410 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING a location acceptable to the majority of to speak-with 16 hours of operation per interested people; (2) a twelve-month day; there is hope of having seven road survey season instead of the usual six; (3) surveys completed within the next 6 or 8 a saving of engineering manpower for months. A standing invitation is given to preparing contract specifications and su­ visit the laboratory to observe the work, pervision of construction; (4) the survey discuss procedures and exchange a few dollar stretched over many more miles ideas. Like topographic mapping, en­ than it previously covered; (5) already a gineering surveys have taken to the air saving of many miles of high-cost con­ and tedious computations are being com­ struction and avoidance of difficult areas fortably consumed by the electronic com­ by being able to "look ahead" through puter. photogrammetry. The Forest Service engineers have ac­ Although the equipment represents a cepted these new tools and are enthusiastic considerable monetary investment, there is about their possibilities. It is hoped that every reason to believe that in two to four they will help others to accept and use years it will pay for itself in actual cash these tools successfully. savings to the U. S. Forest Service. -This The operations and procedures de­ estimate is based on a double-shift capacity scribed in this paper are in use by the of 150 miles of road design per year at a Forest Service, U. S. Department of savings of approximately $300.00 per Agriculture at the Region 4 headquarters mile or $45,000 per year. Each operation of the Forest Service at Ogden, Utah. Dr. is directed toward saving time and money Richard E. McArdle is Chief of the Forest and the elimination of interference from Service and Mr. Floyd Iverson is Re­ adverse weather conditions, limited field gional Forester for Region 4. Mr. Arval season and personnel shortages. Anderson is the Assistant Regional Fores­ The efforts are only just beginning to ter in charge of the Division of Engineering materialize into production. The opera­ and the author is Chief of the Carto­ tion has been shifted into second gear-so graphic Section of that Division. Mapping of the Ungava Peninsula* s. G. GAMBLE, Chief Topographical Engineer, Dept. of ~Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Canada ABSTRACT: The mapping of the mineral wealthy Ungava Peninsula of northern Quebec has provided the Topographical Survey of Canada to assess new survey and photogrammetrical techniques on a large practical test. The environment is described with particular emphasis on mapping conditions and the initial planning and surveys are outlined. In the Ungava operation the application of electronic instruments was impres­ sive and included the use of Shoran for geodetic control, radar altimeters for vertical control and horizontal scale, tellurometers for secondary survey control and for establishing scale on selected flights. Experience gained from the Ungava project should reduce the cost of mapping in the northern areas of Canada. HE mapping of the Ungava Peninsula ects ever undertaken by the Topographical T of northern Quebec has proved to be Survey of Canada. The reason is not that one of the most important mapping proj- the potential mineral wealth of the Penin- * By permission of the Director, Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Mines & Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Can., presented at 24th Annual Meeting of the Society, Hotel Shore­ ham, Washington, D. C., March 26, 1958. MAPPING OF THE UNGAVA PENINSULA 411 sula which might be very great, nor the number of square miles involved, but rather because it has given us an oppor­ tunity to assess new survey and photo­ grammetrical tcchniques on a large prac­ tical test. Initially, the job was not planned to be experimental in any way; but through force of circu mstances Ungava has, in fact, turned out to be an excellent proving ground. Compilation of the maps is far from being complete, but good prog­ ress has been made on the less predictable phases of the job, and the balance of the work should follow the well established pattern of the many other comparable mapping projects we have undertaken. At the 50th Annual Meeting of the Canadian I nstitute of Surveying and Photogrammetry, Col. Gerald Fitzgerald gave a most interesting paper entitled, S. G. GAMBLE "New Tools for Mapping Arctic Alaska." I t was after listening to his description of some of the new photogrammetrical meth­ existent. I n the su mmer, travel is by water ods used by the United States Geological along the coast or by seaplane if moving Survey for mapping the Brooks Range inland. By winter, travel is by dog-sled or that it occurred to me that the mapping ski-equipped aeroplane. During the four we were then planning for Ungava might month navigation season, supplies can be provide suitable material for a paper on a brought from the south via Hudson Strait large Canadian project. This has proven or from Churchill or Moosonee across to be so and I hope that I can do justice Hudson Bay. There is a regular air service to this interesting job in the time available. from the south into Chimo at the bottom The Ungava Peninsula is rugged and of Ungava Bay, and in the summer there treeless and subjected to Arctic weather is a flying boat service from Moosonee to conditions for about eight months of the the settlements along the east shore of year. Al though few of the hills can be Hudson Bay. classed as mountains, they are numerous The mapping planned for Ungava and rise abruptly several hundred feet. Peninsula covered some 14 standard na­ The many lakes and streams are ice free tional topographic series maps at 1/250,000 from the end of June to the beginning of scale with 100 foot contours. The area October. extends from the 71st Meridian of west Wildlife consists of the thousands of longitude westward some 250 miles to the geese which make Ungava their summer east shore of Hudson Bay and from north home and the scattered remnants of what latitude 58° northward to Hudson Strait used to be large caribou herds. Fishing is some 300 miles distan t. In addition to the excellent on the inland lakes and the fisher­ 70,000 square miles of small-scale mappi ng, man can normally count upon landing a some 9,000 square miles of 1/50,000 scale five pound speckled trout or arctic char maps showing 50 foot contours was re­ within a few minutes. quired through the known mineralized The native Eskimos form the larger part zone extending from Wakeham Bay in of the population. In addi tion, missionaries, Hudson Strait to Mosquito Bay in Hudson Hudson Bay factors, Royal Canadian Bay. Mounted Police officers, Department of Complete map coverage at the recon­ Transport wireless operators, northern naissance scale of 8 miles to the inch was service officers and nurses form the per­ available for planning purposes. These manent population of the few scattered maps were compiled from trimetrogon settlements along the coastline. photography and positions obtained by Communications to and in the area are astronomical fixations. In 1955, the Topo­ difficult, roads and railroads being non- graphical Survey had established a net of 412 PHOTOGRAMM£TRIC ENGINEERING triangulation control between the west Field surveys were scheduled to com­ shore of Ungava Bay and the 71st Merid­ mence in 1956 using helicopters supported ian, following this Meridian south to the by float-equipped Beaver aircraft and 58th parallel of latitude. This net, which the bulkier supplies such as gasoline were was used to control a band of 1/50,000 shipped during the summer of 1955 to mapping, was tied to the shoran stations Port Harrison, Povungnituk and Chimo, which had been established by our Geo('et­ key bases for the field operations. How­ ic Survey. Further triangulation control ever, since progress on photography in was being extended from the topographical 1955 was poor, the survey was postponed net westward up the Payne River, for the a year. By 1956 the tempo of the mineral purpose of determining the area and exploration in the area had increased, and power potentialities of that drainage sys­ it was decided to proceed with the survey tem for the Quebec Streams Commission. control in 1957 even though the photog­ It was anticipated that the Ungava raphy was far from complete. Fortunately area would be extremely difficult to the trimetrogon photos of the area were photograph, not only because of the short good and these flights subsequently proved season during which it is free of snow and useful in several ways. ice but also because of the cloud and fog The original plan for survey control was conditions encountered when. the ice starts to extend a triangulation net around the melting on Hudson Bay. Since it was prob­ coastline starting at Hudson Strait from able that there would be more photo­ our own work on the 71st Meridian, fol­ graphic days suitable for intermediate­ lowing the shore westward to Cape Wol­ scale vertical photography than for the stenholme, down Hudson Bay to the 58th small-scale normally requested for north. parallel, and thence eastward to the 71st ern operations, it was decided to accept Meridian. In addition, two east-west 20,000 foot photography despite some loss nets were to be run from Hudson Bay to in mapping efficiency. Other factors fa­ the 71st Meridian at about latitudes 60 vouring this decision were that the Geolog­ degrees and 62 degrees, the whole system ical Survey indicated a preference for the to be tied to the four shoran stations in the larger scale photography for its investiga­ area.
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