UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Lana Vidmar The Sami and the Changing Arctic Sami in spreminjajoča Arktika Magistrsko delo Ljubljana, 2016 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Lana Vidmar Mentor: prof. dr. Mitja Žagar The Sami and the Changing Arctic Sami in spreminjajoča Arktika Magistrsko delo Ljubljana, 2016 I would like to thank Mrs. Anita Žagar and Mrs. Tatjana Zajc for technical support, understanding and patience through all my student years, all the participants in the survey, especially those who left inspiring and kind comments, professor Per Selle for sharing his in-depth understanding of the Sami politics and letting me join his class and Marianne Tøraasen for her help with the Norwegian version of the survey. I am grateful to my supervisor, professor Mitja Žagar, for all his time, effort and kindness. And finally, I am always in debt to Ivana Ivković for her inspiration, motivation, time management and love. Izjava o avtorstvu Sami in spreminjajoča Arktika Magistrska naloga obravnava dva pojava: ljudstvo Sami in Arktiko. Ljudstvo Sami je avtohtono prebivalstvo Norveške, Švedske, Finske in Rusije. So ljudstvo, ki živi v štirih državah in si v njih prizadeva za vzpostavitev svoje neteritorialne avtonomije. Glavni instrument njihovega političnega vpliva so ”Sami parlamenti” v državah, katerih državljani so, v Rusiji pa imajo zelo omejene pravne možnosti za participacijo in vpliv na svoj položaj. Arktika je najsevernejši del Zemlje; zajema ogromen ocean, ki je večinoma prekrit z ledom, in kopno, ki ga obdaja. To je domovina ljudstva Sami. Pet obalnih držav, ki so Združene države Amerike, Kanada, Rusija, Norveška in Grenlandija (Danska), je skupaj z Islandijo, Švedsko in Finsko ustanovilo Arktični svet, medvladno supranacionalno organizacijo Arktike; v okviru Arktičnega sveta sprejemajo vse pomembne odločitve. Arktika je bogata z naravnimi viri, njihovo (industrijsko) izkoriščanje pa vpliva tako na ljudi kot na arktično okolje. Globalno ogrevanje pospešeno spreminja podobo Arktike, pretirano izkoriščanje pa ogroža domorodska ljudstva in biološko raznolikost tega geografskega območja. Prvi del magistrske naloge predstavlja ljudstva Sami, njihovo zgodovino, politično organizacijo pravno ureditev in varstvo specifičnega načina življenja ljudstva Sami ter spremembe, ki se dogajajo v Arktiki. Drugi del naloge predstavlja rezultate ankete, opravljene med pripadniki ljudstva Sami, ter povzema in predstavlja njihova osebna mnenja. Ključne besede: ljudstvo Sami, Sami parlamenti, Arktika, upravljanja Arktike, Arktični svet. The Sami and the Changing Arctic This Master’s Thesis discusses two phenomena: the Sami people and the Arctic. The Sami are indigenous populations of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Russian Federation. The Sami are a single people living in the four different countries, where they strive for their non-territorial autonomy. The main channels for their political influence are the Sami Parliaments in the respective nation states, while in Russia have very limited legal means for their political participation and influencing their position. The Arctic is the northernmost part of the World; it is the huge ocean mostly covered with ice, surrounded by land. It is the Sami peoples’ homeland. The littoral states, the United States of America, Canada, the Russian Federation, Norway, and Greenland (Denmark) with Iceland, Sweden and Finland formed the Arctic Council have, the main intergovernmental and supranational organization in the Arctic, where major decisions are adopted. The Arctic is rich in natural resources and extractive industries are influencing both the peoples and environment of the Arctic. Global warming rapidly changes the face of the Arctic, while over-exploitation endangers the indigenous peoples and biodiversity. The first part of the master thesis presents the Sami people, their history, political organization, legal regulation and protection of the Sami people, their everyday lives and the ongoing changes taking place in the Arctic. The second part presents the results of the survey among the Sami people. The survey tackled different set of personal views regarding the topics discussed in the thesis. Key words: The Sami people, the Sami Parliaments, the Arctic, the Arctic governance, the Arctic Council. Table of Contents List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................10 List of Charts ........................................................................................................................12 1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................13 1.1 Research question and hypothesis .........................................................................14 1.2 Methodological framework ......................................................................................15 1.3 The structure of the thesis ......................................................................................17 2 THE SAMI – INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE ARCTIC .............................................19 2.1 Indigenous Peoples ................................................................................................19 2.2 Indigenous people of the Arctic ..............................................................................26 2.3 The Sami - one people in four countries .................................................................27 2.4 Traditional Sami livelihood ......................................................................................30 2.5 Gender balance in the Sami communities ..............................................................34 2.6 Sami languages .....................................................................................................37 2.7 Religion ..................................................................................................................44 2.8 Colonial period .......................................................................................................47 3 THE SAMI POLITICAL REPRESENTATION .................................................................53 3.1 The Sami Council and the Sami Parliamentary Council ..........................................54 3.2 Sami Parliament in Finland (Sámediggi) .................................................................56 3.3 Sami Parliament in Sweden (Sametinget) ..............................................................57 3.4 Sami Parliament in Norway (Sámediggi) ................................................................59 3.4.1 Voting rights ....................................................................................................60 3.4.2 Nordic Sami Convention ..................................................................................63 3.4.3 Alta-Kautokeino Hydro-electric Project ............................................................65 4 LEGAL FRAMEWORK AFFECTING TRADITIONAL OCCUPATIONS ..........................68 4.1 Fishing ...................................................................................................................69 4.1.1 Fishing in the Arctic .........................................................................................70 4.1.2 Fishing regulations in Norway .........................................................................73 4.1.3 The coastal Sami and fishing industry in Norway ............................................76 4.2 Reindeer herding ....................................................................................................79 4.2.1 Reindeer herding in Norway ............................................................................81 4.2.2 Reindeer herding in Finland ............................................................................87 4.2.3 Reindeer herding in Sweden ...........................................................................89 7 4.3 Land rights .............................................................................................................92 4.3.1 International law and land rights ......................................................................93 4.3.2 Norway and the Finnmark Act .........................................................................96 4.3.3 Sami land rights in Finland and Sweden ..........................................................99 4.4 Mining .................................................................................................................. 102 4.4.1 Mining industry in Norway ............................................................................. 104 4.4.2 Mining industry in Finland .............................................................................. 107 4.4.3 Mining industry in Sweden............................................................................. 109 4.4.4 Deep sea mining ........................................................................................... 111 4.5 The Sami in the Russian Federation .................................................................... 113 4.5.1 Indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation .............................................. 114 4.5.2 The Sami people in the Russian Federation .................................................. 119 5 THE ARCTIC GOVERNANCE ..................................................................................... 123 5.1 Political Actors in the Arctic debate .....................................................................
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