Division of Social Service to administer Title IV-E foster program of-home care for children program is an exercise of until the children are safely tribal sovereignty. We will returned home, placed operate a Title IV-E program permanently with adoptive that is culturally sensitive,” families or placed in other President Shelly said. planned arrangements for Child welfare partners such permanency. as the Casey Family Program, Title IV-E is an annual Navajo Nation Judicial appropriation with specific Branch, Division of Public eligibility requirements and Safety, Office of the Chief fixed allowable costs for Prosecutor, Office of the Chief uses of funds. In FY 2010, Public Defender, Department Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly met with representatives from the Division of Social Services to discuss the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ the direct funding provision of Dine’ Education, Division approval of the direct funding agreement for Title IV-E. The Nation is the first was made available to Indian of Health and Office of the tribe in the country to administer this program. (Photo by Rick Abasta) nations, tribal organizations President and Vice President WINDOW ROCK, Yeun Chang, associate and tribal consortia with were instrumental in getting Ariz.—Quality foster care is commissioner of the approved plans to operate the the direct funding agreement important in keeping children Children’s Bureau. program. approval. safe and providing a stable On June 25, President Shelly The Navajo Nation has A signing ceremony for living environment. met with representatives qualified for this direct the direct funding agreement On June 24, Navajo from the Division of Social funding agreement. will take place at Window Nation President Ben Shelly Services today to discuss this “Families can now get Rock Veterans Park on June received a letter from the historic achievement. reimbursed for caring of 27 beginning at 8 a.m. and U.S. Department of Health “The Navajo Division of our children who are in the ending at 3 p.m. and Human Services stating Social Services is the first custody of Navajo Division The public is welcome that the Nation was approved tribal program in the country of Social Services,” Begay to attend and encouraged to to begin their Title IV-E plan, to administer the Title IV-E said. “This law will ensure RSV P. effective Oct. 1, 2014. program,” President Shelly and promote stability for our Information: 928-871-6851 The Navajo Nation set said. “I commend Sharon children and their families.” a new precedent in foster McCabe and her staff for The three main focus areas -30- care with a recent decision making this possible. by the U.S. Administration “Our kids are important for Children and Families and we must do everything “Running the Title IV-E program is (Children’s Bureau) to execute we can to protect them,” he a direct funding agreement added. an exercise of tribal sovereignty. with the Nation. Sharon Begay-McCabe We will operate a Title IV-E program “We applaud the Navajo is the director for DSS and Nation’s efforts in bringing has been working with the that is culturally sensitive.” approval of this plan to fruition Children’s Bureau to amend that, once implemented, the Nation’s foster care are in foster care, adoption should help further strengthen program. and guardianship. The Nation the safety, permanency, and According to the Children’s will also be reimbursed for well-being outcomes for Bureau, the Federal Foster training and administrative your most valuable children Care Program helps to costs. and families,” stated Joo provide safe and stable out- “Running the Title IV-E ! ! nd 22 NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL | Office of the Speaker MEDIA CONTACTS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jared Touchin | 928.221.9253 June 25, 2014 Jolene Holgate | 928.380.4174 Chrissy Largo | 928.637.5603 [email protected] Budget'and'Finance'Committee'offers'' clarification'over'$19'million'appropriation'to'Navajo'Chapters' ! WINDOW'ROCK'–!On!Monday,!the!Budget!and!Finance!Committee!received!a!report!regarding! the!Navajo!Nation!Council’s!recent!appropriation!from!the!Unreserved,!Undesignated!Fund! Balance!in!the!amount!of!$19!million!for!local!level!community!needs,!veterans!assistance,!and! student!employment!to!the!Navajo!Nation’s!110!chapters.!! BFC!vice!chair!Council!Delegate!Jonathan!Nez!(Shonto,!Navajo!Mountain,!Oljato,!Ts’ah!Bii!Kin)! expressed!his!concerns!to!the!committee!regarding!the!distribution!and!spending!deadlines!for! the!appropriation.! “I!have!heard!concerns!from!the!chapters!regarding!the!deadline!to!expend!funds!by!the!end!of! this!fiscal!year!on!September!30.!We!need!to!clarify!to!the!chapters!how!and!when!the!money! should!be!spent,”!said!Delegate!Nez.! A!directive!was!issued!to!the!chapters!and!Local!Governance!Support!Centers!to!expend!the!funds! by!the!fourth!quarter!of!the!current!fiscal!year,!intended!to!expedite!the!hiring!process!for!high! school!and!college!students.! Citing!the!Navajo!Nation!Appropriation!Act,!Navajo!Nation!Controller!Mark!Grant!said!monies! allocated!to!Navajo!chapters!could!be!carried!over!into!the!following!fiscal!year!as!needed.!! Grant!further!explained!that!the!funds!cannot!be!utilized!for!stipends,!per!diem,!or!travel!for! chapter!officials.! “Now!that!we!have!clarification,!LGSC!will!be!able!to!relay!this!information!back!to!the!chapters,! but!we!still!need!the!appropriate!budget!forms!from!all!the!chapters!turned!in!as!soon!as!possible! so!we!can!begin!hiring!students!immediately,”!said!Delegate!Nez,!following!the!meeting.! According!to!the!legislation!passed!by!Council!on!June!6,!$15!million!will!be!appropriated!to! address!local!level!community!needs,!$1!million!for!specific!needs!of!Navajo!veterans,!and!$3! million!for!temporary!summer!employment!for!college!and!high!school!students.! President!Ben!Shelly!signed!the!$19!million!appropriation!into!law!on!June!13.!Distribution!of!the! funds!will!be!based!on!the!number!of!registered!voters!in!each!of!the!Nation’s!110!chapters.!! BFC!members!voted!4]0!to!accept!the!report.! #!#!#! For!news!on!the!latest!legislative!branch!activities,!please!visit!www.navajonationcouncil.org!! ! Asaayi Lake Fire donations tracked by Dept. of Emergency Management frustration and anger from the to share activities out in the field emergency situation. with stakeholders in the tribal An obvious outlet for many government, from such areas as to vent these frustrations have natural resources, transportation been social media sites such as and public safety. Facebook, where they have let During the June 22 briefing, loose a litany of diatribes and news of closures at the Newcomb blame on the Navajo Nation High School and Tohatchi President Ben Shelly and the High School was shared. Both Department of Emergency locations will no longer serve as Management. shelters for displaced residents These have included several or provide meals. death threats. The Newcomb location will The need for accountability continue to serve firefighters of donations is mandated by battling the blaze. the Navajo Nation Code, which In operation still is the specifically relegates these Naschitti shelter location, which On June 23, the Asaayii Lake Fire was reported to be 63 percent contained. authorities to the NNDEM. has a total of 10 people at that The Type II incident management team is demobilizing and will transition the “The Department of location, eight adults and two fire to a Type II team on June 26. There has been no loss of life for humans or livestock. Five structures were reported to be burned. (Photo by Rick Abasta) Emergency Management has children. Many families were been in compliance with all given the green light to return applicable tribal laws, policies to their homes today. TSE BONITO, N.M.—Navajo accountability by establishing and procedures since the start The NNDEM will have Nation chapters, including specific policies, procedures of the Asaayii Lake Fire,” said hard numbers on the number of Local Governance Act certified and guidelines for the use of Rose Whitehair, director of displaced residents tomorrow, chapters, are a sub-unit of the funds, goods, services or any NNDEM. including actual evacuees that tribal government. As such, type of assistance intended for She noted that the negative received donations from the they are required to follow the use in meeting the requirements comments and innuendo posted centers. policies and procedures set forth of the people in any declared on social media sites have been The Navajo Nation will by the tribal government. emergency.” erroneously taken as fact by continue to provide the necessary The Navajo Nation Recent media accounts several news outlets reporting services to evacuees affected by Commission on Emergency about donations from the on the fire. the Asaayii Lake Fire, including Management was established Asaayii Lake Fire being taken “Reporters are supposed to the mandated authorities granted under Title 2 of the Navajo without cause are untrue. These be objective in their reporting to the NNDEM by tribal law Nation Code, under Article 4, sensationalized news stories and not subjective, which is regarding accountability of Section 881. have been based on Facebook definitely happening in the case donations. As such, they are mandated posts from displaced residents of the donations,” Whitehair The general public is by the Council to “lead Navajo affected by the Asaayii Lake said. “The fire has flared the encouraged to direct any Nation efforts, in protecting Fire. emotions of many, but it must questions or concerns to the from all hazards and threats For more than one week be understood that we are in Navajo Nation EOC Command by coordinating: preparedness, Navajo communities affected compliance with tribal law. Center for the Asaayii Lake Fire. protection, prevention, response, by the fire have been under “The donations are being Information: 505-371-8416 recovery, and mitigation, to tremendous stress worrying accounted for and provided as provide effective and efficient about their homes, livestock and necessary,” she added.
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