Index of Names

Index of Names

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02209-6 — Language Conflict and Language Rights William D. Davies , Stanley Dubinsky Index More Information Index of Names Abas, Husen, 108 Daftary, Farimah, 227, 232 Abeykon, John, 322 Dahlman, Carl T., 244 Adams, David Wallace, 213 Daniels, Harvey A., 51, 147 Alexander, Neville, 129 Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono, 108 Alisbjahbana, S. T., 107 Das Gupta, Jyotirindra, 112–113 Anderson, Benedict, 99 Davitt, Michael, 121 Andrássy, György, 167 De Bres, Julia, 375 Anthonisz, Richard Gerald, 325 de Groof, Jetje, 315 Anwar, Kaidhir, 108 de Varennes, Fernand, 331 Austin, Peter K., 171 Debo, Angie, 212 Avalos, Antonio, 252 DeFrancis, John, 139 Aygen, Bartoš, 245 Deraniyagala, Siran Upendra, 322 Aygen, Gülşat, 245 DeVotta, Neil, 329, 331 Aytürk, İlker, 249 Diamond, Jared M., 117 Duignan, Peter J., 242 Bailey, Guy, 306 Bairon, Fija, 291 Eastman, Carol, 171, 367 Barclay, Kate, 291 Edwards, John, 171, 367 Batchelor, John, 206 Erikson, Erik H., 69 Baugh, John, 279, 304 Beheydt, Ludo, 318 Faingold, Eduardo D., 166 Beinart, William, 126 Fasold, Ralph, 102 Bélanger, Claude, 335 Fear, Jacqueline, 212 Belien, Paul, 318 Fellman, Jack, 379–380, 382 Bell, Allan, 359 Fennig, Charles D., 360, 370 Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 380–382 Fenyvesi, Anna, 224–225 Bideleux, Robert, 226 Fiala, Jan, 233 Bocian, Mariusz, 233 Fishman, Joshua A., 110, 371, 373, 378 Bowring, Richard, 140 Frankental, Sally, 117 Brenzinger, Matthias, 291, 358, 371 Fraser, Angus, 257 Bright, William, 147 Frese, Stephen J., 178, 180 Bucken-Knapp, Gregg, 200–202 Friedman, Victor, 261, 263, 266 Bull, Tove, 200 Busque, Anne-Marie, 339 Gál, Kinga, 227, 232 Gallaher, Carolyn, 244 Caldwell, Robert, 325, 328 Gandhi, K. L., 112, 114 Charity, Anne Harper, 300 Gates, Paul, 239 Chew Jr., John J., 290 Gelb, I. J., 142 Cole, Douglas, 95 Gilmartin, Mary, 244 Coulmas, Florian, 100–101 Goddard, Ives, 86 Curtis, Glenn E., 81 Golder, Scott, 29 404 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02209-6 — Language Conflict and Language Rights William D. Davies , Stanley Dubinsky Index More Information Index of Names 405 Goldwasser, Orly, 144 Lord, Nancy, 97–98 Grenersen, Geir, 200 Louw, P. Eric, 123, 128–130 Groff, Cynthia, 112 Lyon, Philip W., 226 Groszkowski, Jakub, 233 Macdonald, David Bruce, 60 Haertig, E. W., 76 MacMaster, John Bach, 178 Hancock, Ian, 257–258, 261, 265 Magga, Ole Henrik, 200, 204 Hanihara, Kazuro, 205 Magocsi, Paul Robert, 222 Harris, Roy, 102, 306 Manning, Patrick, 295 Hassanpour, Amir, 250 Martin, Laura, 86 Hatori, Reiko, 271 Maruyama, Hiroshi, 210 Hattori, Shiso, 206, 291 Matisoff, James A., 358 Heese, Hans F. A. 119 Matras, Yaron, 261–262, 265 Heinrich, Patrick, 291–293, 306–307 May, Stephen, 100, 166, 169, 375, 377 Hill, Jane, 361, 366, 368 McRae, Kenneth Douglas, 317, 319, 321 Hockett, Charles F., 132 McWhorter, John, 368 Hoffman, Michael, 76 Mendizabal, Isabel, 257 Holmberg, Gunnar, 285 Miller, Roy Andrew, 73, 285–286, Hopper, Paul, 362 289 Huysmanns, M. Camille, 317 Minde, Henry, 202 Mittleman, Joshua, 73 Idsardi, William, 279 Mnookin, Robert, 316 Irish, Ann B., 207 Morgan, Marcyliena, 303 Ishikida, Miki Y., 209, 211, 269, 271, 288 Moseley, Christopher, 371 Mufwene, Salikoko S., 171, 368 Jaszi, Oscar, 227 Mühlhäusler, Peter, 362 Jeffries, Ian, 226 Muniz-Arguelles, Luis, 275 Johnstone, Paula Lightening Woman, 215, 392 Joseph, John E., 70, 84–85, 369 Nebez, Jamal, 246 Julku, Kyösti, 196 Nettle, Daniel, 358 New, William, 263, 265 Kamwangamalu, Nkonko M., 119 Nishimura, Hiroko, 292 Kaplan, Lawrence, 87 Niskanen, Markku, 196 Karady, Victor, 227 Kenesei, Istvan, 224–225 O’Dwyer, Conor, 230 Kindaichi, Kyōsuke, 206 O’Neill, Michael, 316–317 Kloss, Heinz, 166 Özkaragöz, İnci, 245 Kontra, Miklós, 169, 230–232 Kopf, Dan, 297 Panico, Christopher, 250 Krauss, Michael, 358, 370–371 Park, Ju-min, 159 Kreyenbroek, Philip, 244 Pawb, Iaith, 378 Krouleck, Alison, 365 Peace, Hannah, 52 Kumaramangalam, S. Mohan, 113 Perez, Cris, 239 Kyuchukov, Hristo, 264 Phillipson, Robert, 167, 171 Pieris, Paulus Edward, 324 Ladefoged, Peter, 368 Planet, Ana I., 252 Laurie, Haruko Uryu, 140 Poplack, Shana, 302 Lee Catherine A., 76 Powell, M. A., 142 Lee, Wal-sun, 271 Pratt, Richard H., 214–215 Leibowitz, Arnold H., 240 Preston, Dennis, 57, 301 Leith, Dick, 102 Pukui, Mary Kawena, 76 Lewis, Saunders, 360, 370, 376 Pullum, Geoffrey K., 86, 93, 97, 305–306 Liberman, Anatoly, 49 Purnell, Thomas, 279, 304–305 Linteau, Paul-André, 338 Loomis, Charles Battell, 8 Quinn, George, 88 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02209-6 — Language Conflict and Language Rights William D. Davies , Stanley Dubinsky Index More Information 406 Index of Names Rice, Keren, 368 Thomas, Lorrin, 278–279 Robbeets, Martine I., 286, 289 Trudgill, Peter, 309 Robinson, Gregory, 301 Tucker, James T., 240 Romaine, Suzanne, 358 Türköz, Meltem, 76 Ruppel, Kristin T., 214 Turner, R., 257 Sallabank, Julia, 171 Üngör, Uğur Ü., 247 Sampson, Geoffrey, 142 Urciuoli, Bonnie, 279 Sandvik, Gudmund, 201 Sapir, Edward, 18–19, 69–70, 83, 85–86, Vago, Robert M., 224–225 99 Vaux, Bert, 29 Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, 135 Verbeke, Alain, 316 Schwegler, Brian A., 230, 232 Vos, Louis, 317–318 Scott, Brian M., 73 Vygotsky, Lev, 69 Seeley, Christopher, 140 Seton-Watson, Hugh, 99 Walker, Brett L., 208 Shibatani, Masayoshi, 206, 285–287, 289–291 Wardyn, Łukasz, 233 Shiffman, Harold F., 326 Watts, Nicole F., 249 Shoji, Shinichi, 92 Wee, Lionel, 101, 169–170, 362 Shousterman, Cara, 303 Weinreich, Max, 59, 157, 361 Sichone, Owen, 117 Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 85–86, 98 Siddle, Richard, 208, 210 Wilkerson, Isabel, 297 Simons, Gary F., 360, 370 Williams, Colin H., 375 Simpson, Jane, 368 Williams, Joseph M., 27 Sjöberg, Katarina, 210 Wolfram, Walt, 18 Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove, 166–167, Woodbury, Anthony, 86, 367 169–171, 249 Worland, Justin, 365 Sperl, Stefan, 244 Wyloge, Evan, 182 Tanaka, Y., 292 Yilmaz, Hakan, 252 Tattrie, Jon, 336 Tay, Leslie, 242 Zaken, Mordechai, 244 Taylor, Talbot, 102 Zvelebil, Kamil Václav, 325 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02209-6 — Language Conflict and Language Rights William D. Davies , Stanley Dubinsky Index More Information Index of Languages, Nationalities, Ethnicities, and Places !Xû, see under Southern African languages: America, 172, 175, 181–182, 211, 241, Khoisan 280, 295–297, 335–336, 366–367 AAE/AAVE, see English language: African American (people), 3, 14–15, 25, 28–29, American Vernacular English 31–32, 52, 55–59, 71–73, 92–93, 102, Acadia, see under Canada 122, 126, 163–164, 174–175, 177–178, Acadian (people), 333, 335 180–183, 191–192, 211–214, 217–218, Adelaide, see under Australia 233–234, 236–237, 239, 258, 264, 270, Afghanistan, 244 272–273, 275–276, 278, 280, 284, 290, Afrikaans, see under Southern African 293–294, 297, 299–306, 308, 329, languages 335, 363 African (people), 29, 103, 116–117, 125–129, American English, see under English language 193, 278–279, 294–295, 297, American Indian (people), 4, 126, 180, 211, 302–303, 342 213–214, 217, 264 African American (Vernacular) English, see American Indian languages under English language Algic, 212 African Sahel, 342 Algonquian, 86, 212, 333 African American (people), 4, 41, 56, Cherokee, 151–152, 159, 212 193, 278–279, 284, 294, 297, Cheyenne, 212 299–306 Chinook, 89–90 Afrikaner (people), 119–120, 124–125, Choctaw, 171, 206, 212, 366 128, 191 Cree, 151 Ainu (language/people), 4, 34–35, 80, 163, Cupeno, 368 168, 172, 195, 200, 205–211, 214, 217, Dena’ina, 97 248, 250, 264, 267, 272, 291, 358–359, Hopi, 212, 368 364, 376 Huron, 333 Alabama, see under United States Iroquoian, 212 Alamblak (Papua New Guinea) (language/ Mikmaq, 27 people), 96 Mohawk, 212 Alaska, see under United States Montagnais, 86 Albania, 101, 264 Muscatine, 178 Albanian (language/people), 247 Muskogean, 212 Algeria, 104, 159, 254 Na-Dené, 212 Algic, see under American Indian languages Navaho, 72, 212 Algonquian, see under American Indian Seminole, 212 languages Southern Paiute, 19 Alta California, see under United States: Uto-Aztecan, 212 California Yupik, 86–87 Altaic (languages), 245, 285 Yurok, 372, 374 Amazigh, see Berber American Sign Language (ASL), 7 407 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02209-6 — Language Conflict and Language Rights William D. Davies , Stanley Dubinsky Index More Information 408 Index of Languages, Nationalities, Ethnicities, and Places American South, see under United States Barcelona, see under Spain Anatolia, 54, 257, 344 Basque (Euskara) (language/people), 195, 211, Ancient Egyptian (language), 379 219–220, 263 Anglophone (people), 180, 335–338, 340–342 Basutoland, see Lesotho Anglo-Saxon (language/people), 27 Bedouin (people), 61 Angola, 116, 122, 295 Beijing, see under China Antwerp, see under Belgium Belgian (language/people), 310, 315–319 Anurādhapura, see under Sri Lanka Belgium, 4, 193, 256, 310, 312, 316–318, Appalachian (people), 29, 55, 180 320–321, 342, 402 Appalachian Mountains, see under United Antwerp, 318 States Brussels, 317–319, 321, 342 Arab (people), 158–159, 254, 294 Flanders, 310, 314, 317–321 Arabia, 294 Wallonia, 311, 317, 319–322 Arabic (language), 14, 27, 31, 61, 72, 74, 89, Bengal, 112 104, 112, 128, 147–148, 157–159, 166, Bengali (language/people), 114 177, 181, 244, 246, 249–250, 254, 281, Benin, 295 310, 344–345, 361 Berber (Tamazigh/Amazigh) (language/ Arabic languages

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