Niada Series, VoL IV No.30 WedDeHal. AprD ,25 1'" Vahakha S,l'lZ(~ LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Selsion (Ninth Lok Sabha) _. .....,._... -............. - \' PARL:AMEN 1 1:&RARY ; No J ...... !?. .......... ~ Date .... ,.:~1.l1::')·r···:·:.:..:: ~ __ ......", ......- ~;J;;~ - --- ---' CYo/. IV IOnl0l81 N 01. 21 to 3~ LOK SAliBA S~CRETARIA NEW DI:LHI P,lce I R,. tf.OO {OalOINAL BNOJ.:.IIII P.~ mcuJDm)" BJIOLISB V... AJJIl OaIOINAL HINOI Pa.OCBEDINOS lNCLUDBD IN HlNDJ VEUION WILL • TUATID AI AtJTIIOUTATIW AND IIOT ,... TRANlLA1'1ON TIlI.SOP.1 CONTENTS [Ninth Series, Vol. IV, Second Session, 199011912 (Saka)] No. 30, Wednesday, April, 25,1990/ Vaisakha 5,1912 (Saka) CoLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions 1-27 *Starred Question Nos. 594, 597, 598, 1-25 599 and 600 Written Answers to Questions : 27-468 Starred Question Nos. 595,601,602, 604 to 27-41 614 Unstarred Question Nos 6383 to 6390, 6392 to 6413, 41-447 64 f5 to 6421, 6423 to 6430 6432, 6434 to 6442, 6444 to 6458.6460,6462 to 6464, 6466 to 6474, 6476 to 6488, 6490 to 6525, 6527 to 6529, 6531 to 6568, 6570 to 6598, 6600 to 6618 Papers Laid on the Table 469-471 Committee on Pnvate Members' 8"ls and 472 Resolutlons- Third Report-presented Committee on Papers Laid on the Table 472 (I) Second Report-presented (II) Minutes Relating Second Report-Laid *The Sign + marked above the name of a Member Indicates that the qllestlon was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public 47~6 Importance Alleged violation·of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and various tax laws by the Express Group of Companies Shri Harish Rawat 473 509-510 513-517 Prof Madhu Dandavate 473-508 510-513 527-536 Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam 517-521 Shri Vasan! Sathe 521-526 Business Advisory Committee 536-540 Eighth Report-Adopted Matters Under Rule 377 540-545 (i) Need to provide adequate facilities 540-541 to the farmers for cultivating their land particularly in Kanpur, Fatehpur, Banda. Jalaun Etawah. Hamlrpur etc. Districts of Uttar Pradesh Shri Keshari Lal (ii) Need to set up Commrttees In each Nehru 541-542 Yuva Kendra for proper functioning of these Kendras in the country Dr. Asim Bala (iii) Need to drop the proposal of setting up of 542 cooperative sugar factory at Dadra and Nagar Haveli Shri Mohanbhai Sanjibhai Oelkar (III) CoLUMNS (IV) Need to take steps for proper functlontng 542--543 of T V transmitters In Arunachal Pradesh Shn laeta Umbrey (v) Need for early completion of Darbhanga-Forbe~ganJ 543 lateral road Shn Devendra Prasad Yadav (VI) Need to pay compensallon to the persor:ls 543-544 whose crops have been dal"1aged In fire In BhoJPur dlstnct In Bihar Shn Tej Narayan Singh (VIII) Need to provIde finance for the proposed 544-545 medical and engineering colleges In Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh .n the forthcoming plan Shn Santosh Kumar Gangwar Demands for Grants (General) 1990-91 545-592 Ministry of Home Aficms Shn ManoranJan Bhakata 545-551 Shn Krrpal Singh 551-560 Shn Tant Baran Topdar 564-567 Shn K D Sultan PUrl 567-570 Shnmatl Jayawantl Navrnchandra Mehta 570-572 Shn PIYus Tlraky 572-573 Shn Dharam Pal Sharma 574-576 Shn Kapil Dev Shastri 576-.?78 Shn Jagpal SlOgh 578-581 Shn Kankar Munlare 58~92 (iv) CoLUMNS Demands for Grants (General). 1990-91 611--626 Ministry of Home Affairs and Discussions Under Rule 193 592--611 Communal Situation in the country Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 59.::!--611 Discussion Under Rule 193 627-680 Atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra 627--634 Shn Di!eep Singh Shuria 634-640 Shn Het Ram 640-644 Kuman Mayawatl 645-649 Shri R.N. Rakesh 650-657 Shn Resham Lal Jangde 657-662 Shn Saqu Prasad Saroj 662-665 Shn Sukhendu Khan 665-669 Shn Piyus Tlraky 669-671 Shrimatl V,dya Chennupati 671--675 Shrl Chhedi Paswan 676-67~ LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA disbursal of funds tor the Sardar Sarovar ProJect, and (d) If so, what steps Government have Wednesday. Apnl25 1990 'Valsakha 5, taken to rehabilitate 90000 people whose 1912 (Saka) land and homes have submerged? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OFWATER RESOURCES (SHRI MANUBI-iAI KOTADIA) (a) Some voluntary The Lok Sabha met atThree mm:;tes past agencies have made representations to the Eleven of the Clock World Bank on reha_bllttd(lon and resettle- ment Issues relatl"g to Sardar Sarovar Proj- [MR SPE=AKER In the era/r} ect ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (b) and (c) No, Sir [Fnglit:h] (d) The three concerned States of GUJarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh World Bank team for Sardar sarovar have announced theIr rehabilitation and Project resettlement poliCies In the light of these, a rehabilitation programme IS under Imple- menta~lon In keeping with constructIon sched- '594 SHRI HARI BHAU SHANKAR ule of tre Project However, no Village has rAAHALE submerged uptil now SHRI RAM BAHADUR SINel1 [ Trans/atlon] Will the MllIlster at WATER RE- SHRI HARIBHAU SHANKAR MAHALE SOURCES be pleased to stD1p Mr Speaker. Sir, I would like to know wheti''' "r It IS a fact that several complaints have b~ n (a) whether a voluntary agency has received with regard to rehabilitatIon of the complained to the World Bank authol'tles people affected by the Sardar Sarovar Proj- against Sardar Sarovar Project authorities ect due to whIch the World Bank has stopped not fulfilling the conditions about relief and disbursal of further funds for the Project rehabilitation of G ?0lacpd perSl'ns Secondly. I would like to kF10W from the han Minister the nu,nber of Villages and acres of (b) whether the World Bank has sent a land lIkely to be subrlerged each In GUJarat. team to investIgate Into thesE> complaints. Maharashtra and'Madhya Pradesh and steps taken or to be taken to rehabilitate them and (c) whetner en the advice of the World the time by which they are likely to be reha- Bank team the World Bank has stopped bllrtated? 3 Oral Answers APRIL 25, 1990 Oral Answ91S 4 [English] Regarding Maharashtra, the first sub- mergence will be in five vDlages in 1992-93. SHRI MANUBJ-:tAI KOTADIA: First of The names of the villages are Dhankhedi, all, let me clarify that the World Bank has not Danai, Mukhadi, Mandavan and Paula. Their nominated any team to investigate regard- resettlement is linked with clearance of about ing the complaints made sofar.1 will produce 2700 ha. of forest land for resettlement by one letter issued from the World Bank dated the Ministry of Environment and Forests, the 20th April, 1990. They say: Government of India. "No bank team has been sent specifi- [ Trans/ation] cally to investigate these complaints. The complaints are kept in view by the The consultations are going on with that bank's supervision teams that visrt the department and it is hoped that land would Projects regularly." be released very soon and with that prob- lems would be solved. So, what I mean to say is that no team has visited as far as the Sardar Sarovar [English] Project is concerned. It IS not only that. There is a letter received from the World Bank. The Safar as Madhya Pradesh is concerned, letter was written on 13th December 1989 out of the 193 villages getting affected due to and that letter says: submergence of Sardar Sarovar Project, only one village Jalsindhi is going under "We are particularly satisfied with the submergence in 1992 and another .15 vil- progress being made in Resettlement lages in 1994. and Rehabilitation in Gujarat. Their achievements in land allotment to the [ Trans/ation] oustees are especially noteworthy. No more village would be submerged. [ Translation] Moreover with the onset of monsoon some villages may be submerged. In orderto meet Mr. Speaker, Sir, It appears that there is the situation a scheme has been chalked no complaint on the part of the World Bank out. and the complaints are one sided. The World Bank has not put any obstacle. Now I would SHRI HARIBHAU SHANKAR MAHALE: like to tell you about the programme chalked The forest land under possession of some out in Gujarat. persons during the period from 1972 to 78 has not yet been mutated by the Revenue [English] Department in their names. Will the Govern- ment give compensation to them for th is land also? Sale and purchase of such land have First two villages VIZ. Mokhadi and not taken place so far except in Gujarat Dhumna may be temporarily submerged in where such land has been sold at cheaper the 1991-92. One in hundred years. 0 for rates. In Gujarat, a movement is also to be Dhumna, all the 28 families gOing to be started on 20th Mayan this issue. Will the affected have selected the agricultural land Government announce compensation to and 21 families have been agricu~uralland them for such land as per the price of land after documentation. Regarding Mokhem, prevailing well before their protest move- 116 families have selected the land and 111 ment is launched? have been allotted the agricultural land after documentation. The remaining families from [English] Mokhadi are under process of selecting the sites. SHRI MANUBHAJ KOTADIA: Sir, sofar 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 5,1912 (SAKA) Oral AnsW91S 6 as encroachment IS concerned, let me sub- ever, some of the schemes of rehabllitatton mit that every encroacr.er who had en- submitted by the Madhya Pradesh Gove.m- croached before 31 st March, 1979 shall be ment have been Included In the schemes ehglble to get two heptares of land prepared by us Every affected person would be gIVen at least two acres of agricultural [ TranslatIon] land and 540 square yards of land for a house bUilding Thus they will be provided help under thiS poltcy.
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