Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1950-11-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1950). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1871. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1871 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University1· News A Weekly Newspaper By Students F1·om Tlie Evanston, IFirst XU-UC Game, P. 41 Downtown And Milford Campuses. I iUosei·'s Review, P. 6 I VOLUME XXXV CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1950 NO. 9 XAVIER SET TO GO AGAINST CINCY Musketeers Seek To Captul"e City Student Body Local Sports Personalities Crow1~, Continue Unbeaten String Cheers Team By Frnnk Sornmcrkc1rnp Vary Widely In Predictions Maestro Ed Kluska will raise his magic baton Saturday At Rally-Dance UC will win; Xavier will win. 7-0." and attempt to conduct his unbeaten and untied Musketeers Neither will win. No one can Reporter Bill Font said, "Ed victoriously through the seventh stanza of the ever-potent The 1950 Musketeers were to possibly tell who will win. Kluska has a fine team. So has have i>een assured that they will "You pays your money and Sid Gillman. It should be one of Xavier-Cincinnati rivalry in the local "Game of The Year'' at have the wholehearted support takes your choice." The sports . the season's great football games. Nippert Stadium. A capacity crowd of 30,000 is expected to be of the Xavier student body come writers and broadcasters of the From this corner it looks like an­ --------------- ' on hand when the starting whistle Saturday afternoon when they area have been canvassed, but 1other one for Xavier, but close." Cincy Not To Plav is SOWlded at 2:15 p:m. enter the Bearcat Bowl for the there is an opinion for every per- Staff writer Saul Straus had .! So far . in this spirited series, Queen City's number one football son, a score for any possible out- this to say: "It looks to me as x So Late In Season wh~ch originated in ~918, Cincin­ rivalry.· come. though UC will take this year's nati has emerged triumphant on During the Rally-Dance, held The Times-Star sports staff ven- tllt. UC looked very much im­ Next year Says Sicl! four occasions and Xavier two. Thursday evening in the Armory, tured the following guesses: Act- proved against College of the ' The pair of Musketeer wins ma- each member of the team was in­ ing sports editor Frank Y. Gray- Pacific. UC is also playing now UC and Xavier will not play terialized in the past two years troduced by Emcee Al Stephens. son, after a huddle with "Irish" without injuries. Xavier's lay­ this late in the season any more, under the guidance of Coach Ed Kennedy, WKRC-TV's O'Connor, hit upon a score of off is going to help the Bearcats­ Sicl Gillman, University of Cin- sportscaster, headed the list of "X" 13 - UC, 7. O'Connor him- it's playing exp er i en e e that cinnati heacl football coach, Lineups, page 8 speakers. Jim Liber, Muskie cap­ counts. I go off the deep end and told the News this \veek. tain, together with Coach Ed 1950 CINCINNATI RESULTS pick UC by 13-6." Although authoritative re­ Kluska. The latter possesses the Kluska, pledged his best to make Texas Western .............. (32-0) · Dick Forbes, reporter: "UC's ports say next year's Bearcat­ honor of never having lost to a the UC game Xavier's eleventh Hardin-Simmons .......... <19-7) speed on the end sweeps and great Muskie game is already set Gillman-coached team. Last year, straight victory. William aml Mary ...... (14-20) pass attack against Xavier's sheer for Nov. 17, Gillman said that Xavier embarassed the Bearcats Ray Stackhouse, who led last Louisville ...................... (28-20) power both on offense and de­ from now on "Xavier will be and Coach Gillman with a 20-14 year's team to the Salad Bowl Kentucky ........................ (7-41) fense should make the game very I sclrndulecl for the early part of .victory and in 1947 Gillman's game, and Bob Drennan, who had Western Reserve .......... (48-6) close. The margin of victory will the season." lie gave two rea- Miami Redskins fought to a 6-6 been team manager for the last Western Michigan ........ (27-6) be no more than one touchdown." sons. tie with the Kluska crew. three years, were the other Lou Smith, baseball writer and Ohio U .................... :........ (23-0) One, from the Cincinnati Saturday's encounter will mark speakers. Bill Folzenlogan, chair­ columnist: "With my fingers College of Pacific .......... (14-7) siaml110i11t it is unethical to the end of three weeks seclusion man of the athletic board, plan­ crossed I pick UC to win, 27-14. i1Iay Xavier une week and for the Musketeers, who haven't ned the rally. UC's greater !'Peed and depth in self presented a two platoon sys­ Miami of Oxford the next, been seen since they edged Day­ The evening's program began reserves, added to Xavier's weak tem. If the field is dry, it will since both are major rivals. ton, 28-21, on Oct. 29. with dancing for about a half pass defense, will prove too much be "X," 21 - UC, 14. But should Secondly, he said playing Whether the 21 day gap will hour before the actual pep rally. for the Musketeers." there be a muddy "track," Irish XU late in the season gives the hinder "X" is a mountainous This insured as large an attend­ Whitney Tower, hockey re­ says Xavier, 20 - UC, 7. Musketeers too many chances question. However, there are two ance at the rally as at the free porter, believes, "Xavier should Mel Heidelman likewise worked to sec Cincinnati in action. schools of thought concerning it. dance that followed Bob Stazger win, 14-7. Xavier has too much over a wired system, this one of Negatively, the Blue and White handled the arrangements for power in its line and plunging dots, all of which added up to a team will certainly not be up to the dance. backfield. If UC is to score it score of "X," 27 - UC, 6. 300 Fans Lined Up competitive game - sharpness, would have to be through the Joe Minster commented that which could prove disastrous in Student' Seating Guide Xavier's big line will probably air." For Fake l(ickoff their running and blocking. On Sections A, B, C, and half of wear UC down. He also feels that The five prognosticators in the M:ore than 800 Bearcat and the other hand, the layoff en- ZZ will be roped off for Xavier "Crunch" Carinci will make his p o st Sports Department are Musketeer partisans will be at Iablecl Coach Kluska and his as­ students at Nippert Stadium Sat­ presence felt, as will the hard e_venly div,ided i1:1 the~r predic-1 the fourth annual Pigskin Ra.lly ~istants to in.still new wrinkles urday. Approximately 1200 seats running "X" backs. Joe predicts t1ons. Heres the lineup. Luncheon at the Sheraton-Gib- Imto the ·Xavier offense. It also are available in this special stu­ a score of XU, 27 - UC, 14. Earl Joe Aston (eel. )-XU 14, UC 14 son Roof Garden Friday to swap 1 gave the individual team mem- dent section. Gates will open Lawson was off covering assign­ Tom Swope - UC 14, XU 7 friendliness before travelling to Ibers two ~hanc~s to watch .the about noon. ments and could not be contacted. Wally Forste-UC 21, XU 1'1 Carson Field to exchange mock UC team m action, one agamst The Enquirer sports writers are Joe Quinn - XU ·27, UC 14 wrath. Ohio U., and last Saturday when as divided in their opinions as Jimmy Miner - XU 21, UC 14 Sinnificant citizens from both i the Bearcats humbled the stocky Victory Mass Saturday 1 A pre-UC game victory mass any other group. From Dick Cray, the WCPO- athl;tic campus, the city govern- College of Pacific Tigers. will be said at Saturday at 8: 30 Lou Lawhead, Enquirer sports TV man: "I wouldn't try to pick ment, the administration of both So far this season the Bearcats a. m. in Bellarmine Chapel, Bob editor, commented "Eel Kluska the winner of the game; but I universities and alumni and have won seven and lost two in Marquard, perfect of the Sodal­ has a great team and a fine rec­ would say that I have never seen booster groups will be at the playing one of their most ambi- ity, announced Wednesday. ord. I think Xavier should win, (Continued on Page 4) Cl'tamber of Commerce event. (Continued on Page 6) Wt PID ti 8£F()fc1£,... ·tEri /)()tTAGA/N,I r/NN&t/. WtLklE S'CO,ft$ SETS UP Tl/l?OIJGll Tll~ k/IPPJ..F ANorllER ) ~,,..._ PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1950 » UC Editor Speaks: »To God Through Food hat with the flurry about the coming UC nce again close to 30,000 citizens of greater Wgame, plans for the Military Ball and O Cincinnati will soon squeeze themselves packing to go home for the holidays, the fact into the horseshoe of Nippert Stadium to watch that Thanksgiving Day is coming Thursday has been almost forgotten.
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