INDEX Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. A-Team, The (2010) 101 African Americans 48, 139, 176, 177, nationalist 123 Abadan 25 314, 316 Allen, Richard 179n(6) Abbas, K.A. 166 film about and for 319 Allende, Salvador 339–40, 341, 354 Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) women 19 Alsino and the Condor (1982) 354 37, 213 youth 65 Althusser, Louis 19 ABC television 119, 120 African slaves Altman, Rick 37, 38, 154, 210, 251n(8) ABCDs (American Born Confused descendants of 221, 336 Altman, Robert 107, 138, 139, 140, 141, 147, Desis) 175 importation of 337, 346 149, 155 Abominable Dr Phibes, The (1971) 231, 249 After Life (1999) 260 Amar Akbar Anthony (1977) 165, 167 Abu-Assad, Hany 143, 144, 156 Aguila, Sissy 41n(16) Amarcord (1973) 377 Academy Awards 89, 162, 170, 188, 377 Ainu people 51 Amazon rainforests 336, 353, 357, 359, 387 Aces Go Places (1982) 67, 73 AIP (American International Pictures) 226, ambient sound 15, 232, 392 action scenes 60, 69 229, 231 Amelio, Gianni 322–3, 331 new kind of 59 Aja, Alexandre 243 Amenábar, Alejandro 241, 283 social context of 47 Akhtar, Javed 113, 116 American Civil War 88 thrilling 57 Akira (1988) 264, 265, 266 American Pie (1999) 137 adaptations 291n(6), 392 Alaska 360 American Wedding (2003) 137, 147 Adlon, Percy 314, 333 Aldrich, Robert 383 American Werewolf in London, An (1981) Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Alfonsín, Raúl 340, 349 235, 249 The (1994) 294, 317, 318 Alfredson, Tomas 212, 213, 250 Amityville Horror (1979) 234, 266 aerial shots 13, 178, 314, 318, 392 Algeria 322 Amores Perros (2001) 24, 340, 355, 361, 389 Afghanistan 159, 240, 326 Alice in the Cities (1973) 310 Amorim, Vicente 360 Africa 6, 316, 325, 377 Alice in Wondertown (1991) 351 Amritsar 177 creating new markets in 82 COPYRIGHTEDAlien (1979) 231, 249, 369 MATERIALanalog information 11 establishing colonies in 27 Aljure, Felipe 356 anamorphic lens 392, 394 imported slaves 337 All the Wrong Clues (1981) 67, 73 Anand, Dev 165, 169 numbers of people and languages 325 Allahabad 167 And So It Is (1966) 353 polygamy 152 allegory 25, 198, 235, 245, 306, 310, 312, 321, Andaaz (1971) 116 Soviet influence in 23 325, 347, 357, 376, 392 Andalusian Dog, An (1929) 18 see also Francophone Africa; South Africa; avoiding 356 Andaz (1949) 163 sub-Saharan Africa Cold War 223 Anderson, Benedict 26, 27, 87 World Cinema through Global Genres, First Edition. William V. Costanzo. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0002024551.INDD 406 10/12/2013 1:03:02 PM INDEX 407 Anderson, J.L. 76n(7) art cinema 28, 38, 241, 273 mainstream 90, 176 Andes Mountains 336, 341, 348, 353, 354, Art Deco 279 mass 56, 160, 259 387, 388 Arya, Sameer 187, 189 meanings unfamiliar to 117(Q1) Andrade, Joaquim Pedro de 347 Asani Sanket (1973) 164 middle-class 20, 163, 349 Andrew, Dudley 300, 333n(5), 383, 384nn(1, 4) Ashanti (Shequoiya Douglas) 177, 178 multicultural 194 Andrews, Naveen 177 Ashoka 165 national 227 Angelopoulos, Theo 321, 322, 331, 365 Asia 4, 6, 246, 316 native 170; see also local audiences Anglo-America see Bermuda; Canada; establishing colonies in 27 niche 185, 186(Q5), 316 United States genre films 38 one culture appropriates another and animation 4, 263, 319, 343, 351, 392 Soviet influence in 23 adapts for 50 altered craft of 11 see also Central Asia; East Asia; South popular 28, 64, 228, 317 relatively crude 264 Asia; Southeast Asia questions about 129 unique form of 259 Asian fiscal crisis 68 rapport with 132 Animatrix (2003) 265 Asoka (2001) 177 reactions of 137, 209 anime 259, 263–6, 392 aspect ratio 17, 393, 394, 398 regional 225, 352 Annaprasan 169 Asrani 113, 115 response of 372, 383 Anthroposophical Society 277 Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) 273 Spanish-speaking, deliberately targeting 343 Antín, Manuel 349 assembly cut 393, 395 struggling between tradition and anti-trust legislation 3, 4 rough 8 modernity 173 Antônio das Mortes (1969) 347 assistant directors 7, 259, 382, 393 sympathetic characters for 214, 237 Aparajito (1956) 164 Astro Boy (1963–6) 259, 264 tastes of, response to 68 Apennine Mountains 376 Atlântida Studio 346 theme with special resonance for 116 Appadurai, Arjun 26, 41n(12) Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957) 223 youthful/young 234, 241, 245 Appiah, Kwame Anthony 28, 41nn(15–16) audiences see also local audiences; Western Apu trilogy (1950s) 164 adolescent 239 audiences Apur Sansar (1959) 164 aggressive images to shock 210 Audition (1999) 234, 243, 250, 260 Arab films 152 appeals to 169, 220, 239, 256, 381, 394 Auschwitz 323 Araki, Gregg 317 art house 89 Austen, Jane 176, 177, 178 Arau, Alfonso 356 attention focused on 225 Australia 2, 4, 65 Arbeláez, Ramiro 366n(12) black 393 horror films 204, 206, 234, 240, 246, 250 archetypes 40, 105n, 215, 272, 392 bolder steps to shock 218 road movies 294, 307, 317, 318, 333 pre-existing 207 brash young talents and the new 309 wedding films 127, 139–40, 155, 189 Argentina 344, 348 broader outlines of character and story Austrians 49, 209 co-production 390 recognizable to 36 auteurs 82, 103, 164, 312, 321, 346, 380, 393 dance of choice in 343 change in setting brings the story closer artistic aspirations of 38 Dirty War (1976–83) 340, 349, 350 to 184 independent-minded 3, 28 drive for ideologically committed political common denominator that speaks to all 90 industrial 355 cinema 352 courting 89 influential 300 DVD distributors 4 cult 68 Automobile Accident, The (1901) 303 films of liberation 347 diaspora 176 avant-garde film 18, 211, 218, 346, 393 independent-minded directors 356 distinction between spectators and Avenging Conscience, The (1914) 218 road movies 294, 329, 333, 332, 341, 357, 19, 403 Awaara (1951) 115, 161, 163, 166, 167, 191 358, 361, 365 encouraged to make connections to Aztecs 336 Third Cinema 18 current events 229 see also Alfonsín; Borges; Buenos Aires; expectations of 273, 384(Q1) B-movie aesthetics 273 Getino; INCAA; Mar del Plata; fact-based ethnographic research about 20 Baaz, Maria Eriksson 334n(18) Patagonia; Santaolalla; Solanas; tangos female 154 Babel (2006) 355 Argento, Dario 229, 249, 274, 276, 277–81, 289 foreign 33, 34, 87 Bachchan, Amitabh 113, 114, 165, 167, 169, 175 Argento, Salvatore 278 general 256, 344 Bachmann, Gideon 375, 377 Aristotle 168 genre that aims to horrify 37 Back to the Future (1985) 233, 313, 316, 331 Arizona 306, 370 global 151, 361 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) 103 Arnaz, Desi 298, 307 impact of subgenre on 57 Badham, John 213, 249 Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station, The international 178, 195(Q4) Badlands (1973) 308, 310, 311, 312, 319, 330 (1896) 15, 303, 304 lower-class 163 Bagdad Café (1987) 314, 316, 331 0002024551.INDD 407 10/12/2013 1:03:03 PM 408 INDEX Bahl, Mohnish 171 Belton, John 41nn(3–4) blaxploitation films 231, 393 Bail, Charles 312 Bemberg, María Luisa 349 Bledel, Alexis 177 Baker, Rick 235 Bend It Films 177 blockbusters 68, 83 Balfour, Ian 41n(17) Bend It Like Beckham (2002) 97, 176, 178 epic 328 Bali 305 Benedek, Laslo 330 escapist franchises 233 Balint, Eszter 315 Benegal, Dev 326 blocking 111, 393 Balkans 221 Bengal 164 Blood: The Last Vampire (2000) 266 Ball, Anna 201n(2) Benjamin, Walter 19 Blood of the Beasts, The (1948) 226 Ball, Lucille 298, 307 Bennett, Joan 276, 277 Blood of the Condor (1969) 339, 353 Bambara people 325 Beowulf (2007) 39 Blue Angel, The (1930) 33 Bambi (1942) 264 Berges, Paul Mayeda 177 Blue Lobster, The (1954) 352 Bancho Sarayashiki (folk tale) 288 Bergman, Ingmar 300, 310, 330 body horror 208, 209 Bangalore 116 Berkeley, Busby 95 extravagant instances of 231 Bangkok Dangerous (2008) 243 Berlin 5 paranoiac vision of 235 Bangladesh 79, 159, 165 fall of the Wall (1989) 23, 232 terrifying vision of 266 Banzer, Hugo 339, 341 Bermuda 336 Body Snatcher, The (1957) 226 Barbie Nation: An Unauthorized Tour Bermúdez Barrios, Nayibe 366n(20) Bodyguard (1961) see Yojimbo (1998) 131 Bernstein, Elmer 104 Boetticher, Budd 382–3 Barcelona 66, 241 Bernstein, Walter 100 Bogart, Humphrey 297, 305–6, 381, 383 Barefoot Gen (1983) 259 Bertolucci, Bernardo 278 Bogdanovich, Peter 225 Barjatya, Sooraj R. 155, 162, 173, 175 best boy role 7, 393 Bohsie, Asha 169 Barnard, Timothy 366n(15) Betsy’s Wedding (1990) 155 Bolivia 335, 339, 341, 353–4, 387 Baron, Caroline 189 Better Tomorrow, A (1986) 68 films of liberation 347 Barren Lives (1963) 347 Beyond Re-Animator (2003) 241 Bollywood 28, 171–5, 176, 326, 327 Barreto, Bruno 348 Beyond the Road (2010) 365 colorful spectacle 178 Barro, João de 338 BFI (British Film Institute) 110, 123n(1), directors 160, 189 Barrymore, Drew 317 179n(3), 372, 373n(7) distinctive character 170 Bartók, Béla 315 Bhaduri, Jaya 113, 116 frequent references to 67 Basehart, Richard 374, 375, 376 Bhajans 169 global 179 Batista, Fulgencio 350 Bhaskar, Ira 179n(6) Hollywood and 177 Battle Angel (1993) 266 Bhubaneswar 188 lyrics learned by heart from latest feature 23 Battle Creek Brawl (1980) 66, 73 Bhutan 327 native aesthetics 167–8 Battle of Chile, The (1975–1980) 340, 354 Bicycle Thieves (1948) 18, 170, 323, 377 producers 160 Battle Royale (2000) 243 Bielinsky, Fabián 355 proliferation of inexpensively made battle scenes Big Boss, The (1971) 64, 73, 76–7n(15), 120 videos that nearly rivals 246 climactic 70 Big Road, The (1934) 80, 84 song and dance 114, 116, 117(Q5), 160, fierce 108 Billy the Kid vs.
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