Occexcel Occ 2000 Soc Code Occtitle Indrst2k Naicsrst

Occexcel Occ 2000 Soc Code Occtitle Indrst2k Naicsrst

OCCEXCEL OCC_2000 SOC_CODE OCCTITLE INDRST2K NAICSRST 896 51-9199 A mill operator 502 43-2021 A operator 668 51331 896 51-9199 A operator Exc. 668 Exc. 51331 930 53-5011 A.B. seaman #609 #483 593 43-9199 A.C.P. clerk 104 15-1041 A.D.P customer liaison 106 15-1061 A.D.P planner 110 15-1071 A.D.P system coordinator 110 15-1071 A.D.P systems security 200 21-1019 A.S.A.T. C.O.R.E. counselor 701 49-2011 A.T.M specialist 200 21-1019 AIDS counselor 610 45-3011 Abalone fisherman #028 #114 896 51-9199 Abalone processor (128) (3117) 930 53-5011 Able seaman #609 #483 182 19-3031 Abnormal psychologist 881 51-9121 Abrasive coating machine set up operator 874 51-9061 Abrasive grader 865 51-9021 Abrasive grinder 865 51-9023 Abrasive mixer (259) (3279) 872 51-9041 Abrasive wheel molder (259) (3279) 800 51-4033 Abrasive worker 864 51-9012 Absorber operator 863 51-8093 Absorption plant operator 207 32411 215 23-2093 Abstract clerk (727) (54119) 215 23-2093 Abstract searcher (727) (54119) 215 23-2093 Abstract writer (727) (54119) 215 23-2093 Abstractor (727) (54119) 194 19-4051 Accelerator operator 244 25-4031 Accessioner (677) (51412) 382 33-3021 Accident investigator 947 922 054 13-1031 Accident investigator Exc. 947 Exc. 922 385 33-3051 Accident prevention squad police officer 275 27-2042 Accompanist (856) (71113) 855 51-7099 Accordion maker #398 #33999 743 49-9063 Accordion tuner (888) (8114) 524 43-4051 Account adjuster 054 13-1031 Account analyst 699 524 511 43-3021 Account analyst 687-689 521, 522 080 13-2011 Account auditor 481 41-3021 Account executive 699 524 004 11-2011 Account executive 747 5418 485 41-4012 Account executive \ Any not listed \ Any not listed 480 41-3011 Account executive 647, 667, 728, 739 51111, 5131, 5132, 5412, 5416 482 41-3031 Account executive 687-697 521-523, 525 512 43-3031 Account information clerk 080 13-2011 Account or accountant bookkeeper, associate degree or higher 512 43-3031 Account or accountant bookkeeper, less than associate degree Account representative--See "Account executive" 080 13-2011 Accountant 512 43-3031 Accounting clerk, exc. machine operator 511 43-3021 Accounting clerk, machine operator 080 13-2011 Accounting consultant 511 43-3021 Accounting machine operator 080 13-2011 Accounting methods analyst 080 13-2011 Accounting systems analyst 512 43-3031 Accounting work (exc. accountant), less than associate degree 080 13-2011 Accounting work, accountant 080 13-2011 Accounting work, associate degree or higher 511 43-3021 Accounts adjustable clerk 510 43-3011 Accounts collector 512 43-3031 Accounts payable clerk 512 43-3031 Accounts receivable clerk 593 43-9199 Accuracy expert 864 51-9011 Acetone recovery worker (217) (3252) 814 51-4121 Acetylene burner 814 51-4121 Acetylene cutter 965 53-7071 Acetylene gas compressor 814 51-4121 Acetylene operator (368) (3366) 864 51-9011 Acetylene plant operator 814 51-4121 Acetylene torch burner 814 51-4121 Acetylene torch operator 814 51-4121 Acetylene torch solderer 814 51-4121 Acetylene welder 865 51-9023 Acid adjuster 864 51-9011 Acid bleacher 865 51-9023 Acid blower 864 51-9011 Acid cleaner 864 51-9011 Acid concentrator 864 51-9011 Acid condenser 896 51-9199 Acid conditioning worker 268, 269 3313, 3314 951 53-7021 Acid crane operator 886 51-9192 Acid dipper 963 53-7063 Acid dumper 864 51-9011 Acid extractor 896 51-9199 Acid filler 965 53-7072 Acid loader 864 51-9011 Acid maker 865 51-9023 Acid mixer 864 51-9011 Acid operator 896 51-9199 Acid painter (249) (3272) 864 51-9011 Acid patroller (217) (3252) 864 51-9011 Acid plant operator 864 51-9011 Acid polymerization operator 965 53-7072 Acid pump operator 864 51-9011 Acid purifier 864 51-9011 Acid recovery operator (207) (32411) 864 51-9011 Acid regenerator (217) (3252) 864 51-9011 Acid remover 864 51-9011 Acid retort operator (207) (32411) 896 51-9199 Acid splicer (238) (32621) 622 47-2021 Acid tank liner (077) (23) 864 51-9011 Acid tender 193 19-4041 Acid tester 207 32411 874 51-9061 Acid tester Exc. 207 Exc. 32411 864 51-9011 Acid treater 037, 207 211, 32411 190 19-4011 Acidity tester 018, 117, 447, 498 112, 3115, 4224, 4452 694 47-5099 Acidizer (037) (211) 624 47-2044 Acoustical carpenter 624 47-2044 Acoustical installer 624 47-2044 Acoustical material worker (077) (23) 243 25-4021 Acquisitions librarian 593 43-9199 Acreage reporter 949, 957 924-927 276 27-2099 Acrobat (856) (711) 274 27-2031 Acrobatic dancer (856) (711) 756 49-9096 Acrobatic rigger 775 51-2099 Action finisher (398) (3399) 775 51-2099 Action installer (398) (3399) 462 39-9032 Activities coordinator 462 39-9032 Activities counselor 462 39-9032 Activities director 321 29-1125 Activity therapist 270 27-2011 Actor (856) (711) Actor's agent--See "Booking agent" 270 27-2011 Actress (856) (711) 120 15-2011 Actuarial mathematician 120 15-2011 Actuary (699) (524) 592 43-9111 Actuary clerk 326 29-1199 Acupuncturist 825 51-5022 Ad compositor 199, 647 3231, 51111 285 27-3043 Ad copy writer 825 51-5022 Ad man 199, 647 3231, 51111 825 51-5022 Ad setter 199, 647 3231, 51111 Page 1 OCCEXCEL 535 43-4151 Ad taker #647 #51111 285 27-3043 Ad writer 285 27-3043 Adapter 657 5121 200 21-1011 Addiction counselor 511 43-3021 Adding machine operator 593 43-9199 Addresser 585 43-9051 Addressing machine operator 585 43-9051 Addressograph operator 896 51-9199 Adhesive bandage making operator 396 3391 211 23-1021 Adjudicator \ n.s. 524 43-4051 Adjudicator, clerical 211 23-1021 Adjudicator, legal activity 727 5411 054 13-1031 Adjuster \ any other type 467-579, 608, 699, 868, 869 44, 45, 482, 524, 722 775 51-2093 Adjuster \ n.s. 339 3344, 3346 896 51-9199 Adjuster \ n.s. 389 337 095 13-2099 Adjuster \ n.s. 687-689 52 211 23-1022 Adjuster arbitrator 054 13-1031 Adjuster, clerical 668 51331 702 49-2022 Adjuster, exc. clerical 668 51331 054 13-1031 Adjustment clerk 699 524 524 43-4051 Adjustment clerk Exc. 699 Exc. 524 354 29-9011 Adjustment examiner U.S. Social Security Board 948 923130 581 43-9021 Adjusto-writer operator 002 11-1021 Adjutant general 056 13-1041 Admeasurer 937-959 92 570 43-6011 Administrative aide 073 13-1199 Administrative analyst 637, 937-959 491, 92 586 43-9061 Administrative clerk 303 29-1031 Administrative dietitian 035 11-9111 Administrative officer 817-827 6215-6219, 622, 6231 Administrative officer--See "Official" Exc. 817-819, 827 Exc. 6215-6219, 622, 6231 034 11-9081 Administrator 829 6232-6239 035 11-9111 Administrator 817-827 6215-6219, 622, 6231 095 13-2099 Administrator of estate 233 25-2041 Administrator of special education Elementary school 786 611110 233 25-2042 Administrator of special education Middle school 786 611110 233 25-2043 Administrator of special education Secondary school 786 611110 Administrator--See "Official" Exc. 817-819, 827, 829 Exc. 6215-6219, 622, 623 526 43-4071 Admissions clerk 786, 787 6111-6113 593 43-9199 Admissions coordinator (827) (6231) 200 21-1012 Admissions counselor 787 6112, 6113 542 43-4199 Admissions evaluator 023 11-9033 Admissions officer 787 6112, 6113 500 43-1011 Admissions officer 819 622 442 39-3031 Admittance attendant 531 43-4111 Admitting clerk 819 622 454 39-6021 Admitting office escort 500 43-1011 Admitting officer 819 622 892 51-9195 Adobe block maker 622 47-2021 Adobe layer 892 51-9195 Adobe maker 201 21-1021 Adoption agent 201 21-1021 Adoption worker 050 13-1011 Advance agent (856) (711) 825 51-5022 Advertisement compositor 496 41-9099 Advertisement distributor 480 41-3011 Advertising agent 181 19-3021 Advertising analyst 535 43-4151 Advertising clerk 285 27-3043 Advertising copy writer 004 11-2011 Advertising director 560 43-5061 Advertising dispatch clerk 283 27-3041 Advertising editor 004 11-2011 Advertising executive 585 43-9051 Advertising inserter 825 51-5022 Advertising layout worker 199, 647, 648 3231, 511 263 27-1024 Advertising layout worker Exc. 199, 647, 648 Exc. 511, 3231 291 27-4021 Advertising photographer 480 41-3011 Advertising representative 480 41-3011 Advertising solicitor 535 43-4151 Advertising space clerk 285 27-3043 Advertising specialist 285 27-3043 Advertising writer 512 43-3031 Advice clerk 462 39-9032 Adviser \ n.s. 917 8132-8134 200 21-1012 Adviser \ n.s. 786, 787 6111-6113 593 43-9199 Adviser, clerical 215 23-2099 Advocate 626 47-2061 Adz worker (077) (23) 854 51-7042 Adzing and boring machine operator 903 53-2012 Aerial advertiser 747 5418 903 53-2012 Aerial crop duster #029 #115 710 49-2094 Aerial erector 903 53-2012 Aerial hurricane hunter 957, 959 926-928 720 49-3023 Aerial installer 357, 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878 3361-3363, 4539, 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 742 49-9052 Aerial installer Exc. 357, 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878 Exc. 3361-3363, 4539, 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 291 27-4021 Aerial photographer 903 53-2012 Aerial sprayer 952 53-7032 Aerial tram operator 037-039 211, 2121, 2122 276 27-2099 Aerialist 462 39-9031 Aerobics instructor 132 17-2011 Aerodynamicist 358, 359 33641 170 19-2012 Aerodynamicist Exc. 358, 359 Exc. 33641 155 17-3021 Aerographer 171 19-2021 Aerologist 154 17-3013 Aeronautical drafter 170 19-2012 Aerophysicist 481 41-3021 Agent \ any other type 699 524 050 13-1011 Agent \ n.s.

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