Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology ISBN(softcover): 978-0-87849-600-6 ISBN(eBook): 978-3-0357-0448-8 Table of Contents Thermodynamic Properties of the Surface Phase from Fused Salts to Water M. Abraham, M.-. Abraham and I. Ziogas 3 Complexes in Polyvalent Metal - Alkali Halide Melts Z. Akdeniz and M.P. Tosi 11 Solubility Studies of the Ca-CaO-CaCl2 System K.M. Axler and G.L. DePoorter 19 Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Investigations of Selected Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds in Ambient Temperature Chloroaluminate Melts J.E. Coffield, S.P. Zingg, K.D. Sienerth, S. Williams, C. Lee, G. Mamantov and G.P. Smith 25 Surface Tension of Alkali-Metal Acetate Hydrated Melts S. Deki, T. Yanomaru, A. Kajinami and Y. Kanaji 33 The Effect of Possible Phase Changes on the Heat Conduction of Slags T. El Gammal and S. Odendahl 37 Gold Anions in Alkali Bromide Melts: Solubility and Optical Spectrum R. Erdmann, R. Wormuth and R.W. Schmutzler 45 Investigations of Complex Formation and Phase Diagrams of Molten Salts Related to the Oxidized Form of Sulphuric Acid Catalysts G.E. Folkmann, G. Hatem, R. Fehrmann, M. Gaune-Escard and N.J. Bjerrum 53 Neodymium Chloride and Alkali Chlorides Mixtures: Calorimetric Investigation and Modeling M. Gaune-Escard, A. Bogacz, L. Rycerz and W. Szczepaniak 61 BaF2-NaF-ZrF4 Melts: Experimental Thermodynamics and Modeling G. Hatem, M. Guane-Escard and M. Hoch 71 Structural Study of Molten CaCl2-KCl System K. Igarashi, K. Tajiri, T. Asahina and M. Kosaka 79 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Molten Mixture of Lithium Bromide and Lithium Iodide S. Itoh 85 Structural Analyses of B2O3-Cs2O Glasses Y. Iwadate, T. Hattori and J. Mochinaga 93 Estimation of Excess Thermodymanic Functions of Aluminium Monochloride Dissolved in Alkali Chloride Melts G. Kaptay 101 Microstructure of the Metal-Molten Salt Interface A.I. Karasevskii, R.E. Kris and E.V. Panov 109 Catalytic Activity and Spectroscopic Investigations of the M2S2O7/V2O5-SO2/O2/SO3/N2 System (M = Na, K and Cs) D.A. Karydis, K.M. Eriksen, R. Fehrmann, G.N. Papatheodorou and N.J. Bjerrum 115 High Temperature NMR Studies of Oxide Glasses and Melts H. Maekawa, Y. Inagaki, S. Shimokawa, Y. Nakamura, T. Maekawa and T. Yokokawa 123 Thermodynamic Modeling of the 3(Zr,Hf)Cl4-2POCl3 Distillable Molten Salt Composition D.F. McLaughlin 131 Structure of Molten Alkanoates: Order and Disorder Aspects T.A. Mirnaya 143 Short Range Structures of Several Rare Earth Chloride Melts J. Mochinaga, Y. Iwadate and K. Fukushima 147 Direct Observations of Marangoni Convection in Molten Salts T. Nakamura, K. Yokoyama, F. Noguchi and K. Mukai 153 Correlations between Structure, Spectra and Thermodynamics of Transition Metals Dissoloved in Molten Chloroaluminate Solutions D.S. Newman, P.J. Tumidajski and M. Blander 159 X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Molten AgCl under Ultra High Pressure H. Ohno, N. Igawa, T. Makita, K. Igarashi, T. Kikegawa and O. Shimomura 167 The Chemla Effect in Molten (Li,Cs) Cl - Electromigration and MD Simulation I. Okada, S. Okazaki, H. Horinouchi and Y. Miyamoto 175 Vapour Pressure and Thermodynamics of the System 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium Chloride - Aluminium Chloride H.A. Øye, M. Jagtoyen, T. Oksefjell and J.S. Wilkes 183 Thermodynamcis of MgCl2 in Plutonium Electrorefining G.S. Perry and R.F. Watson 191 The Thermodynamic Properties of Molten PbO-PbCl2PbS Solutions C.A. Pickles and S.N. Flengas 199 Construction and Thermodynamic Analysis of Molten Salt Phase Diagrams of Systems Containing Rare Earth Chlorides Z.Y. Qiao and X.R. Xing 217 Studies on the Behaviour of Hydrous Melts: The Non-Aqueous (Ag, TI)NO3+DMSO Liquid System from Thermodynamic and Volumetric Measurements G.A. Sacchetto and Z. Kodejs 227 Effects of Alkali Halides on Sodium Borate Melts by Means of Molecular Dynamics Simulations N. Sawaguchi, K. Kawamura and T. Yokokawa 237 Viscosity and Glass-Transition Temperature of Some Silicate Melts under Low and High Pressures H. Taniguchi and E. Takahashi 245 Solubility of FeCl2 in Molten NaCl-AlCl3 P.J. Tumidajski and M. Blander 251 Careful (Partial) Oxidation of Methane Gas on Molten Metal Complexes S.V. Volkov, V.A. Bandur and N.I. Buryak 273 Vibrational Spectra of Fluoro and Oxofluoro Complexes of Nb(V) and Ta(V) J.H. von Barner, R.W. Berg, N.J. Bjerrum, E. Christensen and F. Rasmussen 279 Raman Spectra of Subvalent Mercury Species Formed during Electrolysis of HgCl2 in Melts G.A. Voyiatzis, G.C. Carountjos and I.V. Boviatsis 285 Pourbaix Diagram of Molten Oxide Mixture T. Yokokawa, K. Kawamura and S. Denzumi 291 EmF Studies of AgNO3-KNO3-NaNO3 Melts I.J. Zsigrai and K. Mèszáros Szècsényi 295 Electrochemical Properties of NbCl5 or K2NbF7 Dissolved in NaCl-KCL Equimolar Mixture L. Arurault, J. Bouteillon, J. de Lepinay, A. Khalidi and J.C. Poignet 305 Electroreduction of Fluoniobate, K2NbF7, in Fused NaCl-KCI A. Barhoun, F. Lantelme, M.E. de Roy and J.P. Besse 313 Preparation of Electrode Materials by Elecrolytic Reduction of Molten Salts J.P. Besse and M.E. de Roy 321 Stability and Electrochemical Properties of Mono and Trivalent Indium Species in Fused LICL-KCL Eutectic J. Bouteillon, M. Jafarian, M. Mohamedi and J.C. Poignet 327 Behaviour of Oxygen Reduced Species in Molten Na2CO3-K2CO3 Eutectic at 750-800°C: Correlation with the Oxidative Coupling of Methane M. Cassir, G. Moutiers, C. Moneuse, J. Devynck and B. Tremillon 333 Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Tin Ions in ZnCl2-xNaCl Molten Salts Y. Castrillejo, D. Ferry, A. García, R. Pardo and P. Sanchez Batanero 341 Fundamental Study of Electrodeposition of Chromium in Fused Salts by Pulse Techniques E. Cherrat, K. Benslimane, F. Lantelme and M. Chemla 349 Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Chromium Containing Ions in the Molten Na2CO3-K2CO3 (58/42 MOL%) Eutectic Mixture at 800°C P. Claes, B. Thirion and J. Gilbert 357 Qualitative and Quantitative Electrochemial Studies of Multivalent Elements in Molten Oxide Glasses P. Claes, J.-. Tilquin and J. Gilbert 365 Impedance Measurements in KF-2HF Melts D. Devilliers, H. Groult, O. Kerrec and M. Chemla 373 Production of Fluorine with Large Amplitude AC Signals in KF-2HF Melts D. Devilliers, B. Teisseyre, H. Groult and M. Chemla 381 b Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology Electrochemical Determination of Arsenic (III) in Molten Sodium Hydroxide R. Dorin and E.J. Frazer 387 Electrochemical Behaviour of Niobium in CsCl-KCI-NaCI-NbCI5 Melt I. Elizarova, E.G. Polyakov and L.P. Polyakova 393 Effects of Oxide on Anodic Behaviours of Graphite Electrodes in Fluoride Molten Salts C. Guang-Sen, T. Oki, B. Pacaud and N. Tanaka 401 Rotating Ring Disk Electrode in Molten Chloride Systems Y. Ito, S. Hikino and K. Ema 409 An Electrochemical Study of Tungsten Species in an Acidic Zinc Chloride-Sodium Chloride Melt A. Katagiri 415 Electrochemical Reduction of Niobium Ions in Molten NaCl-KCI A. Khalidi, P. Taxil, B. Lafage and A.P. Lamaze 421 Electrochemical Investigation of Diffusion of Lithium in Beta-LiAl Alloy at Room Temperature N. Kumagai, Y. Kikuchi, K. Tanno, F. Lantelme and M. Chemla 429 The Conventional Standard Potential of Alloys V.A. Lebedev 435 Electrochemical Reduction of Molybdenum from KF-B2O3-K2MoO4 Molten Salt System G. Li and D.H. Fan 443 Continuous Refining of Niobium in Molten Salts G. Lorthioir, A. Saile and F. Basile 449 The Auxiliary Electrode for TiCl2 Electrolysis Design of Anodes M. Maja, P. Spinelli, G. Morello and E. Serra 457 The Auxiliary Electrode for TiCl2 Electrolysis the Active Porous Mass M. Maja, N. Penazzi, M. Gaido and M. Martano 465 Electrodeposition of Aluminum from AlCl3-MEIC-NaCl and AlCl3-MEIC-LiCl Melts M. Matsunaga, T. Miwa, Y. Inoue and K. Hosokawa 473 Summerized Process in the Electrolysis of Cryolite-Alumina Melts V. Moskvitin, V. Shchavelev and V. Shchavelev 479 Intercalation of Fluorine into Graphite in the KF2HF Melt T. Nakajima, M. Tohma and Y. Kawabata 483 Electrochemical Behaviour of Lithium Oxide in Equimolar NaCl-KCl at a Glass Carbon Electrode V.N. Nekrasov, N.M. Barbin and L.E. Ivanovsky 491 Thin-Layer Melt Electrolysis A.A. Omel'chuk and O. Zarubitsky 499 The Niobium Chemistry in Molten LiCl+KCl Eutectic G. Picard and P. Bocage 505 Electrochemical Experiments in Molten Sulphates for Simulating Hot Corrosion of Metallic High Temperature Materials H.-. Rätzer-Scheibe 513 Electrochemical Studies and Anode Reaction Mechanisms of Al-Li Alloys and Li2O-LiF- CaF2 Melts R.G. Reddy and A.R. Narayan 521 Aspects of the Liquid Cerium Electrodeposition in Molten Halide Media T.A.G. Restivo and E.J. Pessine 533 Formation of Corrosion Resistant Niobium Coatings by Electrode-Position in Fluoride Melts A. Robin, M.E. de Almeida and A.F. Sartori 539 Standard Potentials of Lanthanide and Actinide Trichlorides in Molten Eutectic LiCl-KCl Electrolyte J.J. Roy, L.F. Grantham, L.R. McCoy, C.L. Krueger, T.S. Storvick, T. Inoue, H. Miyashiro and N. Takahashi 547 Metallurgical Electrochemistry: The Interface between Materials Science and Molten Salt Chemistry D.R. Sadoway 555 Materials Science Forum Vols. 73-75 c Electrochemical Reduction of Quinones from Molten Amides S. Sampath and R. Narayan 561 Electroanalytical Study of the Reduction of KWCl6 in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic C.A.C. Sequeira 569 Development of AL-Mn Alloy Electroplated Steel Sheet from Molten Salt A. Shibuya, J. Uchida, Y. Yamamoto, H. Seto and T. Tsuda 577 The Electrochemical Process at the Interface of Carbon Electrode and Metal in the Baths for Refining of Aluminium G. Sidorin and V. Moskvitin 585 Electrolysis of Zr4+ in the Molten Fluoride System under Gamma-Ray Radiation Field R. Takagi and G.
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