2013 - 2014 C Contents the Right Saving lives, now Foreword About Oxfam Gender justice F 1 2 To be heard 3 4 and in the future Sustainable food Finance for development and access to Fundraising AND INCOME Expenditure Contact us 5 natural resources 6 and essential services 7 8 C Click on an image to go directly to a section. 8: PHOTO © Kimlong Meng | OXFAM C: PHOTO © Aubrey wade | OXFAM 2 | OXFAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 F Foreword together again after the devastation. It was a huge victory that the decade- Much of our humanitarian effort long efforts of Oxfam and its many through the year was fraught with partners finally paid off in a new global obstacles, whether in the intractable arms trade treaty. And we scored humanitarian crisis in Syria, or the important progress by challenging the persistent conflict and increasing world’s biggest food companies to do deprivation in South Sudan. From Gaza better – and they are! They have taken and Somalia to Central African Republic Oxfam’s guidance on best practice for and Mali, there were enormous needs gender, climate change, land rights… for our humanitarian operations. That and we will continue to campaign for has, of course, meant that we have more to come. often called on our supporters for the generous donations that allow us to be effective on the ground. Oxfam is changing the world, and is changing itself. This year we put our new six-year strategic plan into operation, taking The past year – also my first as campaign and lobby for justice; who an Oxfam-wide approach to six areas Executive Director – has been devoted work alongside communities and local of focus that build our capacity to to fighting and winning some important partners to help people in poverty empower people in poverty to shape battles, and to the painstaking to thrive; and who save lives and their own future. We do that within progress that is involved in empowering help rebuild livelihoods after natural communities – often by working with people against poverty. Oxfam’s work catastrophes and war. women’s groups to claim their rights reached 20.7 million people across 96 or to adopt more efficient production countries in 2013/14. When Typhoon Haiyan hit the methods and better ways to sell their Philippines, Oxfam was among the produce and goods. And we do it I am proud of the achievements of first agencies to start emergency on the global stage, by persuading our 10,000 colleagues around the operations, and we are still there, governments, corporations and world world who work with devotion to helping people to put their lives bodies to respect the position of the world’s poorest people. 3 | OXFAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 F Foreword All of Oxfam’s work could be summed of Oxfam’s work. It will mean a change up as our outrage at the inequality in of structure and culture, becoming the world. So we wrote a report and more decentralized; more present and ran a successful campaign pointing with more power in the countries of out that a mere 85 billionaires own as the south; more focused on sharing much as the poorest half of the of the knowledge. The self-examination and world’s population. Watch for a lot more foundations laid in the past year will challenge to that inequality in the year sustain the impact of Oxfam well into to come. the future. But we don’t just challenge others: we have launched a major change process to re-engineer our own organization. In our Oxfam 2020 initiative, we have begun a significant process to become more efficient and sustainable, WiNNiE ByANyiMA and especially to underpin our ExecutivE Director Oxfam InternationAl legitimacy and credibility by more fully incorporating the global south into the thinking and leadership and at all levels ABOvE RighT: Josephine Alad-Ad (47) lives in Sitio Martinao, Mindanao. As a member of a ‘Women’s Rural Improvement Club’, she is involved in Oxfam’s climate change adaptation project. After several seasons of failed crops, she is now planting fruit and rubber plants. These need less water, and allow her to cultivate, even when the weather is unseasonably dry. PHOTO © Tessa Bunney | OXFAM 4 | OXFAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 Section 1 Section All of Oxfam’s work is framed by co-ordination and support to the our commitment to five broad confederation. All affiliates share 1 rights-based aims: a single Strategic Plan that provides the shared agenda for all affiliates • the right to a sustainable livelihood to choose the approaches and themes • the right to basic social services of work that will enable them to • the right to life and security achieve the most impact in their • the right to be heard specific contexts. • the right to an identity To ensure delivery of that Plan, all The 17 Oxfam affiliates share a common Oxfam affiliates have committed to vision, common philosophies and, improving the way we work together. By to a large extent, common working 2020 we will: practices. We all have the same WhO WE ARE & What WE DO people are heard and can influence the brand values, the same passion and • Become more globally balanced: local and global decisions that affect commitment. We have joined forces bringing people from the north and One person in three in the world lives them. In all we do Oxfam works with as an international confederation south together, in equality, in poverty. Oxfam is determined to partner organizations and alongside because we believe we will achieve including through stronger change that world by mobilizing the vulnerable women and men to end the greater impact by working together in representation, power and influence power of people against poverty. injustices that cause poverty. collaboration with others. from the global South; Around the globe, Oxfam works to find • Strengthen our ability practical, innovative ways for people We are a confederation of 17 Oxfam Oxfam International is registered as a to influence by building and to lift themselves out of poverty and organizations working together in more Foundation in The Hague, netherlands. sharing knowledge within and thrive. We save lives and help rebuild than 90 countries. Oxfam has more than Each affiliate is a member of the beyond Oxfam; livelihoods when crisis strikes. And we 10,000 staff and nearly 50,000 interns/ Foundation and subscribes to the • Simplify and streamline our ways campaign so that the voices of poor volunteers working across the world. Foundation’s constitution through of working, especially in country an affiliation agreement. The Oxfam programs, diminishing complexity International Secretariat provides while remaining inclusive and open. PREviOUS PAgE: Elisabeth Tamara, 10, with nevado Huascaran - the highest mountain in Peru - in the background. This area of Peru is already affected by glacial retreat. locals, who depend on melt for their water supplies, say the level of ice and snow on the mountain is retreating. In utupampa, the community has introduced drip irrigation to help with the efficient use of water in the dry season. PHOTO © Gilvan Barreto | OXFAM 6 | OXFAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 1 About Oxfam arOund the wOrld, Oxfam mObilizes the pOwer Of peOple against pOverty Oxfam headquarter cOuntries cOuntries where we wOrk 1 About Oxfam OXFAM StrategiC Plan gOAL 2 gOAL 4 gOAL 6 ADvANCiNg gENDER JUSTiCE SustaiNABLE FOOD FiNANCiNg FOR DEvELOPMENT AND Between 2013-19, all Oxfam affiliates UNivERSAL ESSENTiAL SERviCES have committed to working to achieve By 2019: More poor and marginalised By 2019: More people who live in rural six ‘External Change Goals’ and six women will claim and advance their poverty will enjoy greater food security, By 2019: There will be higher quality and ‘Enabling Change Goals’, as set out in rights through the engagement income, prosperity and resilience quantity of financial flows that target the Oxfam Strategic Plan ‘The Power of and leadership of women and their through significantly more equitable poverty and inequality, and empower People against Poverty’. This provides organisations; and violence against sustainable food systems. citizens, especially women, to hold the framework for all affiliates’ work in women will be significantly less governments, donors and the private all countries in which Oxfam operates. socially-acceptable and prevalent. gOAL 5 sector to account of how revenue is FAiR ShARiNg OF natural RESOURCES raised and spent. More women, men, EXTERNAL ChANgE gOALS: gOAL 3 girls and boys will exercise their right to 6 gOALS TO ChANgE ThE WORLD SAviNg LivES, NOW AND iN ThE FUTURE By 2019: The world’s most marginalised universal quality health and education people will be significantly more services, making them full participants gOAL 1 By 2019: By reducing the impact of prosperous and resilient, despite rising in their communities and strengthening ACTivE CiTizENS natural disasters, fewer men, women competition for land, water, food and the economic, social and democratic and children will die or suffer illness, energy sources; and stresses caused fabric of their societies. By 2019: More women, young people insecurity and deprivation. Those most by a changing climate. and other poor and marginalised at risk will have exercised their right to people will exercise civil and political have clean water, food and sanitation rights to influence decision-making and other fundamental needs met, to by engaging with governments and be free from violence and coercion, and by holding governments and to take control of their own lives. businesses accountable. 8 | OXFAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 1 About Oxfam ENABLiNg ChANgE gOALS: gOAL 2 gOAL 4 gOAL 6 6 gOALS TO ChANgE ThE PROgRAM qUALiTy, MONiTORiNg, iNvESTiNg iN PEOPLE iNCOME strategiES way WE WORk EvaluatiON AND LEARNiNg (MEL) By 2019: By 2019: Oxfam will be an agile, flexible By 2019: A step-change in investment, gOAL 1 network of organisations with skilled fundraising and cooperation among CreatiNg A WORLDWiDE Oxfam will be able to demonstrate that and motivated staff and volunteers affiliates will secure €100m-€300m iNFLUENCiNg NETWORk it has created a culture of evidence- delivering the change goals.
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