ACADEMIE POLONAISE DES SCIENCES PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA -No. 15, 1965 PSANIMOSTEIFORNIES (AGNATHA) A REVIEW VVITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW MATERIAL FROM THE LOWER DEVONIAN OF POLAND T1. Systematic Part .. PSAMMOSTEIFORM ES (AGNAT HA) - OG6LNY PRZEGL1\D I OPIS NOWEGO MATERIALU Z DOLNEGO DEWONU POLSKI Ir. Czesc Systematyczna BY L. BEVERLY HALSTEAD TARLO (W ITH 48 TE X T-F IGURES AN D 19 PLAT ES) WARSZAWA 1965 PANSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE REDAKTOR - RBDACfEUR ROMAN KOZLOWSKI Czlonek rzeczywisty Polskiej Akademii Nauk Mernbre de ('Academie Polonaise des Science s Redaktor techniczny - Redacteur techniq ue Weronika Sipowicz Adres Red akcji - Adresse de la Reduction Institut de Paleozoologie de I'Academie Polonaise des Sciences Warszawa 22, AI. Zwirki i Wi gury Nr 6 Copyright by Pnn stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1966 Printed in Poland Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe - Wa rszaw a Naklad 800+250 egz, Ark. wyd, 20,75. Arkuszy druk, 10'°'..+19 wkladek. Pap. druk, sat. kl. Ill, 61 x 86, lOO g. Oddano do skladanla IS. IX. 1964 r, Podplsano do druku 19. 11. 1966 r. Druk ukoDczono w marcu 1966 r, Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Jagiellonsklego w Krakowie Zam . 367/64 CONTENTS Page Preface . VII Acknowledgements VII SYSTEMATIC PART Subclass Heterostraci LANK ESTER, 1868 . 1 Order Psammosteiformes BERG, 1940 .. 1 Suborder Tesseraspidida TARLO, 1962 2 Family Tesseraspididae BERG, 1955 2 Genus Tesseraspis WILLS, 1935 . 2 Tesseraspis tessellata WILLS, 1935 3 Tesseraspis toombsi TARLO, 1964 . 6 Tesseraspis mutabilis (BROTZEN, 1934) . 7 Tesseraspis orvigi TARLO, 1964 . 7 Tesseraspis denisoni TARLO, 1964 • 8 Tesseraspis talimaae n. sp. .. 8 Genus Oniseolepis PANDER, 1856 9 Oniseolepis dentata PANDER , 1856 . 9 Genus Kallostrakon LANKESTER , 1870. 10 Kallostrakon podura LANKESTER, 1870 11 Kallostrakon maeanuffi TARLO, 1964 . 11 Kallostrakon grindrodi T ARLO, 1964 14 Kallostrakon alieni TARLO, 1964 14 Family Corvaspididae DINELEY, 1953 . 15 Genus Corvaspis WOODWARD , 1934 . 15 Corvaspis king i WOODWARD, 1934 16 Corvaspis gratlculata DlNELEY, 1953 . 18 Corvaspis karatajuteae n. sp . .. 19 Gen. et sp, no v . 19 Family Weige1taspididae BROTZEN, 1933 . 20 Genus Weigeltaspis BROTZEN. 1933 . 20 Weigeltaspis alta BROTZEN, 1933 . 21 Weigeltaspis brotzeni TARLO, 1964 23 Weigeltaspis godmani TARLO, 1964 24 Weigeltaspis heint zi TARLO, 1964 25 Weigeltaspis sp. .... 26 Suborder Psammosteida KIAER, 1932 26 Family Drepanaspididae TRAQUAIR. 1899 26 Genus Drepanaspis SCHLUn!R, 1887 . 27 Drepanaspis gemuendenensis SCHLUTER, 1887 29 Drepanaspis sehrieli GROSS, 1933 33 Drepanaspis lipperti GROSS, 1937 . 35 Drepanaspis jaegeri TARLO, 1964 . 35 Drepanaspis earteri (McCoY, 1851) 36 Drepanaspls edwardsi TARLO, 1964 37 IV Page Genus Psephaspis 0 RVIG, 1961 38 Psephaspis williamsi 0RVIG, 1961 38 Psephaspis bystrowi T ARLO, 1964 39 Famil y G uerichosteidae T ARLO, 1964 . 40 Genus Guerichosteus TARLO, 1964 . 40 Guerichosteus kozlowskii T ARLO, 1964 . 4 1 Guerichosteus kotanskii T ARLO, 1964 50 Guerichosteus kulczyckii TARLO, 1964 50 Guerichosteus lefe ldi T ARLO, 1964 . 51 Gen us Hariosteus 'D.RLO, 1964 . .. 52 Hariosteus k ielanae T ARLO, 1964 . 52 Hariosteus lobanowsk ii T ARLO, 1964 . 55 Gen u s Schizosteus OBRUCHEV, 1940 .. 55 Schizosteus asatk ini OBRUCH EV, 1940 56 Schizosteus heterolepis ( P REOBRAJENSKY. 19 11 ) 57 Schizosteus torien sis MARK-KuRIK, 1965 . 59 Sc hizosteus striatus (GROSS, 1933) . 60 Schizosteus pern eri (R M:IC KA, 1929) . 63 Schizosteus wellsi T ARLO, 1964 63 F a m ily Pycnosteidae T ARLO, 1962 . 64 Genus Pycnolepis TARLO, 1964 64 Pycnolepis splendens (E ICHWALD. 1844) . 65 G e n us Pycno steus PREOBRAJ ENSKY, 191 1 68 Pycnosteus palaeformis PREOBRAJENSKY. 1911 69 Pycno steus pau/i MARK, 1956 . ... 71 Pycnosteus tuberculatus ( ROHON, 1901) . 73 Pycnosteus nath orsti OBRUCII EV, 1965 76 Pyc nosteus obruchevi T ARLO, 1964 . 78 Genus Ganosteus R OHON, 1901 79 Ganosteus stellatus ROHON, 1901 . 79 Ganosteus artus MARK-KuRIK, 1965 . 82 Ganosteus obtusus MARK-KuRIK, 1965 84 G e n us Tartu osteus OBRUCHEV, 1961 85 Tartuo steus giganteus (G ROSS, 1933) .. 85 Tartu osteus luhai MARK-KuRIK, 1965 . 89 Tartuosteus maximus M ARK-KuRIK, 1965 . 90 G e n us Yoglinia OBRUCHEV, 1943 .. 93 Yoglinia bergi OBRUCHEV, 1943 . 93 F a m ily P sammo le p id id a e TARLO, 1962 . 95 Genus Psammolepis A GASSIZ, 1845 . 96 Psammolepis paradoxa (AGASSIZ. 1845) 96 Psammolepis venyuko vi OBR UCHEV, 1965 100 Psammolepis undulata ( AGASS IZ , 1845). 103 Psammolepis proia M ARK-KuRU" 1965 106 Psammolepis abavica MARK-KuRIK, 1965 . 107 Psammolepis alata OBRUCH EV, 1965 . 109 Psammolepis aerata OBRUCHEV, 1965 . III Psammolepis arctica (KIAER, 1915) .. 112 Psammolepis groenlandica T ARLO, 1964 . 112 ?Psammolepis granulata (McCoY. 1848) 112 Family Psammosteidae TRAQUAIR, 1896 . 113 Genus Psammosteus A GASSIZ , 1845 11 4 Psammosteus megalopteryx (T RAUTSCHOLD, 1880) 115 Psammosteus maeandrinus AGASSIZ, 1845 124 Psammosteus praecursor Oanu cnsv, 1947 127 v Page Psammosteus marka e T ARLO, 1961 131 Psammosteus falcatus GROSS, 1942 134 Psammosteus waltergrossi nom. no v, 136 Psammosteus pectinatus OBRUCHEV, 1965 138 Psammosteus asper OBRUCHEV, 1965 138 Psammosteus tchernovi OBRUCHEV, 1965 139 Psamm osteus kiaeri TARL O, 1964 .. 140 Ge nus Crenosteus T ARLO, 1964 . 141 Crenosteus levis (O BRUCHEV, ill TARLO, 1964) 141 Ge n us Rohonosteus T ARLO, 1964 . 142 Rohonosteus ornatus (ROHON, 1899) .. 143 Rohonosteus complicatus (KJAER, 1915) 144 G enus Karelosteus OBRUCHEY, 1933 . 144 Karelosteus weberi OBRUCHEV, 1933 144 G en . et sp . indet. .. 146 Suborder Obruch eviida novo .... ... 146 Fa mily Obrucheviidae TARLO. 1964 . 146 G enus Obruchevia WHITLEY. 1940 . 147 Obruchevia heckeri (O BRUCHEV. 1936) 147 G enu s Traquairosteus T ARLO, 1964 . 150 Traquairosteus pustulatus (TRAQUAIR, 1897) 150 References .. ... 152 Alphabetical indices . .. 165 Index of authors .. 165 Palaeontological index . 167 Plates I-XI X and their legends. PREFACE The present work consists of the second part of a comprehensive review of the order Psammosteiformes - a group of the subclass Heterostraci (one of the major divisions of the Agnatha, or jawless vertebrates). Part I (General) of this review, which is published as a sepa­ rate volume - Palaeontologia Polonica No. 13 - contains an introduction to the Heterostraci as a whole, including a new interpretationof their internal anatomy, as well as sections on the following topics which relate exclusively to the psammosteids: an historical review of previous work; an account of the morphology of the psammosteids together with a discussion of their classification; an account of the growth of the dermal armour based on a detailed examination of its ornamentation ; a re-interpretation of the histology of the aspidin and den­ tine of the dermal armour with particular reference to their fine structure; an account of the stratigraphical range and geographical distribution of the group, and finally a discussion on the origin and evolution of the psammosteids. This work - Part II (Systematic), contains full descriptions of, and comments on, all available psammosteid material, while in addition problems relating to morphology or evolu­ tion are discussed when they pertain to particular specimens. Although much of the material is described here for the first time, previously described material has also been re-examined, enabling a comprehensive critical assessment to be made of the entire order. As can be seen from the List of Contents, the descriptions have been compiled in a systematic way based on the classification discussed in detail in Part I, and outlined briefly in my paper on the Clas­ sification and Evolution of the Heterostraci (1 962c). In consequence of the publication of this review in two distinct parts, an Appendix was included at the end of Part I so that all new taxa could be validated , thus preventing their remaining nomina nuda until this Part IT appeared. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe a special debt of gratitude to Professor R. KOZLOWSKI and Professor Z. KIELAN­ JAWOROWSKA of the Palaeozoological Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw University, for their constant help and encouragement over these last 9 years. I am also greatly indebted to the late Professor J. SAMSONOWICZ• , Dr. and Mrs. A. URBANEK, Dr. and Mrs. Z. Ko- TANSKI, Dr. and Mrs. J. KULCZYCKI, Dr. W. JESIONEK-SZYMANSKA, Dr. J. LEFELD and Dr. H. Lo- BANOWSKI, all of Warsaw, for their generous hospitality and assistance, and to the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Ministry of Higher Education, the Percy Sladen Memorial Fund of the British Museum (Natural History) and the British Council , for their financial support for the field work carried out in central Poland. The present work could not have been so comprehensive without the long and stimulating discussions held with Professor D. OBRUCHEV in Moscow, and with Dr. ELGA MARK-KuRIK in VUI Tallinn, to both ofwhom I am also deeply grateful for their warm hospitality and for allowing me the free run of their extensive collections of psammosteids. I also wish to express my thanks to Professor J. ORLOV of the Palaeontological Institute, Moscow, and Professor K. ORVIKU ofthe Geological Institute, Tallinn, who helped to make my visit to Russia and Estonia in 1961, a valuable and enjoyable one, and to the Academy of Sciences ofU, S. S. R., the British Council and the D. S. 1. R. who arranged and financed the visit. My thanks are also due to Professor W. GROSS, Dr. H. JAEGER and Dr. and Mrs. H. WERMUTH of the Humboldt University, Berlin, for their hospitality and for the provision of facilities to examine material, some of which I borrowed, in 1956and 1958, and to the D. S. 1. R. and the British Council for their financial sup­ port for these visits. I am also greatly indebted to Professor E. A. STENSIO, Professor E. JARVIK and Dr. and Mrs. T. 0RVIG of Stockholm, for their kind hospitality and for the invaluable discussions I had with them as well as for the material I have been allowed to describe, and to Professor P. THORSLUND ofthe Palaeontological Institute, Uppsala, for allowing me to examine material. My warm thanks are also due to Professor A.
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