![Arxiv:2101.01865V3 [Hep-Ph] 4 May 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Tests of the Atomki anomaly in lepton pair decays of heavy mesons G. L´opez Castro1, ∗ and N´estorQuintero2, 3, y 1Departamento de F´ısica, Centro de Investigaci´ony de Estudios Avanzados, Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000 M´exico D.F., M´exico 2Facultad de Ciencias B´asicas, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Campus Pampalinda, Calle 5 No. 62-00, C´odigoPostal 76001, Santiago de Cali, Colombia 3Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad del Tolima, C´odigoPostal 730006299, Ibagu´e,Colombia The anomalies recently reported in lepton pair transitions of 8Be∗ and 4He nuclei may be at- tributed to the existence of a feebly interacting light vector boson X17. We study the effects of this hypothetic particle in the semileptonic H∗ ! He+e− decays (H a Qq¯ meson) in the framework of the HQET+VMD model. Using current bounds and the universality assumption of the X17 boson ∗+ ∗+ to quarks, we find that decays of D and Ds mesons can be importantly enhanced relative to the dominant photon-mediated contributions. Dedicated experimental searches at current heavy meson factories may confirm the existence of this light boson or set stronger bounds of their couplings to ordinary matter. I. INTRODUCTION warned that the addition of radiative corrections to the leading one photon exchange amplitude may be respon- The existence of a light vector boson weakly coupled sible [14] for generating the bumps reported in the an- 8 ∗ to Standard Model (SM) fermions, has been suggested gle and mass spectrum of electron-positron pairs in Be as a solution to the observed discrepancy between the transitions. SM prediction and the experimental measurement of the muon g − 2 magnetic moment anomaly (see for exam- The almost isosinglet nature and the small mass dif- ple [1,2]). It may be also a good candidate as a media- ference of nuclei involved in 8Be∗ decay provides an ideal tor of dark and ordinary matter interactions [1,2]. Sev- place to observe this light boson, in case it exists. Mix- eral strategies aiming their detection in different collider ing of nuclear isospin states [7,8, 15] and other nuclear and fixed target experiments have not found any signal interference effects [16] can only partially explain the ob- so far [3,4], but have excluded different regions in the served anomaly. Further studies in analogous systems mass and coupling strenghts of parameter space. Theo- will be very important in order to establish or discard retically, different models can accomodate a light vector this light boson. In the present letter, we propose the boson and its required interactions through dimension- study of H∗ ! He+e− decays, where H(H∗) is a heavy four kinetic mixing with SM neutral gauge bosons and Qq¯ spin-0 (spin-1) meson. Previous related studies in- their interactions with fermionic currents of SM or dark clude: 1) J= ! ηcX decays and associated production matter particles [1{3]. of J= mesons at BESIII and Belle II experiments, re- The anomalies recently reported in the invariant-mass cently reported in [17] and, 2) a search proposal at LHCb spectrum and angular distribution of lepton pairs pro- of D∗0 ! D0A0 ! D0e+e− with displaced vertex or res- duced in 8Be∗ transitions to its ground state [5], re- onant production of the dark photon A0 was detailed in inforces the interest in searches of light vector bosons. Ref. [18]. H∗ ! He+e− decays seem to be interesting The observed anomalies seems to require the existence to further test the Atomki anomaly: on the one hand, of a spin-1 boson named X17 [5{7] with mass mX = the mass-splitting in heavy mesons is large enough (see (16:7 ± 0:35 ± 0:50) MeV and a relative ratio B(8Be∗ !8 TableI) to produce the X17 boson on-shell; on the other BeX)=B(8Be∗ !8 Beγ) = 5:8 × 10−6 [7]. Couplings to hand, strong decays of H∗ are either very suppressed of arXiv:2101.01865v3 [hep-ph] 4 May 2021 standard model first-generation fermions of O(10−3) (in forbidden by kinematics, leaving electromagnetic decays units of the the electron charge), required to explain this as dominant. Furthermore, the large amount of data pro- ratio is not discarded by other data. More recently, the duced at heavy meson factories would allow to test the same group seems to confirm the X17 particle in stud- proposed channels in the near future. ies of the 0− ! 0+ transitions of 4He [8]. Several new physics extensions of the SM have been proposed in the The Lagrangian describing the interaction of quark and literature with the required couplings to interpret the lepton flavors f with the photon and the X boson is P ¯ µ Atomki anomaly, including enlarged Higgs and/or gauge L(γ;X)ff = −e f (ef Aµ + "f Xµ)fγ f, with couplings sectors (see, for instance, Refs. [7,9{13]). Despite the strenghts ef and "f given in units of the electron charge excitement generated by these anomalies, one must be e. The photon and X boson couplings to hadrons are described each by a single vector form factor which takes into account their structure in the momentum transfer re- 2 2 2 gion 4me ≤ q ≤ (mH∗ −mH ) , with q = pe+ +pe− . The ∗ glopez@fis.cinvestav.mx form factors describing the couplings of the off-shell vec- y [email protected] ∗ tor particles (V = γ; X) in H (pH∗ ; H∗ ) ! H(pH )V (q) 2 −1 −1 −1 Transition mH∗ − mH (MeV) eQ=mH∗ [GeV ] eq=mq(0) [GeV ] FH∗Hγ (0) [GeV ] D∗+ ! D+γ 140.603(15) 0:33 −0:85 −0:54 ± 0:05 −0:47 ± 0:06 [21] D∗0 ! D0γ 142.014(30) 0:33 1:70 2:11 ± 0:10 < 10:8 [21] ∗+ + Ds ! Ds γ 143.8(4) 0:32 −0:48 (−0:17 ± 0:03) > −16:4 [21] B∗+ ! B+γ 45.37(21) −0:063 1:70 1:64 ± 0:09 B∗0 ! B0γ 45.37(21) −0:063 −0:85 −0:92 ± 0:12 ∗0 0 +1:8 Bs ! Bs γ 48.6(−1:5) −0:062 −0:48 (−0:42 ± 0:02) TABLE I. Mass splittings of heavy mesons and electromagnetic couplings of H∗ ! Hγ transitions in the HQET+VMD model. Within square brackets we show experimental values when available. are defined from the hadronic amplitude The vector H∗ and pseudoscalar H heavy mesons are 2 ν α β composed of a Qq¯ pair, with Q = b; c and q = u; d; s. The M = ieF ∗ (q ) p p : (1) µ H HV µναβ H∗ H H∗ hadronic matrix element of the electromagnetic current For on-shell vector particles V , this Lorentz-vector am- is given by [19]: plitude must be contracted with its vector polarization em ∗ H(P )jJ jH (P ∗ ; ∗ ) µ (q). The case of lepton pair production is discussed in H µ H H V ¯ ∗ Section III. = e H(PH )jeQQγµQ + eqqγ¯ µqjH (PH∗ ; H∗ ) ; Q q = e(eQJµ + eqJµ); (2) ∗ II. H H-VECTOR VERTICES where eQ(eq) is the electric charge of the heavy quark (light quark) in units of the positron charge, and simi- X ∗ Q q larly, H(P )jJ jH (P ∗ ; ∗ ) = e(" J + " J ) for The form factors FH∗HV (q) are evaluated in the frame- H µ H H Q µ q µ work of the heavy quark effective theory suplemented the X boson current. with vector meson dominance model (HQET+VDM) A straightforward evaluation of the form factors in the [19, 20], which has shown to give a good description of HQET+VMD model [19] leads to H∗ ! Hγ decays. Since we will normalize results for our r 2 mH∗ eQ eq ∗ observables to this radiative decay, we use the ratio of de- FH Hγ (q ) = + 2 ; (3) m m ∗ m (q ) cay rates because they are rather insensitive to the spe- H H q r 2 2 mH∗ "Q "q cific q -dependency of the form factor. This is due to the ∗ ∗ FH HX (q ) = + 2 ; (4) smallness of the H −H mass splitting (see TableI) com- mH mH∗ mq(q ) 2 pared to typical hadronic scales (∼ 1 GeV ). Also, since with the effective light \quark mass" parameter the contributions of heavy quarks are 1=mQ suppressed, 2 −1 we expect that such ratios are relatively independent of X p fV q m (q2)−1 = − 2 2g λ 1 − : (5) constants involved in light-quark contributions through q V m2 m2 vector meson dominance model. V V V For self-containess purposes, we reproduce here the The expressions for the form factors of heavy mesons are term of the Lagrangian density relevant for our calcula- explicitly separated in Eq. (3-4) into its heavy and light tions and definitions of couplings constants [19, 20]. The quark components. In the model under consideration, strong interaction of heavy mesons are described by the couplings of heavy quarks to the the photon and X ∗ µν boson are fixed by HQET, while the couplings to the L2(H HV ) = iλhHbσ Fµν (ρ)baHai ; light antiquarks are modeled by the dominance of light where h· · · i denotes the trace in flavor space, Fµν (ρ) = vector mesons [19]. For the latter, the sum extends over µ @µρν −@pν ρµ +[ρµ; ρν ] is the field strenght tensor and ρ = light vector-meson resonances (V = ρ0; !; φ) according µ µ igV ρb = 2 where ρb the 3×3 matrix of the nonet of light to the light-quark content of heavy mesons [19]. Under vector mesons. The heavy meson field H is defined in the assumption of the ideal mixing for vector mesons, the ∗ terms of the pseudoscalar (Pa) and vector (Paµ) mesons couplings of light u and d quarks are dominated by the 1 ∗ µ 0 y 0 exchange of ρ and ! mesons, while the coupling of the s fields as Ha = 2 (1+v=)[Paµγ −Paγ5], and Ha = γ Haγ .
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