

laLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk Inventory of Sanskrit Scholars laLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk INVENTORY OF SANSKRIT SCHOLARS General Editor Radha Vallabh Tripathi RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN Deemed University New Delhi Board of Advisors Prof. R. Devanathan Prof. Azad Mishra Prof. K. B. Subbarayudu Dr. Sukla Mukherjee Editorial Board Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo Kailas Chandra Dash Ashok Thapliyal Sangita Gundecha Editorial Assistants Sanjay Dwivedi Sushma Sharma Mangilal Chauhan Surendra Tiwari Nirupama Singhdeo Avani Sharma Vishnu Prasad Meena Data Entry Lala Ram Gohar Sonraj Patidar Amit Kumar Publisher : Registrar RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN Deemed University 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110 058 First Edition 2012 © Publisher Price 450.00 ISBN -978-93-86111-85-2 Printed at : New Bharatiya Book Corporation, New Delhi PREFACE It is immensely gratifying that the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi is publishing the ‘Inventory of Sanskrit Scholars’ (laaLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk) on the occasion of Fifteenth World Sanskrit Conference. The Sansthan under its various schemes also intends to collect the Bio-data of Sanskrit Scholars and to make them available on its website. The preparation of the Software for this purpose is in its final stage. The website will give an access to know the Sanskrit scholars of the entire world and the works done by them. The present Inventory includes the details of about 5000 Sanskrit scholars. Initially, the preparation of Inventory was taken up at the Bhopal Campus of the Sansthan. Since 2009 the Bhopal Campus has been doing this work in collaboration with its Main Campus, The Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi. This Inventory on the basis of details made available by scholars in response to the Sansthan’s format presents briefly the data as under - the name of scholars, qualification, date of birth, place of birth, positions, teachers and disciples (Guru- Shishya-Parampara), numbers and titles of published books and research papers, addresses, awards and honors, foreign visits etc. and gives also a resume of their significant contributions to Sanskrit. The Sanskrit scholars mentioned in this Inventory are mostly those who were born between 1850 to 1990 A.D. The application form for entries in the Inventory of Sanskrit Scholars is available in the Sansthan’s website. A large number of Sanskrit Scholars responded. The Bio-data of several Sanskrit scholars were also collected by personal contact, through internet, correspondence, books, conferences etc. It was however, not possible to include Bio-Data of each and every scholar due to paucity of time. The Sansthan has decided to launch a ‘Wikipedia of Sanskrit Scholars’ and is hopeful of getting the co-operation of Scholars, in this regard. The Sansthan expresses its gratitude to the scholars who have offered their direct and indirect co-operation in preparing the Inventory. Prof. Balkrishna Sharma, from Ujjayini, Dr. Narayan Dash from Kolkata (W.B.), Dr. Bhai Vasant Bhatt from Gujarat, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Pandey from Varanasi and Dr. Sugyana vi laLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk Kumar Mohanty form Orissa have particularly helped us in getting the data. We also acknowledge the valuable assistance provided by Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra, Lalit Kishore Sharma and Avinash Pandey who collected the Bio-Data of Scholars participating in conference held at different places in India. We are thankful to Shri Anil Sharma who designs the format of the Inventory and Shri Subhash Chandra Jain of New Bharatiya Book Co-operation, New Delhi who took great pains in publishing it in a very short time. Though the Inventory is not complete in itself, yet it is believed that it will be helpful to readers, researches and those who are willing to know the contributions of scholars to Sanskrit studies spanning over last 150 years. ABBREVIATION A.I.R. - All India Radio Add. - Address AP - Andhra Pradesh Asct. Prof. - Associate Professor Asst. Prof. - Assistant Professor b. - Birth / Date of Birth B.A. - Bachelor of Arts B.O.L. - Bachelor of Oriental Language BHU - Banaras Hindu University BORI - Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute CG - Chhattisgarh Comm. - Commentary D.D. - Door Darshan D.Phil. - Doctor of Philosophy Dipl. - Diploma Dy. - Deputy Ed. - Edited / Editor GJ - Gujarat Govt. - Government Gp. - Guru Parampara HP - Himachal Pradesh HR - Haryana IASS - International Association of Sanskrit Studies IIAS - Indian Institute of Advance Studies J&K - Jammu & Kashmir JH - Jharkhand KT - Karnataka M. Phil. - Master of Philosophy viii laLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk M.A. - Master of Arts M.M. - Mahamahopadhyaya M.O.L. - Master of Oriental Language M.P - Madhya Pradesh MH - Maharashtra P. G. T. - Post Graduate Teacher P. G. - Post Graduate Ph. D. - Doctor of Philosophy Prof. - Professor Pt. - Pandit R. A. - Research Assistant R.Sk.S. - Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan RJ - Rajasthan S.S.V.V. - Sampoornananda Sanskrit Vishwa-Vidyalaya Skt. - Sanskrit Sp. - Shishya Parampara Spl.Ref. - Special Reference T.G.T. - Trained Graduate Teacher TN - Tamil Nadu U.G. - Under Graduate UK - UttaraKhand Univ. - University UP - Uttar Pradesh WB - West Bengal A Abhimanyu. Acharya (S¹hitya & Dar¶ana), M.A. Maharaja Skt. College, Jaipur. GP. Pt. Murari in Skt. b. 09.12.1939. Vill. Bhainswal Kalan, Mishra. Pt. Devanarayana Tripathi. Bks. 08. Sonipat, Dist. Haryana. Reader. GP. Raghuva÷¶a Explanation, R¹vaªavadham Ramachandra Pandeya, Satyavrata Sastri, Explanation, S¹¡khya Pravacana Explanation, Baladeva Simha. Add. Dept. of Skt.. Punjab ˜akti¶a¡khan¹da Explanation. Tarkabh¹¬¹ University, Patiala (Punjab). Spl.Ref. S¹hitya Explanation. Spl.Ref. Many Research Papers & Dar¶ana. are Published in Skt. Ratnakar, Bharti, Abhyankar, Kamal shankar. M.A., Ph.D. b. Svaramangla etc. 15.12.1938. Maharashtra. HOD Skt. Deptt. Acharya, Dharmaveer. Acharya. b. 15.01.1951. NDT Mahila Vidyapeeth, Mumbai. Bks. 06. Rohtak, Haryana. Teacher. Govt. Sr. Secondary Sa÷skÅtaracan¹, Sa÷skÅtanibandh¹dar¶aå, School Sonipat. Bks. 01. Rajar¬idev»l»l¹caritam. R¹ja¶ekharar¹c» K¹vyam»m¹÷s¹, H¹sya- Acharya, Hariram. M.A., Ph.D. (Sanskrit), tu¬¹r¹å. Add. C-9, Ganesh Bhavan, Senapati S¹hitya Ratna (Hindi). b. 21.06.1936 Bapatmarg, Mahim, Mumbai – 16. Spl. Ref. Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Retd. Professor, Deptt. Poetry in Skt., Marathi. Join to A.I.R. & of Skt. Rajasthan V.V., Director Jain Research Dooradarshana. Centre and President Rajasthan Skt. Academy. Acharya, Balvir. Acharya in Veda & M.A. in Bks.05 pØrva¶¹kuntalam, Khule Kiraªap¹la, Skt., D.Litt.. b.23.05.1952, Fazalpur (U.P.). Mah¹kavih¹la Aura G¹th¹satasai, Sa¡g»ta- Prof., M. D. Univ. Rohatk. Bks: 05. ˜ik¬¹ d¹modara. Ps 50. Add. Parnakuti, 42-A, Ved¹nta Parampar¹ aur Siddh¹nta, Br¹hmaªa Gangawal Park, Jaipur. Spl.Ref. K¹vya ˜¹stra, Granthon ke R¹jan»tika Siddh¹nta, ›gved»ya N¹-ya ˜¹stra and Pr¹kÅta Literature. Writer Br¹hmaªo k¹ S¹mskÅtika Adhyayana. Ps: 20. of Poetry Songs Drama, Literary Criticism Add. H.No. - 33 / Type - IV. University Campus, in the field of Hindi Braj Bhasha Skt. Prakrit Rohtak 124001, Haryana. email: balviracharya and Urdu Chief Editor Svaramangla Journal. @ Meerakavya Puraskar, Meru Puraskar. Acharya, Buddhi Vallabh. Acharya in Rediotalks & Kavyapath from A.I.R. & D.D.- Vy¹karaªa, Vidyavachaspati. b.15.06.1936, JAIPUR . Vill. Aamdipatti, Garhwal. Principal. Jagat Acharya, Jagadish kumar. Acharya in Jyoti¬a, Dev Singh Skt. College, Haridwar. Gp. Shiksashastri. b. 31.01.1925, Dilip Pur, Paramesvarananda Shastri, Ramanandaji Pratapgarh, U.P. Rtd. Principal. GP. Pt. Shastri, Omprakash Bhatt, Kanta Prasad Pauharisarana Pandey, Avadhabihari Tripathi. Badhola, Madhavanand Shastri. Bks. 03. J¹go Bks. 01. Indir¹ Caritam. Add. Dilip Pur, Vira J¹go, Rasa Kala¶», Uddhava-¶atakam. Pratapgarh (U.P.). Spl.Ref. Jyoti¬a. Add.Vill. Haripur Kala, Raiwala, Dehradun. Spl.Ref. Vy¹karaªa. Acharya, Jyotimitra. Acharya in Dar¶ana, Acharya, Chainsukh Das. Acharya. Ny¹ya S¹hitya, Pur¹ªetih¹sa, Ph.D. b. 01.05.1939, Theertha. b. 1900. Jaipur. Principal. Digambar Rudauli, Barabanki, U.P. Add. B-13/166 A, Jain Skt College. Jaipur. Bks. 05. Jainadar- Kedarghat, Varanasi (U.P.) Spl.Ref. Dar¶ana. ¶anas¹raå, P¹vanaprav¹haå, Bh¹van¹vivekaå, Acharya, Karna Chandra. Acharya in S¹hitya ¦oda¶ak¹raªabh¹van¹. Arhatapravacana. M.A., Ph.D., Diploma. b. 02.09.1934. Prof. Spl.Ref. Jain Dar¶ana. Dept. of Skt.. Ps. 05. Add. Utkal University, Acharya, Chandi Prasad. Acharya in Vy¹karaªa, Vani Vihar, Bhuvaneswar – 751004 (Orissa). S¹hitya & Dar¶ana. b. 1871. Principal. Spl.Ref. Veda & S¹hitya. 2 laLÑrfo}Rifjpkf;dk Acharya, Krishna. Acharya M.A. in Veda & Salt Lake City, Calcutta–700091,W.B. Spl.Ref. Grammar, Ph.D., b. 12.12.1959. Asct. Prof. Conferred title “Bhakti – Siddhanta Vachaspati” M.D. Univ. Rohtak. Bks. 01. Pa¶uyajña- by the Institute of Vaishnavism & Vedic culture m»m¹ms¹. Ps: 25. Add. H.No. 33/ Type IV. 1989, UGC Research Awards. University Campus, Rohtak-124001. Haryana. Acharya, Ram Nath Suman. Acharya, M.A., Spl.Ref. Veda & Vy¹karaªa. Honourary Vidyavachaspati. b. 20.07.1926. Acharya, Kshitinath. K¹vya-Vy¹karaªa Tirtha, Gaziabad, U.P. Committee Adhyaksh Bharat M.A., Ph.D. b. 03.11.1952, Rasan, Midnapur, Skt. Parishad. Spl.Ref. S¹hitya, Vy¹karaªa. W.B. Asct. Prof. Scottish Church College, He has written many texts books which are Calcutta – 70006. Add. Ananda Ashram. AF– prescribed in the various universities of India, 186 Rabindrapalli, P.O. Prafulla kanan, Ashukavi, President Awardee. Calcutta, Pin. 700101. Ph. (033) 5713300. Acharya, Shaligram. Acharya (Dar¶ana, Acharya, Motilal. Acharya. b. 16.08.1929, Vy¹karaªa). b. 09.04.1918. Una, HP. Rtd. Sihora, Sagar, (M.P.). Asst. Prof. Gp Mahendra Principal, Govt. Skt. College, Solan. Bks. 04. Kumar, Diwakar Joshi. Add. Shri Ganesh Ny¹yadar¶ana, Vai¶e¬ikadar¶ana. Ps. 40. Digambar Jain Sanskrit Vidyalaya, Sagar Spl.Ref. Indian Philosophy, Head, Darsanaik (M.P.). Spl.Ref. S¹hitya. Anusandhan Kendra, President Awardee. Acharya, Pandhari Nath G. Ratna (Ny¹ya, Acharya, Sitanath.

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