caa/,06 . Ailnry ll,wrsf O llogt, r g 6 o, 6z MARYLHURST COLLEGE MARYLHURST, OREGON CATALOG L960, 1 962 Conducted by the Sisters of THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY , TABL Accreditaiion and AffiUation Calendar Faculty History Aims Location Camprrs and Btrildings .,.---.-... MARYTHURST COUEGE, A Catholic College for women conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Marl' Student Life -,-------------- -- Admission to Marylhurst Colle Under the patronage of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Edward D' Academic Reguladons Howard, D.D., Archbishop of Portland in Oregon. ----.... Degrees Board of Trustees, The President and Officers of the Society of the Holv Vocational Opportunities ---- Names which was incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon in 1880. Description of Courses ---- Art Accredited by: The Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools Education The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education English Health and Physical Educ Affiliated with the Catholic University of America. Home Economics Approved by the Oregon State Board of Education for elementarv and Foreign Languages ----.-.. secondary education. Music Psychology Membership in: Association of American Colleges Science and Mathematics National Catholic Educationai Association Secretarial Science ---- ---. American Council on Education Social Science -. .. -- American Association of University Women American College Public Relations Association Theology and Phiiosophy Expenses ----..- Schoiarships Alumrrae Association --.- Index -.. ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Accreditation and Affiliation - _ _____--__ 2 Calendar 4 Faculty ---., . --- - 6 Historv ___-__-_____,___,--- t0 Aims -- ___ ____________-____ _ 10 Location _ 11 Camprrs and Buildings -. .. ll Student Life ---,-----,--- ,-,,,---, , , ,- 12 Admission to Marylhurst College ----,-,---" -----, _ 17 Academic Regulations ------.,- ..-.---.--..-.----- , lg Degrees .._.____.-...2L Vocational Opportunities --- ---- -. -.. "-- 23 Description of C,ourses --.. ---. ----- 25 Art ------ --.-- ----- 25 Educalion - -- 29 English ___.._ u/ Health and Physical Education ------ ---- ---,,---,,- ,,- -,-, 4L Home Economics -. .--,----- 43 Foreign Languages 43 Music - 49 Psychology 54 Science and Mathematics -,- ----------- --,-- -------- 56 Secretarial Science ---------. 61 Social Science - 62 Theology and Philosophy ---- - - 60 Expenses -- --,________, -69 Scholarships ---- -,---,,-,_72 Alumrrae Association 75 Index ---,--,--- __-,_____ 77 rt CALENDAR CI 1960 - 1961 FIRST SEMESTER F,II September 12, Monday,--,Freshman orientation; registration for upperclassmen September ll, Mond,ay *Fresh September 13, Tuesday --- --Registration for Freshmen September 12, Tuesday ------- September 14, Wednesday -- -,-.,,,- ----Classes begin September I3, Wednesday -- Mass of the trIoly Spirit September 20, Wednesday September 21, Wednesday ---- ---. October 21, Friday -'- -' Founders Day October 21, Saturday November 1, November l, Tuesday All Saints DaY Wednesday -------- November 22, Wednesday (afk November 23, Wednesday (after classes) -, ---------Thanksgiving vacation begins. Novemiber 27, Monday ftefore November 28, Mondav (before classes) - Thanksgiving vacation ends Deccmber 8. Friday. December 8, Thursday of the Immaculate Conception ------Feast December 20, Wednesday (afte December 21, Wednesday (after classes) ' Christrnas vacation begins January 8, Wednesday ftefore 4, Wednesday (before classes) ' ------Christmas vacation ends January January 22-25, Monday-Thursd 23-26, --------Semester examinations January Mondav-Thursday January 26, Friday January 27, Friday ---------------Inter-semester holiday SECOND SEMESTEI]. sEo( January 8O-February 1, Monilay-Wednesday-'------ Students' Spiritual Retreat January 29-31, iv{onday-Wedne February 2, Thursday '-- --- 'Classes begin February 1, Thursday March 18, Safurday '---------------Graduate Record Examination April 7. Saturday- March 29, Wednesday (after classes) ----- Easter vacation begins April 18, Wednesday (a{ter clar April 5, Weilnesday ftefore classes) ------------Easter vacation ends April 25, Wednesday (before cl -- --------------Ascension Day May 11, Thursday May 19, Saturday 20, Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement May Safurday May 22-25, Tuesd,ay-Friday --- May 23-26, Tuesilay-Friilay ------ -: - Semester examinations SUM;MER SESSION SUI June 18, 19, Monday, Tuesilay June 19, 20, Monday-Tuesday ----'---- ---Regisiration June 20, Wednesday June 21, Wednesday --- Classes begin August 2, Thursday August 3, Thursday -------Examinations 4 CALENDAR 1961 - 1962 FIRST SEMESTER september 11, Monday *Freshmen orientation; registration for upperclassmen September 12, Tuesday Regishation for Freshmen September 13, Wednesday ____Classes begin Septerrrber 20, Wednesday Mass of the Holy Spirit October 21, Saturday --------- ---------Founders Day November 1, Wednesday ____---_____-All Saints Day November 22, (after Wednesday classes) ---------Thanks$ving vacation begins November 27, Monday (before classes) ------------------Thanksgiving vacation ends December 8, Friday------- - --Feast of the Immaculate Conception December 20, Wednesday (after classes) -----.-- --------- Christrnas vacation begins January 8, Wednesday ftefore classes) -Christrnas vacation ends January 22-25, Monday-Thursday -------------semester examinations laauary 26, Friday ---------------Inter'semester holiday SECOND SEMESTER January 29-31, Monday-Wednesday Shrdents' Spiritual Retreat February 1, Thursday --Classes begin April 7, Saturday , Graduate Record Examination April 18, Wednesday (after classes) ---- Easter vacation begins April 25, Wednesday (before classes) -----------Easter vacation ends May 19, Saturday -------Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement May 22-25, Tuesd,ay-Friday Sernester examinations SUMMER SESSION June 18, 19, Monday, Tuesday ------ ---------Registration June 20, Wednesday begin August 2, Thursday ,--Examinations-Classes BOARD OF TRUSTEES SISTER ANN \,{YRA B.A., Holy Names College; IVIOTHER M. MARK ,--President of Oregon. SISTER M. DOROTHY ANN Vice-President SISTER M. ANNE CECILE SISTER M. ERENTRUDE ------------- - Second Vice-President 8.M., Marylhurst College; AGNELI.A versity of Southem Califom SISTER M. by, Boris Sirpo, Sergei Tm SISTER URSULA MARIA ----------------------- ,,-----,---Secretarv SISTER ANSELM MARY* SISTER MIRIAM BARBARA -- -President of the College B.S. in Education, Marylhu Loyola University at Los A ADVISORY BOARD SISTER M. AUDREA ------- 8.A., Gonzaga University; MR. IRVING RAND, Chairman I,IRS, B. F. olic University oI America, JOHNSON and Xavier University, Cin MR. MILTON E. BELL tr,IR. B. L. MARTIN MISS MARY DeMARTINI MRS. EDWIN E. MAYER SISTER M. AUDREY B.S., Marylhurst College; l MR. A. V. FONDER MRS. GLADSTONE MeDERMOTT Ph.D., St. Louis University. MR. MICHAEL J. FREY MRS. ROBERT B. MONSON MRS. MICHAEL FREY MR. W. MURPHY ELIZABETH MARY BARI( J. JAMES 8.A., Marylhurst College; T,{R. JOHN M. FULTON MR. PAUL F, MURPIIY Graduate study, University MR. LARRY HILAIRE \4R. L. S. SHOEN SISTER M. CARMEL DOLC B.S., Gonzaga Unive$ity; I University, University of Ce CHAPLAIN OF THE COLLEGE lands University md Unive THE REVEREND LAWRENCE J, SAALFELD SISTER M. CAROLINE ANI 8.A., Marylhurst Co)lege; . of America, ADMINISTRATION SISTER M. CATHERINE C 8.A., University of Washir SISTER MIRIAM BARBARA --President Catholic University of Ame SISTER GERARD NIARY Exec'-rtir.e Vice-President SISTER M. CATHERINE E SISTER M. ELOISE ANNE - - -- - ---- Dean of Studies 8.A., Gonzaga University; . SISTER VERONICA MARY ------,--- - -Treasurer Gonzaga University, Seattlt SISTtrR ADELE MAUREEN I'legistrar CORNELTA CERF ------ SISTER M. DORIS ELLEN Dean of Women 8.A., Smith College; the tr SISTER M. IMELDINE --. -----.-- -Librarian mm, Martha Graham and -------,-- Halprim-Lathrop, Jose Lim SISTER FRANCIS MARY ---------- -----Director of Admissions SISTER \,{. CLAIRE IMELDA Exccutive Secrelan, .{lrtmnle SISTER M. CLAUDIA --.- 8.M., Marylhurst College; flniversiLv of Southem Ca Margaret Lester, Paul K. E COLLEGE PHYSICIAN GEORGIA RONAN CRAMP 8.A,, College of Saint The BERNARD P. HARPOLE, M.D. versity of Oregon. SISTER DOLORES MARIE 8.A., Holy Names College; DIRECTOR OF SAGA FOOD SERVICtr ford University; Graduate Berkeley, and Washington R. BRUCE CONNOLLY SISTER M. DORIS ELLEN B.A,, Holy Names College: FACULTY of Oregon, St. Louis Unive ROMAN DUKSON ---.-- -- SISTER M. AMELBERGA --------------------, - ---- - Theology, Philosophy Study with Otto Niedema: Ph.B., M.A., Gonzaga University. cipal, Portland Symphony; SISTER MARY EDITHA SISTER M. ANN CORINNE - --Nurse, Health Educauon B.F.A., University of Wa: R.N., B.S. in Nursing, Seattle University School of Nursing, Providence Hospital studv. Schaefier School of I Diyision. Anerica and Art Students' 6 SISTER ANN MYRA - --- - ,---Education 8.A., HoIy Names College; M.A., Catholic University of America; D.Ed., University of Oregon. SISTER M. ANNE CECILtr ---- Chamber Orchestra, Piano, Violin 8.M., Marylhurst College; M.M., DePaul University; Doctor of Musical A:ts, -Uni- versiiy of Southem Califomia; private study with Richard Czewonky, Arcule Sheas- by, Boris Sirpo, Sergei Tatnowsly, Leo Podolsky, Muriel Kerr' SISTER ANSELM MARY" ---- -Education, Philosophy B.S. in Education, Marylhurst College; M.Ed., Marquette University; Graduate study, Loyola University at Los Angeles; Cmdidate for D'Ed., St' Louis University. SISTER M. AUDREA ----Education, Philosophy B.A.,.Universiiy Gonzaga University; M,A., University of Notre
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