The Virgilian Tradition

The Virgilian Tradition

List of Illustrations xx Preface xxi Rules of the Edition xxvii Acknowledgments xxix Introduction xxxiii List of Abbreviations xxxvii I VIRGIL THE POET i A. VIRGIL ON HIMSELF 2 1 Georgics 2 2 Letter to Augustus 4 B. CONTEMPORARY RESPONSE 1 Lucius Varius Rufus 5 2 Horace 7 3 Agrippa 12 4 Propertius 12 5 Domitius Marsus 13 C. LATER INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE 14 1 Ovid 14 2 "Ille ego qui quondam gracili niodulatus avena" "22 3 Appendix Vergiliana 25 4 Seneca the Elder 27 5 Velleius Paterculus 29 6 Quintus Remmius Palaemon 29 7 Seneca the Younger 30 8 Pliny the Elder 33 9 Lucan 34 10 Calpurnius Siculus 35 11 First Einsiedeln Eclogue 35 12 LausPisonis 36 13 Petronius 37 14 Columella 40 15 Pompeian Graffiti 42 16 Masada Papyrus 44 17 Vindolanda Writing-Tablets 44 18 Silius Italicus 45 19 Quintilian 46 20 Martial 48 21 Statius 56 22 Tacitus 59 23 Florus 60 24 Pliny the Younger 62 25 Juvenal 63 26 Apuleius 65 27 Aulus Gellius 65 28 Avienus 71 29 Ammianus Marcellinus 71 30 Jerome 72 31 Augustine 73 32 Claudian 86 33 Sidonius Apollinaris 87 34 Ennodius 88 35 Cassiodorus 89 36 Gregory of Tours 90 37 Isidore of Seville 91 38 Aldhelm 92 39 Alcuin 96 viii CONTENTS 40 Ermoldus NigeJlus 100 41 Welsh Battle of the Trees i o i 42 Ermenrich of Ellwangen 102 43 Modus Ottinc 105 44 Fulbert of Chartrcs 106 45 Donizo 107 46 Peter Abelard 111 47 Otto of Frelsing 111 48 "Archpoet" 113 49 Walter of Chatillon 114 50 Alan of Lille us 51 Chretien de Troyes 128 52 Jacob van Maerlant 129 53 Dante 130 54 Petrarch 132 55 Chaucer 145 56 Christine de Pizan 146 57 Maffeo Vegio 147 D. VIRGIL AS PERFORMED OR DECLAIMED I 62 1 Tacitus 162 2 Suetonius 162 3 Probus 163 4 Lucian 164 5 Macrobius 164 6 Performances of the Eclogues 164 7 Servius 165 8 Augustine 165 9 Fulgentius 166 10 Venantius Fortunatus 166 11 Virgil and Musical Notation 167 II BIOGRAPHY: IMAGES OF VIRGIL 179 A. VlTAE 179 1 Vita Suetonii vulgo Donatiana (VSD ) 181 2 Jerome 199 3 Vita Servii 202 4 VitaFocae 205 5 Vita Philarjjyrii I 212 CONTEN T S ix 6 Vita Philargyrii II 220 7 Vita Probi 225 8 Expositio Donati 227 9 Expositio Monacensis I 229 10 Expositio Monacensis II 230 11 Periochae Bernenses I 236 .12 Periochae BernensesII 237 13 Periochae Gudianae 242 14 Periochae Teaernseenses 243 15 Periochae Vaticanae 246 16 VitaAurelianensis 248 17 Vita Bernensis I 249 18 Vita Bernensis II 250 19 Vita Bernensis III 251 20 VitaGudianal 252 21 VitaGudianall 256 22 Vita Gudiana III 259 23 Vita Leidensis 260 24 Vita Monacensis I 263 25 Vita Monacensis II 269 26 Vita Monacensis III 274 27 Vita Monacensis IV 275 28 Vita Noricensis I 278 29 Vita Noricensis II 280 30 Vita Parisina II 281 31 VitaVaticanal 281 32 Vita Vaticana II 282 3 3 Fzto Vossiana 289 34 Zono de' Magnalis 292 35 Domenico di Bandino 303 36 Sicco Polenton I 321 37 Donatus auctus 345 38 Sicco Polenton II 369 39 Vita Laurentiana 396 B. VIRGIL'S BIRTHDAY: IDES OF OCTOBER AS SACRED 403 1 Pliny the Younger 403 2 Martial 403 3 Ausonius 404 x CONTENTS C. VIRGIL'S REMAINS AND GRAVE 404 r Epitaph 404 2 Statins 405 3 Martial 405 4 Pliny the Younger 405 5 Aelius Donatus 406 6 VitaProbi 406 7 Jerome 406 8 Sidonius Apollinaris 407 9 Eusthenius 407 10 Pompilianus 407 11 Rodulfus Tortarius 407 12 John of Salisbury 408 13 Conrad of Querfurt 409 14 Gervase of Tilbury 409 15 Dante 411 16 Sequence about St. Paul 412 17 Petrarch 413 18 Itinerary of a Certain Englishman 417 19 Boccaccio 418 D. THE BURNING OF THE AENEID 420 1 Ovid 420 2 Pliny the Elder 422 3 Gaius Sulpicius Apollinaris 422 4 Aulus Gellius 424 5 Aelius Donatus 424 6 Macrobius 425 E. AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS OF VIRGIL 425 1 Pliny the Elder 425 2 Quintilian 426 3 Aulus Gellius 426 F. ViRGiLiAN IMAGES 427 1 Ancient Textual References to Portraits of Virgil 427 2 Late Antique Textual Reference to Portraits of Virgil 429 3 Late Antique Virgilian Imagery 429 4 Flabellum of Tournus 436 5 Virgil on a Wooden Bowl 438 CONTENTS xi 6 Illuminated Aeneid 438 7 Virgil in Mantua 446 8 Virgil and Dante 448 9 Virgil and Petrarch 451 10 Portraits of Prophetic Virgil and the Sibyl 45 3 11 Virgil as Magician 457 12 Virgil in the Basket 457 13 Virgilian Imagery in Non-Virgilian Texts 459 14 Conclusion 462 G. VIRGIL AS PHILOSOPHER AND COMPENDIUM OF KNOWLEDGE 463 1 Seneca the Younger 463 2 Macrobius 463 3 Servius 464 4 (Pseudo-)Bernardus Silvestris 465 5 Roman de Thebes 465 6 John of Salisbury 466 7 Alexander Neckam 466 8 Boccaccio 466 H. VIRGIL AS WORTHY OF VENERATION AND DIVINE 467 1 Tacitus 467 2 Macrobius 467 3 Servius 468 III VIRGIL'S TEXTS AND THEIR USES 469 A. VIRGILIAN CENTO 471 1 Petronius 471 2 Hosidius Geta and African Centos 471 3 Tertullian 471 4 Ausonius 472 5 Proba 475 6 Pomponius 480 7 Mavortius 480 8 Deverbiincarnatione 481 9 Thierry of St. Trond 481 B. VIRGILIAN PARODY 485 1 Early Detractors 485 2 Comiflcius Gallus 486 xii CONTE N T S 3 vScrvius 487 C. ECLOGUES 4- 487 1 Lactantius 488 2 Constantine I 491 3 Augustine 496 4 Jerome 499 5 Christian of Stavdot 500 6 Peter Abelard 501 7 Jean de Meun 502 8 Dante 503 D. ORPHEUS 503 1 Ovid 504 2 Martial 506 3 Boethius 507 4 Fulgentius 510 5 (Pseudo-)Bernardus Silvestris 510 E. DIDO 511 T Ovid 511 2 Tertullian 522 3 Bobbio Epigrams 522 4 Macrobius 524 5 Jerome 524 6 Augustine 525 7 "O decus, O Libye regnum" 528 8 "Anna soror ut quid mori" 531 9 Dante 534 10 Petrarch 535 11 Boccaccio 536 12 Chaucer 542 F. DESCENT INTO THE UNDERWORLD 543 1 Servius 543 2 (Pseudo-)Bernardus Silvestris 544 G. GOLDEN BOUGH 544 1 Macrobius 544 2 Servius 545 3 (Pseudo-)Bernardus Silvestris 547 4 John of Salisbury 548 CONTENTS xiii H. FLORILEGIA 550 I. ROMAN D'ENEAS 550 1 Dido 551 2 Golden Bough 572 J. HEINRICH VON VELD EKE 576 1 Dido S77 2 Descent into the Underworld 598 K. MIDDLE IRISH WANDERINGS OF AENEAS 60S 1 Historical Prologue 609 2 Dido 610 3 Golden Bough 615 L. VIRGIL IN MEDIEVAL ICELANDIC 616 1 Trojan Horse 618 2 Serpentine Simile 621 3 Trojan Horse (Rationalized) 621 4 Thor Substituted for Jupiter 621 IV COMMENTARY TRADITION 623 A. TRADITION OF COMMENTARY BEFORE THE FOURTH CENTURY 626 1 Quintus Caecilius Epirota 626 2 Gaius Iulius Hyginus 627 3 Quintus Asconius Pedianus 627 4 Lucius Annaeus Cornutus 627 5 Marcus Valerius Probus 628 6 Velius Longus 628 7 Aulus Gellius 628 8 Aemilius Asper 628 B. SERVIUS 628 1 Comment on Aeneid 4 630 2 Allegory 631 C. MACROBIUS 636 1 Rhetorical Devices 637 2 Oratorical Skill 637 3 Greek Models 639 4 Roman Models 639 5 Knowledge of Astronomy and Philosophy 639 xiv CONTENTS 6 Pontifical Law 640 7 Augural Law 641 D. OTHER COMMENTATORS OF THE FOURTH OR FIFTH CENTURY 641 1 Iunius Philargyrius 641 2 Aclius Donatus 642 3 Tiberius Claudius Donatus 644 E. PRISCIAN 649 F. FULGENTIUS 660 G. VlRGILIUS M.ARO GRAMMATICUS 672 H. SCHOLIA BERNENSIA ON ECLOG UES 4 674 I. OLD IRISH GLOSSES ON PHILARGYRIUS 698 1 Comment on Eclogues 4.19 699 2 Comment on Eclogues 4.28 699 3 Comment on Eclogues 4.34 699 4 Comment on Eclogues 4.40 699 5 Comment on Eclogues 4.42 699 6 Comment on Eclogues 4.44 700 7 Comment on Eclogues 4.45 700 3 Comment on Eclogues 4.50 700 J. CAROLINGIAN COMMENTARY ON ECLOGUES 6 700 K. CAROLINGIAN GLOSSES ON THE AENEID 704 L. OLD HIGH GERMAN GLOSSES 705 M. INTRODUCTION TO THE LATIN HOMER 705 N. INTRODUCTIONS TO THE ECLOG UES 707 1 Argumenta 707 2 Accessus 711 O. "MASTER ANSELM" 717 P. PLATONIZING DIRECTIONS IN VIRGILIAN ALLEGORY 721 1 Opening Notes 722 2 Glosses on the Aeneid 724 Q. (PSEUDO-)BERNARDUS SILVESTRIS 726 1 Preface to Commentary on Aeneid 727 2 Comment on Aeneid 1.52 728 CONTENTS 3 Comment on Aeneid 1,412,446 728 4 Comment on Aeneid 2.1 729 5 Comment on Aeneid 3 730 6 Comment on Aeneid 4 730 7 Co mment on Aeneid 5.1, 114 73 3 8 Comment on Aeneid 6,6 734 9 Comment onAr/^ 6.13, 34 735 10 Comment on Aeneid 6.42 736 11 Comment on Aeneid 6.455 737 12 Introduction to Martianus Capella 2.70-86, 93-104, 114-24 73: R. CONRAD OF HIRSAU 739 S. JOHN OF GARLAND 744 1 Parisians poetria 1.124-34 745 2 Parisians poetria 1.394-405 745 3 Parisians poetria 2.87-123 746 T. NICHOLAS TREVET 750 U. AENEID COMMENTARY OF MIXED TYPE 773 1 Opening of Book 6 774 2 Orpheus and Eurydice 782 3 Golden Bough 786 V. CRISTOFORO LANDING 793 1 Introduction on the Nature of Poetry 794 2 On Allegorical Interpretation 799 3 Dido and Aeneas 802 4 Golden Bough 807 W. VIRGILIAN OBSCENITY 811 1 Quintilian 81.1 2 Aulus Gellius 812 3 Ausonius 813 4 Diomedes 813 5 Marius Plotius Sacerdos 813 6 Macrobius 814 7 Servius 814 X. ALLEGORICAL TOPOI 815 1 Evolution of Civilization 816 2 Vita contemplativa, voluptuosa, and activa 817 xvi C O N T E N T S 3 Development of a Human Life 817 4 Physics and Philosophy 822 5 Eclogues 1-3 and the Three Natural Lives 823 V VIRGILIAN LEGENDS 82s A.

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