
H3822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 25, 1996 Thompson Visclosky Wolf STATE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD bear true faith and allegiance to the Torkildsen Volkmer Yates OF ELECTION LAWS, same; that you take this obligation Velazquez Waters Zimmer Annapolis, MD, April 17, 1996. Vento Weller freely, without any mental reservation Ms. Robin H. Carle, or purpose of evasion, and that you will ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð1 Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives, well and faithfully discharge the duties Harman Washington, DC. DEAR MS. CARLE: Pursuant to your request of the office on which you are about to NOT VOTINGÐ37 I am faxing to you the unofficial election re- enter. So help you God. Brown (CA) Kennedy (RI) Roth sults of the 1996 Special Election held on The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You Brown (FL) Largent Saxton April 16, 1996 in the Seventh Congressional are now a Member of the U.S. House of Chapman LaTourette Schroeder District to fill the vacancy created by the Representatives. Coleman Lincoln Slaughter resignation of Congressman Kweisi Mfume. Collins (IL) Livingston Smith (NJ) f Collins (MI) Manton Stockman Should you need additional information Crane McCrery Taylor (MS) please contact this office. WELCOMING THE HONORABLE ELI- Diaz-Balart McDade Torres Sincerely, JAH E. CUMMINGS TO THE Ewing Menendez Whitfield JULIAN R. MANELLI, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Foglietta Obey Wilson Deputy Administrator. Frank (MA) Peterson (MN) Young (AK) (Mr. HOYER asked and was given DEMOCRATIC PARTY Gunderson Pombo permission to address the House for 1 Johnson, Sam Rangel (D) Elijah E. Cummings, 2014 Madison Ave- minute and to revise and extend his re- nue, Baltimore, MD 21217, Baltimore City. b 1025 (WI) Barry Patrick Farley, 429 West 23rd marks.) Mr. HILLIARD changed his vote from Street, Baltimore, MD 21211, Baltimore City. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, it is my ``yea'' to ``nay.'' great honor and privilege, on behalf of Counties Cummings Farley Ms. HARMAN changed her vote from all of my colleagues in the Maryland ``yea'' to ``present.'' Baltimore City ............................................................ 13,942 0 delegation, to first welcome two of Baltimore County ....................................................... 3,970 24 So the Journal was approved. America's most outstanding leaders The result of the vote was announced Total ............................................................. 17,912 24 who have represented the Seventh Con- Percent of total votes ................................................ 99 1 as above recorded. gressional District which the gen- tleman from Maryland [Mr. CUMMINGS] f REPUBLICAN PARTY now represents. (R) Kenneth Kondner, 6610 Windsor Mill PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE They are our friends, they were our Road, Baltimore, MD 21207, Baltimore Coun- colleagues, they are great Americans: The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ty. The Honorable Parren Mitchell, our from Maryland [Mr. WYNN] come for- Counties Kondner former colleague; and another example ward and lead the House in the Pledge of the extraordinary quality that the of Allegiance. Baltimore City ................................................................................ 1,061 Baltimore County ............................................................................ 3,070 constituents of the Seventh District Mr. WYNN led the Pledge of Alle- sends to the Congress of the United giance as follows: Total .................................................................................. 4,131 Percent of total votes .................................................................... 100 States, the president and chief operat- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unit- ing officer of the NAACP, our former ed States of America, and to the Republic for f colleague and great American, Kweisi which it stands, one nation under God, indi- visible, with liberty and justice for all. SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Mfume. Mr. Speaker, I have the opportunity f ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS OF MARY- LAND AS A MEMBER OF THE to introduce to the House their newest MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE HOUSE colleague. He is the son of Rev. Ruth Cummings and Rev. Robert Cummings. A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. Speaker, before I make my brief Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- unanimous consent that the gentleman remarks and yield to the minority nounced that the Senate had passed from Maryland, Mr. ELIJAH E. leader, I would like to acknowledge without amendment a bill of the House CUMMINGS, be permitted to take the Senators SARBANES and MIKULSKI, who of the following title: oath of office today. His certificate of have joined us from the other body. H.R. 3055. An act to amend section 326 of election has not arrived, but there is Mr. Speaker, although under the the Higher Education Act of 1965 to permit no contest, and no objection has been rules I cannot recognize them as being continued participation by Historically raised with regard to his election. in the gallery, and I shall not do so, it Black Graduate Professional Schools in the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to grant program authorized by that section. has been brought to my attention that the request of the gentleman from the distinguished Speaker of the Mary- f Maryland? land House of Delegates, Casper Tay- b 1030 There was no objection. lor, will be able to hear my words. Mr. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I would Speaker; with all due apologies to our COMMUNICATION FROM THE ask, if I might, for the distinguished distinguished friend, Mr. JOHNSON. CLERK OF THE HOUSE gentlewoman from California, NANCY Come walk with me. Come walk with The Speaker laid before the House PELOSI, to join us, with the gentleman me. I say these words with reverence to the following communication from the from Maryland, Mr. CUMMINGS. She is a our newest Member of the House. These Clerk of the House of Representatives: sister of the former mayor of Balti- are his words, his words which have OFFICE OF THE CLERK, more, and a distinguished daughter of been spoken often in the chambers of U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the city which Mr. CUMMINGS will rep- Annapolis, and which I know will be Washington, DC, April 25, 1996. resent. spoken often here to us. Words like Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, There was no objection. these are not heard often enough these The Speaker, The SPEAKER. The distinguished days. It is more often ``Come fight with U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC. gentlewoman from California [Mr. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to me.'' transmit herewith a copy of the unofficial PELOSI] will be welcome in the well, But these words represent the heart election returns received from Julian R. along with the Maryland delegation. of what ELIJAH CUMMINGS is all about: Manelli, Deputy Administrator, Maryland If the delegation will join the Mem- A consummate legislator, a dedicated State Administrative Board of Election ber-elect. public servant, a consensus builder, a Laws, indicating that, according to the unof- Mr. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS appeared fighter for what is right; a man, as you ficial returns of the Special Election held on at the bar of the House and took the will all find, of drive and determina- April 16, 1996, the Honorable Elijah E. oath of office, as follows: tion, a man who has ascended to lead- Cummings was elected to the office of Rep- Do you solemnly swear that you will resentative in Congress, from the Seventh ership through integrity, hard work, Congressional District, State of Maryland. support and defend the Constitution of and a belief in the good in mankind. With warm regards, the United States against all enemies, Born in Baltimore City, a graduate of ROBIN H. CARLE. foreign and domestic; that you will City College in Baltimore, a graduate April 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3823 of Howard University, where he was In the Maryland House he was a lead- b 1045 president of the sophomore class, jun- er on criminal justice issues, on con- He was an outstanding member of the ior class, and student government. He stitutional law, and on economic is- House of Delegates, holding the vice graduated, as Members will not be sur- sues. After one term he was elected chairmanships of two of our standing prised upon knowing him, Phi Beta chairman of the Maryland Legislative committees. Mr. Speaker, we only have Kappa. He graduated from the Univer- Black Caucus, the youngest person six standing committees in the Mary- sity of Maryland Law School. ever to hold that post. Last year he land House of Delegates and ELIJAH has ELIJAH CUMMINGS comes to the House was elected Speaker Pro Tem to the shown expertise in two of those. He with a vast background in working House of Delegates, the second ranking went on to become the Speaker Pro closely in his community, particularly position in the House. His colleagues Tem, very actively involved in the as a mentor and Big Brother to the thought he did such an outstanding job leadership of our General Assembly. young people of his city and his com- they voted him one of Maryland's most So, Mr. Speaker, it is particularly a munity. He is a father figure to many, effective legislators in a poll. pleasure for me to say hello and wel- and always has hoped in time to find Beyond all these titles and accom- come my colleague for so many years the one golden glimmer which will help plishments, Mr. Speaker, I believe ELI- in the House of Delegates, now in the turn a youth's life around. As an advo- JAH will make a difference in this Con- Congress of the United States. I know cate for youth, he is unshaken. gress for less tangible reasons than ELIJAH CUMMINGS will add to the great I recall over a year ago when then- STENY cited: His abiding sense of de- tradition of the Seventh Congressional Delegate CUMMINGS was accosted out- cency and humanity, his ability to see District. side his Baltimore home and ordered to the subtleties in our public problems, Over the past quarter century, the torch of lie face down on the street while being and his determination to pass on to the leadership has not been passed often in Mary- robbed.
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