The Grand History of Eberron Edited by Christopher J. Monte Based on the bestselling campaign world of Eberron created by Keith Baker and Wizards of the Coast The longer you look back, the farther you can see forward. —Sir Winston Churchill The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for… —Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when serves, Or lose our ventures. —William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar , Act IV, scene iii 2 Acknowledgements and Works Cited All ideas and storylines below are trademark/copyright their respective publishers and/or creators. This is a non-profit publication for use as a supplement to Eberron reading and the Dungeons and Dragons game and is NOT in any way affiliated with Wizards of the Coast or any other licensed distributor of Dungeons and Dragons merchandise. Any items or rights that are the property of these sources are not claimed by this writer. All rights are reserved to their original creators. The world of Eberron was created by Keith Baker. This work represents only a compilation of information and ideas first published in the following sources by him and other authors and game designers employed by Wizards of the Coast and is in no way an original work of this author. City of Stormreach by Keith Baker, Nicolas Logue, James Desborough and C.A. Suleiman Eberron Campaign Setting by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt Dragonmarked by Keith Baker, Michelle Lyons and C.A. Suleiman Dragons of Eberron by Keith Baker, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Nicolas Logue and Amber Scott Faiths of Eberron by Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Ari Marmell, and C.A. Suleiman Five ations by Bill Slavicsek, David Noonan and Christopher Perkins The Forge of War by James Wyatt, Wolfgang Bauer and Ari Marmell Magic of Eberron by Bruce R. Cordell, Stephen Schubert and Chris Thomasson Races of Eberron by Jesse Decker, Matthew Sernett, Gwendolyn F. M. Kestrel and Keith Baker “The Umbragen: Shadow Elves of Xen’drik” by Keith Baker in Dragon Magazine #330 (April 2005) “Eternal Evil: The Lords of Dust” by Keith Baker in Dragon Magazine #337 (November 2005) Secrets of Sarlona by Keith Baker, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Glenn McDonald, and Chris Sims Secrets of Xen’drik by Keith Baker, Jason Bulmahn and Amber Scott Sharn: City of Towers by Keith Baker and James Wyatt Finally, large amounts of this history was also drawn from a series of articles called Dragonshards by Keith Baker available on the Wizards of the Coast website’s Dragonshards Archive at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/archeb/ds 3 Contents Introduction pg. 10 The History of the World pg. 17 The Age of Dragons pg. 19 The Progenitor Wyrms pg. 19 The Age of Demons pg. 23 A World of Fiends pg. 23 The Great Dragon-Fiend War Begins pg. 23 The Sacrifice of the Couatls pg. 23 The Blood of Khyber pg. 24 The Draconic Prophecy pg. 24 The Great War Between Dragons and Fiends pg. 24 Draconic Expansion and Withdrawal pg. 26 The Age of Giants pg. 28 The Birth of the Giant Nations pg. 28 The Golden Age of Xen’drik pg. 28 The Quori-Giant War Begins pg. 30 The Elven Uprising and the Fall of the Giants pg. 32 The Quori-Giant War and the Draconic Devastation of Xen’drik pg. 36 The Age of Monsters pg. 39 The Goblin Civilizations Come into Being pg. 39 The Rise of the Orc Nations pg. 39 The Formation of the Undying Court and the Start of the Elf-Dragon Wars pg. 39 The Rise of the Dhakaani Empire pg. 41 The Exile of the Mror Dwarves pg. 45 The Elven Settlement of the Valaes Tairn Colony pg. 46 The Daelkyr War Begins pg. 46 The Fall of Dhakaan pg. 48 The Elf–Dragon Wars pg. 49 4 Vvaraak’s Betrayal pg. 50 Ghaash’kala: The Ghost Guardians’ Eternal War pg. 51 The Current Age pg. 54 The Great Druid Oalian Awakens pg. 54 The First Dragonmarks Appear pg. 54 The Founding of Io’vakas and Io’lokar in Argonessen pg. 56 Lhazaar Begins the Human Migration to Khorvaire pg. 59 The Founding of the City of Sharn pg. 62 House Sivis is Born pg. 62 The Emergence of House Deneith and the Destruction of House Vol pg. 63 The Extension of Human Settlement on Khorvaire pg. 69 Karrn’s War of Conquest pg. 71 The Discovery of Houses Ghallanda, Jorasco and Lyrandar pg. 72 The Birth of House Orien pg. 75 The Arrival of Taratai and the Kalashtar on Eberron pg. 76 The Formation of House Vadalis pg. 83 The Founding of House Medani pg. 84 The War of the Mark pg. 85 The Sundering and Conquest of Sarlona Begins pg. 87 The Sarlonan Migration to Western Khorvaire pg. 90 The Unification of Riedra Under the Inspired pg. 91 Galifar ir’Wynarn is Born in Karrnath and the Border Wars Begin pg. 101 Galifar ir’Wynarn Ascends the Throne of Karrnath pg. 102 Galifar Begins to Unite the Five Nations pg. 103 The Korth Edicts pg. 103 The Mark of Finding Appears in the Shadow Marches pg. 104 The Unification of the Kingdom of Galifar pg. 105 The Establishment of the Arcane Congress and Arcanix pg. 113 The Galifar-Lhazaar War Begins pg. 113 The Five Nations are Renamed and the City of Sharn is Rebuilt pg. 114 Galifar I Abdicates His Throne in Favor of His Son pg. 115 The Death of Galifar I pg. 116 5 House Kundarak is Formally Recognized as One of the Twelve pg. 116 The Birth of the Church of the Silver Flame pg. 116 House Lyrandar Establishes Stormhome pg. 120 House Tharaskh is Founded in the Shadow Marches pg. 121 The Construction of the Starpeaks Observatory pg. 122 The Medusas Come to Cazhaak Draal pg. 122 House Sivis Opens Continent-Wide Arcane Communications pg. 124 Mordain the Fleshweaver is Excoriated From House Phiarlan pg. 124 The City of Stormreach is Established in Xen’drik pg. 125 Lightning Rail Service Between the Cities of the Five Kingdoms Begins pg. 130 The Start of the Silver Purge pg. 132 The Publication of Deviant Celestia pg. 136 First Sighting of Blackroot Tower in Droaam pg. 137 House Deneith Begins Hiring Goblin Mercenaries pg. 139 The Omaren Revolt is Put Down in Stormreach pg.139 The Last War Begins pg. 139 The Establishment of the Order of the Emerald Claw pg. 140 Kaius I Allies Karrnath with the Blood of Vol pg. 140 Kaius II Comes to Power in Karrnath pg. 141 The Mror Holds Declare Independence pg. 141 The Theocracy of Thrane Established pg. 142 The Destruction of Sharn’s Glass Tower pg. 142 The Kingdom of Q’barra is Founded pg. 142 The Fire Storm Strikes Stormreach pg. 144 Valaes Tairn Mercenaries Establish the Kingdom of Valenar pg. 144 The Eldeen Reaches Gain Independence from Aundair pg. 145 King Boranel Ascends the Throne of Breland pg. 147 Zilargo Allies with Breland pg. 148 The Birth of the Warforged pg. 148 The Lhesh Haruuc Establishes the Kingdom of Darguun pg. 151 The Shadow Schism and the Birth of House Thuranni pg. 157 The Order of the Emerald Claw is Outlawed in Karrnath pg. 159 Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn’s Reign over Aundair Begins pg. 160 6 Droaam Becomes Independent of Breland pg. 161 Breland Abandons Droaam pg. 165 The First Elemental Airships Enter Service for House Lyrandar pg. 165 King Kaius III Comes of Age in Karrnath pg. 166 The Voice of the Silver Flame Chooses Jaela Daran as the New Keeper pg. 168 The Day of Mourning pg. 169 The Signing of the Treaty of Thronehold and the End of the Last War pg. 174 The Appearance of Dolurrh’s Dawn in Droaam pg. 176 The Expansion of Stormreach pg. 178 The Present pg. 183 A Short Account of the Last War pg. 184 The Last War Begins pg. 187 Karrnath’s Reversals pg. 194 Cyre is Embattled pg. 199 Cyre in the Balance pg. 215 Reprisals and Revisions pg. 222 Old Battlefields and New Combatants pg. 226 The Rise of the Warforged pg. 239 Breland Riven pg. 248 The Death of Cyre and the Day of Mourning pg. 259 The Aftermath of the Last War pg. 264 A Gazeteer of the Five Nations pg. 266 Aundair pg. 266 Breland pg. 271 Cyre pg. 277 Karrnath pg. 284 Thrane pg. 292 A Gazeteer of Sarlona pg. 298 Adar pg. 303 Riedra pg. 308 Syrkarn pg. 319 The Tashana Tundra pg. 325 7 A Gazeteer of Argonessen pg. 332 The Thousand pg. 332 The Light of Siberys pg. 334 The Tapestry pg. 336 The Vast pg. 339 The Dragonmarked Houses pg. 342 The Cosmology of Eberron pg. 368 Major Religions of Eberron pg. 381 Thir:The Faith of Dragons pg. 381 The Druids of Khorvaire pg. 382 The Sovereign Host and the Dark Six pg. 389 The Church of the Silver Flame pg. 397 The Blood of Vol pg. 402 The Path of Inspiration pg. 404 The Path of Light pg. 406 The Cults of the Dragon Below pg. 408 The Undying Court pg. 409 The Cult of the Lord of Blades pg. 411 Unique Races of Eberron pg. 415 The Shulassakar and the Yuan-Ti pg.
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