DOCUMENT RESUME ED 095 351 CE 001 908 TITLE Resonant Circuits and Introduction to Vacuum Tubes, Industrial Electronics 2: 9325.03. Course Outline. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 36p.; An Authorized Course of Instruction for the Quinmester Program EPPS PPICE MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; *Course Content; Course Organization; *Curriculum Guides; *Electric Circuits; *Electronics; Grade 11; Secondary Grades; Technical Education IDENTIFIERS *Quinmester Program; Vacuum Tubes ABSTRACT The 135 clock-hour course for the 11th year consists of outlines for blocks of instruction on series resonant circuits, parallel resonant circuits, transformer theory and application, vacuum tube fundamentals, diode vacuum tubes, triode tube construction and parameters, vacuum tube tetrodes and pentodes, beam-power and multisection tubes, and multigrid and special purpose tubes. Behavioral obpctives are listed. A 19-item bibliography of references and films is included together with a posttest sample. (AG) SCSI- I ; AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE Q U 0)0 00 Course Outline RESONANT CIRCUITS AND INTRODUCTION U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. TO VACUUM TUBES EDUCATION I. WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF (Industrial Electronics 2 - 9325) EDUCATION -I, tiNtl NT HASAt- F N UFPUO Department 48 - Course 9325.03 OWt O f xiar ti r AS WFCEIVI O f WO* THE Pf W,ONOu OucoNt4i/ATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS v1FNOR OPINIONS STATFD DO NOT NECESSAPIL v REPPE SENT Or r IC,Pt NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FtP,t'At ION P0',!T ION OP POt DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION1971 r-4 Pr\ LCN CT ADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1 4 10 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE LLi MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 p Course Outline INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 2 - 9325 (Resonant Circuits and Introduction to Vacuum Tubes) Department 48 - Course 9325.03 * " ; : I ; , . : the division of VOCATIONAL, TECHNICAL AND ADULT EDUCATION DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. William Lehman, Chairman Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ethel Beckham Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard Mr. William H. Turner Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendentof Schools Dade County Public Schools Miami. Florida 33132 Published by the Dade County School Board Course Description Resonant Circuits and 9325 48 9325.03 Introduction to Vacuum Tubes NEWe Category CountyDept. County Course Course Title Number Number Number This course of study includes Series Resonant Circuits, Parallel Resonant Circuits, Transformer Theory and Application, Vacuum Tube Fundamentals, The Diode Vacuum Tube, Triode Tube Construction and Static Characteristics, Triode Tube Parameters, Vacuum Tube Tetrodes and Pentodes, Beam-Power and Multisection Tubes, and Multigrid and Special Purpose Tubes. The Laboratory Experiments .elating to the text material will be covered. Clock Hours: 135 PREFACE The following pages contain a course outline entitled Resonance Circuits and Introduction to Vacuum Tubes. This is the third quinmester course of the eleventhyear course No. 9325. There will be four more quinmestersas follows: 9325.01 Basic ElJotrical Concepts and D.C. Circnits 9325.02D. C. Circuits and Introduction to A. C. 9325.04 Semiconductors 9325.05Independent Study in Electronics This quinmester course will be available to all students who satisfactorily complete the post test of quinmester 9325. 02. This course material is presented to the student in 135 hours of classroom-laboratory instruction. The content of this course will be covered in ten blocks and concluded bya post test. Upon completion of this course the student will be well grounded in the areas of resonant circuits, transformers, and vacuum tube fundamentals. The teaching methods will vary according to the ability of the individual student. As the content of the course varies, teaching techniques which lend themselves to each particular situation are employed. The instructor uses demon- strations and lectures whichare supplemented by the perfor- mance of laboratory experiments and assignments by the student. The instruction is further developed by theuse of films, in- formation sheets, diagrams, and other aids which make the instruction more meaningful. Me outline wls developed throe: ;11 the cooperative efforts of eli.:ctronic instructors, supervisory rersonnel, the Quin- mester Advisory Committee, and the Teacher Training Service, Dade County Public Schools, Division of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, and has been approvedby the Dade County Vocational Curriculum Committee. ii BEST TA BL:: OF CONTEETS COPYAVANAKE with Suggested HourlyBreakdown Page PREFACE. ********** ******** i COALS. 0 ******** v SPECIFIC BLOCK OBJECTIVES. OOOOO vi BIBLIOCRAPHY OOOOOO 7 9 BLOCK I. SERIES RESONANT CIRCUIT (12Hours) The Series Tuned Circuit Quality 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . 1 Bandwidth OOOOO Analysis of Series Resonant 1 Circuits . Series Resonant Circuit 1 Applications 1 II. PARALLEL RESONANT CIRCUITS (12Hours) Parallel L-C Circuits 1 Circulatin7, Current inan Ideal Parallel Resonant Circuit OOOOO 1 Practical Tuned Circuit Anelysis . Parallel Resonant Circuitq and Bandwidth . Applications of Series andParallel Tunetl Circuits in Combin tionOOOOO 2 III. TRANSFORMER THEORY AEDAPPLICATION (15 Hours) -) Transformer Action ,. Turns Ratio . OOOOOOOOO .OOOOO 2 Impedance Matchinv, 2 Transformer Losses and Transformer Ratings OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2 Power TransformersOOOOO . 2 Audio Transformers 2 Radio-Frequency Transformers . ? Special Applications ofTransformers . 3 IV. VACUUM TUBE FUNDAMENTALS (6Hours) Electron Emission OOOOOOO 3 The Emitter OOOOOOOO Nsitter Construction . OOOOOO 3 V. THE DIODE VACUUM TUBE (12Hours) Physical Construction ******* 3 a Theory of Operation 3 Static Characteristics Dynamic Characteristics iii BEST COPYAVAILABLE VI. TRIODE Tilh CON3TWICTIOV AND STATIC CiiAitMTWRI3TICS (15 hour;:) Triode Construction and Plato Currant Control 4 Grid Control ******** 4 Static Characteristics . 4 Bias In A Triode Tube Circuit . 4 Types of Bias *** ** 4. VII. TRIODE TUBE PARAI.MTERS(18 Hours) The Triode Amplifier Circuit 4 Tube Constants ***** 4 Dynamic CharacteristicsOOOOO 4 The Dynamic Transfer Curve 4 Classes of Operation OOOO 4 IIIII. VACUUMTUBE TETRODES AND PENTODES (12 Hours) Tetrodes ******* 5 Tetrode Tube Constants OOOOOO 5 Pentodes 5 Ix. BEAM-POWER AND MULTISECTION TUBES (9 Hours) Beam Power Tubes . O 5 The Duo -diode 5 The Diode-Triode OOOOO 5 The Dial TriodeOOOOO 5 A. MULTIGRID AND SPECIAL PURPOSE TUBES (24 Hours) Multigrid Tubes 5 Subminiature, Gas-filled and Thyratron Tubes OOOOOOOOOO 5 Phototubes and Electron -Ray Indicators . 6 The Cathode Ray Tube . 6 High-frequency Tubes . 6 XI. IIINKESTER POST TEST APPEUDL. - POST TEST SAMPLE . 10 iv C. ALS BEST he student technici will be able to: COPY AVAILABLE 1. Demonstrate an underst!:ndinj of tunedcircuits. 2. Demonstrate an under:: tending oftransfcrner theory and npplication. Demonstr9te undrIlt!tnding of the b,sicfundamentals of vacuum tubes including, thediode, triode, and pentode. 4. Demonstrote an understanding ofvacuum tube characteris- tic curves and parameters. Demonstrate an understanding ofspecial purpose tubes such as tubes, thyraton tubes, phototubes,cathode-lfy tubes, and high frequencytubes. 6. Satisfactorily comtlete the posttest. sr nIFIc AOC:. OV.Trri:E3 :31 0C!. 1 CTIO: 1T3 IN COPYAMULABLE Thf! ntmlent will1n rible to: 1. the Ihnor:' of aeries Heaonnnce In terma or renetnnce, resistance, voltage and current. 2. Demonstrate In understandiw. of 1, its effect on bandwidth, voltages, and current. Explain nprlications of Series Resonant circuits ns tunic. ; - devices, band pass and band-reject filters. 14. Calculnte resonant frequency, reactances, bandwidth and 1. BLOW: II - PARALLEL 11%3OLANT CLICUITS The student will be able to: 1. amain the theory of Parnliel Resonance in terms of reactance, resistance, voltage and current. 2. Demonstrate tIn understanding of Q, its effect on band- width, voltages, and current. applications of Parnllel Resonant circuits -n tuning devices, band pass and band-reject filters. 4. Calculate resonant frequency, reactances, bandwidth and 0. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of prnetical application of Parallel Resonant circuits and combination series - parallel reeonnnt circuits. BLOCK III - TR;14SFORMER THEORY AND APPLIC:.TIOL The student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of transformer °porn- tion and solve problems related to turns, voltni...e, current, and impedance ratio. Identify and explain applications of various types of transformers and their construction. BLOCE IV - VACUUM TUBE FUNDAMELTALS The stuuent will be able to: 1. List four types of electron emission, and two types of commonly used cathodes for thermionic emission. vi es 1 f cii; LAST COPYAVAILABLE ntwk:nt. '411'Lu i,Lo tO: 1 E in Lt f t'Oet.1041 I'Mnif,101 C1:1:111 tilOtit!V' Clitit tube. ...;:r.erimontal 1 y dor ive :;i. tin ind(ijretrLie uivieteri- tic curves raid A.C.'lid D.C.pll teresistnnce. Demonstrate nn understardinrof the use of diodes in rectifier emplicstions. mocK ' :1 - TRICD2 TU3ECO::STRUCTIO:: ALL) S'1ATIC CHARCTI:LiISTICS The student will be ableto: 1. 1.;:::..01nin the construction.and theor:7 ofeoperntiori of a triode vacuum tube. f. 11;perimentally derive staticcharcterictic curves of a triode vacuum tube. ";. Demonstrate an understandin-: of biasand list tilre, methods of obtaining; bias. 71';. TUBE P1RW7TE11S studert will be able to: 1. ,x.rlain the operation ofa triode implifier including input and output relationships. Explain, derive, and solve problemsrelated
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