Al Capone Part 7 of 36

Al Capone Part 7 of 36

FEDERAL BUREAU OF ENVESWGATEQN ALPHONSE CAPONE PART 3 OF 11 BUFILE NUMBERS: 32-15941 62-32480 r ' sus3@c@ me numF>¬R_ia__s_________-/ W seczaion nun1E>en__L_______ seams - W c<302§392L DA§¬5__z;1_@______._ Dkgés Rexeaseo __»Z._£>_¢i______;__ pgges uJ1Z=3T!D¬LO____g__________ exemp@>ion s! - A_.~_--._i.._-.ek_ __ _A _ ___ _' ; ___ 7; i 7 _ _ __i_ A ir_7; § I v , u-. I? :2 c D - 1 } i Chicago Crimeoneamzlzo Commission IY -_A :r?~¢.92[.9 ,,-M __ ~92/ The ChioacAssoolstionol'Co % :1 " v.~ 300 Wesi Adams Stree ROAD .._ 1- .- ___ Telephone Franklin 0101 o I ,3 i '=."ss . i GL9 nu 2*."/~.-i~'.92' Five "-'--i'--'-- " ! 1930 § Tc: U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation|-Z011. Dc C e |3 Attention: J. E. Hoover Director 39-" °,r»~ -_ Subject: Records as to twenty-eight Il1GIl1.,5 i gangsters Q, Q i 1. Attached peigonsknown you will to b g§9ia gangsters list and ofzgeuty-eightracketsers in hicago. 25" This list is tornarded to your office for the purpose of ascertaining if an of the twenty-eight named have a previous record outside of Chicago. P If your files contain any record as to the i 30" twenty-eight named receipt of such copies of /-. records will be appreciated. -4 i 4.- There is being forwarded to you under separate 1 cover Ho. 58 of Criminal Justice, the official 1 publication of the Chicago Crime Ccmission. In this issue you will find matters that my be of interest to your office. /' R.It Dtcrak i Assistant Operating Director 1-M "-75BUREAU l- VESTIGMIDH 7teas 92 /I . A, - i 5."? . fs. J . rv-- 7 ~ Please -M1 mmi - communications s/it 1 I! 0* lo Chicago Crimet ~Commission and not lo ind 92_ i | I .' - 4.---§._'..-._,.' I ___... -.... -92 . 92 I . I |_ } C 0 In rt: cm.-.-;@°| nu Known i i W Z &rr' uiiuifi iii hnpwrn the following 1| 1 partial lint of Gh1nc;o°l Int pronlnmt. roll known and notorious gnngltorl: 1 J92.1,=.Il_mas@¢_Q;.=en.e A1"'§npono _ "L1"§rwn Tony "lope"!-Ifilpo /gfilph Ylpono Prlnk/1.0 11: "n-mrr1m" "P*rlnk: C11ne Jlclé-Qomaro 1111: Jack imhinoGun"! Io0urn" Jamairielaalntro Rocco/I-' nnnalli Lmrrenoc "DngoLawrence !'I-nglno Jncxviuu Jlck-uuaiak Fr !:"1.{3ilAQD.d |/ Gecrgo 'Bugl'!~Koran Jooéiello Edvard '8-p1k0"!6Donna 11 Jon Polish Joe Slltin Fr mfglorlano Vincent/6&cEr1nne "1 T'lL1LI|H.1DAU'iIl||-.4 7 -I _{'--,-&Lhit 5;: ' K} vs. Es I E:;_»:.'r-'75 2' DI-nny'~§lI-nton ... _ 92-__ ll'_92r1ss1{'D0nns11 '1 §hmkas ./3 . fa V Torryugm V < _ _ - 92 _ _ , 11 Q» -> --: W J/J 11111 "x1»n¢m"!§5'D0nn'e11 ,_ " Geflrgs "3sd'_'!"{n_rks§-J _ >-" Q._; I /d Hills: "InnsFinger Jack !§-hits 4- » Joseph "Psppy"!I-nsro - i F nl 92 kn" -.e u - ,_921' Le/092' c.né,avon & - I Jams Furqéimmonss 1 The above list reprsssnts persona who Ira constantly in conflict with *5 the law. ' '.*r92. 'a592!~'.3 .*-;; . F r . V -.1 -_ ' - -____. H; .,...__-____. _ ____,_,_._,.__.--'--_ -" *' _~.__ _» ..... .. _ .__.iH-'- - _ _ - -u-X r-_#_ _ _ _A______,....-..»_----»=--'--""""' . 1 n ti 5| & I. 1 '- . -'1'" . - . = | '2. " _|_ --i E _ 1'L.D L 5 3? s.: '-.1. -.. --'1'.~-;-"~"""-.'-*1! - P W ' - c;.- "'r-?"$'~§*;" s .9-,%é*-saa.r if -.- 4-,-:;.._r ,_ F --_ _ __,, .. _ . __-._. , . _.a,.1 _ _ M . .. ...~-. -*._'_,.-_-I-f--M . ..I .' -- --M1' -Q3 _ _92 , -13":" 92 4; -' ti '4 ¢7' R A __ . - ¢_. I 5'~ ~- :4- ..' n - . 9 - . - " I-7- ~,-1 -'--{y .5 ' »-. » - I".= .. - :3. , 'I - " < I ' , . ...--a - ' . /-_ _ .u _.-4-,_-.,-.---~;-_'-;"- .1 V_"'~I',,¢_ = -- _a__._. -'. _ .- __ '11 _ '-. ,-..'_ I - .._ .. 7-_-.1- -. -92-.-=- *..._. :1-I, - -1 *_,':'T I. 92_. 92_. -V i pmvz. -1- mmsr I§1 g _ /1" = CHIBABU $-CRIME '*""»'.. ' 1 . // "' -_ Q . :Calls.Guz1k0 9 O , Verdlct - . -="-"'ia- A Blowto S5,}? All laden! lawQntq'ree|n'ant'll'¢l92¢';ill .--wan_ --- .-2 " -:fs»* -.. _ 1; yum-go ugbemgeoriinlteil to: . _;3r. 5,. i ¢0liQi1'1',l-§.IlI!I.i[h_''__ l||1nl1._ I:lnl.'I . ,.,.-*-_-0 - - . *- "I'M;lnnoltpofll III _WIl1!1hI92-ll- . 1- pate!-g; bylttorney General Mitchell u .< . J1 1-w1 Pu an wnlnat the :6nrnnia1'|'am- I "' mac! J. VICUOIIM II-Ck'__G1-IIILCIPGIIO -a ner and pnM1c__ua'em1=11!-l'lB_l ya 92 1 éqvndlng Q0 A?"_ Ax ' _ 1:610 ~ _"'1'he_eunvl¢1.l1iil_l,WaJhlnl16II-natlotnoqthrtrfuzlk Pl! mi!!!- ,» Q 1* -,...-,5-, urmchlqi bk? luv Q0 L'n.p0nu' qonerli gniai. Q Iltcbell _ annnuncad L'th-It _ .. thi tudull _ nutharlua in Chllo an being nu!; 5*. 5- 3 -.g" . poi-teapan by "-Iqftltylnz nfsmvnlib Q-nlnI"otth01'lrh!llto;le.,. -'..- -' shat -_._|-', :- -11-1». --y.--= "92T-==1='~.¢*i'!"~"I.='.f"I f -92 .AI=l'¢1:nt A_It6rn0iG_n'|¢TI_.lwmgh ;/ -mm --h --we H-aw. =1+s-,--:5 '. 8"! otnonnoo i hydro '¢.92'-13;-F31 .-Q1" v,r_. ~ . .. _ _@s_ .__-_,. .4? .*."£".., . .-.,,, 92 . i 1. - _' z.- 2 1 -:. '. low X _ . Q-M 5:", Mu 4- . .1.~- .-v = 7.. rnoll 'ls. '-5. ' . *2" .;-_- . ?. ~ ~,.'§." I3-""1"" 92..-- _- 1 er U = t: -v ¢ . I 519". '1/_' - ' _ *.'..*-::':".i¥§1".>¢_" / no *1-I .._r , and 1-,1-onma u um _ of 1_oumu_ eilzoe Ightlng _éA.- nuboinru '__lIooeo'fu- "- -nu-uiltoma Dtotrlct -Auomér :'unnn'o,=m ' :6 in; with hlo policy at lkliag with lndictm I Q. 92 P? to our 601! We hupi_1t I en promos "LDC vordlcti, mm-o Go- even clinednone: to llllpllfy lchlesrohonto tho nnbohncolioentof o, lat of tho ntaf.|o ottornoy . .. gonoro.l._ r* Lo to .tho conviction In remain; 0: Uulik, to dlocuoo ochad u only iodu-o.lthlo campaln oloinot crime, Hr. Joh dechrod: "1! word! could drlvo th olcl-ll Ind cIl.m1l!l._I IIIIBI1-Gr! outlmb Chicago they would hovo boon {Ono |Ol'lo ogu. Tho Bilaloilyo tho fleoth In-om the Ihldovluf - 'HER Tho dll_tr1et ottornoy oxpruood I gun with oo-called crandeo launchQC with hoodllneo and uloclu-ed that ouch Slut! ._ m Ill- King"-;"'W@ra1 oomivt q=uo_ Ed who hlenchoo not ct dooelo." _ ' methodo _- havo ,"ir'm=' limo amen. ounc-on ' ognlnot. mmchlne gunner: lll bomb hurl: Hlo phrueology woo nmlniooent of C Bvhoclvu In Edwin lb! him lino-local laden! ogoucieo lncludo tn; pruhlhmdd Ionz, the loci: non- ice, um mm-='m vonuo ogontl, and lntalllgenoonnit, thoj'imm|;-1-ouon ou- thorltleo, tho donorimont at julti CI bunon of luvootigntlmittho pond 1li- Ipoctoro, tho l92_Q!:Q0¢__bl_§.l;?.92L_I;n¢ tho tr - Ilbnnooq nun; h aunmniozork ..q '""' "Ins loco: ~ - °' '- llllhormq mod ..:'92¢ ->* ,'-¢ E* _" -. -~'"1 J5-2*,-'.. -1'". .' VIM. h . 7 fl V . t . %_QfI;¢.§' 52-l594l1'""' '-"*'" 5:-'<-> ;;_'~ -l§"' - ;.-~.'-'~*,lf-_- :~_.*a-:.- i w".*n=. .. p .:- . .,':~.': 1.-5. 4* -- ;»--'= .-'.- hull 11» -*-.-f<1"% . .. ._ _ . @- .._v_:z-. 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