AIAI andand thethe NetNet •• Buyer’sBuyer’s GuideGuide 19.1 Where Intelligent Technology Meets the Real World www.pcai.com IntelligentIntelligent Applications Applications TThehe ModernModern RoboticRobotic Also:Also: “Movement”“Movement” Agents, Business Applications, TThehe StateState ofof AIAI Today:Today: TheThe Business Intelligence, WWeb:eb: AI’sAI’s NewNew PlaygroundPlayground Computational Intelligence, Data Analysis & Mining, Robotics:Robotics: RobotsRobots ThatThat Intelligent Applications, Intelligent Tools, MimicMimic AnimalsAnimals Intelligent Tutoring, Intelligent Web Searching, TThehe NationalNational ScienceScience Neural Networks, Foundation:Foundation: EncouragingEncouraging Robotics, tthehe ResearchersResearchers ofof Speech Recognition, TTomorrowomorrow Web Based Expert Systems, Plus:Plus: AIAI andand thethe Net,Net, Training, Bookzone,Bookzone, Buyer’sBuyer’s Guide,Guide, AI Conferences, ProductProduct UUpdatespdates and more! PC AI 2 19.1 Quantities Limited Buy PC AI Back Issues 1995 1999 A Great Resource 9 #1 Intelligent Tools 13 #1 Intelligent Tools & Languages 9 #2 Fuzzy Logic / Neural Networks (Knowledge Verification) for AI Research 9 #3 Object Oriented Development 13 #2 Rule and Object Oriented 9 #4 Knowledge-Based Systems Development (Data Mining) $8.00/Issue - US 9 #5 AI Languages 13 #3 Neural Nets & Fuzzy Logic (For Us and Canadian and 9 #6 Business Applications (Searching) Foreign Postage 13 #4 Knowledge-Based Systems contact PC AI or visit the 1996 (Fuzzy Logic) 10 #1 Intelligent Applications PC AI web site) 13 #5 Data Mining (Simulation and 10 #2 Object Oriented Development Modeling) Order online at 10 #3 Neural Networks / Fuzzy Logic 13 #6 Business Applications www.pcai.com 10 #4 Knowledge-Based Systems (Machine Learning) Total amount enclosed 10 #5 Genetic Algorithm & Modeling 10 #6 Business Applications 2000 $____________. Sold Out 14 #1 Intelligent Applications 1997 Send payment and 14 #2 Intelligent Web Applications 11 #1 Intelligent Applications (Intel- & Object Oriented coupon to: ligent Web Search Engines) Development PC AI Back Issue Request 11 #2 Object Oriented Development 14 #3 Intelligent Web Portals, Neural POB 30130 Phoenix AZ 85046 (Expert Systems on the Web) Networks and Fuzzy Logic 11 #3 Neural Nets / Fuzzy Logic 14 #4 Knowledge Management, Call PC AI at 602 971-1869 (Expert Systems) Expert Systems, Intelligent 11 #4 Knowledge-Based Systems Name EBusiness ______________________________ (Data Mining) 14 #5 Data Mining, Modeling & Sim- Address 11 #5 Data-Mining and Genetic ulation, Genetic Algorithms ______________________________ Algorithm (Expert Systems) City State 11 #6 Business Applications 2001 _______________________ ____ Zip (Neural Networks) 15 #1 Intelligent Applications ____________________ 15 #2 AI Web Apps, OOD, AI 1998 Language Visa/MC/Amer# 12 #1 Intelligent Tools & Languages 15 #3 Intelligent Business Rules & ____________________________ (Automated Agents) Fuzzy Logic (Petri Nets in Exp. Date ___________________ 12 #2 Object Oriented Development Prolog, Knowledge for Sale) Signature____________________ (Java Based AI ) 15 #4 Knowledge Management and Phone ______________________ 12 #3 Neural Nets / Fuzzy Logic Decision Support (Brief E-mail ______________________ (Modeling) History of AI ) For a complete summary of the back 12 #4 K nowledge-Based Systems 15 #5 Data Mining, Modeling, Simu- issue contents visit: (Modeling Methodology) Check out PC AI’s 15 year cumulative ulation and Analysis, Natural 12 #5 Data Mining and Discovery index at: Language Processing http://www.pcai.com/web/indexes/Cu (Knowledge Management) 15 #6 AI to Combat Terrorism (Rule- mulative_index.html or 12 #6 Business Applications Based Expert Systems, Hal - http://www.pcai.com/web/issues/back (Neural Networks) 2001, Multi-agent Network _issue_summary.html Planning) PC AI 3 18.6 PC AI 4 18.6 Where Intelligent Technology Meets the Real World Theme: Intelligent Applications Volume 19, Number 1 Table of Contents Columns 18 The Modern Robotic “Movement” 45 Book Zone Ilana Marks discusses some of the *Clustering for Data Mining new technologies in robotics that *Applications of Agent Technology in are bringing human movement to Traffic and Transportation robots. Examples presented in the *UML 2 and the Unified Process *Decomposition Methodology for article include the development of a Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining prosthetic hand replicating a human *Computer-Aided Intelligent thumb, an arm with joints controlled Recognition Techniques and by an electrical probe in the brain, Applications robotic surgery and planetary rovers *Ontology Learning from Text *Information Processing and Security with legs for increased dexterity. Systems *Advances in Mining, Graphs, Trees 24 The State of AI Today: Page 18 and Sequences The Web: AI’s New Ilana Marks Playground Elizabeth Lane presents the second 52 Buyer’s Guide in a series of articles discussing the current state of AI. This article focuses Business Intelligence, Computational on how AI technologies integrate into Intelligence, Data Mining, Intelligent Applications, Intelligent Tutoring, web applications. She explores Intelligent Web Searching and searching the web using intelligent Robotics agents, anti-spam algorithms, and an opinion mining system for reviews of online shopping systems. Regular Features 28 National Science Foundation: Encouraging the 7 Editorial Researchers of Tomorrow Page 28 8 Product Update Elisa Hicks explores the resources Agents, Business Applications, Data available through the National Science Mining, Expert Systems, Intelligent Foundation to bring the abstract world Agents, Intelligent Tools, Neural Networks, Robotics, Speech of technology into the every day life of Recognition, AI Conferences children to encourage them in the fields of technology. 35 AI-Q Crossword Puzzle 31 Robotics: Robots That Robotics and Speech Recognition Mimic Animals 39 AI and the Net Rob Costi expounds on research in Increasing Medical Knowledge, A animal robotics and how these applica- Program that Solves Crossword tions contribute to the future of robot- Puzzles, Playing Games, Agent ics. The Insbot, designed to interact with Page 32 Replacing Stockbrokers and more. cockroaches, the fluid motion of the Ilana Marks Public Anemone, and a robotic lobster are some of the applications discussed. 65 Classifieds and Recruiting PC AI 5 19.1 PCPC AIAI VolumeVolume 1818 Buy PC AI Volume 18 on CD nownow onon CDCD For Paid Subscribers - $14 each CD Non-Paid Subscribers - $32 each CD 6 Issues in both HMTL and PDF US Postage - $3.00 for postage per CD Issues 18.1 - 18.6 (2004-2005) Foreign Postage - $5.00 per CD) Additional updates and bonus video not in (Quantity Discounts are available) the original issues. Order online at All web issues reformatted with PC AI www.pcai.com/store Navigation Bar or Higher Quality PDF’s Contact PC AI directly (602) 971-1869 Over 70 articles, columns and puzzles PC AI Volume 16 and Volume 17 CDs are Sample articles include: also available. Systems Analysis & RAD Vol 17 Articles include: The Social Life of Indexed vs. Unindexed Searching Books, The DARPA Challenge, Searching Microarrays and AI Beyond the Tower of Babel, AI and the Law, Expert Systems in Medicine and many more. and much, much more. Vol 16 Articles include: Microsoft Research Topics included: Spawns a New Era in Speech Technology, Data Mining, Robotics, Business Rules, Microsoft's Machine Translation, Backward Chaining, Intro to Fuzzy Logic, Prolog Genetic Algorithms, Prolog, LISP, Business Fundamentals, and many more. Forecasting, Case-Based Reasoning, Knowledge Management, Agents, Fuzzy Plus, regular columns AI and the Net, The Logic, Intelligent Tutoring, Expert Systems, Bookzone and Robotics, as well as the PC AI Logic Programming, Modeling and Product Update and Buyer’s Guide. Simulation, Searching, Pattern Matching, Visit www.pcai.com/store to order all 6 Natural Language Processing, etc. issues of either volume on one CD today! PC AI 6 19.1 Editorial Practical Artificial Intelligence Over the past few months, Mother Nature has demonstrated her awesome power as Katrina and Rita pounded the gulf coast - covered 24 hours per day by network and published Where Intelligent Technology news. One the other side of the world news professionals covers stories of hope and fear, Meets the Real World progress and terrorism. On a more positive note, the Discovery Channel presented a quadriplegic that is able to move a mouse on a computer screen and even close the fingers of a Publisher prosthesis hand, all through a direct connection to his brain. Other companies are looking to Terry Hengl add smarts to wheel chairs to help avoid collisions. These stories and many others Senior Editor (www.aaai.org/AITopics/html/archvF9.html) have one thing in common - they all demonstrate the Don Barker practical use of some form of artificial intelligence. It is ironic that the very news media that has been painting a black cloud over the AI Webmaster industry for years uses AI technology each day, to research their stories and write their articles. Ilana Marks From the intelligent search engine used to complete the research, to the thesaurus used to write Columnists/Editors material, to the grammar and spell checker used to proof read their articles, all have major AI Elisa Hicks components. In addition, the help functions used to understand their PC tools (e.g. Clippy), and Ilana Marks even the dollar bill reader that verifies and supplies their coffee from the vending machine
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