March 2016 Volume 5 , Issue 3 ISSN: 2309-5032 Library Bulletin CIIT-Lahore Library Information Services Inside this issue: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology News of the Month 2 Defense Road off Raiwind Road Lahore. Journal Content 4 Tel: 042-111-001-007, Ext. 855 New Arrivals 7 Email: [email protected] Newspaper Clipping 10 http://library.ciitlahore.edu.pk/ Library Bulletin Page 2 News of the Month Chinese Heritage Delegation Visited the Library Chiese heitage delegaio isited the lia o Mah . Muhaad Ishia Assistat Liaia eloed the guests ad iefed the aout the aious failiies / seies eig po- ided to the studets ad fault of CIIT Lahoe. Late o, the guests isited difeet seios of the lia. The guest appeiated lia soues ad seies. Participatation in Pak China Business Forum 2016 th Pak Chia Busiess Fou held at Epo Cete Lahoe fo Mah to , . This geat eet as ogaized ith the ollaoaio of COMSTS Uiesit ad Miist of Siee ad Teholog. The Pakistai ad Chiese usiess e siged eoadu of assoiaio MoUs oth oe tha $ illio duig the usiess fou. Moe tha Chiese isited the Pakista ad displa thei opaies stall i epo ete Lahoe. A lage ue of usiesse fo the oth outies ad studets of dife- et uiesiies paiipated i the Busiess Fou. Chiese opaies peseted thei poduts fo the ehiiio i the usiess fou. That as a geat usiess oppotui- ies fo Pakistai usiesse. The lia as full ioled i this ega eet i shape of pepaig ad sedig ii- taio letes to all paiipats. Also M. Muhaad Tai Naji Lia Ihage as the ee of ogaizig oitee of Pak -Chia Busiess Fou . Page 3 Volume 5 , Issue 3 Farewell and Welcome Party of Library Staff CIIT-Lahoe Lia the a tea pat as a faeell to Ms. Aee ad as a eloe fo Ms. Faia. We ish a a eloe to Ms. Faia ad ish all the good luk to Ms. A- ee fo he futue edeaos. All the staf ees alog ith i hage lia Si Tai ateded the eloe/faeell fo oth the olleagues. Birthday Celebrations To keep up the tadiio of lia, CIIT Lahoe staf alog ith Ihage Tai Naji has eleated the ithda of to staf ees Sajjad Ahed ad Fiaz Husai. Eeoe ished the a e happ ithda ad ejoed the tea pat. Ma ALLAH less the ith good health, log life ad a oe ithdas. Library Bulletin Page 4 Journal Contents Islamic Studies Vol: 52 No. 2, 2013 Table of Contents: Beod Dihotoies: The Ipot of Gadae’s Heeeuis fo the Deate of Relaioship etee Theolog ad Religious Studies MUHAMMAD AKRAM……….. Re-estalishig Ode i Buei: The Itoduio of the Biish Legal Sste duig the Eal Reside- ial Peiod IIK A. MANSURNOOR……... Malik-Milita Coudu: Deipheig the Tasiios i Tadiioal Pakhtu Leadeship SHAHI- DA AMAN ……... Reie Aicle Southeast Asia’s Musli Itelletuals as Eduaioal Refoes MUHAMMED HARON………. Book Reies )ia Mi-Hosseii, Kai Vogt, Lea Lase ad Chisia Moe, eds. Gede ad Eualit i Musli Fai- l La: Jusie ad Ethis i the Islai Legal Tadiio MEHDI )AHRAA……. Joh P. Tue. Iuisiio i Eal Isla: The Copeiio fo Poliial ad Religious Authoit i the Aasid Epie SHERALI TAREEN…... R. P. Bukle. The Night Joue ad Asesio i Isla: The Reepio of Religious Naaie i Sui, Shia ad Weste Cultue SYED RI)WAN )AMIR……. Blai H. Aue. Sols of Authoit i Medieal Isla: Histo, Religio, ad Musli Legiia i the Delhi Sultaate FOU)IA FAROOQ AHMAD……. Page 5 Volume 5 , Issue 3 Journal of Gender & Social Issues Vol:13, No.1 2014 Table of Contents: The ipat of lass ak goud o South Asia Maiages: A stud of Do Paies Iifat A- as….. Ideit as Pakistai: A stud of ollege ad adasah studets of Balista Sala Haide & D. M. Aasi Ajal----- Gede difeees I self –hadiappig: the ole of Self estee ad fea of egaie ealuaio Saat Sulta & Negaie Ealuaio…….. Gede difeees i the saliet ideiies of adolesets Noo-ul-Ai & Seda Sala Hasa…. Page 6 Library Bulletin South Asian Journal of Global Business Research Vol: 3 No. 1, 2014 Table of Contents: Hua aspets of itedisiplia eseah Shaista E. Khilji ----- Sa Piig Stateg: A ust fo sustaiailit Hospitalit pespeie Assad Mahood, FCMA----- iPRIMED's leaig appoah: pepaig the et geeaio of leaes ad leades Cadie Mathes , Shaista E. Khilji ----- Tasfoaioal leadeship ad pshologial epoeet: Deteiats of ogaizaioal iize- ship ehaio Sui Jha----- The posiie side of all etes: a Idia pespeie Tuheea Mukhejee , Sauah Maheshai-- - Ipat of pefeeial tade ageeets PTAs o is’ degee of iteaioalizaio: Eidee fo Pakista Sulaa Hafeez Siddiui , Muhaad )afaullah , Muhaad Ijaz Laif , Ghula Shai ---- Coss-ultual opaiso of ultual thologies ad leadeship pates Diaa J. Wog-MigJi , Ei H. Kessle , Shaista E. Khilji , Shathi Gopalakisha --- Page 7 New Arrivals Volume 5 , Issue 3 Click o iage to ie the detail Autho: Weidea, Chisi- Autho: Staule, Claudia Autho:Vo, Heausgegee . Autho: Duhig, HajoClau- ae Accessio No: Accessio No: dia Accessio o: Accessio No: Autho: Ihsa H adie Autho: Lea Autho: Akhta Hussai Autho: Asgha Kha Accessio o: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Autho: Jafelot, Chistophe Autho: Bhalla, A.S. Autho: Johai, J.C. Autho: Gadhi, Rajoha Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Page 8 Library Bulletin Click o iage to ie the detail Autho: Egla, )ekie Autho: Musa Kha Jalalzai Autho: Safda ali shah Autho: Allaa Ial Accessio: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Autho: Jia Kha Autho: Pale, Stephe Autho: Hooda, D. S. Autho: Muhaad Asad Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Autho: Khusheed Ahad Autho: Saat Jaal Asai . Autho: Buge, Edad B. Autho: Jai. P K Accessio: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Page 9 Volume 5 , Issue 3 ISSN: 2309 Click o iage to ie the detail Autho: Mukhejee,Aja S. Autho:Halde, Bhatahaa Autho: Liae, aloha V . Autho: Ahlualia, V.K . Accessio o: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Autho: Roiso, Jaes W. Autho: Hape, Chales A. Autho: Akhta Ali . Autho: Adaal Bela . Accessio o: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Autho: Wolf, Edad L. Autho: Mai, B.R. Autho: Doe, Joh W. Autho: Aose, Gai Accessio o: Accessio No: Accessio No: Accessio No: Page 10 Library Bulletin Newspaper Clipping Click o itle to ie the detail Agriculture Jalees Hazir, Agricultural terrorism and poor farmers, The Nation, 24 March 2016, P.06 Biography/interviews 2016, Rehana Hyder, Sahibzada Yaqub-Khan, The Nation, 14 March 2016, P.07 Harris Bin Munawar, Hamza Ali Abbasi – a non-state actor?, The Nation,15 March 2016, P.06 Dr A Q Khan, Rumi on death, The News, 21 March P.06 Culture/Society/Women/Human Rights Bina Shah, Women`s revolution, Dawn, 17 March. 2015, P.09 Arif Azad, Left to die, Dawn, 23 March. 2015, P.09 Nilofar Ahmed , Women`s dignity, Dawn, 25 March. 2015, P.09 Huma Yusuf, Slow advancement, Dawn, 28 March. 2015, P.09 Staff Reporter, Resolution of the Day, The Nation, 08 March 2016, P.13 Anuradha Gupta, Reaching every child in Pakistan, The Nation, 09 March 2016, P.07 Staff Reporter, Islam gives respect to women: CM, The Nation, 09 March 2016, P.14 Mina Malik-Hussain, In praise of brave girls, The Nation, 28 March 2016, P.06 Zaigham Khan, Women in a mufti’s court, The News, 02 February 2016, P.06 Nasim Zehra, Pakistan in its glory – and gloom, The News, 02 February 2016, P.06 Afiya Shehrbano , The hollywoodisation of issues , The News, 03 February 2016, P.06 Imtiaz Alam , Beyond the girl in the river , The News, 03 February 2016, P.06 Shahzada Irfan Ahmed, The implementation conundrum, The News, 16 March 2016, P.06 Mehnaz Aziz, Hungry children, The News, 19 March 2016, P.06 Dr Ashraf Ali, In the name of honour, The News, 30 March 2016, P.06 Page 11 Volume 5 , Issue 3 Economics Farhan Bokhari, The dark side, Dawn, 24 March. 2015, P.09 Dr Kamal Monnoo, A case of devaluation, The Nation, 02 March 2016, P.07 Huzaifa Akhtar, The corridor to prosperity, The Nation, 07 March 2016, P.06 Senator M Ishaq Dar, Public debt management, The Nation, 19 March 2016, P.07 Huzaifa Akhtar, Beggars, not choosers, The Nation, 22 March 2016, P.06 Saleem Safi, The CPEC: a clash of interests, The News, 05 March 2016, P.06 Dr Shahid Siddiqui, Development: the imperialist way, The News, 07 March 2016, P.06 Atta-ur-Rahman, Innovative development, The News, 09 March 2016, P.06 Abid Hasan, Taxing traders: right goal, wrong strategy, The News, 12 March 2016, P.06 Shahid Mehmood, The paradox of work, The News, 14 March 2016, P.06 Dr Akmal Hussain, The injustice of inequality, The News, 17 March 2016, P.06 Saleem Safi, Incomparable deception, The News, 22 March 2016, P.06 Atta-ur-Rahman, The STI vision, The News, 23 March 2016, P.06 Education/Language & Literature Idress Khawaja, HEC`s rankings, Dawn, 03 March. 2015, P.09 Anjum Altaf, Language functions, Dawn, 13 March. 2015, P.09 Rukhsana Shah, Enhancing skills, Dawn, 21 March. 2015, P.09 Dr Farid A Malik, Have our Universities failed?, The Nation, 09 March 2016, P.06 Zahaid Rehman, Private schools versus the state, The Nation, 12 March 2016, P.07 Mina Malik-Hussain, In praise of festivals , The Nation, 21 March 2016, P.06 Zubair Torwali, Forum for language, The News, 05 March 2016, P.06 Anjum Altaf, Clarity on language, The News, 11 March 2016, P.06 Iftekhar A Khan, Admission season, The News, 14 March 2016, P.06 Dr Shahid Siddiqui, Indigenous Indian education, The News, 21 March 2016, P.06 Dr Javaid R Laghari, Ranking universities, The News, 26 March 2016, P.06 Energy Raashid Wali Janjua, Energy and security, The News, 01 March 2016, P.06 Page 12 Library Bulletin Environmental Issues and Health Issues Murad Moosa Khan, Noble profession?, Dawn, 04 March.
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