Index Abramowicz, Marek, 122 306, 321, 324, 328, 351, 369, 373, Absolute magnitude, 102, 107, 561 397, 399, 403, 406, 408, 446, 450, Absorption lines, 223, 224 483, 543, 552, 553 intergalactic, 567 for massive stars, 456 molecular, 540 super-Eddington, 322, 372, 405, 479 stellar, 25 Adaptive optics, 526, 528 Accretion disk, 154, 251, 350, 354, 385, 386, Advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF), 552, 554, 560 363, 372, 404, 406, 543 Fe K˛ emission, 168, 536, 552 Advection dominated inflow-outflow solution ablation, 257 (ADIOS), 404, 406, 543 atmosphere, 128, 361 AGNs column density, 367 first use of term, 28, 57 continuum emission, 360 total number, 537 geometrically thick, 122 type-1, 100, 110, 165, 166, 179, 192, 231, geometrically thin, 227 233, 236, 357, 361, 417, 447, 469, geometrically thin, optically thick, 54, 161, 491, 539, 552 296, 354, 555 type-1 and type-2, 112, 161, 162, 164, 222, geometrically thin, optically thin, 135 230, 236–240, 441, 443, 446, 557 instability, 117 type-2, 60, 230, 446 line emission, 255, 256, 360 ˛ox parameter, 124, 129, 243 models, 59, 338, 353, 367, 404 AM 2230-284, 65 off-axis illumination, 99 Ambartsumian, Viktor, 28, 45 optically thick, 363 Anglo-Australian observatory (AAO), 24, 40 paradigm, 6, 550 Angular momentum, 395, 400, 412, 554 Shakura–Sunyaev model, 54, 296, 361, of accreting gas, 393, 394 371, 398, 404, 406, 407, 416 conservation, 356, 472 structure, 122, 129, 138, 179, 182, 239, in a wind, 380 349, 360, 363, 404 excess, 404 temperature, 296, 325 extraction, 400 theory, 364, 369, 406 of gas in a galaxy disk, 557 thermal emission, 30, 124, 370 loss, 399, 407, 452, 453, 455, 471, 475 wind, 128, 129, 226, 229, 239, 257, 364, by a companion black hole, 138 416, 447, 555 problem in AGNs, 449 X-ray illumination, 161 transfer to radio jet, 138 Accretion rate, 8, 60, 99, 100, 108, 134, 146, transport, 16, 362, 380, 393, 398, 407, 408 149–151, 153, 162, 167, 168, 185, Anisotropic emission, 350, 383, 410 187, 240, 242, 243, 259, 269, 270, Annihilation, 383 J.W. Sulentic, P. Marziani, M. D’Onofrio (eds.), Fifty Years of Quasars, Astrophysics and 571 Space Science Library 386, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27564-7, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 572 Index Antonucci, Robert, 34, 100 mass, 8, 16, 23, 31, 33, 52, 100, 133, 149, APM 08279C5255, 501 187, 241–243, 245, 263, 268, 270, Ariel V observatory, 41, 43, 44 271, 288, 297, 299, 307, 312, 363, Arp 102B, 47, 256, 366 523, 534, 553, 554, 556 Arp 151, 535 density, 53 Arp 220, 252, 457 as a function of z, 565 Arp 227, 62 limit, 413, 482 Arp Atlas, 62 in non-active galaxies, 300 Atacama large millimiter array (ALMA), 238, range, 219, 243 500, 525–527, 540, 542, 543, 557 turnover, 566 uncertainty, 315, 535 virial, 303, 304, 316, 320 Baade, Walter, 1, 147 in XRBs, 270 Back hole MBH– Mbulge correlation, 34, 52, 113, 258, mass, 304 308, 311, 312, 469, 523, 524, 556, Baldwin effect, 40, 125, 126, 503, 504 557 X-ray, 168 in NLSy1s, 244 Baldwin, Jack, 29 MBH relation, 307, 309, 313, 462, Balmer continuum, 346 469, 535 Balmer decrement, 17, 19, 37, 222, 344, 350 merging, 255, 256, 393, 479 Balmer lines, 3, 99, 100, 127, 128, 247, 255, potential well, 169 256, 291, 341, 344, 358, 360, 410, as power source, 54, 58, 77, 550, 558 531 primordial seed, 478, 564 optical depth, 350, 358 Schwarzschild, 181, 183, 391 profile, 257, 342, 364, 366, 367 sphere of influence, 309, 450, 469, 479, BALnicity index, 223 542, 543 Bar instability, 400, 401 spin, 77, 108, 147, 153, 158, 169, 182, Barred galaxies, 450 322, 390, 391, 394, 409, 418, 479, molecular distribution, 450 553–555, 560 Bars, nested, 403 as driver of radio loudness, 149 Baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO), 567 stellar mass, 553, 558 Begelman, Mitch, 418 supermassive, 6, 9, 58, 121, 134, 141, 149, Big blue bump, 17, 151, 371, 372, 477, 554 150, 155, 161, 180, 301, 338, 397, BL Lacertae objects, 33, 42, 49, 60, 97, 118, 403, 405, 414, 419, 449, 464, 468, 120, 122, 123, 132, 151, 184–189, 479, 523, 556, 558 219–221, 312, 373, 383, 384, 477, in XRBs, 266 554 black hole Black body, 55, 266, 344, 368, 371, 376 mass, 27 disk emission, 324 Blandford, Roger, 33, 394 Black hole, 254, 552, 554, 558, 560, 563, 564 Blandford–Znajek mechanism, 391, 543, 554 binary, 138, 255, 256, 342, 366, 367, 555, Blazars, 121, 123, 151, 174, 184, 186, 187, 560 220, 221, 312, 373, 383, 477 ergosphere, 391 Blueshift, systemic of quasars, 77 estinguished, 552 Blurred reflection, 169, 171, 172 event horizon, 51, 158, 391, 409, 522, 541, Bolometric correction, 124, 320 558 Bolometric luminosity, 155, 491 imaging, 531 Braccesi, Alessandro, 23 fundamental plane of BH activity, 267–270, Bremsstrahlung, 95, 175 272, 553 Bridgman, Percy, 63 gravitational field, 354 Brightness temperature, 132, 140, 185, 306 growth, 77, 243, 524, 526, 531 Broad absorption line (BAL), 224, 227–229, in XRBs, 269 250, 251, 253, 254, 257, 375, 376, Kerr, 169, 391–393, 409 379, 543 magneto-sphere, 392, 396 blueshift, 224, 375 Index 573 FeLoBAL, 228, 230 X-ray absorption, 157, 166 ghost of Ly˛ , 229 Brown, Hanbury, 73 HiBAL, 225, 226 Bulge, 25, 474, 556 incidence, 226 escape velocity, 354 line locking, 376 of host galaxies of quasars, 556 LoBAL, 225, 226, 249, 253 luminosity, 301, 311 mini, 224 mass, 304, 307, 399, 400, 445, 474 polarization, 227 of the Milky Way, 400 profile, 223, 225, 227, 228, 234, 251, 252, pseudo-bulge, 400 360 structure, 399, 400 relation to emission lines, 228 velocity dispersion, 399 X-ray, 375 Bulk velocity, 164 Broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs, 224–230, Burbidge, Geoffrey, 2, 74 234, 241, 243–247, 249, 251–253, Burbidge, Margaret, 2 255, 296, 375–377, 456, 502, 557 Burst alert telescope (BAT), 160 Broad line region (BLR), 15, 30, 33, 95, 98, 100, 127, 151, 167, 222, 239, 289, 363, 534, 536, 555, 558 3C 48, 2, 4, 45, 63, 120 absence, 239 3C 66, 121 clouds, 30, 33, 297, 355–357, 555 3C 66A, 189, 221 motion, 356 3C 120, 48, 188 column density, 167, 352, 355–358 3C 175, 136 density, 17, 55, 96, 349 3C 273, 2–4, 21, 35–37, 41, 45, 61, 63, 74, 75, difference between population A and B, 105, 111, 184, 221, 523 563 3C 274, 62 formation, 136, 238 3C 275, 62 geometry, 33, 303, 363 3C 279, 184 geometry and kinematics, 535 3C 293, 461 hidden, 100, 551 3C 305, 460 high ionization, 32, 99 3C 332, 256 inclination, 533 3C 343.1, 64, 70 ionization stratification, 292, 536 3C 345, 22, 221 kinematics, 32, 239, 292, 297, 523, 3C 390.3, 47, 256, 366, 532 534–536, 550, 559 3C 454.3, 138, 220, 221 light travel time, 533 5C 3.100, 241, 245 low ionization, 99 C IV, 129, 144, 302 models, 350, 352, 364 Ceccarelli, Maurizio, 23 obscuration, 221, 238, 240 Centaurus A, 2, 20, 41, 132, 139, 186, 462 Osterbrock’s turbulent disk model, 34, 99, Central compact massive object, 558 341 Charge-coupled device (CCD), 4, 35, 119, 487, outflow, 34, 99, 534, 557 529, 530, 563, 566 physical conditions, 96 Chemical abundances, 95, 177, 288, 328, 350, produced by supernova remnants, 246 558, 563 radius, 96, 290, 354, 536, 558 Chemical enrichment, 290, 362, 487, 498, 500, radius–luminosity relation, 292, 297, 299, 501 531, 536 Circinus galaxy, 164 refractory element depletions, 290 Clustering size, 55, 239, 291, 307, 353, 523, 532, of quasars, 496, 497 534–536 at high redshift, 497 structure, 33, 111–113, 157, 293, 325, 341, Clusters of galaxies, 2 342, 352, 363, 531, 533–536, 550, catalogs 559, 560 Abell, 2, 43 velocity dispersion, 239 Zwicky, 2 velocity field, 290, 534 Cohen, Ross, 32 574 Index Cold dark matter, 57, 472 Critical density, 111 Collisional excitation, 37, 95, 96, 344 Crossley telescope, 36 Color, 121, 525 Cygnus A, 2, 13, 147 of AGNs, 222, 538 Cyosmic downsizing, 491 IR, 485, 525, 540 of Mrk 231 and HyNæ, 247 of quasar candidates, 101 Dark age, 500 of quasars, 102–104, 115, 122 Dark energy, 56 of stars, 36, 107 Dark matter, 56, 118, 253, 254, 308, 315, 354, sub-mm, 485 399, 401, 474, 493, 496, 497 Color-color diagram, 262 Decadal review 2010, 179, 529 IR, 249 Demography of quasars, 57 Color-magnitude diagram, 61 Density evolution, 481 Column density, 113, 156, 223, 224, 347–349, Density perturbation, 472 351, 352, 355, 501 Diagnostic diagrams, 258, 259 Comoving volume, 53 of BPT, 237, 258, 445 Compact groups, 261 Dibai, Ernst, 34 Compton hump, 158 Disk-jet coupling, 153 Compton reflection, 158, 162 Disk-wind model, 32, 99 Compton scattering, 121, 123, 154, 161, 175, Distance, 269, 565 183, 370, 396 angular, 524 Compton thickness, 161, 171, 179, 259, 262 comoving radial, 6, 7 Continuity equation, 56 of quasars Continuum, 291, 353, 487, 550, 553 independent of redshift, 567 IR, 411 Distance indicator, 4 non-thermal, 30, 54, 64, 555 Distance scale, 61 polarization, 226, 227 Doppler boosting, 158 thermal, 555 Doppler effect, 72, 78, 181, 229, 301, UV excess, 4, 19, 54, 63 375 variability, 32, 370, 532, 552 Doppler redshift, 61 Convection-dominated accretion flows Double-peaked profiles, 105, 219, 255–257, (CDAF), 404, 406, 543 364, 366, 404 Corona, 150, 154–156, 161, 170, 180, 243, 370 Dust, 190–192, 222, 226, 230–233, 235, 240, solar, 36 252, 264, 265, 354, 364, 417, 418, Corotation, 381 486, 527 Correlation function, 291, 496, 497, 503 absorption edges, 165 Cosmic age, 566 circumnuclear, 34, 191, 235, 237 Cosmic microwave background (CMB), 18, 55 cocoons, 484 Cosmic rays, 189, 253 emission, 191, 226, 530 Cosmology grains, 190, 222, 354, 411, 414 CDM, 6, 526 opacity, 355 big bang, 9, 55, 72, 114, 479, 501 reddening, 37 steady state, 2, 73 Dust/gas content, 100 Coulomb interaction, 229 Duty cycle, 219, 473, 481, 483, 494 Covering factor Dynamo engine, 385 in BAL QSOs, 223,
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