II ellAWA% BIBLIOGRAPHIES 6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF IMPORTANT TILAPIAS (PISCES:CICHLIDAE) FOR AQUACULTURFInformation Oreochromis variabilis,O. andersonka esculentus,O. leucostictus, SCk3nces mortimeri3O.spllurus niger,Sarotherodon melanotheron Arch; /al Copy 041_ and Tilapia sparmand PETER SCHOENEN ARCHIV 66262 iNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT pr-.1.tiODICALI A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF IMPORTANT TILAPIAS (PISCES: CICHLIDAE) FOR AQUACULTURE Oreochromis variabilis, O. andersonii, O. esculentus, O. leucostictus, O. mortimeri, O. spilurus niger, Sarotherodon melanotheron and Tilapia sparrmanii Peter Schoenen international Collection "Cichlid Papers" The Reference Service Parkstr. 15 IrmINIMININ11111MINIMINIIIIIMMI111111111 D-5176 Inden 4 IDRC LIBRARY Federal Republic of Germany BILIOTmtouf OQT e , OTTAWA 1985 INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MANILA, PHILIPPINES Contents Preface iv Acknowledgements iv Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) variabilis 1 Bibliography 2 Subject Index 9 Geograph ic I ndex 11 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) andersonii 12 Bibliography 13 Subject Index 20 Geographic Index 22 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) esculentus 23 Bibliography 24 Subject Index 33 Geographic Index 35 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) leucostic tus 36 Bibliography 37 Subject Index 47 Geographic Index 49 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) mortimeri 51 Bibliography 52 Subject Index 56 Geographic I ndex 57 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) spilurus niger 58 Bibliography 59 Subject I ndex 64 Geographic I ndex 65 Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron 67 Bibliography 68 Subject Index 78 Geographic I ndex 81 Tilapia sparrmanii 82 Bibliography 84 Subject Index 96 Geographic Index 98 i ii Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) variabilis (Boulenger, 1906) (formerly: Tilapia variabilis) first described by: Boulenger,G.A. 1906 "Description of new Fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria" Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.,Ser. 7, Vol. 17: 433-452 (Tilapia variabilis) List of synonyms and misidentifications Tilapia galilaea (part) Pellegrin,J. 1905 "Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (juin 1903 - mai 1904) Poissons. II. Systbmatique" M6m.Soc.Zool.France,17,1904:174-185 Tilapia (Loruwiala) variabilis Thys van den Audenaerde,D.F.E. 1968 "An Annotated Bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)" Mus.r.Afr.Centr., Tervuren/Belgique Doc.Zool. No 14: i-xl + 406 PP Sarotherodon variabilis various authors 1 3 011 Beauchamp,R.S.A. 1938 "Utilizing the natural Resources of Lake Victoria for the benefit of Fisheries and Agriculture" Nature,London, 181(4624)0634-1636 012 Beauchamp,R.S.A. 1960 "Utilizing the natural resources of Lalce Victoria for the benefit of both fisheries and agriculture" :357-362 in: IUCN, 7th Techn.Meeting, Athens, Sept. 1958, Vol. 4 "Soil and water conservation" 013 Benda,R.S. 1981 "A comparison of bottom trawl catch rates in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria" J.Fish Biol.,18:609-613 014 Bergstrand,E. & Cordone,A.J. 1971 "Exploratory Bottom Trawling in Lake Victoria" Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish.,1(1):13-23 015 Beverton,R.J.H. 1959 "Report on the state of the Lake Victoria Fisheries" Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft,U.K. (mimeo.) 016 Boulenger,G.A. 1907 "The Fishes of the Nile" in: Anderson's Zoology of Egypt Publ. for the Egyptian Govnm., H. Rees, Ltd., London 578 PP 017 Boulenger,G.A. 1911 "On a third collection of Fishes made by Dr. E. Bayon in Uganda" Ann.Mus.Civ.Stor.Nat.Genova,Ser. 3,Vol. 5:64-78 018 Boulenger,G.A. 1915 "Catalogue of the Freshwater Fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History)" Printed by Order of the Trustees, Brit.Mus.(Nat. Hist.), London Vol. III, 526 pp 019 Copley,H. 1952 "The Tilapiaa of Kenya Colony" East Afr.Agric.J.,18:30-34 020 Cridland,C.C. 1960 "Laboratory experiments on the growth of Tilapia spp. I. The value of Various Foods" Hydrobiologia,15:135-160 021 Dobbs,C.M. 1927 "Fishing in the Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victoria" J.East Afr.Uganda nat.Hist.Soc.,No. 30:97-109 6 pis 022 Fryer,G. 1960 "Observations on Tilapia variabilis and T. zillii" East Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., Ann.Rep. for 1959, Appdx D:23-24 023 Fryer,G. 1960 "The Biology of Tilapia variabilis" East Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., Ann.Rep. for 1960, Appdx B:18 5 037 Hamblyn,E.L. 1966 "A Note on the Inshore Fish Population of Napoleon Gulf (Lake Victoria)" East Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., Ann. Rep. for 1965 Appdx B:23-35 038 Holden,M.J. 1955 "Ring formation in the scales of Tilapia variabilis Boulenger and Tilapia esculenta Gra- ham fram Lake Victoria" East Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res. Org., Ann. Rep. for 1954/55, Appdx C:36-40 039 Ibrahim,K.H. 1976 "Progress and present status of Aquaculture in Tanzania": 132-146 in: Symp. on Aquaculture in Africa, Accra, Ghana, 30 sept. - 2 oct. 1975, FAO/Rome, CIFA Tech.Pap. (4), Suppl. 1 791 pp 040 Kudhongania,W.A. 1973 "Past Trends and Recent Research on the Fisheries of Lake Victoria in Relation to Possible Future Developments" Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish.Spec.Issue 11:93-106 041 Kudhongania,A.W. & Cordone,A.J. 1974 "Batho-Spatial Distribution Pattern and Biomass Estimate of the Major Demersal Fishes in Lake Victoria" Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish.,3:17-31 042 Kudhongania,A. & Cordone,A.J. 1974 "Past trends, present stocks and possible future state of the fisheries of the Tanzania part of the Lake Victoria" Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish.,3(2):167-181 043 Lockley,G.J. 1949 "The Families of Freshwater Fishes of Tan- ganyika Territory, with a Key to their Identification" East Afr.Agric.J.,14(4):212-218 044 Lowe,R.H. 1955 "New species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) from Lake Jipe and the Pangani River, East Africa" Bull.Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.),Zool., 2(12):349-368 045 Lowe-McConnell,R.H. 1975 "Fish Communities in Tropical Fresh- waters Their distribution, ecology and evolution" Longman Group Ltd., London 337 pp ISBN 0-582-44348-2 046 Lowe (McConnell), R.H. 1956 "Observations on the Biology of Tilapia (Pisces-Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria, East Africa" East Afr.Fish.Res.Org.,Suppl. Publ. No 1: 72 PP 047 Lowe,R.H. (McConnell) 1955 "Species of Tilapia in East African Dams, with a Key for their identifications, East Afr.Agric.J.,20(4):256-264 048 Lowe,R.H. (McConnell) 1955 "The fecundity of Tilapia species" East Afr.Agric.J.,21(1):45-52 7 060 Rinne,J.N. 1976 nCoded Spine Clipping to Identify Individuals of the Spiny-Rayed Fish Tilapia J.Fish.Res.Board Can.,33(11):2626-2629 061 Rinne,J.N. & Wanjala,B. 1982 "Observations on movement patterns of Tilapia spp. in Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, East Africa!, J.Fish Biol.,20:317-322 062 Ruwet,J.C1.; Voss,J.; Hanon,L. & Micha,J.01. 1976 "Biologie et Elevage des Tilapia" :332-364 in: Symp. on Aquaculture in Africa, Accra, Ghana, 30 sept. - 2 oct. 1975, FAO/Rome CIFA Tech.Pap.(4), Suppl. 1, 791 pp (in French, English abstract: The Biology and Culti- vation of Tilapia) 063 Schoenen,P. 1979 "Die Gruppe der sogenannten "GeiBel-Tilapienn, Teil DOG-Info 10(3):52-57 (Journal of the Deutsche Cichli- den-Gesellschaft e.V.) 064 Staeck,W. 1974 "Cichliden Verbreitung-Verhalten-Artenn E.Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal-Elberfeld (F.R.G.) 317 pp 065 Staeck,W. 1977 "Cichliden Verbreitung-Verhalten-Arten" Band II (Supplement) E.Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal-Elberfeld (F.R.G.) 296 pp ISBN 3-921677-05-X 066 Stolk,A. 1980 "Sprache der Fische" Landbuch-Verlag, Hannover (F.R.G.) 201 pp ISBN 3 7842 0225 X 067 Thys van den Audenaerde,D.F.E. 1968 "An Annotated Bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)" Mus.r.Afr.Centr., Tervuren/Belgique Doc.Zool. No 14 i-x]. 406 PP 068 Trewavas,E. 1983 "Tilapiine Fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia" :412-422 British Museum (Natural History) London 583 pp ISBN 0-565-00878-1 06 Wanjala,B. & Marten,G. 1974 "Survey of the Lake Victoria Fishery in Kenya" East Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., Ann. Rep., Appdx G: 81-85 070 Welcomme,R.L. 1964 "Diagnoses and Key to the Juvenile of Tila- pia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria" East Afr.Agric.For.J.,30:129-136 071 Welcomme,R.L. 1964 "The habitats and habitat preferences of the young of the Lake Victoria Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)" Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr.,70(1-2):1-28 Subject Index Abundance 12. Economy 025 1.1. depth relationship 025 13. Eggs (Studies on .. .) (Oocytes, Oogenesis) 025, 048 Age 059 13.1. number 048 2.1. maximum age 025 13.2. size 048 Anadromesis 077 14. Evolution 045,056 Behaviour 001, 003, 004, 005, 006, 024, 025, 049, 066 Fecundity 045, 048 4.1. breeding behaviour 005, 006, 025, 049, 066 Fisheries 4.2. combat behaviour 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 019, 020, 021, 004 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 4.3. courtship 032, 035, 037, 039, 040, 041, 042, 045, 046, 050, 001, 003, 025 051, 054, 055, 057, 059, 062, 069, 074, 075, 076, 077 4.4. Nest making 025 16.1. Batho-Spatial distribution 041 4.5. reproductive behaviour 001 162. Biomass estimate 041 4.6. territorial behaviour 001 16.3. Breeding 068 4.7. young; behaviour of the 001,024 16.3.1. breeding biology 046 Bibliographies 16.3.2. breeding frequency 007, 009, 052, 067 024, 025 16.3.3. breeding intensity; seasonal changes Biology 024 009, 023, 024, 046, 062, 075 16.4. Brood size Bionomics 024 035 16.5. Brooding Diseases/Parasites 16.5.1. brooding grounds 008, 024,025 024 16.5.2. brooding migrations Dispersal 025 024 16.6. Exploitation rates 9.1. post-breeding 055 025 16.7. Food 020, 025, 068 Distribution 068, 073 16.8.
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