N 鄧氏族譜內記載昔日屏山地貌及村落分布情況 1945年的屏山高空照 The layout of Ping Shan and villages illustrated in the Tang Genealogy Aerial photo of Ping Shan in 1945 1 1905 年的屏山 (香港政府檔案處,歷史檔案館提供) Ping Shan in 1905 (Courtesy of Hong Kong Public Records Ofce, Government Records Service) 簡介 Introduction 位於新界元朗的屏山文物徑是香港首條文物徑,於 1993 年 The rst of its kind in Hong Kong, the Ping Shan Heritage Trail was 12 月 12 日開幕,長約 1.6 公里,蜿蜒於坑尾村、坑頭村和上 inaugurated on 12 December 1993. Stretching about 1.6 km in length, the Trail meanders through Hang Mei Tsuen, Hang Tau Tsuen and Sheung 璋圍之間, 主要是典型的中國傳統建築, 信步可達,市民只 Cheung Wai. It links up a number of traditional Chinese buildings within easy 需花半天遊覽時間, 便可領略過往新界的傳統面貌及宗族生 walking distance of each other to provide visitors with an opportunity to learn 活。 more about traditional life in the New Territories in a convenient half-day excursion. 設立屏山文物徑的建議由古物諮詢委員會提出,費用由香港 The idea to set up a heritage trail was rst mooted by the Antiquities Advisory 賽馬會及衞奕信勳爵文物信託贊助,並由古物古蹟辦事處和 Board, and then brought to fruition by the Antiquities and Monuments Ofce 建築署負責籌備和安排。屏山文物徑計劃得以成功,最重要 and the Architectural Services Department, with generous nancial support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust. The Trail 當然是得到屏山鄧族的支持。 would not have been possible, however, without the support and co-operation of the Tang Clan in Ping Shan, which were a driving force behind the project. 屏山鄧族 Tang Clan in Ping Shan 元朗屏山是香港歷史最悠久的地區之一,鄧族則為新界其中 Ping Shan in the Yuen Long district is one of Hong Kong’s most historically 一個重要的宗族。鄧族的歷史源遠流長,至八十六世祖鄧漢 signicant areas and the Tang Clan is one of the major clans in the New 黻於北宋初由江西省遷居廣東省, 為鄧族粵派一世祖。 至北 Territories who has a long and illustrious history. Tang Hon-fat, the 86th generation ancestor, moved from Jiangxi Province to Guangdong Province in 宋中期, 鄧漢黻曾孫鄧符協擴建岑田(即今錦田)祖居,並設 the early period of the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127). He is regarded as 置書院。至十二世紀,第七世祖鄧元禎與其獨子鄧從光(字 the rst generation Tang Clan ancestor of the lineage in Guangdong. During 萬里)由錦田遷居屏山,鄧元禎被尊為屏山派一世祖。 the middle period of the Northern Song dynasty, Tang Fu-hip, the great grandson of Tang Hon-fat, expanded his ancestors’ home in Shum Tin 鄧族定居屏山後, 先後建立了「三圍六村」, 即上璋圍、橋頭 (present-day Kam Tin). The 7th generation ancestor, Tang Yuen-ching and 圍、灰沙圍,以及坑頭村、坑尾村、塘坊村、新村、新起村 his only son, Tang Chung-kwong, alias Man-lei, moved from Kam Tin to Ping Shan in the 12th century. Tang Yuen-ching is regarded as the rst generation 及洪屋村, 並興建多所傳統中式建築如祠堂、 廟宇、書室及 ancestor of the Ping Shan lineage. 古塔等,作為供奉祖先、 團聚族群及教育後人之用;又保存 After settling in Ping Shan, the Tang Clan established “Three Wais (walled 一些傳統習俗,例如各項節慶儀式等,不但象徵鄧族的民俗 villages) and Six Tsuens (villages)” – Sheung Cheung Wai, Kiu Tau Wai and 文化,同時亦反映新界的傳統風貌。 Fui Sha Wai, and Hang Tau Tsuen, Hang Mei Tsuen, Tong Fong Tsuen, San Tsuen, San Hei Tsuen and Hung Uk Tsuen. They later built numerous traditional Chinese buildings such as ancestral halls, temples, study halls and pagoda for ancestral worship, clan gathering and education. The Ping Shan Tang Clan retains certain traditional customs to this day, such as the organisation of various ceremonies during festivals. They not only symbolise the folk culture of the Tang Clan, but also reect the traditional and unique characteristics of life in the New Territories. 2 3 文物館外貌 拱形長廊 Outlook of the centre Embracing arched verandah 屏山鄧族文物館 Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery 暨文物徑訪客中心 cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre 屏山鄧族文物館暨文物徑訪客中心位於坑頭村的小山崗上, The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre is 能俯覽屏山村落,是文物徑內唯一的殖民地建築。文物館由 situated on the hilltop in Hang Tau Tsuen overlooking the villages in Ping Shan. It is the only colonial building along the Trail. Converted from the Old 舊屏山警署改建而成,是新界現存其中一所戰前警署,於 Ping Shan Police Station being completed in 1900, it is one of the few 1900 年建成, 曾供警務處多個部門使用, 包括分區警署、培 remaining pre-war police stations in the New Territories. The station 訓中心、警犬隊及新界北交通部等。建築物於 2002 年底正式 compound was used by various units of the Police Force in various capacities such as a sub-divisional station, training centre, Police Dog Unit and Trafc 移交康樂及文化事務署管理,並改建為屏山鄧族文物館暨文 New Territories North. The premises were formally handed over to the 物徑訪客中心,於 2007 年開放,介紹屏山鄧族的歷史文化 Leisure and Cultural Services Department in late 2002 and were later 和屏山文物徑的歷史建築。 converted into the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre. The centre was opened to the public in 2007 to introduce local folk 文物館由三座建築物組成,主樓是一座拱形長廊的雙層建築 culture and heritage along the Trail. 物,屋頂設有瞭望台。北面兩層高的附翼大樓與主樓相連, The centre consists of three buildings. The main building is a two-storey 屋頂矗立兩座煙囪,另有單層獨立建築物。 structure with an embracing arched verandah with observation posts at the roof level. On the north side, a two-storey structure with prominent chimney 開放時間︰ stacks connected to the main building forms the Annex Block. There is also a 三月至九月 small detached single-storey building. 星期二至日: 上午10 時至下午 6 時 十月至二月 Opening Hours: 星期二至日: 上午10 時至下午 5 時 March through September 星期一(公眾假期除外)、 Tuesday to Sunday : 10 am - 6 pm October through February 農曆年初一及二休館 Tuesday to Sunday : 10 am - 5 pm Closed on Mondays (except public holidays), and the rst two days of the Chinese New Year 附翼大樓屋頂 Roof of the Annex Block 4 5 洪聖宮 洪聖宮位於坑尾村,由屏山鄧族所建。據廟內匾額上所載年 份顯示,廟宇可能建於清乾隆丁亥年(1767 年)。現存結構 於清同治五年(1866 年)重修而成, 至1963 年再大事修葺。 傳說洪聖本名洪熙,是唐代的廣利刺史,死後獲追諡為「廣 利洪聖大王」,廣受民眾敬仰供奉,漁民及以海為生人士的 供奉者特別眾多,每年農曆二月十三日為洪聖誕辰。 洪聖宮為兩進式建築,以青磚建成,中有天井,結構簡樸。 本港其他廟宇的天井多加建上蓋,改作香亭,但洪聖宮的天 井仍依原來的開放式設計,故採光及通風效果較佳,亦為這 所廟宇的最大特色。 洪聖像 洪聖宮外貌 Statue of Hung Shing Outlook of Hung Shing Temple Hung Shing Temple Situated in Hang Mei Tsuen, the Hung Shing Temple is thought to have been built by the Tang Clan in Dinghai (1767) during the Qianlong reign of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), which is the year inscribed on the board inside the temple. The existing structure was rebuilt in the 5th year of the Tongzhi reign (1866) of the Qing dynasty. Substantial renovation work was carried out in 1963. Legend has it that Hung Shing was originally a governor of Kwong Lee (Guangli) during the Tang dynasty (618-907), and was known by the name Hung Hei. After his death, the reigning emperor awarded him the posthumous title of “Kwong Lee Hung Shing Tai Wong”. Hung Shing is widely worshipped, particularly by shermen and people whose livelihoods depend largely on the sea. The Hung Shing Festival is held annually on the 13th day of the second lunar month. The Hung Shing Temple is a simple building with two halls separated by an 後進 open courtyard. In most of the other temples in Hong Kong, open courtyards Rear hall are roofed over to form incense towers. Providing better lighting and ventilation, the original courtyard design at the Hung Shing Temple has been well preserved and remains one of the temple’ s distinguishing features. 門外功名石碑 Stone title plaques outside the temple 6 7 Tang Ancestral Hall Situated between Hang Tau Tsuen and Hang Mei Tsuen and surrounded by the three Wais (walled villages) and six Tsuens (villages), the Tang Ancestral Hall is the main ancestral hall of the Tang Clan that has resided in the area all these years. According to clan records, the ancestral hall was constructed by Tang Fung-shun of the clan’s 5th generation about 700 years ago. The Tang Ancestral Hall underwent a major restoration funded by the clan between 1990 and 1991. As in the past, the ancestral hall is still used regularly as a venue for worship, festivals and ceremonies, and clan meetings. The Tang Ancestral Hall was declared a monument in December 2001. 祠堂外貌 A magnicent three-hall structure with two internal courtyards, the Tang Outlook of the ancestral hall Ancestral Hall is one of the nest examples of its kind in Hong Kong. It is fronted by two drum terraces with two columns on each terrace supporting 鄧氏宗祠 the roof, an inner column made of granite and an outer column of red sandstone. The elevated red sandstone pathway in the front courtyard 鄧氏宗祠位於坑頭和坑尾兩村之間,是屏山鄧族的祖祠,由 suggests that at some time in the past, one of the Tang clansmen held a 屏山三圍六村所環抱。據鄧氏族譜所載,宗祠由五世祖鄧馮 high-ranking position in the imperial government. The wooden brackets and 遜興建,至今已有七百多年歷史。1990 至1991 年間,鄧氏宗 beams of the three halls are elegantly carved with auspicious Chinese motifs. The main ridges and roofs are decorated with ne Shiwan dragon-sh and 祠曾大事重修,費用由屏山鄧萬里祖祖嘗撥付。宗祠現仍用 lion pottery gures. Ancestral tablets are displayed on the altar in the rear 作祭祖、 慶祝節日、 舉行各種儀式及父老子孫聚會等用途。 hall. 鄧氏宗祠於 2001 年 12 月列為法定古蹟。 Opening Hours: 鄧氏宗祠是三進兩院式的恢弘建築,為香港同類古建築的表 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm daily 表者。正門前兩旁是鼓台,各有兩柱支撐瓦頂,內柱為麻 Closed on the rst three days of the Chinese New Year 石,外柱則為紅砂岩。前院鋪有紅砂岩甬道,顯示鄧氏族人 中曾有身居當時朝廷要職者。建築物三進大廳上的樑架雕刻 精美,刻有各種動植物和吉祥圖案,屋脊皆飾有石灣鰲魚和 獅子。後進祖龕供奉著鄧族先祖神位。 開放時間: 樑架雕刻 每日上午 9 時至下午 1 時及下午 2 時至 5 時 Carved wooden brackets and beams 農曆年初一至三休息 紅砂岩甬道及中進 後進的祖龕 Red pathway and middle hall Altar at the rear hall 14 15 Yu Kiu Ancestral Hall The Yu Kiu Ancestral Hall is situated south of the Tang Ancestral Hall. It was constructed in the early 16th century by two 11th generation brothers of the Tang Clan: Tang Sai-yin (alias Yu-sing) and Tang Sai-chiu (alias Kiu-lum). In addition to serving as an ancestral hall, the building was used as a teaching hall for children of the Ping Shan villages. From 1931 to 1961, it was housed the Tat Tak School. The last major renovation of the building probably took place during the Guangxu reign (1875-1908) of the Qing dynasty, as indicated by the engraved characters on the stone tablet above the main entrance. The original structure and features of the building, however, remain unaffected.
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