Index to Volume 18 Rachael Garrity A Biedma, 115 A Girls Life Before the War, 81 Bimini, 119 Adams, President John, I 0, 13-14 Blacksburg, Va., 25, 30, 57, 80, 82-85, 91 Alabama, IOI Blue Ridge Mountains, 82 Alien and Sedition Acts, I 0 Boston, Barbara, 112 Alonso de Chavez, 115 Botetourt County, Va., 25, 27, 29, 54, 63, Alonso de Santa Cruz, 111-113 65, 79 Allegheny Mountains, 82 Bouleware, Jane Grace Preston, 78 American Declaration of Independence, 9 Boulware, Aubin Lee, 78 American Indians, 4, 52-54, 58, 66, 82, Bradenton, Fla., I 06 100, 105, 107-108 Brady, Mathew, 84 American Revolution, 58, 72, 73 Braham, John, 34 Apafalaya, I 0 I Brain, Jeffrey, I 05 Appalachia, I 0 I, I 04 Breckenridge, Robert, 40 Appalachian Mountains, 3, 20, 55 Brissot, Jacques Pierre, 16 Appalachian Trail, 110 Bristol, Tenn.Na., 99, I 09, 124 Arkansas, I 05 Bristol News, 126-127 Augusta County, Va., 25-27, 30, 33, 35, British North America, 55 37-38,40,43-44,52,54, 71 Brown, John, 91, 135 Avenel House Plantation, 81 Brown, John Mason, 135 Brown, John Meredith, 135 B Brunswick County, Va., 40 Bahaman Channel, 118-119 Buchanan, Colonel John, 27, 30, 35, 41, Baird (Beard), John, 40-41 52-53 Baldwin, Caroline (Cary) Marx, 78 Buchanan, Va., 27, 38, 52-53 Bank of the United States, 6 Bullett, Captain, 62-65 Bardstown, Ky., 3, 17 Bullpasture River, 54 Barreis, David, I 05 Bureau ofAmerican Ethnology, 110 Barrens, The, Ky., 13, 17 Burke County, N.C., I 03 Bassett, Colonel, 65 Burwell, Letitia M., 81-83, 86, 90 Batson, Mordecai, 60 Bussell Island, Tenn., 123 Battle of Mabila, I 08 Byrd, William, III, 60 Beale, William Radford, 78 Beale, Lucy Redd Preston, 78 c Beard, Essabel, 40 Cabot, Sebastian, 115 Beaudoin, valet 2, 20 Calfpasture River, 27 Beauregard, General, 89 Campbell, Arthur, 2 Beaver Dam Meadow, 36 Campbell County, Va., 41, 91 Beck, Robin, I 04, I 09 Canaragay (Canasoga), 120-121, 123 Bedford, Va., 53, 81 Caperton, Hugh, 90 Bedford County, Va., 41 Caperton, Sarah Ann, 78, 87-90 Berry Archeological Site, I 02-105, Caribbean, 111 107-109, 120, 122-123 Casa de Contrataci6n, 111, 115, 125 137 Cass, Louis, 21 Coste, 119, 120, 123 Catawba Creek, 53 Cowdry, Peter, 116 Catawba River, 54, I03 Craig, Alexander, 72 Catlin, George, 21 Crawford, Captain William, 61-65 Censusofl840,82,90 Creek Indians, 4 Central College, 80 Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume Jean de, Chalaqua (Chelaque ), 120, 123-124 15-16 Chapman, Captain, 13-15 Cub Creek, 41 Charleston, W. Va., 59 Cuba, 98, 117 Charlotte, N.C., 120 Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 125 Charlottesville, Va., 80 Cumberland River, 11, 13, 66 Chattanooga, TN, I 08 Cumming, William, 115 Chaves, Geronimo, 111, 115-116 Chaves-Ortelius map, 111, 113-124 D Cherokee Indians, 58, 66-67, 69, 70-72 Dallas culture (American Indian) I 05 Cherokee (Overhill) Indians, 3, 11, 18 Dandridge, Mr., 60, 66 Cherry Tree Bottom, 27 Dandridge, Tenn., 123 Chesapeake Bay, Va., 99, 113 Davis, James, 39 Chiaha (Chiacha), I 06, 119-121, 123 Davis, John, 89 Chickasaw, 4, 11, 19 Deane, Francis, 91 Chilhowie, Va., I 09 De Aviles, Governor Pedro Menendez, 99, Choctaw Indians, 4 116, 118 Christian, William, 60, 65, 71 De Biedma, Luys Hernandez, I 0 I Christiansburg, VA, 83, 87, 90 De Chavez, Alonso, 115 Citizen Genet Affair, 15 De la Vega, Garcilaso, IOI Civil War, 91-92 De Leon, Domingo, I 07 Cleveland, Ohio, 117 De Luna y Are Ilana, Tristan, I 00, 112 Clinch River, 11, 30 De Morales, Hernando Moyano, I 09-110, Coal River (or Cole River), 59-60, 62, 64-71 115, 124 Colbert, Major George, 11-12, 19 De Santa Cruz, Alonso, l l l-113 Coles, Ann Taylor Preston, 78 De Silvera, Francisco, 121 Coles, Walter, 78 De Soto Chronicles, I 08 College of William and Mary, 80 De Soto, Hernando, 97-127 Columbus, Christopher, 98, 111 De Soto Map, 111-125 Columbus, Miss., I 08 De Soto National Museum, I 06 Concord, Mass., 72 De Villalobos, Juan, 121 Confederate States ofAmerica, 91-92 De Vorsey, 115 Confederation bonds, 6 Democratic Republicans, see Republicans Congress of the United States, 85 Denton Valley, TN, 110 Congressional Commission, I 00 Dicas hydrometer, 7 Conly, James, 30-34 Dickson, Major, 11 Connolly, Dr. John, 64, 67 Dinwiddie, Governor, Robert, 53 Conquistadors, 97-125 Douglas, Mr. 60, 64 Continental Army, 73 Downs, Henry, 34 Continental Congress, 58, 73 Draper, Eleanor Hardin, 25-27, 33, 38-42 Cornwallis, General, 9 Draper, George, 25-44 138 Draper, John, 25, 26, 38-43 Fort San Juan, 103-104, 109 Draper's Meadows, 25-44, 54, 79 Fort Southwest Point, 11, 13 Draper's Meadows Massacre, 79 Fort Stanwix, Va., 66 Duke of Montpensier, 2 Fort Sumter, S.C., 92 Duke of Beaujolais, 2 Fort Tellico, 11 Duncan, David, 125 Fort Vause, Va., 52 Dunmore, Governor/Lord, 57-58, 65-66, 71 Fort William, Va., 54 Dunmore's War, 52, 62, 68, 73 Frederick County, Va., 54 Fredericksburg, Va., 68 E French and Indian War, 9, 55-56, 60, 62 Eakerd, Conrod, 36 French Broad River, I 03, I 05, 125 Eggleston Springs, Va., 83 French Revolution, 17 Elmwood, W.Va., 87 effect on the family of Louis Philippe Elvas, IOI, 115 1-2, Elysium, French enclave outside principles in the Declaration of the Pittsburgh, 18 Rights of Man and the Citizen, 9 Embreeville, Tenn., 123 Entradas, 97, 99, 100-101, 115, 118, 124 G Ethnohistoric archaeology, I 05 Gainsboro, Tenn., 11 Eubanks, W. S., I 06 Galicia, Spain, 121 Galloway, Patricia, 107, 111, 113, 124 F Gannon, Michael I 05 Fairfax County, Va., 54 Gary, Cary Preston, 87 Falling River, 41 Genet, Edmund, 9, 15 Falls of the Ohio, 63-64 George III, King of England, 58 Fauquier, Va., 67 George Draper's Place, 27, 33-35, 38 Federal constitution, 4, I 0 George Washington Bicentennial Federal taxation Commission, 61 income, 6 Georgia, I06 excise,6-7, 14 Georgia, University of, I 02 whiskey, 6-7 Gilmer, Catharine Jane Preston, 78, 82, 90 Federalists, 4-10 Gilmer George, 78, 90 Fielding, Colonel, 67 Gilmer, James Preston, 78, 90 Fincastle County, Va., 57, 60, 64, 68-69, Gosport Navy Yard, 92 71, 79 Governor Martin Site, I 08 Fincastle Resolutions, 62, 68 Graham, Daniel, 27-29 I" Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, 87 Graham, John, 27-29 Fitzpatrick, John C., 61 Great Lakes, 55 Fleming, Colonel, 68, 70-71 Great Road, 83 Florida, 98, I 06, 119, 124 Green River, 16 East, 55 Greenfield, Va., 25, 79, 82 West, 55 Grenada, 55 Floyd County, Ga., I 08 Guaxuli (Guasili), 120, 123 Floyd,John,59-62,66-72 GulfCoast, 111 Fort Blount, 11, 14 Gulf of California, I 05 Fort George, Va., 54 GulfofMexico, 105, 119 139 H I Hale, John P., 26, 38, 42 Inca, 101 Halifax, Va., 52 Indians, 4, 52-54, 58, 66, 82, I 00, I 05, Hall, Richard, 39 107-108 Hamilton, Alexander Indian towns, 100, 105, 113, 119, 121, Federalist program, 4-6, 8, 10, 20 123-124 resignation from Washington's Ingles, Mary Draper, 25, 26, 33 cabinet, 10 Ingles, Thomas, 39 Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray, 61 Ingles, William, 25, 39, 41-42 Hampden-Sydney College, 85 Iowa (Indians), 21 Hampton Place, Site, l 08 Iron Mountain Mystery, 126-127 Handley Regional Library, 26 Iroquois, 4, 18 Hanson, Thomas, 60, 66 Isle of Wight County, Va., 80 Harlaes, Phillip, 37-38 Harman, Adam, 30, 36 J Harman, Jacob, 36 Jackson, Andrew, 21 Harpers Ferry, W.Va., 91-92 Jacksonville, Ga., I 08 Harrison, Governor Benjamin, 60 Jacobin, 17 Hart, Mary, 78, 85, 87, 90 James River, 26-30, 34, 53 Harvie, John, 34, 40 Jay, John, 58 Havana, Cuba, 118 Jay's Treaty, I 0 Hazel Draft, 41 Jefferson, Thomas, 7-8, 19 Henderson, Archibald, 56 Jesuits, 99 Henderson, Judge Richard, 58, 62, 69-70, 72 Joada, 98-99 Henige, David, I 06 Joara (also Xuala or Xualla), 99, 103-106, Henry County, Va., 90 120 Henry, Patrick, 58, 60 Jones, Gabriel, 30-34 Hernandez de Biedma, Luys, I 0 I July Monarchy, I Hernando de Soto, 97-127 Hickory, N.C., 123 K Highland County, Va., 54 Kanawha River, 57, 59-60, 62-64, 66, 69 Hitler, Adolph, 135 Kegley, George, 52 Hite, Mr., 60 Kentucky, 57-58, 60, 71, 80 Hoffman, Paul, 102, 125 Kentucky River, 72 Hog, Thomas, 66, 67 King, T. C., 110, 127 Holston Knob, 110, 12 l King Site, I 08, 110 Holston River, 30, I 05, 110 Kiracofe, David, 125 Homestead Act of 1862, 7 Knox, James, 60 Horseshoe Bottom, 36 Knoxville, Tenn., 3, I 05, 118 Hot Springs, N .C., 123 Koks, Franx, 115 Hudson, Charles, 100-102, 106, 120-121 Hudson Route, 101, 106-7, 120 L Hume, George, 26, 27 la Florida, 98-99, 111, 113 Hunter, Senator Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 91 Lake Erie, 18 Hybrid map, 121, 125 Lake Ontario, 18 Lamb, Janie Preston Boulware, 84 140 Land, public notes desperate economic/social auction procedure, 7 position of settlers, 19 sale of, 7 offered participation in public land Le Havre, France, 91 purchase scheme, 8 Ledgerwood, Anderson, 89 opinion on slaveholding, laziness of Lee County, Va., 121 white settlers, 12 Lee, Richard Henry, 51 participation in French Revolution, I Letters to Washington and Accompanying Papers, 61 predicts white settlers gaining Lexington, Ky., I 09 ascendency over Native Americans, 12 Lexington, Mass., 72 presages "revolution of 1800" when Lexington, Va., 52, 81 settlers' position recognized by Lewis, Clifford, 118 Democratic Republicans, 19 Lewis, Colonel Andrew, 60, 62-63, 65, 70 recounting of settlers' suspicions that Lewis, Thomas, 35 French might stir up Indians, 14 Library of Virginia, 60 witnesses amorous exchange between Lincoln, US President Abraham, 91-92 innkeeper's daughter and visitor and Linkous, William, 89 compares to French romans, 15 Little Manatee River, I 06 Louis XVI, French king, I London, England, 91 Louisa River, 66-67 London Board of Trade, 58 Louisiana Purchase, 19-20 Long Run, 27, 29 Louisville, Ky., 18, 60, 64 Loomie, Albert,
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