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27$.+5*'5 The Leisure Media Company Ltd, Portmill House, Portmill Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1DJ UK Tel: +44 (0)1462 431385 Fax: +44 (0)1462 433909 #664#%6+105/#0#)'/'06+56*'1((+%+#./#)#<+0'1( 5722146'&$; e-mail: [email protected] www.attractionsmanagement.com #/©DZCFSUSFL 4FBE#UUSBDUJPOT/BOBHFNFOUPOMJOFBUUSBDUJPOTNBOBHFNFOUDPNEJHJUBM #664#%6+105/#0#)'/'06 IN THIS ISSUE ISSUE 1 2013 Heritage: Architect’s focus: 28 Points of view 44 Sky high 7 Editor’s letter Egypt’s Giza pyramids have been Architect William Matthews describes his 10 Waterpark news brought to life by a 3D project, which inspiration when designing The Shard enables them to be shared worldwide 12 Theme park news while protecting their heritage Viewing platforms: 14 Zoo news 48 Platform views 16 Science centre news Top team: To mark The Shard’s opening, we look at 32 Play and display 18 Heritage news the world’s tallest viewing platforms Contemporary art is used to encourage 19 Gallery news children’s interest and participation in art 52 Oceanarium: 20 Museum news as well as making them better citizens at Big fi sh the New Children’s Museum in San Diego Marine Life Park, the world’s biggest Profi le: oceanarium, opened at Resorts World 22 Sim Choo Kheng 38 New opening: Sentosa in November The creator of Escape, Malaysia’s new, High life sustainable theme park, describes how At 310m, The View From The Shard is 58 Social media: his free range childhood and a desire Europe’s tallest viewing platform as well Social gathering to coax Asian children away from their as being London’s latest landmark. CE Advice on how to choose the right social computers inspired the park’s ethos Anders Nyberg describes the project media channels for your attraction 4FBE#UUSBDUJPOT/BOBHFNFOUPOMJOFBUUSBDUJPOTNBOBHFNFOUDPNEJHJUBM #/©DZCFSUSFL ISSUE 1 2013 DIGITAL MAGAZINE: See Attractions Management online: attractionsmanagement.com/digital TODAY’S NEWS AND JOBS: For the latest opportunities in the attractions industry, plus global market news, check out our daily website: www.attractionsmanagement.com or sign up for e-news on www.leisuresubs.com ATTENTION 62 Sustainability: 74 3D/4D/5D: BUYERS! Eco future Story formats Wherever you are A new exhibition in Abu Dhabi is Fulldome, interactives and 3D, 4D and in the world, fi nd teaching children how to be green 5D formats are bringing stories to life suppliers 24/7 using Attractions 64 Architect’s focus: 84 Waterparks Management’s dedicated leisure Todd Schliemann Ride the wave search engine: www.fun-kit.net The landscape takes centre stage at the A look at some of the newest projects Natural History Museum of Utah SUBSCRIBE: 88 Product focus: Be a part of the bigger picture and 68 Museums: FUN-KIT subscribe to Attractions Management. Collection points A selection of the latest products To sign up, call: +44 (0)1462 471915 Three exhibition interpreters tell us how they take an idea about a collection and 90 Audioguides and apps: BUYERS’ GUIDE: transform it into an exciting exhibition Guiding light For suppliers of products and Light-hearted elements make these services in the worldwide attractions 71 attractions-kit: audioguides and apps fun to use industry, turn to page 93 Special eff ects We focus on the latest special effects 93 Buyers’ guide products being used in the industry A source of attractions services #/©DZCFSUSFL 4FBE#UUSBDUJPOT/BOBHFNFOUPOMJOFBUUSBDUJPOTNBOBHFNFOUDPNEJHJUBM NXk\igXibE\nj <Xie`e^8Q8 PXjNXk\infic[cXleZ_\j XZZi\[`kXk`fe Yas Waterworld, marketed as Abu Dhabi’s first water- 8C<8K?8<QI8 park, opened its doors on ach year, 20 January 2013, having pre- the World viously expected to open by Waterpark the end of last year. Association Spread across 15 hectares <hears from its mem- (37 acres), the waterpark fea- bers that a particular tures a range of 43 rides, slides issue has started to and attractions. Four of the become of greater concern to them, and park’s rides are unique to the to the future success of their business. For attraction. Th ese include the the past few seasons, many of these hot Bandit Bomber – the fi rst roll- topics have centered around the econ- ercoaster in the world to have omy. However, in recent months, a new on-board water and laser spe- ‘hot’ topic has come under discussion, cial eff ects – and a six-person Local legends and culture are the theme of Yas Waterworld which involves global warming and cli- HydroMagnetic Tunnel water- mate change and the eff ect it might have slide with a 238m (780ft )-long funnel run-in. Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi on Yas Island is on the water leisure industry. The attraction’s theme is based on local developed by Aldar Properties and is operated Seasonal, outdoor waterpark opera- Emirati legends and pearl diving heritage and by Farah Leisure Parks Management LLC. tors have long been aware that shifting centres around a story called Th e Lost Pearl. Yas island is a US$36bn (£23bn, %27bn) weather patterns aff ect their businesses Despite not having opened yet, the waterpark mixed-use project by Abu Dhabi-based group on a daily basis. How could they not be was the winner of last year’s World Waterpark Aldar. (See Q4 12 for an interview with the Association’s Leading Edge Award. park’s general manager Mike Oswald.) ÈKfX`[d\dY\ijn`k_ nXk\iZfejldgk`fe# J\XNfic[kffg\ek_`i[8hlXk`ZXgXib NN8_Xjnfib\[n`k_ SeaWorld Parks & `e[ljkipZfejlckXekjÉ Entertainment is set to launch its third Aquatica waterpark in San Diego, USA in early 2013. Th e Orlando-based company when extended rainy periods can wipe out has acquired Knott’s Soak a large percentage
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