inspiring Cornell a gan saluting secondary schx l Also smakiny at the convœation will be Mudent from theif high Khools. program,'' she added. GI see high schools teachers in 1988 ttto recognize the singular A niorcluspresldentluliec bell.Thecla Michael Krochmal, a chemistry major, and collcges ms partners with a common influence of inspired teaqhing and enduring of 1995 will present a gift to the Cornell said Carol A. Peloquin, a math teacher at goal of inspiring students and helping them Y nds that are ohen forged between teachers Tradition, a program that offers students an Enrico Fermi Highschool in Enfield,conn., rcach their fullest N tential.'' Continued on page 6 Continued on page 2 2 May 18, 1995 Cornell Chronicle ' ' B RV FS ' 1' J ,ic ,d' 4 . s' ' ' 'Y' . '.' .x . 'P J ' . ' j 4'r' . y J s 'r $ ) ;.' . ' . J . $ ' w J. $ ; i. ,.. .* .. T . ,à63 : , , . ; . J :' , ,,.oj . f . ,t. ? . jè , :i. ..: .7, .é. ' ' . '. / .J .z . ., , . ., p . z ïî ' t * A>gan doing w*Il: Carl Sagan, as- f / .y. y j ' . , . ,. ,. J) . s tronomer and autbor, is making t<remark- z ': 'f. 16.r J',' if' j . 4/r z, v' ;g x: 36 /' . .'s. ' . ' :jtL 9 . ' '' < ' able progress'' after his bone marrow trans- r)., , .- . qj. j;. .j , s . '. ' .' î Y % ' ' ' , y '. 1 j i i : W1 plant on April 7, according to doctors at .. p/ , . : ' ) : . k: , ; :s .. ' . ; '>. J4' 7' q ' ' ;p ' 2 it.# >'- '.5 .r' ' . ' ' %' .y wG ..-. ' Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in :? . > , . ' â . 'k . ' . , . , h . ' l' . o . ' .ff ' ' ' ''-'m-' s , ï' ' ' î) k . ' . ' ,x . Seattle, W ash. He has been released from , . , . :. .j 'k7 $ - ' . .. 1 j 1k .. j hrj . )y. ;y . yykkj , q j%,y e.j a ygj .s ' ,., ' . g.,wj,'1'7j.y(,ku. s( y,y)j. ty yy,). ;.,y the center's inpatient transplant unit to the x' ' '. ' . 1 ' . v ?.;'ur:(. .rJ .j . )jk.jp . .. ' ' r . .e . ..,: u 3 ..)' j,s .t . .) .; . : j . ' e . .y...4. outpatient department. As with aII trans- . .a. ;.p' .. ' :1 ' ' . s ,; . J t.y ,., .. j9 yg.k.t. .<. ' A.r '. vT.sö'z syk.s, ',.a). '. 1.$ j . ' . jyj'ry jjyjty 1. plant patients, there are still a numbcr of , 4. r' Lr v/ . gi (' .' 4/6; ' i ' % . .. abjv ;; , 34)tu.y t.( rhl '' . ' . x vk . : .;' ..L. w.' . : ' .y 'Q . tFYy jr : tj.k g.lyr.t'j. tjJ' . ,(. , ' ' . .%. ' ' '. x;#t svk . '' ' ' r., #'. '$.7 .' a /1 potcnt i a 11 yserious obstacles before fu' 11 re- . ' . ' .t. ' . : 27 j' ' ' jzjl. y.,. N, .. yyjyyyo. .y îj?r ' ' . j; â..cèpkp'. , . y ., . .; ? *4'. 4 Aj. .:. ' *1k . jjj , : . , . a ' j$ y.j j. : . t ytiF . .tj1g . V. 'tï .j.4 . z, ' . covcry. Sagan's disease, myelodysplasia, a . xj . .4 L& . ' c; 't', 4 y7 .x . ' . ..,, : 7J. z . p ,. .J '1lè tbrm of refractory anemia, is nearly always . Gjjx ,. ' -. Nw 4 . jx#. .jz fatal if Ieft untreated. The transplant donor, . .. y, sx . '!p' E .vL . ï@. s. ly :; a pertkct match, was his sister, Cari Greene . ji/és . L. ' Lï. ' ' of Charlcston, W .Va. ' . , ( qsrty;z qre% . J .) '. o . ' 'J f . ., . '' yz . k. k%r . $ # K Law oonvolatipn: The Cornell Laaw . h. J.;s . , jp ./ . School will recognize about 200 candidates $ for juris doctorates and master of laws de- i. grees at a convocation ceremony May 21 at 2 p.m. in Bailcy Hall. Cornell President g. ; .. 1:. akpr k.s ' xy Frank H.T. Rhodes will offer congratula- . u .. 2.
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