Is your course well played--at night? It can be, to the benefit of everyone • New golfers are attracted to the concerned, with the help of Wide- sport. Lite floodlights. • Pro shops, snack bars and restau- • Golfers who start late in the rants do more business. afternoon can finish up on Why not find out more about how lighted holes on the back nine. Wide-Lite floodlights are turning • Weekend golfers become week- night into golf at courses from Can- day-or weeknight-golfers. ada to Miami? Just mail the no-obligation coupon. NOW'S THE TIME WIDE-UTE CORPORATION Dept. ZB 111 TO SEND IT! 4114 Gulf Freeway • Houston, Texas Send more golf lighting information. No obligation, of course. ~ NAML- _ WIDE·lITE CORPORATION ORGANIZATION ADDRESS _ A Division of Esquire, Inc. In Canada: CITY ZONL- STATE _ Wakefield lighting Limited July, 1962 61 THE LOGICAL WAY TO SHIP GOLF CARS! --VhCPd7eQ-HH Enc/pset:/ I'WnS' • Eliminate Crating and Uncrating • Finest Modern Vans Carry Up to 20 Cars • Fully Protected from Road Gravel and Weather Damage • No Unloading Facilities Needed at Club • Cars Ready for Instant Use at Destina- tion in Perfect Condition • Obviously the Most Economical Way to Ship! servant there may be a voluntary assump- dcr the USGA handicap system, and wl. tion of the risk of a known danger, which belong to regular USGA member clubs. will debar one from recovering compen- Entry applications must be received by sation in case of injury to person or prop- the USGA, 40 E. 38th st., New York 16, erty therefrom.' (Citations) not later than 5 p.m, on Wednesday, Aug. ~ "While the burden of proving assump- ] 5. Sectional qualifying rounds of 36 holes tion of risk was upon the defendant (Cita- will be played at 34 locations on Sept. 4. tion), the plaintiff's own evidence demon- and 5. The Championship rounds will, of strated that he knew the conditions under eour e, be played at match with 200 play- which he was <shagging' the balls and the ers competing. danger of being hit by one of the balls. He testified that the balls <were flying all Exempted from qualifying are the cur- around for half an hour' and <that he heard rent and former USGA amateur winners, no one say "fore" to him while they were former USGA champions who are ama .•. driving on the driving range'. teurs, current and former Briti h Amateur His experience as a caddie necessarily champions and current amat ur champions taught him that golf balls, particularly in five other categories. when driven in practice, may frequently travel in diverse and unintended dir c- Three orthwest youths, two from Port- tions. There was no error in directing the lund and one from Seattle, have been verdict for the defendant." (Pouliot v. granted scholarship assistance by the Pa- Black, 170 M.E.2d 709.) cific orthwest Golf Assn. fund of the Evans Scholar Foundation. They are Vic- tor C. Ross, Jr., a caddie at Columbia- ,... Amateur Championship Scheduled Edgewater C _, and George T. Bryant, ~ for Pinehurst, Sept. 17-22 Waverley C, both of Portland; and The 62ncl Amat ur harnpionship of thc Charles A. Johnson of SeattI CC. A total LSGA will be played Sept. 17-22 on the of I 1 young men Cll1'1' ntly are moIled o. 2 cours of the Pinehurst ( .C.) C . ill the P GA cholarship program and] 3 Entries arc open to rna] amateur golfers lrave compl ted their schooling through vith handicaps of four strokes or less un- its auspices. Golfdoll/ STANDARD of the Golfing World If you were to vi it any ten, hundred, or even thou and golf courses anywhere in the world ... chances are you'd find STANDARD flags, poles, cups and marker . For almo t half a century "TANDARD ha been the world's principle maker of golf cour e equipment. The name has become synonymou with quality and value. Today, nearly 200 distributor carry the ST DARD line. And you "will find them anxious to be of ervice. .T. D RD IA UF CTURI G C ., CEDAR FALLS, IO'V 63 lilly, 1962 with its championship Ailsa and Arran Golf Courses, venue of the 1963 Walker Cup Match, A MECCA overlooking the sea and in the heart of the Bums Country, near Culzean Castle. Also a miniature FOR GOLFERS golf course, tennis courts, indoor swimming the Famous Scottish Resort pool and a private cinema. Dancing. OPEN ALL THE YEAR Turnberry Hotel is adjacent to the international TURNBERRY airport at Prestwick. Full details may be obtained from the Resident Manager, Turnberry Hotel, Ayrshire, Scotland, or HOTEL from British & Irish Railways Inc.; New York: 630 Fifth Avenue. Los Angeles: Ayrshire 510 West Sixth Street, Chicago: 39 South La Salle Street, Toronto: 4 King Street (West). Vancouver: 409 Granville Street. lDIuwDUilWDm •••• n ••II •••••••••• II ••• IIU.IIIIIIIII •• IIIIIIIIII •• II •• 1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •• 1••••11 •• 1•• 1,11111 George Sargent, Pro Builder of He came from England to be pro at Royal Ottawa (Can.) GC, then moved to U. S. Golf, Dies in Atlanta the U.S. to the pro post at Hyde Manor George Sargent, 79, died June 18 in (Vt.) CC, then to Chevy Chase in Wash- Atlanta after an illness of several years. ington, Interlachen in Minneapolis, Scioto He was U.S. Open champion in 1906, Ca- in Columbus, 0., and to East Lake in At- nadian Open champion in 1912, one of lanta from which post he retired 15 years the founders of the PGA in 1916 and pres- ago to be succeeded by his son, Harold, ident, 1921-26, a founder of the PGA who also became a president of the PGA. Seniors organization in 1937 and in in- Bob Tones remarked at a dinner a few numerable other activities a builder of years ago, "The best thing I ever did for ~ golf, amateur and professional, in the East ,~ake was to bring the Sargents U.S. there. George pioneered the use of slow mo- Three of the ten children of the Sar- tion photography in developing American gents became golf professionals. Harold playing technique and the effectiveness is at East Lake, Jack is at Peachtree, also of instruction. in Atlanta, and Alfred, who died some Started Cup Competition years ago, was at Inverness in Toledo, and A He was instrumental in starting the Hinsdale (Ill. ) ce. Mrs. Sargent, nine Ryder Cup competition. His first major children, 20 grandchildren and two great- tournament play was in the 1900 British grandchildren survive. Open. For many years he, Freddie Me- Leod and Jock Hutchison were the fir t group to tee off in the Masters. Accurate Boomerang George was born at Dorking, Surrey, A St. Paul golfer, Stanley Moucha, hit Eng. He entered golf at 12 as an assist- a beautiful slice recently at the Phalen GC ~ ant to Tom McWhat at Epsom Downs. in that city. It hit a tree and caromed When he was 17 he was selected by Har- right back and struck him in the face. He ry Vardon to be Vardon's assistant at the had to be taken to a hospital and treated Ganton golf club. for a face bone fracture. 64 Goljdom Nan Berry Named Publicity School, attended Colorado Women's Col- lege for two years and, in 1957, received Director for Ladies PGA a degree from the Tournalism school of Nan Berry has been named public re- the University of Missouri. She is a well lations director for the Ladies PGA. In known amateur golfer and competed for her new position, which three years on the LPGA circuit as an she will assume later amateur. this month, Miss Berry will work with Leonard Enid Wilson Pens Book P. Wirtz, LPGA tourna- on Women Golfers ment director, in the co- ordination of business A Gallery of Women Golfers. By Enid and promotional func- Wilson. Published by Country Life Ltd., tions of the women's 2-10 Tavistock St. London, \V.C.2, Eng. professional organiza- $6. tion. Miss Wilson has won British and Eng- Nan has been with lish women's championships and numer- the' PGA for the last ous other events, played on British Curtis four years. Since [anu- Nan Berry Cup teams and for some time has been ary, 1961, she has been managing editor writing on women's golf for the Daily of the Professional Golfer, the PGA's of- Telegraph and for Golf Illustrated of Lon- ficial monthly publication. She also has don. She is a expert observer and a clear, served as production manager and writer instructive and entertaining writer. She's and researcher in the PGA's public rela- a fine photographer, too. Her book has tions dept. hundreds of fine instruction and news pictures of women's golfers on both sides Star Amateur Player of the Atlantic. This book is one the Nan is a native of Atchison, Kans. and American woman golfer had better hide moved to Quincy, Ill. at the age of five. from her husband until she has fini hed She was graduated from Quincy High it. THE IMPORTANT NAME WORIHU.StON TO LOOK FOR WH EN YOU BUY A GOLF BALL Self-confidence-confidence in the equiprnent=both vital !o good golf! And you can point with confidence to the name "Worthington" on any golf ball you sell. Worthington knows golf balls- and how to make them from core to cover. We've specialized in golf balls since 1904-pioneered most of the major developments since that time. Golf balls aren't just another sideline with us.
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